Class BshClassPath

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ClassPathListener, NameSource

    public class BshClassPath
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements ClassPathListener, NameSource
    A BshClassPath encapsulates knowledge about a class path of URLs. It can maps all classes the path which may include: jar/zip files and base dirs A BshClassPath may composite other BshClassPaths as components of its path and will reflect changes in those components through its methods and listener interface. Classpath traversal is done lazily when a call is made to getClassesForPackage() or getClassSource() or can be done explicitily through insureInitialized(). Feedback on mapping progress is provided through the MappingFeedback interface. Design notes: Several times here we traverse ourselves and our component paths to produce a composite view of some thing relating to the path. This would be an opportunity for a visitor pattern.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BshClassPath

        public BshClassPath​(java.lang.String name)
      • BshClassPath

        public BshClassPath​(java.lang.String name,
                  [] urls)
    • Method Detail

      • setPath

        public void setPath​([] urls)
      • addComponent

        public void addComponent​(BshClassPath bcp)
        Add the specified BshClassPath as a component of our path. Changes in the bcp will be reflected through us.
      • add

        public void add​([] urls)
      • add

        public void add​( url)
      • getPathComponents

        public[] getPathComponents()
        Get the path components including any component paths.
      • getClassesForPackage

        public java.util.Set getClassesForPackage​(java.lang.String pack)
        Return the set of class names in the specified package including all component paths.
      • getClassSource

        public BshClassPath.ClassSource getClassSource​(java.lang.String className)
        Return the source of the specified class which may lie in component path.
      • setClassSource

        public void setClassSource​(java.lang.String className,
                                   BshClassPath.ClassSource cs)
        Explicitly set a class source. This is used for generated classes, but could potentially be used to allow a user to override which version of a class from the classpath is located.
      • insureInitialized

        public void insureInitialized()
        If the claspath map is not initialized, do it now. If component maps are not do them as well... Random note: Should this be "insure" or "ensure". I know I've seen "ensure" used in the JDK source. Here's what Webster has to say: Main Entry:ensure Pronunciation:in-'shur Function:transitive verb Inflected Form(s):ensured; ensuring : to make sure, certain, or safe : GUARANTEE synonyms ENSURE, INSURE, ASSURE, SECURE mean to make a thing or person sure. ENSURE, INSURE, and ASSURE are interchangeable in many contexts where they indicate the making certain or inevitable of an outcome, but INSURE sometimes stresses the taking of necessary measures beforehand, and ASSURE distinctively implies the removal of doubt and suspense from a person's mind. SECURE implies action taken to guard against attack or loss.
      • insureInitialized

        protected void insureInitialized​(boolean topPath)
        topPath - indicates that this is the top level classpath component and it should send the startClassMapping message
      • getFullPath

        protected java.util.List getFullPath()
        Get the full path including component paths. (component paths listed first, in order) Duplicate path components are removed.
      • getClassNameByUnqName

        public java.lang.String getClassNameByUnqName​(java.lang.String name)
                                               throws ClassPathException
        Support for super import "*"; Get the full name associated with the unqualified name in this classpath. Returns either the String name or an AmbiguousName object encapsulating the various names.
      • getAllNames

        public java.lang.String[] getAllNames()
        Specified by:
        getAllNames in interface NameSource
      • isClassFileName

        public static boolean isClassFileName​(java.lang.String name)
      • isArchiveFileName

        public static boolean isArchiveFileName​(java.lang.String name)
      • canonicalizeClassName

        public static java.lang.String canonicalizeClassName​(java.lang.String name)
        Create a proper class name from a messy thing. Turn / or \ into ., remove leading class and trailing .class Note: this makes lots of strings... could be faster.
      • splitClassname

        public static java.lang.String[] splitClassname​(java.lang.String classname)
        Split class name into package and name
      • removeInnerClassNames

        public static java.util.Collection removeInnerClassNames​(java.util.Collection col)
        Return a new collection without any inner class names
      • getPackagesSet

        public java.util.Set getPackagesSet()
        Get a list of all of the known packages
      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object