Class ElasticTabStopBufferListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ElasticTabStopBufferListener
    extends BufferAdapter
    Buffer Listener for Elastic Tabstops.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ElasticTabStopBufferListener

        public ElasticTabStopBufferListener​(TextArea textArea)
    • Method Detail

      • contentInserted

        public void contentInserted​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                                    int startLine,
                                    int offset,
                                    int numLines,
                                    int length)
        Description copied from class: BufferAdapter
        Called when text is inserted into the buffer.
        Specified by:
        contentInserted in interface BufferListener
        contentInserted in class BufferAdapter
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The first line
        offset - The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer
        numLines - The number of lines inserted
        length - The number of characters inserted
      • contentRemoved

        public void contentRemoved​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                                   int startLine,
                                   int offset,
                                   int numLines,
                                   int length)
        Called when text is removed from the buffer.
        Specified by:
        contentRemoved in interface BufferListener
        contentRemoved in class BufferAdapter
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The first line
        offset - The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer
        numLines - The number of lines removed
        length - The number of characters removed
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • transactionComplete

        public void transactionComplete​(JEditBuffer buffer)
        Description copied from class: BufferAdapter
        Called after an undo or compound edit has finished. The text area uses this event to queue up and collapse cleanup operations so they are only run once during a long transaction (such as a "Replace All" operation.)
        Specified by:
        transactionComplete in interface BufferListener
        transactionComplete in class BufferAdapter
        buffer - The buffer in question
      • preContentInserted

        public void preContentInserted​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                                       int startLine,
                                       int offset,
                                       int numLines,
                                       int length)
        Description copied from class: BufferAdapter
        Called when text is about to be inserted in the buffer.
        Specified by:
        preContentInserted in interface BufferListener
        preContentInserted in class BufferAdapter
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The first line
        offset - The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer
        numLines - The number of lines inserted
        length - The number of characters inserted
      • preContentRemoved

        public void preContentRemoved​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                                      int startLine,
                                      int offset,
                                      int numLines,
                                      int length)
        Description copied from class: BufferAdapter
        Called when text is about to be removed from the buffer, but is still present.
        Specified by:
        preContentRemoved in interface BufferListener
        preContentRemoved in class BufferAdapter
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The first line
        offset - The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer
        numLines - The number of lines to be removed
        length - The number of characters to be removed