Class DisplayManager

  • public class DisplayManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    Manages low-level text display tasks, such as folding.
    jEdit 4.2pre1
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void bufferClosed​(JEditBuffer buffer)  
      void collapseFold​(int line)
      Collapses the fold at the specified physical line index.
      void expandAllFolds()
      Expands all folds.
      int expandFold​(int line, boolean fully)
      Expands the fold at the specified physical line index.
      void expandFolds​(char digit)
      This method should only be called from actions.xml.
      void expandFolds​(int foldLevel)
      Expands all folds with the specified fold level.
      void expandFolds​(int foldLevel, boolean update)
      Expands all folds with the specified fold level.
      JEditBuffer getBuffer()  
      int getFirstVisibleLine()
      Returns the physical line number of the first visible line.
      int getLastVisibleLine()
      Returns the physical line number of the last visible line.
      int getNextVisibleLine​(int line)
      Returns the next visible line after the specified line index, or (-1) if there is no next visible line.
      int getPrevVisibleLine​(int line)
      Returns the previous visible line before the specified line index.
      int getScreenLineCount​(int line)
      Returns how many screen lines contains the given physical line.
      int getScrollLineCount()
      Returns the number of displayable lines It can be greater than the number of lines of the buffer when using soft wrap (a line can count for n lines), or when using folding, if the foldings are collapsed
      boolean isLineVisible​(int line)
      Returns if the specified physical line is visible.
      boolean isOutsideNarrowing​(int line)
      Returns true if the display is narrowed and the specified line is outside of the narrowing.
      void narrow​(int start, int end)
      Narrows the visible portion of the buffer to the specified line range.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • bufferClosed

        public static void bufferClosed​(JEditBuffer buffer)
      • getBuffer

        public JEditBuffer getBuffer()
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • isLineVisible

        public boolean isLineVisible​(int line)
        Returns if the specified physical line is visible.
        line - A physical line index
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • isOutsideNarrowing

        public boolean isOutsideNarrowing​(int line)
        Returns true if the display is narrowed and the specified line is outside of the narrowing.
        line - A physical line index
        jEdit 4.5
      • getFirstVisibleLine

        public int getFirstVisibleLine()
        Returns the physical line number of the first visible line.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • getLastVisibleLine

        public int getLastVisibleLine()
        Returns the physical line number of the last visible line.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • getNextVisibleLine

        public int getNextVisibleLine​(int line)
        Returns the next visible line after the specified line index, or (-1) if there is no next visible line.
        line - A physical line index
        jEdit 4.0pre1
      • getPrevVisibleLine

        public int getPrevVisibleLine​(int line)
        Returns the previous visible line before the specified line index.
        line - a physical line index
        the previous visible physical line or -1 if there is no visible line
        jEdit 4.0pre1
      • getScreenLineCount

        public int getScreenLineCount​(int line)
        Returns how many screen lines contains the given physical line. It can be greater than 1 when using soft wrap
        line - the physical line
        the screen line count
      • getScrollLineCount

        public int getScrollLineCount()
        Returns the number of displayable lines It can be greater than the number of lines of the buffer when using soft wrap (a line can count for n lines), or when using folding, if the foldings are collapsed
        the number of displayable lines
      • collapseFold

        public void collapseFold​(int line)
        Collapses the fold at the specified physical line index.
        line - A physical line index
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • expandFold

        public int expandFold​(int line,
                              boolean fully)
        Expands the fold at the specified physical line index.
        line - A physical line index
        fully - If true, all subfolds will also be expanded
        the line number of the first subfold, or -1 if none
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • expandAllFolds

        public void expandAllFolds()
        Expands all folds.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • expandFolds

        public void expandFolds​(char digit)
        This method should only be called from actions.xml.
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • expandFolds

        public void expandFolds​(int foldLevel,
                                boolean update)
        Expands all folds with the specified fold level.
        foldLevel - The fold level
        update - If true, notify the text area of a fold level change. Since this will automatically move the caret if still inside a fold, this may not be what we want.
        jEdit 4.5
      • expandFolds

        public void expandFolds​(int foldLevel)
        Expands all folds with the specified fold level.
        foldLevel - The fold level
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • narrow

        public void narrow​(int start,
                           int end)
        Narrows the visible portion of the buffer to the specified line range.
        start - The first line
        end - The last line
        jEdit 4.2pre1