Class AbstractInputHandler<E extends JEditAbstractEditAction>

    • Field Detail

      • lastActionCount

        protected int lastActionCount
      • keyEventInterceptor

        protected java.awt.event.KeyListener keyEventInterceptor
        This listener will receive keyboard events if it is not null.
      • readNextChar

        protected java.lang.String readNextChar
      • repeatCount

        protected int repeatCount

        protected static final int REPEAT_COUNT_THRESHOLD
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • PREFIX_STR

        public static java.lang.String PREFIX_STR
      • shortcutOn

        protected boolean shortcutOn
      • bindings

        protected java.util.Hashtable bindings
      • currentBindings

        protected java.util.Hashtable currentBindings
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractInputHandler

        public AbstractInputHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • addKeyBinding

        public void addKeyBinding​(java.lang.String keyBinding,
                                  java.lang.String action)
        Adds a key binding to this input handler. The key binding is a list of white space separated key strokes of the form [modifiers+]key where modifier is C for Control, A for Alt, or S for Shift, and key is either a character (a-z) or a field name in the KeyEvent class prefixed with VK_ (e.g., BACK_SPACE)
        keyBinding - The key binding
        action - The action
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • addKeyBinding

        public void addKeyBinding​(java.lang.String keyBinding,
                                  E action)
        Adds a key binding to this input handler. The key binding is a list of white space separated key strokes of the form [modifiers+]key where modifier is C for Control, A for Alt, or S for Shift, and key is either a character (a-z) or a field name in the KeyEvent class prefixed with VK_ (e.g., BACK_SPACE)
        keyBinding - The key binding
        action - The action
      • addKeyBinding

        public void addKeyBinding​(java.lang.String keyBinding,
                                  java.lang.Object action)
        Adds a key binding to this input handler. The key binding is a list of white space separated key strokes of the form [modifiers+]key where modifier is C for Control, A for Alt, or S for Shift, and key is either a character (a-z) or a field name in the KeyEvent class prefixed with VK_ (e.g., BACK_SPACE)
        keyBinding - The key binding
        action - The action
        jEdit 4.3pre1
      • removeKeyBinding

        public void removeKeyBinding​(java.lang.String keyBinding)
        Removes a key binding from this input handler.
        keyBinding - The key binding
      • removeAllKeyBindings

        public void removeAllKeyBindings()
        Removes all key bindings from this input handler.
      • getKeyBinding

        public java.lang.Object getKeyBinding​(@Nonnull
                                              java.lang.String keyBinding)
        Returns either an edit action, or a hashtable if the specified key is a prefix.
        keyBinding - The key binding
        jEdit 3.2pre5
      • getLastActionCount

        public int getLastActionCount()
        Returns the number of times the last action was executed. It can be used with smartHome and smartEnd
        the number of times the last action was executed
        jEdit 2.5pre5
      • resetLastActionCount

        public void resetLastActionCount()
        Resets the last action count. This should be called when an editing operation that is not an action is invoked, for example a mouse click.
        jEdit 4.0pre1
      • getKeyEventInterceptor

        public java.awt.event.KeyListener getKeyEventInterceptor()
      • setKeyEventInterceptor

        public void setKeyEventInterceptor​(java.awt.event.KeyListener keyEventInterceptor)
        Sets the listener that will handle all key events in this view. For example, the complete word command uses this so that all key events are passed to the word list popup while it is visible.
        keyEventInterceptor - the KeyListener that will receive the events
      • isPrefixActive

        public boolean isPrefixActive()
        Returns if a prefix key has been pressed.
      • setBindings

        public void setBindings​(java.util.Hashtable bindings)
        Replace the set of key bindings.
        jEdit 4.3pre1
      • setCurrentBindings

        public void setCurrentBindings​(java.util.Hashtable bindings)
      • handleKey

        public abstract boolean handleKey​(KeyEventTranslator.Key keyStroke,
                                          boolean dryRun)
        Handles a keystroke.
        keyStroke - The key stroke.
        dryRun - only calculate the return value, do not have any other effect
        true if the input could be handled.
        jEdit 4.3pre7
      • processKeyEvent

        public abstract void processKeyEvent​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt,
                                             int from,
                                             boolean global)
        Process a keyboard event. This is the entry point of the keyboard handling
        evt - the keyboard event
        from - the source, it can be View.VIEW, View.ACTION_BAR or View.TEXT_AREA
        global - tell if the event comes from the DefaultKeyboardFocusManager or not
      • sendShortcutPrefixOff

        protected void sendShortcutPrefixOff()
      • invokeAction

        public abstract void invokeAction​(java.lang.String action)
      • invokeAction

        public abstract void invokeAction​(E action)
      • toString

        public static java.lang.String toString​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt)
        Return a String representation of the keyboard event for debugging purpose.
        evt - the keyboard event
        a String representation for this keyboard event
        jEdit 4.3pre15
      • processKeyEventKeyStrokeHandling

        protected void processKeyEventKeyStrokeHandling​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt,
                                                        int from,
                                                        java.lang.String mode,
                                                        boolean global)
        evt - the keyboard event
        from - the source, it can be View.VIEW, View.ACTION_BAR or View.TEXT_AREA
        mode - the mode is "press" or "type" and is used for debug only
        global - tell if the event comes from the DefaultKeyboardFocusManager or not