Class PositionChanging

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PositionChanging
    extends EditPaneUpdate
    An EBMessage associated with an EditPane that is sent just before its caret position changes in a "major way" to another location in the same Buffer. These messages are tracked by the Navigator plugin, and other interested plugins. jEdit plugins such as SideKick, Tags, Jump, CscopeFinder, etc, should emit this message whenever the user wants to jump from one position to another in the same buffer. For jumps to a different buffer entirely, it is not necessary for plugins to send any message, since BufferChanging is sent by jEdit whenever EditPane.setBuffer() is called, and it serves as a PositionChanging message also.
    jEdit 4.3pre15
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • PositionChanging

        protected PositionChanging​(EditPane editPane,
                                   java.lang.Object whatt)
      • PositionChanging

        public PositionChanging​(TextArea textArea)
      • PositionChanging

        public PositionChanging​(EditPane editPane)