Class IndentAction.NoIncrease

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static class IndentAction.NoIncrease
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IndentAction
    Used to cancel increases in indentation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NoIncrease

        public NoIncrease()
    • Method Detail

      • calculateIndent

        public int calculateIndent​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                                   int line,
                                   int oldIndent,
                                   int newIndent)
        Specified by:
        calculateIndent in interface IndentAction
        buffer - The buffer
        line - The line number that matched the rule; not necessarily the line being indented.
        oldIndent - Original indent.
        newIndent - The new indent -- ie, indent returned by previous indent action.
      • keepChecking

        public boolean keepChecking()
        Specified by:
        keepChecking in interface IndentAction
        true if the indent engine should keep processing after this rule.