Class GenericGUIUtilities

  • public class GenericGUIUtilities
    extends java.lang.Object
    Various GUI utility functions not depending on jEdit, for use in StandaloneTextArea.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void adjustForScreenBounds​(java.awt.Rectangle desired)
      Gives a rectangle the specified bounds, ensuring it is within the screen bounds.
      static int defaultColumnWidth()
      Column width for JTable, based on global defaults.
      static int defaultRowHeight()
      Row height for JTable, based on global defaults.
      static java.awt.Dimension defaultTableCellSize()
      JTable cell size, based on global defaults.
      static javax.swing.JDialog getParentDialog​(java.awt.Component c)
      Traverses the given component's parent tree looking for an instance of JDialog, and return it.
      static java.awt.Rectangle getScreenBounds()
      Returns the screen bounds, taking into account multi-screen environments.
      static boolean isAncestorOf​(java.awt.Component comp1, java.awt.Component comp2)
      Returns if the first component is an ancestor of the second by traversing up the component hierarchy.
      static boolean isLeftButton​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)  
      static boolean isMiddleButton​(int modifiers)
      static boolean isMiddleButton​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)  
      static boolean isPopupTrigger​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
      Returns if the specified event is the popup trigger event.
      static boolean isRightButton​(int modifiers)
      static boolean isRightButton​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)  
      static void makeSameSize​(java.awt.Component... components)
      Makes components the same size by finding the largest width and height of the given components then setting all components to that width and height.
      static java.lang.String prettifyMenuLabel​(java.lang.String label)
      `Prettifies' a menu item label by removing the `$' sign.
      static void requestFocus​(java.awt.Window win, java.awt.Component comp)
      Focuses on the specified component as soon as the window becomes active.
      static void setAutoMnemonic​(javax.swing.AbstractButton button)
      Sets the mnemonic for the given button using jEdit convention, taking the letter after the dollar.
      static void setButtonContentMargin​(javax.swing.AbstractButton button, java.awt.Insets margin)
      Sets the content margin of a button (for Nimbus L&F).
      static void setEnabledRecursively​(java.awt.Container c, boolean enabled)
      Call setEnabled() recursively on the container and its descendants.
      static void showPopupMenu​(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup, java.awt.Component comp, int x, int y)
      Shows the specified popup menu, ensuring it is displayed within the bounds of the screen.
      static void showPopupMenu​(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup, java.awt.Component comp, int x, int y, boolean point)
      Shows the specified popup menu, ensuring it is displayed within the bounds of the screen.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericGUIUtilities

        public GenericGUIUtilities()
    • Method Detail

      • prettifyMenuLabel

        public static java.lang.String prettifyMenuLabel​(java.lang.String label)
        `Prettifies' a menu item label by removing the `$' sign. This can be used to process the contents of an action.label property.
        label - the label
        a pretty label
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • setAutoMnemonic

        public static void setAutoMnemonic​(javax.swing.AbstractButton button)
        Sets the mnemonic for the given button using jEdit convention, taking the letter after the dollar.
        button - The button to set the mnemonic for.
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • adjustForScreenBounds

        public static void adjustForScreenBounds​(java.awt.Rectangle desired)
        Gives a rectangle the specified bounds, ensuring it is within the screen bounds.
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • requestFocus

        public static void requestFocus​(java.awt.Window win,
                                        java.awt.Component comp)
        Focuses on the specified component as soon as the window becomes active.
        win - The window
        comp - The component
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • isPopupTrigger

        public static boolean isPopupTrigger​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
        Returns if the specified event is the popup trigger event. This implements precisely defined behavior, as opposed to MouseEvent.isPopupTrigger().
        evt - The event
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • isLeftButton

        public static boolean isLeftButton​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
        evt - A mouse event
        jEdit 5.6
      • isMiddleButton

        public static boolean isMiddleButton​(int modifiers)
        modifiers - The modifiers flag from a mouse event
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • isMiddleButton

        public static boolean isMiddleButton​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
        evt - A mouse event
        jEdit 5.6
      • isRightButton

        public static boolean isRightButton​(int modifiers)
        modifiers - The modifiers flag from a mouse event
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • isRightButton

        public static boolean isRightButton​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
        evt - A mouse event
        jEdit 5.6
      • getScreenBounds

        public static java.awt.Rectangle getScreenBounds()
        Returns the screen bounds, taking into account multi-screen environments.
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • showPopupMenu

        public static void showPopupMenu​(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup,
                                         java.awt.Component comp,
                                         int x,
                                         int y)
        Shows the specified popup menu, ensuring it is displayed within the bounds of the screen.
        popup - The popup menu
        comp - The component to show it for
        x - The x co-ordinate
        y - The y co-ordinate
        jEdit 4.0pre1, jEdit 5.3.1
        See Also:
        setComponentPopupMenu which works better and is simpler to use: you don't have to write the code to show/hide popups in response to mouse events anymore.
      • showPopupMenu

        public static void showPopupMenu​(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup,
                                         java.awt.Component comp,
                                         int x,
                                         int y,
                                         boolean point)
        Shows the specified popup menu, ensuring it is displayed within the bounds of the screen.
        popup - The popup menu
        comp - The component to show it for
        x - The x co-ordinate
        y - The y co-ordinate
        point - If true, then the popup originates from a single point; otherwise it will originate from the component itself. This affects positioning in the case where the popup does not fit onscreen.
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • isAncestorOf

        public static boolean isAncestorOf​(java.awt.Component comp1,
                                           java.awt.Component comp2)
        Returns if the first component is an ancestor of the second by traversing up the component hierarchy.
        comp1 - The ancestor
        comp2 - The component to check
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • getParentDialog

        public static javax.swing.JDialog getParentDialog​(java.awt.Component c)
        Traverses the given component's parent tree looking for an instance of JDialog, and return it. If not found, return null.
        c - The component
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • setEnabledRecursively

        public static void setEnabledRecursively​(java.awt.Container c,
                                                 boolean enabled)
        Call setEnabled() recursively on the container and its descendants.
        c - The container
        enabled - The enabled state to set
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • setButtonContentMargin

        public static void setButtonContentMargin​(javax.swing.AbstractButton button,
                                                  java.awt.Insets margin)
        Sets the content margin of a button (for Nimbus L&F).
        button - the button to modify
        margin - the new margin
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • makeSameSize

        public static void makeSameSize​(java.awt.Component... components)
        Makes components the same size by finding the largest width and height of the given components then setting all components to that width and height. This is especially useful for making JButtons the same size.
        components - The components to make the same size.
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • defaultTableCellSize

        public static java.awt.Dimension defaultTableCellSize()
        JTable cell size, based on global defaults.
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • defaultColumnWidth

        public static int defaultColumnWidth()
        Column width for JTable, based on global defaults.
        jEdit 5.3.1
      • defaultRowHeight

        public static int defaultRowHeight()
        Row height for JTable, based on global defaults.
        jEdit 5.3.1