Class DefaultInputHandler

  • public class DefaultInputHandler
    extends InputHandler
    The default input handler maps sequences of keystrokes into actions and inserts key typed events into the text area.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultInputHandler

        public DefaultInputHandler​(View view,
                                   java.util.Hashtable bindings)
        Creates a new input handler with no key bindings defined.
        view - The view
        bindings - An explicitly-specified set of key bindings, must not be null.
        jEdit 4.3pre1
      • DefaultInputHandler

        public DefaultInputHandler​(View view)
        Creates a new input handler with no key bindings defined.
        view - The view
      • DefaultInputHandler

        public DefaultInputHandler​(View view,
                                   DefaultInputHandler copy)
        Creates a new input handler with the same set of key bindings as the one specified. Note that both input handlers share a pointer to exactly the same key binding table; so adding a key binding in one will also add it to the other.
        copy - The input handler to copy key bindings from
        view - The view
    • Method Detail

      • handleKey

        public boolean handleKey​(KeyEventTranslator.Key keyStroke,
                                 boolean dryRun)
        Handles the given keystroke.
        Specified by:
        handleKey in class AbstractInputHandler<EditAction>
        keyStroke - The key stroke
        dryRun - only calculate the return value, do not have any other effect
        true if the input could be handled.
        jEdit 4.2pre5
      • getSymbolicModifierName

        public static char getSymbolicModifierName​(int mod)
        Returns a the symbolic modifier name for the specified Java modifier flag.
        mod - A modifier constant from InputEvent
        jEdit 4.1pre3
      • getModifierString

        public static java.lang.String getModifierString​(java.awt.event.InputEvent evt)
        Returns a string containing symbolic modifier names set in the specified event.
        evt - The event
        jEdit 4.1pre3