Class TextAreaInputHandler

  • public abstract class TextAreaInputHandler
    extends AbstractInputHandler<JEditBeanShellAction>
    This class manage the key bindings and execute the actions binded on the keyboard events for the standalone textarea.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextAreaInputHandler

        protected TextAreaInputHandler​(TextArea textArea)
    • Method Detail

      • processKeyEvent

        public void processKeyEvent​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt,
                                    int from,
                                    boolean global)
        Forwards key events directly to the input handler. This is slightly faster than using a KeyListener because some Swing overhead is avoided.
        Specified by:
        processKeyEvent in class AbstractInputHandler<JEditBeanShellAction>
        evt - the keyboard event
        from - the source of the event. Since this is the input handler of the textarea, it should always be 1
        global - it is only true if the event comes from the DefaultKeyboardFocusManager
      • invokeAction

        public void invokeAction​(java.lang.String action)
        Invokes the specified action, repeating and recording it as necessary.
        Specified by:
        invokeAction in class AbstractInputHandler<JEditBeanShellAction>
        action - The action
        jEdit 4.2pre1
      • handleKey

        public boolean handleKey​(KeyEventTranslator.Key keyStroke,
                                 boolean dryRun)
        Handles the given keystroke.
        Specified by:
        handleKey in class AbstractInputHandler<JEditBeanShellAction>
        keyStroke - The key stroke
        dryRun - only calculate the return value, do not have any other effect
        true if the input could be handled.
        jEdit 4.2pre5
      • userInput

        protected void userInput​(char ch)
      • invokeReadNextChar

        protected void invokeReadNextChar​(char ch)