Class TextArea

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer,, javax.accessibility.Accessible
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    JEditEmbeddedTextArea, JEditTextArea, StandaloneTextArea

    public abstract class TextArea
    extends javax.swing.JPanel
    Abstract TextArea component. The concrete instance used by jEdit itself is called the JEditTextArea. This class uses a minimal set of jEdit APIs because it is the base class of the JEditEmbeddedTextArea and StandaloneTextArea, so it needs to be embeddable and separable.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Container

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Component

        java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior, java.awt.Component.BltBufferStrategy, java.awt.Component.FlipBufferStrategy
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected JEditBuffer buffer  
      protected int caret  
      protected int caretLine  
      static int ELECTRIC_SCROLL  
      protected InputHandlerProvider inputHandlerProvider  
      protected boolean multi
      Flag that tells if multiple selection is on.
      static int NO_SCROLL  
      static int NORMAL_SCROLL  
      protected TextAreaPainter painter  
      protected javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup  
      • Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent

      • Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component

      • Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addActionSet​(JEditActionSet<JEditBeanShellAction> actionSet)
      Adds a new action set to the textarea's list of ActionSets.
      void addBottomLeftComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
      Adds a component below the gutter.
      void addBottomRightComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
      Adds a component below the vertical scroll bar.
      void addCaretListener​(javax.swing.event.CaretListener listener)
      Adds a caret change listener to this text area.
      void addExplicitFold()
      Surrounds the selection with explicit fold markers.
      protected int addExplicitFold​(int caretStart, int caretEnd, int lineStart, int lineEnd)
      Add an explicit fold.
      void addLeftOfScrollBar​(java.awt.Component comp)
      Adds a component to the left side of the box left of the vertical scroll bar.
      void addNotify()
      Called by the AWT when this component is added to a parent.
      void addScrollListener​(ScrollListener listener)
      Adds a scroll listener to this text area.
      void addStatusListener​(StatusListener listener)
      Adds a scroll listener to this text area.
      void addStructureMatcher​(StructureMatcher matcher)
      Adds a structure matcher.
      void addTopComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
      Adds a component above the gutter, text area, and vertical scroll bar.
      void addTopLeftComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
      Adds a component above the gutter.
      void addTopRightComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
      Adds a component above the vertical scroll bar.
      void addToSelection​(Selection selection)
      Adds to the selection.
      void addToSelection​(Selection[] selection)
      Adds to the selection.
      void backspace()
      Deletes the character before the caret, or the selection, if one is active.
      void backspaceWord()
      Deletes the word before the caret.
      void backspaceWord​(boolean eatWhitespace)
      Deletes the word before the caret.
      void backspaceWord​(boolean eatWhitespace, boolean eatOnlyAfterWord)
      Deletes the word before the caret.
      void blinkCaret()
      Blinks the caret.
      boolean caretAutoScroll()
      Return if change in buffer should scroll this text area.
      void centerCaret()
      Centers the caret on the screen.
      void collapseFold()
      Like DisplayManager.collapseFold(int), but also moves the caret to the first line of the fold.
      void collapseFold​(int line)
      Like DisplayManager.collapseFold(int), but also moves the caret to the first line of the fold.
      void createPopupMenu​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
      Creates the popup menu.
      void delete()
      Deletes the character after the caret.
      void deleteLine()
      Deletes the line containing the caret.
      void deleteParagraph()
      Deletes the paragraph containing the caret.
      void deleteToEndOfLine()
      Deletes from the caret to the end of the current line.
      void deleteToStartOfLine()
      Deletes from the caret to the beginning of the current line.
      void deleteWord()
      Deletes the word in front of the caret.
      void deleteWord​(boolean eatWhitespace)
      Deletes the word in front of the caret.
      void dispose()
      Plugins and macros should not call this method.
      protected boolean doWordWrap​(boolean spaceInserted)
      Does hard wrap.
      void end​(boolean select)
      a dumb end action which only has 2 states: end of whitespace or end of line
      void expandFold​(boolean fully)
      Like DisplayManager.expandFold(int,boolean), but also moves the caret to the first sub-fold.
      void extendSelection​(int offset, int end)
      Extends the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new one if there is no selection at the specified offset.
      void extendSelection​(int offset, int end, int extraStartVirt, int extraEndVirt)
      Extends the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new one if there is no selection at the specified offset.
      void formatParagraph()
      Formats the paragraph containing the caret.
      JEditActionContext<JEditBeanShellAction,​JEditActionSet<JEditBeanShellAction>> getActionContext()  
      JEditBuffer getBuffer()
      Returns the buffer this text area is editing.
      int getBufferLength()
      Returns the length of the buffer.
      int getCaretLine()
      Returns the line number containing the caret.
      int getCaretPosition()
      Returns a zero-based index of the caret position.
      DisplayManager getDisplayManager()  
      int getElectricScroll()  
      int getFirstLine()
      Returns the vertical scroll bar position.
      int getFirstPhysicalLine()
      Returns the first visible physical line index.
      boolean getFocusCycleRoot()
      Java 1.4 compatibility fix to make Tab traversal work in a sane manner.
      boolean getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled()
      Java 1.4 compatibility fix to make Tab key work.
      FoldPainter getFoldPainter()  
      Gutter getGutter()
      Returns the gutter to the left of the text area or null if the gutter is disabled
      int getHorizontalOffset()
      Returns the horizontal offset of drawn lines.
      AbstractInputHandler getInputHandler() getInputMethodRequests()  
      boolean getJoinNonWordChars()
      If set, double clicking will join non-word characters to form one "word".
      int getLastPhysicalLine()
      Returns the last visible physical line index.
      int getLastScreenLine()
      Returns the last screen line index, it is different from getVisibleLines() because the buffer can have less lines than the visible lines
      int getLineCount()
      Returns the number of physical lines in the buffer.
      int getLineEndOffset​(int line)
      Returns the end offset of the specified line.
      int getLineLength​(int line)
      Returns the length of the specified line.
      int getLineOfOffset​(int offset)
      Returns the line containing the specified offset.
      int getLineStartOffset​(int line)
      Returns the start offset of the specified line.
      java.lang.String getLineText​(int lineIndex)
      Returns the text on the specified line.
      void getLineText​(int lineIndex, javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
      Copies the text on the specified line into a Segment.
      int getMagicCaretPosition()
      Returns an internal position used to keep the caret in one column while moving around lines of varying lengths.
      int getMarkPosition()
      Do not use.
      TextAreaPainter getPainter()
      Returns the object responsible for painting this text area.
      int getPhysicalLineOfScreenLine​(int screenLine)
      Returns the physical line number that contains the specified screen line.
      javax.swing.JPopupMenu getRightClickPopup()
      Returns the right click popup menu.
      int getScreenLineEndOffset​(int line)
      Returns the end offset of the specified screen (wrapped) line.
      int getScreenLineOfOffset​(int offset)
      Returns the screen (wrapped) line containing the specified offset.
      int getScreenLineStartOffset​(int line)
      Returns the start offset of the specified screen (wrapped) line.
      int[] getSelectedLines()
      Returns a sorted array of line numbers on which a selection or selections are present.
      java.lang.String getSelectedText()
      Returns the text in all active selections, with a newline between each text chunk.
      java.lang.String getSelectedText​(java.lang.String separator)
      Returns the text in all active selections.
      java.lang.String getSelectedText​(Selection s)
      Returns the text in the specified selection.
      Selection[] getSelection()
      Returns the current selection.
      Selection getSelection​(int index)
      Returns the selection with the specified index.
      Selection getSelectionAtOffset​(int offset)
      Returns the selection containing the specific offset, or null if there is no selection at that offset.
      int getSelectionCount()
      Returns the number of selections.
      java.util.Iterator<Selection> getSelectionIterator()
      Returns the current selection.
      StructureMatcher.Match getStructureMatch()
      Returns the structure element (bracket, or XML tag, etc) matching the one before the caret.
      javax.swing.text.TabExpander getTabExpander()  
      java.lang.String getText()
      Returns the entire text of this text area.
      java.lang.String getText​(int start, int len)
      Returns the specified substring of the buffer.
      void getText​(int start, int len, javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
      Copies the specified substring of the buffer into a segment.
      int getVisibleLines()
      Returns the number of lines visible in this text area.
      java.lang.CharSequence getVisibleLineSegment​(int screenLine)
      Returns the visible part of the given line in a CharSequence.
      java.lang.String getVisibleLineText​(int screenLine)
      Returns the visible part of the given line
      void getVisibleLineText​(int screenLine, javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
      Returns the visible part of the given line
      void goToBufferEnd​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the end of the buffer.
      void goToBufferStart​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer.
      void goToEndOfCode​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the end of the code present on the current line, before the comments and whitespace.
      void goToEndOfLine​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the end of the current line.
      void goToEndOfWhiteSpace​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the last non-whitespace character of the current line.
      void goToFirstVisibleLine​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the first visible line.
      void goToLastVisibleLine​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the last visible line.
      void goToMatchingBracket()
      Moves the caret to the bracket matching the one before the caret.
      void goToNextBracket​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the next closing bracket.
      void goToNextCharacter​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the next character.
      void goToNextFold​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the next fold.
      void goToNextLine​(boolean select)
      Move the caret to the next line.
      void goToNextPage​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the next screenful.
      void goToNextParagraph​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the start of the next paragraph.
      void goToNextWord​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the start of the next word.
      void goToNextWord​(boolean select, boolean eatWhitespace)
      Moves the caret to the start of the next word.
      void goToParentFold()
      Moves the caret to the fold containing the one at the caret position.
      void goToPrevBracket​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the previous bracket.
      void goToPrevCharacter​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the previous character.
      void goToPrevFold​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the previous fold.
      void goToPrevLine​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the previous line.
      void goToPrevPage​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the previous screenful.
      void goToPrevParagraph​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the start of the previous paragraph.
      void goToPrevWord​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the start of the previous word.
      void goToPrevWord​(boolean select, boolean eatWhitespace)
      Moves the caret to the start of the previous word.
      void goToPrevWord​(boolean select, boolean eatWhitespace, boolean eatOnlyAfterWord)
      Moves the caret to the start of the previous word.
      void goToStartOfLine​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the beginning of the current line.
      void goToStartOfWhiteSpace​(boolean select)
      Moves the caret to the first non-whitespace character of the current line.
      void handlePopupTrigger​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
      Do the same thing as right-clicking on the text area.
      void home​(boolean select)
      A "dumb home" action which only has 2 states: start of the whitespace or start of line
      void indentSelectedLines()
      Indents all selected lines.
      void initInputHandler()
      Creates an actionContext and initializes the input handler for this textarea.
      protected void insert​(java.lang.String str, boolean indent)  
      void insertEnterAndIndent()
      Inserts a line break and indents the new line.
      void insertTabAndIndent()  
      void invalidateLine​(int line)
      Marks a line as needing a repaint.
      void invalidateLineRange​(int start, int end)
      Marks a range of physical lines as needing a repaint.
      void invalidateScreenLineRange​(int start, int end)
      Marks a range of screen lines as needing a repaint.
      void invertSelection()
      Inverts the selection.
      boolean isCaretBlinkEnabled()  
      boolean isCaretVisible()
      Returns true if the caret is visible, false otherwise.
      boolean isCtrlForRectangularSelection()
      If set, CTRL enables rectangular selection mode while pressed.
      boolean isDragEnabled()
      Returns if drag and drop of text is enabled.
      boolean isEditable()
      Returns true if this text area is editable, false otherwise.
      boolean isMultipleSelectionEnabled()
      Returns if multiple selection is enabled.
      boolean isOverwriteEnabled()
      Returns true if overwrite mode is enabled, false otherwise.
      boolean isQuickCopyEnabled()
      Returns if clicking the middle mouse button pastes the most recent selection (% register), and if Control-dragging inserts the selection at the caret.
      boolean isRectangularSelectionEnabled()
      Returns if rectangular selection is enabled.
      boolean isRightClickPopupEnabled()
      Returns if the right click popup menu is enabled.
      void joinLines()
      Joins the current and the next line, or joins all lines in selections.
      void lineComment()
      Prepends each line of the selection with the line comment string.
      boolean lineInStructureScope​(int line)
      Returns if the specified line is contained in the currently matched structure's scope.
      void moveCaretPosition​(int newCaret)
      Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection.
      void moveCaretPosition​(int newCaret, boolean doElectricScroll)
      Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection.
      void moveCaretPosition​(int newCaret, int scrollMode)
      Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection.
      void narrowToFold()
      Hides all lines except those in the fold containing the caret.
      void narrowToSelection()
      Hides all lines except those in the selection.
      java.awt.Point offsetToXY​(int offset)
      Converts an offset into a point in the text area painter's co-ordinate space.
      java.awt.Point offsetToXY​(int line, int offset)
      Converts an offset into a point in the text area painter's co-ordinate space.
      java.awt.Point offsetToXY​(int line, int offset, java.awt.Point retVal)
      Converts a line,offset pair into an x,y (pixel) point relative to the upper left corner (0,0) of the text area.
      void processKeyEvent​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt)  
      void propertiesChanged()
      Called by jEdit when necessary.
      void rangeComment()
      Adds comment start and end strings to the beginning and end of the selection.
      void removeCaretListener​(javax.swing.event.CaretListener listener)
      Removes a caret change listener from this text area.
      void removeFromSelection​(int offset)
      Deactivates the selection at the specified offset.
      void removeFromSelection​(Selection sel)
      Deactivates the specified selection.
      void removeLeftOfScrollBar​(java.awt.Component comp)
      Removes a component from the box left of the vertical scroll bar.
      void removeNotify()
      Called by the AWT when this component is removed from it's parent.
      void removeScrollListener​(ScrollListener listener)
      Removes a scroll listener from this text area.
      void removeStatusListener​(StatusListener listener)
      Removes a scroll listener from this text area.
      void removeStructureMatcher​(StructureMatcher matcher)
      Removes a structure matcher.
      void removeTopComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
      Removes a component from above the gutter, text area, and vertical scroll bar.
      void removeTrailingWhiteSpace()
      Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the selection.
      int replaceSelection​(java.lang.String selectedText)
      Set the selection, but does not deactivate it, and does not move the caret.
      void resizeSelection​(int offset, int end, int extraEndVirt, boolean rect)
      Resizes the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new one if there is no selection at the specified offset.
      void scrollAndCenterCaret()
      Tries to scroll the textArea so that the caret is centered on the screen.
      void scrollDownLine()
      Scrolls down by one line.
      void scrollDownPage()
      Scrolls down by one page.
      void scrollTo​(int offset, boolean doElectricScroll)
      Ensures that the specified location in the buffer is visible.
      void scrollTo​(int line, int offset, boolean doElectricScroll)
      Ensures that the specified location in the buffer is visible.
      void scrollToCaret​(boolean doElectricScroll)
      Ensures that the caret is visible by scrolling the text area if necessary.
      void scrollUpLine()
      Scrolls up by one line.
      void scrollUpPage()
      Scrolls up by one page.
      void selectAll()
      Selects all text in the buffer.
      void selectBlock()
      Selects the code block surrounding the caret.
      void selectFold()
      Selects the fold that contains the caret line number.
      void selectFold​(int line)
      Selects the fold that contains the specified line number.
      void selectLine()
      Selects the current line.
      void selectNone()
      Deselects everything.
      void selectParagraph()
      Selects the paragraph at the caret position.
      void selectToMatchingBracket()
      Selects from the bracket at the caret position to the corresponding bracket.
      Selection selectToMatchingBracket​(int position, boolean quickCopy)
      Selects from the bracket at the specified position to the corresponding bracket.
      void selectWord()
      Selects the word at the caret position.
      void setBuffer​(JEditBuffer buffer)
      Sets the buffer this text area is editing.
      void setCaretBlinkEnabled​(boolean caretBlinks)
      Toggles caret blinking.
      void setCaretPosition​(int newCaret)
      Sets the caret position and deactivates the selection.
      void setCaretPosition​(int newCaret, boolean doElectricScroll)
      Sets the caret position and deactivates the selection.
      void setCtrlForRectangularSelection​(boolean ctrlForRectangularSelection)
      If set, CTRL enables rectangular selection mode while pressed.
      void setDragEnabled​(boolean dndEnabled)
      Sets if drag and drop of text is enabled.
      void setElectricScroll​(int electricScroll)
      Sets the number of lines from the top and bottom of the text area that are always visible
      void setFirstLine​(int firstLine)
      Sets the vertical scroll bar position
      void setFirstPhysicalLine​(int physFirstLine)
      Sets the vertical scroll bar position.
      void setFirstPhysicalLine​(int physFirstLine, int skew)
      Sets the vertical scroll bar position.
      void setHorizontalOffset​(int horizontalOffset)
      Sets the horizontal offset of drawn lines.
      void setJoinNonWordChars​(boolean joinNonWordChars)
      If set, double clicking will join non-word characters to form one "word".
      void setMagicCaretPosition​(int magicCaret)
      Sets the `magic' caret position.
      void setMouseHandler​(javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter mouseInputAdapter)  
      void setMultipleSelectionEnabled​(boolean multi)
      Set multiple selection on or off according to the value of multi.
      void setOverwriteEnabled​(boolean overwrite)
      Sets overwrite mode.
      void setQuickCopyEnabled​(boolean quickCopy)
      Sets if clicking the middle mouse button pastes the most recent selection (% register), and if Control-dragging inserts the selection at the caret.
      void setRectangularSelectionEnabled​(boolean rectangularSelectionMode)
      Set rectangular selection on or off according to the value of rectangularSelectionMode.
      void setRightClickPopup​(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup)
      Sets the right click popup menu.
      void setRightClickPopupEnabled​(boolean popupEnabled)
      Sets if the right click popup menu is enabled.
      void setSelectedText​(java.lang.String selectedText)
      Replaces the selection at the caret with the specified text.
      void setSelectedText​(java.lang.String selectedText, boolean moveCaret)
      Replaces the selection at the caret with the specified text.
      void setSelectedText​(Selection s, java.lang.String selectedText)
      Replaces the selection with the specified text.
      void setSelection​(Selection selection)
      Sets the selection.
      void setSelection​(Selection[] selection)
      Sets the selection.
      void setText​(java.lang.String text)
      Sets the entire text of this text area.
      void setTransferHandler​(javax.swing.TransferHandler newHandler)  
      void shiftIndentLeft()
      Shifts the indent to the left.
      void shiftIndentRight()
      Shifts the indent to the right.
      void showPopupMenu()
      Shows the popup menu below the current caret position.
      static void showPopupMenu​(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup, java.awt.Component comp, int x, int y, boolean point)
      void smartEnd​(boolean select)
      Has 4 states based on # of invocations: 1.
      void smartHome​(boolean select)
      On subsequent invocations, first moves the caret to the first non-whitespace character of the line, then the beginning of the line, then to the first visible line.
      void spacesToTabs()
      Converts spaces to tabs in the selection.
      void tabsToSpaces()
      Converts tabs to spaces in the selection.
      void toggleMultipleSelectionEnabled()
      Toggles multiple selection.
      void toggleOverwriteEnabled()
      Toggles overwrite mode.
      void toggleRectangularSelectionEnabled()
      Toggles rectangular selection.
      void toLowerCase()
      Converts the selected text to lower case.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      void toUpperCase()
      Converts the selected text to upper case.
      void turnOnElasticTabstops()
      Turn ON elastic tab stops.
      void userInput​(char ch)
      Handles the insertion of the specified character.
      protected void userInputTab()  
      int xToScreenLineOffset​(int screenLine, int x, boolean round)
      Converts a point in a given screen line to an offset.
      int xyToOffset​(int x, int y)
      Converts a point to an offset.
      int xyToOffset​(int x, int y, boolean round)
      Converts a point to an offset.
      • Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel

        getAccessibleContext, getUI, getUIClassID, paramString, setUI, updateUI
      • Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent

        addAncestorListener, addVetoableChangeListener, computeVisibleRect, contains, createToolTip, disable, enable, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getActionForKeyStroke, getActionMap, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getAncestorListeners, getAutoscrolls, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBorder, getBounds, getClientProperty, getComponentGraphics, getComponentPopupMenu, getConditionForKeyStroke, getDebugGraphicsOptions, getDefaultLocale, getFontMetrics, getGraphics, getHeight, getInheritsPopupMenu, getInputMap, getInputMap, getInputVerifier, getInsets, getInsets, getListeners, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getNextFocusableComponent, getPopupLocation, getPreferredSize, getRegisteredKeyStrokes, getRootPane, getSize, getToolTipLocation, getToolTipText, getToolTipText, getTopLevelAncestor, getTransferHandler, getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, getVetoableChangeListeners, getVisibleRect, getWidth, getX, getY, grabFocus, hide, isDoubleBuffered, isLightweightComponent, isManagingFocus, isOpaque, isOptimizedDrawingEnabled, isPaintingForPrint, isPaintingOrigin, isPaintingTile, isRequestFocusEnabled, isValidateRoot, paint, paintBorder, paintChildren, paintComponent, paintImmediately, paintImmediately, print, printAll, printBorder, printChildren, printComponent, processComponentKeyEvent, processKeyBinding, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, putClientProperty, registerKeyboardAction, registerKeyboardAction, removeAncestorListener, removeVetoableChangeListener, repaint, repaint, requestDefaultFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, resetKeyboardActions, reshape, revalidate, scrollRectToVisible, setActionMap, setAlignmentX, setAlignmentY, setAutoscrolls, setBackground, setBorder, setComponentPopupMenu, setDebugGraphicsOptions, setDefaultLocale, setDoubleBuffered, setEnabled, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFont, setForeground, setInheritsPopupMenu, setInputMap, setInputVerifier, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setNextFocusableComponent, setOpaque, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setToolTipText, setUI, setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, setVisible, unregisterKeyboardAction, update
      • Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container

        add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, addImpl, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getComponentZOrder, getContainerListeners, getFocusTraversalKeys, getFocusTraversalPolicy, getLayout, getMousePosition, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, isFocusTraversalPolicySet, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paintComponents, preferredSize, printComponents, processContainerEvent, processEvent, remove, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, setComponentZOrder, setFocusCycleRoot, setFocusTraversalPolicy, setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, setLayout, transferFocusDownCycle, validate, validateTree
      • Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component

        action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBackground, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusListeners, getFont, getForeground, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputContext, getInputMethodListeners, getKeyListeners, getLocale, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMousePosition, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, imageUpdate, inside, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, resize, resize, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setMixingCutoutShape, setName, setSize, setSize, show, show, size, transferFocus, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusUpCycle
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • popup

        protected javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup
      • caret

        protected int caret
      • caretLine

        protected int caretLine
      • multi

        protected boolean multi
        Flag that tells if multiple selection is on.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextArea

        protected TextArea​(IPropertyManager propertyManager,
                           InputHandlerProvider inputHandlerProvider)
        Creates a new JEditTextArea.
        propertyManager - the property manager that contains informations like shortcut bindings
        inputHandlerProvider - the inputHandlerProvider
    • Method Detail

      • initInputHandler

        public void initInputHandler()
        Creates an actionContext and initializes the input handler for this textarea. Called when creating a standalone textarea from within jEdit.
      • setMouseHandler

        public void setMouseHandler​(javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter mouseInputAdapter)
      • setTransferHandler

        public void setTransferHandler​(javax.swing.TransferHandler newHandler)
        setTransferHandler in class javax.swing.JComponent
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.awt.Component
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Plugins and macros should not call this method.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • getPainter

        public final TextAreaPainter getPainter()
        Returns the object responsible for painting this text area.
      • getGutter

        public final Gutter getGutter()
        Returns the gutter to the left of the text area or null if the gutter is disabled
      • getDisplayManager

        public DisplayManager getDisplayManager()
        the display manager used by this text area.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • isCaretBlinkEnabled

        public final boolean isCaretBlinkEnabled()
        true if the caret is blinking, false otherwise.
      • setCaretBlinkEnabled

        public void setCaretBlinkEnabled​(boolean caretBlinks)
        Toggles caret blinking.
        caretBlinks - True if the caret should blink, false otherwise
      • getElectricScroll

        public final int getElectricScroll()
        the minimum distance (in number of lines) from the caret to the nearest edge of the screen (top or bottom edge).
      • setElectricScroll

        public final void setElectricScroll​(int electricScroll)
        Sets the number of lines from the top and bottom of the text area that are always visible
        electricScroll - The number of lines always visible from the top or bottom
      • isQuickCopyEnabled

        public final boolean isQuickCopyEnabled()
        Returns if clicking the middle mouse button pastes the most recent selection (% register), and if Control-dragging inserts the selection at the caret.
      • setQuickCopyEnabled

        public final void setQuickCopyEnabled​(boolean quickCopy)
        Sets if clicking the middle mouse button pastes the most recent selection (% register), and if Control-dragging inserts the selection at the caret.
        quickCopy - A boolean flag
      • getBuffer

        public final JEditBuffer getBuffer()
        Returns the buffer this text area is editing.
        jedit 4.3pre3 Prior to 4.3pre3, this function returned a "Buffer" type. If this causes your code to break, try calling view.getBuffer() instead of view.getTextArea().getBuffer().
      • setBuffer

        public void setBuffer​(JEditBuffer buffer)
        Sets the buffer this text area is editing. If you don't run a standalone textarea in jEdit please do not call this method - use EditPane.setBuffer(org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer) instead.
        buffer - The buffer
      • isEditable

        public final boolean isEditable()
        Returns true if this text area is editable, false otherwise.
      • isDragEnabled

        public boolean isDragEnabled()
        Returns if drag and drop of text is enabled.
        jEdit 4.2pre5
      • setDragEnabled

        public void setDragEnabled​(boolean dndEnabled)
        Sets if drag and drop of text is enabled.
        jEdit 4.2pre5
      • getJoinNonWordChars

        public boolean getJoinNonWordChars()
        If set, double clicking will join non-word characters to form one "word".
        jEdit 4.3pre2
      • setJoinNonWordChars

        public void setJoinNonWordChars​(boolean joinNonWordChars)
        If set, double clicking will join non-word characters to form one "word".
        jEdit 4.3pre2
      • isCtrlForRectangularSelection

        public boolean isCtrlForRectangularSelection()
        If set, CTRL enables rectangular selection mode while pressed.
        jEdit 4.3pre10
      • setCtrlForRectangularSelection

        public void setCtrlForRectangularSelection​(boolean ctrlForRectangularSelection)
        If set, CTRL enables rectangular selection mode while pressed.
        jEdit 4.3pre10
      • getFirstLine

        public final int getFirstLine()
        Returns the vertical scroll bar position.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • setFirstLine

        public void setFirstLine​(int firstLine)
        Sets the vertical scroll bar position
        firstLine - The scroll bar position
      • getFirstPhysicalLine

        public final int getFirstPhysicalLine()
        Returns the first visible physical line index.
        jEdit 4.0pre4
      • setFirstPhysicalLine

        public void setFirstPhysicalLine​(int physFirstLine)
        Sets the vertical scroll bar position.
        physFirstLine - The first physical line to display
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • setFirstPhysicalLine

        public void setFirstPhysicalLine​(int physFirstLine,
                                         int skew)
        Sets the vertical scroll bar position.
        physFirstLine - The first physical line to display
        skew - A local screen line delta
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • getLastPhysicalLine

        public final int getLastPhysicalLine()
        Returns the last visible physical line index.
        jEdit 4.0pre4
      • getLastScreenLine

        public int getLastScreenLine()
        Returns the last screen line index, it is different from getVisibleLines() because the buffer can have less lines than the visible lines
        the last screen line index.
        jEdit 4.3pre1
      • getVisibleLines

        public int getVisibleLines()
        Returns the number of lines visible in this text area.
        the number of visible lines in the textarea
      • getHorizontalOffset

        public final int getHorizontalOffset()
        Returns the horizontal offset of drawn lines.
      • setHorizontalOffset

        public void setHorizontalOffset​(int horizontalOffset)
        Sets the horizontal offset of drawn lines. This can be used to implement horizontal scrolling.
        horizontalOffset - offset The new horizontal offset
      • scrollUpLine

        public void scrollUpLine()
        Scrolls up by one line.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • scrollUpPage

        public void scrollUpPage()
        Scrolls up by one page.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • scrollDownLine

        public void scrollDownLine()
        Scrolls down by one line.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • scrollDownPage

        public void scrollDownPage()
        Scrolls down by one page.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • scrollToCaret

        public void scrollToCaret​(boolean doElectricScroll)
        Ensures that the caret is visible by scrolling the text area if necessary.
        doElectricScroll - If true, electric scrolling will be performed
      • scrollTo

        public void scrollTo​(int offset,
                             boolean doElectricScroll)
        Ensures that the specified location in the buffer is visible.
        offset - The offset from the start of the buffer
        doElectricScroll - If true, electric scrolling will be performed
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • scrollTo

        public void scrollTo​(int line,
                             int offset,
                             boolean doElectricScroll)
        Ensures that the specified location in the buffer is visible.
        line - The line number
        offset - The offset from the start of the line
        doElectricScroll - If true, electric scrolling will be performed
        jEdit 4.0pre6
      • addScrollListener

        public final void addScrollListener​(ScrollListener listener)
        Adds a scroll listener to this text area.
        listener - The listener
        jEdit 3.2pre2
      • removeScrollListener

        public final void removeScrollListener​(ScrollListener listener)
        Removes a scroll listener from this text area.
        listener - The listener
        jEdit 3.2pre2
      • getPhysicalLineOfScreenLine

        public int getPhysicalLineOfScreenLine​(int screenLine)
        Returns the physical line number that contains the specified screen line.
        screenLine - The screen line
        jEdit 4.0pre6
      • getScreenLineOfOffset

        public int getScreenLineOfOffset​(int offset)
        Returns the screen (wrapped) line containing the specified offset. Returns -1 if the line is not currently visible on the screen.
        offset - The offset
        jEdit 4.0pre4
      • getScreenLineStartOffset

        public int getScreenLineStartOffset​(int line)
        Returns the start offset of the specified screen (wrapped) line.
        line - The line
        jEdit 4.0pre4
      • getScreenLineEndOffset

        public int getScreenLineEndOffset​(int line)
        Returns the end offset of the specified screen (wrapped) line.
        line - The line
        jEdit 4.0pre4
      • xyToOffset

        public int xyToOffset​(int x,
                              int y)
        Converts a point to an offset. Note that unlike in previous jEdit versions, this method now returns -1 if the y co-ordinate is out of bounds.
        x - The x co-ordinate of the point
        y - The y co-ordinate of the point
      • xyToOffset

        public int xyToOffset​(int x,
                              int y,
                              boolean round)
        Converts a point to an offset. Note that unlike in previous jEdit versions, this method now returns -1 if the y co-ordinate is out of bounds.
        x - The x co-ordinate of the point
        y - The y co-ordinate of the point
        round - Round up to next character if past the middle of a character?
        jEdit 3.2pre6
      • xToScreenLineOffset

        public int xToScreenLineOffset​(int screenLine,
                                       int x,
                                       boolean round)
        Converts a point in a given screen line to an offset.
        x - The x co-ordinate of the point
        screenLine - The screen line
        round - Round up to next character if past the middle of a character?
        jEdit 3.2pre6
      • offsetToXY

        public java.awt.Point offsetToXY​(int offset)
        Converts an offset into a point in the text area painter's co-ordinate space.
        offset - The offset
        The location of the offset on screen, or null if the specified offset is not visible
      • offsetToXY

        public java.awt.Point offsetToXY​(int line,
                                         int offset)
        Converts an offset into a point in the text area painter's co-ordinate space.
        line - The line
        offset - The offset
        The location of the offset on screen, or null if the specified offset is not visible
      • offsetToXY

        public java.awt.Point offsetToXY​(int line,
                                         int offset,
                                         java.awt.Point retVal)
        Converts a line,offset pair into an x,y (pixel) point relative to the upper left corner (0,0) of the text area.
        line - The physical line number (from top of document)
        offset - The offset in characters, from the start of the line
        retVal - The point to store the return value in
        retVal for convenience, or null if the specified offset is not visible
        jEdit 4.0pre4
      • invalidateScreenLineRange

        public void invalidateScreenLineRange​(int start,
                                              int end)
        Marks a range of screen lines as needing a repaint.
        start - The first line
        end - The last line
        jEdit 4.0pre4
      • invalidateLine

        public void invalidateLine​(int line)
        Marks a line as needing a repaint.
        line - The physical line to invalidate
      • invalidateLineRange

        public void invalidateLineRange​(int start,
                                        int end)
        Marks a range of physical lines as needing a repaint.
        start - The first line to invalidate
        end - The last line to invalidate
      • getBufferLength

        public final int getBufferLength()
        Returns the length of the buffer.
      • getLineCount

        public final int getLineCount()
        Returns the number of physical lines in the buffer.
      • getLineOfOffset

        public final int getLineOfOffset​(int offset)
        Returns the line containing the specified offset.
        offset - The offset
      • getLineStartOffset

        public int getLineStartOffset​(int line)
        Returns the start offset of the specified line.
        line - The line (physical line)
        The start offset of the specified line, or -1 if the line is invalid
      • getLineEndOffset

        public int getLineEndOffset​(int line)
        Returns the end offset of the specified line.
        line - The line (physical line)
        The end offset of the specified line, or -1 if the line is invalid.
      • getLineLength

        public int getLineLength​(int line)
        Returns the length of the specified line.
        line - The line
      • getText

        public final java.lang.String getText​(int start,
                                              int len)
        Returns the specified substring of the buffer.
        start - The start offset
        len - The length of the substring
        The substring
      • getText

        public final void getText​(int start,
                                  int len,
                                  javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
        Copies the specified substring of the buffer into a segment.
        start - The start offset
        len - The length of the substring
        segment - The segment
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText()
        Returns the entire text of this text area.
      • getLineText

        public final java.lang.String getLineText​(int lineIndex)
        Returns the text on the specified line.
        lineIndex - the line number
        The text, or null if the lineIndex is invalid
      • getLineText

        public final void getLineText​(int lineIndex,
                                      javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
        Copies the text on the specified line into a Segment. If lineIndex is invalid, the segment will contain a null string.
        lineIndex - The line number (physical line)
        segment - the segment into which the data will be stored.
      • getVisibleLineText

        public java.lang.String getVisibleLineText​(int screenLine)
        Returns the visible part of the given line
        screenLine - the screenLine
        the visible text
      • getVisibleLineText

        public void getVisibleLineText​(int screenLine,
                                       javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
        Returns the visible part of the given line
        screenLine - the screenLine
        segment - the segment into which the data will be stored.
      • getVisibleLineSegment

        public java.lang.CharSequence getVisibleLineSegment​(int screenLine)
        Returns the visible part of the given line in a CharSequence. The buffer data are not copied. so this should be used in EDT thread
        screenLine - the screenLine
        the visible text
      • setText

        public void setText​(java.lang.String text)
        Sets the entire text of this text area.
        text - the new content of the buffer
      • selectAll

        public final void selectAll()
        Selects all text in the buffer. Preserves the scroll position.
      • selectLine

        public void selectLine()
        Selects the current line.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • selectParagraph

        public void selectParagraph()
        Selects the paragraph at the caret position.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • selectWord

        public void selectWord()
        Selects the word at the caret position.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • selectToMatchingBracket

        public Selection selectToMatchingBracket​(int position,
                                                 boolean quickCopy)
        Selects from the bracket at the specified position to the corresponding bracket.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • selectToMatchingBracket

        public void selectToMatchingBracket()
        Selects from the bracket at the caret position to the corresponding bracket.
        jEdit 4.0pre2
      • selectBlock

        public void selectBlock()
        Selects the code block surrounding the caret.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • lineInStructureScope

        public boolean lineInStructureScope​(int line)
        Returns if the specified line is contained in the currently matched structure's scope.
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • invertSelection

        public final void invertSelection()
        Inverts the selection.
        jEdit 4.0pre1
      • getSelectionCount

        public int getSelectionCount()
        Returns the number of selections. This can be used to test for the existence of selections.
        jEdit 3.2pre2
      • getSelection

        public Selection[] getSelection()
        Returns the current selection.
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • getSelection

        public Selection getSelection​(int index)
        Returns the selection with the specified index. This must be between 0 and the return value of getSelectionCount().
        index - the index of the selection you want
        jEdit 4.3pre1
      • getSelectionIterator

        public java.util.Iterator<Selection> getSelectionIterator()
        Returns the current selection.
        jEdit 4.3pre1
      • selectNone

        public void selectNone()
        Deselects everything.
      • setSelection

        public void setSelection​(Selection[] selection)
        Sets the selection. Nested and overlapping selections are merged where possible. Null elements of the array are ignored.
        selection - The new selection since jEdit 3.2pre1
      • setSelection

        public void setSelection​(Selection selection)
        Sets the selection. Nested and overlapping selections are merged where possible.
        selection - The new selection since jEdit 3.2pre1
      • addToSelection

        public void addToSelection​(Selection[] selection)
        Adds to the selection. Nested and overlapping selections are merged where possible.
        selection - The new selection since jEdit 3.2pre1
      • addToSelection

        public void addToSelection​(Selection selection)
        Adds to the selection. Nested and overlapping selections are merged where possible.
        selection - The new selection since jEdit 3.2pre1
      • getSelectionAtOffset

        public Selection getSelectionAtOffset​(int offset)
        Returns the selection containing the specific offset, or null if there is no selection at that offset.
        offset - The offset
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • removeFromSelection

        public void removeFromSelection​(Selection sel)
        Deactivates the specified selection.
        sel - The selection
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • removeFromSelection

        public void removeFromSelection​(int offset)
        Deactivates the selection at the specified offset. If there is no selection at that offset, does nothing.
        offset - The offset
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • resizeSelection

        public void resizeSelection​(int offset,
                                    int end,
                                    int extraEndVirt,
                                    boolean rect)
        Resizes the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new one if there is no selection at the specified offset. This is a utility method that is mainly useful in the mouse event handler because it handles the case of end being before offset gracefully (unlike the rest of the selection API).
        offset - The offset
        end - The new selection end
        extraEndVirt - Only for rectangular selections - specifies how far it extends into virtual space.
        rect - Make the selection rectangular?
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • extendSelection

        public void extendSelection​(int offset,
                                    int end)
        Extends the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new one if there is no selection at the specified offset. This is different from resizing in that the new chunk is added to the selection in question, instead of replacing it.
        offset - The offset
        end - The new selection end
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • extendSelection

        public void extendSelection​(int offset,
                                    int end,
                                    int extraStartVirt,
                                    int extraEndVirt)
        Extends the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new one if there is no selection at the specified offset. This is different from resizing in that the new chunk is added to the selection in question, instead of replacing it.
        offset - The offset
        end - The new selection end
        extraStartVirt - Extra virtual space at the start
        extraEndVirt - Extra virtual space at the end
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • getSelectedText

        public java.lang.String getSelectedText​(Selection s)
        Returns the text in the specified selection.
        s - The selection
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • getSelectedText

        public java.lang.String getSelectedText​(java.lang.String separator)
        Returns the text in all active selections.
        separator - The string to insert between each text chunk (for example, a newline)
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • getSelectedText

        public java.lang.String getSelectedText()
        Returns the text in all active selections, with a newline between each text chunk.
      • setSelectedText

        public void setSelectedText​(Selection s,
                                    java.lang.String selectedText)
        Replaces the selection with the specified text.
        s - The selection
        selectedText - The new text
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • setSelectedText

        public void setSelectedText​(java.lang.String selectedText)
        Replaces the selection at the caret with the specified text. If there is no selection at the caret, the text is inserted at the caret position.
      • setSelectedText

        public void setSelectedText​(java.lang.String selectedText,
                                    boolean moveCaret)
        Replaces the selection at the caret with the specified text. If there is no selection at the caret, the text is inserted at the caret position.
        selectedText - The new selection
        moveCaret - Move caret to insertion location if necessary
        jEdit 4.2pre5
      • replaceSelection

        public int replaceSelection​(java.lang.String selectedText)
        Set the selection, but does not deactivate it, and does not move the caret. Please use setSelectedText(String) instead.
        selectedText - The new selection
        The new caret position
      • getSelectedLines

        public int[] getSelectedLines()
        Returns a sorted array of line numbers on which a selection or selections are present.

        This method is the most convenient way to iterate through selected lines in a buffer. The line numbers in the array returned by this method can be passed as a parameter to such methods as JEditBuffer.getLineText(int).

        Non-null, non-zero sized array of line indexes. If no lines are actually selected, return the caret line in the array.
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • caretAutoScroll

        public boolean caretAutoScroll()
        Return if change in buffer should scroll this text area.
        jEdit 4.3pre2
      • addStructureMatcher

        public void addStructureMatcher​(StructureMatcher matcher)
        Adds a structure matcher.
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • removeStructureMatcher

        public void removeStructureMatcher​(StructureMatcher matcher)
        Removes a structure matcher.
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • getStructureMatch

        public StructureMatcher.Match getStructureMatch()
        Returns the structure element (bracket, or XML tag, etc) matching the one before the caret.
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • blinkCaret

        public final void blinkCaret()
        Blinks the caret.
      • centerCaret

        public void centerCaret()
        Centers the caret on the screen.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • scrollAndCenterCaret

        public void scrollAndCenterCaret()
        Tries to scroll the textArea so that the caret is centered on the screen. Sometimes gets confused by folds but at least makes the caret visible and guesses better on subsequent attempts.
        jEdit 4.3pre15
      • setCaretPosition

        public void setCaretPosition​(int newCaret)
        Sets the caret position and deactivates the selection.
        newCaret - The caret position
      • setCaretPosition

        public void setCaretPosition​(int newCaret,
                                     boolean doElectricScroll)
        Sets the caret position and deactivates the selection.
        newCaret - The caret position
        doElectricScroll - Do electric scrolling?
      • moveCaretPosition

        public void moveCaretPosition​(int newCaret)
        Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection.
        newCaret - The caret position
      • moveCaretPosition

        public void moveCaretPosition​(int newCaret,
                                      boolean doElectricScroll)
        Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection.
        newCaret - The caret position
        doElectricScroll - Do electric scrolling?
      • moveCaretPosition

        public void moveCaretPosition​(int newCaret,
                                      int scrollMode)
        Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection.
        newCaret - The caret position
        scrollMode - The scroll mode (NO_SCROLL, NORMAL_SCROLL, or ELECTRIC_SCROLL).
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • getCaretPosition

        public int getCaretPosition()
        Returns a zero-based index of the caret position.
      • getCaretLine

        public int getCaretLine()
        Returns the line number containing the caret.
      • getMagicCaretPosition

        public int getMagicCaretPosition()
        Returns an internal position used to keep the caret in one column while moving around lines of varying lengths.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • setMagicCaretPosition

        public void setMagicCaretPosition​(int magicCaret)
        Sets the `magic' caret position. This can be used to preserve the column position when moving up and down lines.
        magicCaret - The magic caret position
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • addCaretListener

        public final void addCaretListener​(javax.swing.event.CaretListener listener)
        Adds a caret change listener to this text area.
        listener - The listener
      • removeCaretListener

        public final void removeCaretListener​(javax.swing.event.CaretListener listener)
        Removes a caret change listener from this text area.
        listener - The listener
      • goToNextBracket

        public void goToNextBracket​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the next closing bracket.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2.
      • goToNextCharacter

        public void goToNextCharacter​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the next character.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2.
      • goToNextLine

        public void goToNextLine​(boolean select)
        Move the caret to the next line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToNextPage

        public void goToNextPage​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the next screenful.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2.
      • goToNextParagraph

        public void goToNextParagraph​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the start of the next paragraph.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToNextWord

        public void goToNextWord​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the start of the next word. Note that if the "view.eatWhitespace" boolean propery is false, this method moves the caret to the end of the current word instead.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToNextWord

        public void goToNextWord​(boolean select,
                                 boolean eatWhitespace)
        Moves the caret to the start of the next word.
        jEdit 4.1pre5
      • goToPrevBracket

        public void goToPrevBracket​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the previous bracket.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToPrevCharacter

        public void goToPrevCharacter​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the previous character.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2.
      • goToPrevLine

        public void goToPrevLine​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the previous line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToPrevPage

        public void goToPrevPage​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the previous screenful.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToPrevParagraph

        public void goToPrevParagraph​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the start of the previous paragraph.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToPrevWord

        public void goToPrevWord​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the start of the previous word.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToPrevWord

        public void goToPrevWord​(boolean select,
                                 boolean eatWhitespace)
        Moves the caret to the start of the previous word.
        eatWhitespace - If true, will eat whitespace
        jEdit 4.1pre5
      • goToPrevWord

        public void goToPrevWord​(boolean select,
                                 boolean eatWhitespace,
                                 boolean eatOnlyAfterWord)
        Moves the caret to the start of the previous word.
        eatWhitespace - If true, will eat whitespace
        eatOnlyAfterWord - Eat only whitespace after a word, in effect this goes to actual word starts even if eating
        jEdit 4.4pre1
      • home

        public void home​(boolean select)
        A "dumb home" action which only has 2 states: start of the whitespace or start of line
        select - true if we also want to select from the cursor
        jedit 4.3pre18
      • end

        public void end​(boolean select)
        a dumb end action which only has 2 states: end of whitespace or end of line
        select - true if we also want to select from the cursor
        jedit 4.3pre18
      • smartHome

        public void smartHome​(boolean select)
        On subsequent invocations, first moves the caret to the first non-whitespace character of the line, then the beginning of the line, then to the first visible line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 4.3pre7
      • smartEnd

        public void smartEnd​(boolean select)
        Has 4 states based on # of invocations: 1. last character of code (before inline comment) 2. last non whitespace character of the line 3. end of line 4. end of last visible line
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 4.3pre18
      • goToStartOfLine

        public void goToStartOfLine​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the beginning of the current line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToEndOfLine

        public void goToEndOfLine​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the end of the current line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToEndOfCode

        public void goToEndOfCode​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the end of the code present on the current line, before the comments and whitespace.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 4.3pre18
      • goToStartOfWhiteSpace

        public void goToStartOfWhiteSpace​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the first non-whitespace character of the current line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToEndOfWhiteSpace

        public void goToEndOfWhiteSpace​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the last non-whitespace character of the current line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToFirstVisibleLine

        public void goToFirstVisibleLine​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the first visible line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToLastVisibleLine

        public void goToLastVisibleLine​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the last visible line.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • goToBufferStart

        public void goToBufferStart​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 4.0pre3
      • goToBufferEnd

        public void goToBufferEnd​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the end of the buffer.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 4.0pre3
      • goToMatchingBracket

        public void goToMatchingBracket()
        Moves the caret to the bracket matching the one before the caret.
        jEdit 2.7pre3
      • userInput

        public void userInput​(char ch)
        Handles the insertion of the specified character. It performs the following operations above and beyond simply inserting the text:
        • Inserting a TAB with a selection will shift to the right
        • Inserting a BACK_SPACE or a DELETE will remove a character
        • Inserting an indent open/close bracket will re-indent the current line as necessary
        ch - The character
        jEdit 4.3pre7
        See Also:
        setSelectedText(String), isOverwriteEnabled()
      • isOverwriteEnabled

        public final boolean isOverwriteEnabled()
        Returns true if overwrite mode is enabled, false otherwise.
      • setOverwriteEnabled

        public final void setOverwriteEnabled​(boolean overwrite)
        Sets overwrite mode.
      • toggleOverwriteEnabled

        public final void toggleOverwriteEnabled()
        Toggles overwrite mode.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • backspace

        public void backspace()
        Deletes the character before the caret, or the selection, if one is active.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • backspaceWord

        public void backspaceWord()
        Deletes the word before the caret.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • backspaceWord

        public void backspaceWord​(boolean eatWhitespace)
        Deletes the word before the caret.
        eatWhitespace - If true, will eat whitespace
        jEdit 4.2pre5
      • backspaceWord

        public void backspaceWord​(boolean eatWhitespace,
                                  boolean eatOnlyAfterWord)
        Deletes the word before the caret.
        eatWhitespace - If true, will eat whitespace
        eatOnlyAfterWord - Eat only whitespace after a word, in effect this goes to actual word starts even if eating
        jEdit 4.4pre1
      • delete

        public void delete()
        Deletes the character after the caret.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • deleteToEndOfLine

        public void deleteToEndOfLine()
        Deletes from the caret to the end of the current line.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • deleteLine

        public void deleteLine()
        Deletes the line containing the caret.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • deleteParagraph

        public void deleteParagraph()
        Deletes the paragraph containing the caret.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • deleteToStartOfLine

        public void deleteToStartOfLine()
        Deletes from the caret to the beginning of the current line.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • deleteWord

        public void deleteWord()
        Deletes the word in front of the caret.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • deleteWord

        public void deleteWord​(boolean eatWhitespace)
        Deletes the word in front of the caret. . * @param eatWhitespace If true, will eat whitespace
        jEdit 4.2pre5
      • isMultipleSelectionEnabled

        public final boolean isMultipleSelectionEnabled()
        Returns if multiple selection is enabled.
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • toggleMultipleSelectionEnabled

        public final void toggleMultipleSelectionEnabled()
        Toggles multiple selection.
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • setMultipleSelectionEnabled

        public final void setMultipleSelectionEnabled​(boolean multi)
        Set multiple selection on or off according to the value of multi. This only affects the ability to make multiple selections in the user interface; macros and plugins can manipulate them regardless of the setting of this flag. In fact, in most cases, calling this method should not be necessary.
        multi - Should multiple selection be enabled?
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • isRectangularSelectionEnabled

        public final boolean isRectangularSelectionEnabled()
        Returns if rectangular selection is enabled.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • toggleRectangularSelectionEnabled

        public final void toggleRectangularSelectionEnabled()
        Toggles rectangular selection.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • setRectangularSelectionEnabled

        public final void setRectangularSelectionEnabled​(boolean rectangularSelectionMode)
        Set rectangular selection on or off according to the value of rectangularSelectionMode. This only affects the ability to make multiple selections from the keyboard. A rectangular selection can always be created by dragging with the mouse by holding down Control, regardless of the state of this flag.
        rectangularSelectionMode - Should rectangular selection be enabled?
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • goToParentFold

        public void goToParentFold()
        Moves the caret to the fold containing the one at the caret position.
        jEdit 4.0pre3
      • goToNextFold

        public void goToNextFold​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the next fold.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 4.0pre3
      • goToPrevFold

        public void goToPrevFold​(boolean select)
        Moves the caret to the previous fold.
        select - true if you want to extend selection
        jEdit 4.0pre3
      • collapseFold

        public void collapseFold​(int line)
        Like DisplayManager.collapseFold(int), but also moves the caret to the first line of the fold.
        line - the physical line index of the fold that we want to collapse
        jEdit 4.3pre7
      • expandFold

        public void expandFold​(boolean fully)
        Like DisplayManager.expandFold(int,boolean), but also moves the caret to the first sub-fold.
        fully - If true, all subfolds will also be expanded
        jEdit 4.0pre3
      • selectFold

        public void selectFold()
        Selects the fold that contains the caret line number.
        jEdit 3.1pre3
      • selectFold

        public void selectFold​(int line)
        Selects the fold that contains the specified line number.
        line - The line number
        jEdit 4.0pre1
      • narrowToFold

        public void narrowToFold()
        Hides all lines except those in the fold containing the caret.
        jEdit 4.0pre1
      • narrowToSelection

        public void narrowToSelection()
        Hides all lines except those in the selection.
        jEdit 4.0pre1
      • addExplicitFold

        public void addExplicitFold()
                             throws TextAreaException
        Surrounds the selection with explicit fold markers.
        TextAreaException - an exception thrown if the folding mode is not explicit
        jEdit 4.0pre3
      • lineComment

        public void lineComment()
        Prepends each line of the selection with the line comment string.
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • rangeComment

        public void rangeComment()
        Adds comment start and end strings to the beginning and end of the selection.
        jEdit 3.2pre1
      • spacesToTabs

        public void spacesToTabs()
        Converts spaces to tabs in the selection.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • tabsToSpaces

        public void tabsToSpaces()
        Converts tabs to spaces in the selection.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • toUpperCase

        public void toUpperCase()
        Converts the selected text to upper case.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • toLowerCase

        public void toLowerCase()
        Converts the selected text to lower case.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • removeTrailingWhiteSpace

        public void removeTrailingWhiteSpace()
        Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the selection.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • insertEnterAndIndent

        public void insertEnterAndIndent()
        Inserts a line break and indents the new line. Moves the caret to the first non-whitespace character of the new line. If the newline character is an electric key the current line will also be re-indented.
      • insertTabAndIndent

        public void insertTabAndIndent()
      • indentSelectedLines

        public void indentSelectedLines()
        Indents all selected lines.
        jEdit 3.1pre3
      • turnOnElasticTabstops

        public void turnOnElasticTabstops()
        Turn ON elastic tab stops.
      • shiftIndentLeft

        public void shiftIndentLeft()
        Shifts the indent to the left.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • shiftIndentRight

        public void shiftIndentRight()
        Shifts the indent to the right.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • joinLines

        public void joinLines()
        Joins the current and the next line, or joins all lines in selections.
        jEdit 2.7pre2
      • addLeftOfScrollBar

        public void addLeftOfScrollBar​(java.awt.Component comp)
        Adds a component to the left side of the box left of the vertical scroll bar. The ErrorList plugin uses this to show a global error overview, for example. It is possible for more than one component to be added, each is added to the left side of the box in turn. Adding to the left ensures the scrollbar is always right of all added components.
        comp - The component
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • removeLeftOfScrollBar

        public void removeLeftOfScrollBar​(java.awt.Component comp)
        Removes a component from the box left of the vertical scroll bar.
        comp - The component
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • addNotify

        public void addNotify()
        Called by the AWT when this component is added to a parent. Adds document listener.
        addNotify in class javax.swing.JComponent
      • removeNotify

        public void removeNotify()
        Called by the AWT when this component is removed from it's parent. This clears the pointer to the currently focused component. Also removes document listener.
        removeNotify in class javax.swing.JComponent
      • getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled

        public boolean getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled()
        Java 1.4 compatibility fix to make Tab key work.
        getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled in class java.awt.Component
        jEdit 3.2pre4
      • getFocusCycleRoot

        public boolean getFocusCycleRoot()
        Java 1.4 compatibility fix to make Tab traversal work in a sane manner.
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • processKeyEvent

        public void processKeyEvent​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt)
        processKeyEvent in class javax.swing.JComponent
      • addTopComponent

        public void addTopComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
        Adds a component above the gutter, text area, and vertical scroll bar.
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • removeTopComponent

        public void removeTopComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
        Removes a component from above the gutter, text area, and vertical scroll bar.
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • addTopLeftComponent

        public void addTopLeftComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
        Adds a component above the gutter.
        jEdit 5.2pre1
      • addTopRightComponent

        public void addTopRightComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
        Adds a component above the vertical scroll bar.
        jEdit 5.2pre1
      • addBottomLeftComponent

        public void addBottomLeftComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
        Adds a component below the gutter.
        jEdit 5.2pre1
      • addBottomRightComponent

        public void addBottomRightComponent​(java.awt.Component comp)
        Adds a component below the vertical scroll bar.
        jEdit 5.2pre1
      • getInputMethodRequests

        public getInputMethodRequests()
        getInputMethodRequests in class java.awt.Component
      • addStatusListener

        public final void addStatusListener​(StatusListener listener)
        Adds a scroll listener to this text area.
        listener - The listener
        jEdit 4.3pre2
      • removeStatusListener

        public final void removeStatusListener​(StatusListener listener)
        Removes a scroll listener from this text area.
        listener - The listener
        jEdit 4.3pre2
      • propertiesChanged

        public void propertiesChanged()
        Called by jEdit when necessary. Plugins should not call this method.
      • addActionSet

        public void addActionSet​(JEditActionSet<JEditBeanShellAction> actionSet)
        Adds a new action set to the textarea's list of ActionSets. Call this only on standalone textarea
        actionSet - the actionSet to add
        jEdit 4.3pre13
      • getMarkPosition

        public final int getMarkPosition()
        Do not use.
      • isCaretVisible

        public final boolean isCaretVisible()
        Returns true if the caret is visible, false otherwise.
      • insert

        protected void insert​(java.lang.String str,
                              boolean indent)
      • userInputTab

        protected void userInputTab()
      • doWordWrap

        protected boolean doWordWrap​(boolean spaceInserted)
        Does hard wrap.
      • addExplicitFold

        protected int addExplicitFold​(int caretStart,
                                      int caretEnd,
                                      int lineStart,
                                      int lineEnd)
        Add an explicit fold. You should call this method inside a compoundEdit in the buffer. You must also check if the buffer fold mode is explicit before calling this method.
        caretStart - the starting offset
        caretEnd - the end offset
        lineStart - the start line
        lineEnd - the end line
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • isRightClickPopupEnabled

        public boolean isRightClickPopupEnabled()
        Returns if the right click popup menu is enabled. The Gestures plugin uses this API.
        jEdit 4.2pre13
      • setRightClickPopupEnabled

        public void setRightClickPopupEnabled​(boolean popupEnabled)
        Sets if the right click popup menu is enabled. The Gestures plugin uses this API.
        jEdit 4.2pre13
      • getRightClickPopup

        public final javax.swing.JPopupMenu getRightClickPopup()
        Returns the right click popup menu.
      • setRightClickPopup

        public final void setRightClickPopup​(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup)
        Sets the right click popup menu.
        popup - The popup
      • handlePopupTrigger

        public void handlePopupTrigger​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
        Do the same thing as right-clicking on the text area. The Gestures plugin uses this API.
        jEdit 4.2pre13
      • createPopupMenu

        public void createPopupMenu​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
        Creates the popup menu. If you want a popup menu, don't forget in your class to call setRightClickPopupEnabled(boolean) to enable the popup menu
      • showPopupMenu

        public void showPopupMenu()
        Shows the popup menu below the current caret position.
      • showPopupMenu

        public static void showPopupMenu​(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup,
                                         java.awt.Component comp,
                                         int x,
                                         int y,
                                         boolean point)
        Shows the specified popup menu, ensuring it is displayed within the bounds of the screen.
        popup - The popup menu
        comp - The component to show it for
        x - The x co-ordinate
        y - The y co-ordinate
        point - If true, then the popup originates from a single point; otherwise it will originate from the component itself. This affects positioning in the case where the popup does not fit onscreen. FIXME: move parts of GUIUtilities compatible with standalone TextArea in a separate class, to prevent such copies
        jEdit 4.1pre1
      • getTabExpander

        public javax.swing.text.TabExpander getTabExpander()