Interface BufferListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BufferAdapter, ElasticTabStopBufferListener

    public interface BufferListener
    A interface for notification of changes to buffer text.

    This interface is new in jEdit 4.3pre3. The text area was made independent of the rest of jEdit, and thus this class could no longer depend on org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer.

    While the BufferUpdate EditBus message is used for general buffer state changes, this interface is used for events which are fired frequently, or for which performance is essential.

    Because this interface is subject to change in the future, you should subclass BufferAdapter instead of implementing it directly.

    jEdit 4.3pre3
    • Method Detail

      • foldLevelChanged

        void foldLevelChanged​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                              int startLine,
                              int endLine)
        Called when line fold levels change.
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The start line number
        endLine - The end line number
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • contentInserted

        void contentInserted​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                             int startLine,
                             int offset,
                             int numLines,
                             int length)
        Called when text is inserted into the buffer.
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The first line
        offset - The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer
        numLines - The number of lines inserted
        length - The number of characters inserted
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • contentRemoved

        void contentRemoved​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                            int startLine,
                            int offset,
                            int numLines,
                            int length)
        Called when text is removed from the buffer.
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The first line
        offset - The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer
        numLines - The number of lines removed
        length - The number of characters removed
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • preContentInserted

        void preContentInserted​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                                int startLine,
                                int offset,
                                int numLines,
                                int length)
        Called when text is about to be inserted in the buffer.
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The first line
        offset - The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer
        numLines - The number of lines inserted
        length - The number of characters inserted
        jEdit 4.3pre11
      • preContentRemoved

        void preContentRemoved​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                               int startLine,
                               int offset,
                               int numLines,
                               int length)
        Called when text is about to be removed from the buffer, but is still present.
        buffer - The buffer in question
        startLine - The first line
        offset - The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer
        numLines - The number of lines to be removed
        length - The number of characters to be removed
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • transactionComplete

        void transactionComplete​(JEditBuffer buffer)
        Called after an undo or compound edit has finished. The text area uses this event to queue up and collapse cleanup operations so they are only run once during a long transaction (such as a "Replace All" operation.)
        buffer - The buffer in question
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • foldHandlerChanged

        void foldHandlerChanged​(JEditBuffer buffer)
        Called to notify the text area that folds need to be collapsed if the "collapseFolds" property is set. This method is called after the buffer has been loaded, and also if the user changes the fold handler.
        buffer - The buffer in question
        jEdit 4.3pre3
      • bufferLoaded

        void bufferLoaded​(JEditBuffer buffer)
        Called to notify the text area that the buffer has been reloaded.
        buffer - The buffer in question
        jEdit 4.3pre3