Class ClassGeneratorUtil

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ClassGeneratorUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Constants
    ClassGeneratorUtil utilizes the ASM ( bytecode generator by Eric Bruneton in order to generate class "stubs" for BeanShell at runtime.

    Stub classes contain all of the fields of a BeanShell scripted class as well as two "callback" references to BeanShell namespaces: one for static methods and one for instance methods. Methods of the class are delegators which invoke corresponding methods on either the static or instance bsh object and then unpack and return the results. The static namespace utilizes a static import to delegate variable access to the class' static fields. The instance namespace utilizes a dynamic import (i.e. mixin) to delegate variable access to the class' instance variables.

    Constructors for the class delegate to the static initInstance() method of ClassGeneratorUtil to initialize new instances of the object. initInstance() invokes the instance intializer code (init vars and instance blocks) and then delegates to the corresponding scripted constructor method in the instance namespace. Constructors contain special switch logic which allows the BeanShell to control the calling of alternate constructors (this() or super() references) at runtime.

    Specially named superclass delegator methods are also generated in order to allow BeanShell to access overridden methods of the superclass (which reflection does not normally allow).

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassGeneratorUtil

        public ClassGeneratorUtil​(Modifiers classModifiers,
                                  java.lang.String className,
                                  java.lang.String packageName,
                                  java.lang.Class superClass,
                                  java.lang.Class[] interfaces,
                                  Variable[] vars,
                                  DelayedEvalBshMethod[] bshmethods,
                                  NameSpace classStaticNameSpace,
                                  boolean isInterface)
        packageName - e.g. ""
    • Method Detail

      • generateClass

        public byte[] generateClass()
        Generate the class bytecode for this class.
      • generateParameterReifierCode

        public static void generateParameterReifierCode​(java.lang.String[] paramTypes,
                                                        boolean isStatic,
                                                        CodeVisitor cv)
        Generates the code to reify the arguments of the given method. For a method "int m (int i, String s)", this code is the bytecode corresponding to the "new Object[] { new bsh.Primitive(i), s }" expression.
        cv - the code visitor to be used to generate the bytecode.
        isStatic - the enclosing methods is static
      • generateReturnCode

        public static void generateReturnCode​(java.lang.String returnType,
                                              CodeVisitor cv)
        Generates the code to unreify the result of the given method. For a method "int m (int i, String s)", this code is the bytecode corresponding to the "((Integer)...).intValue()" expression.
        cv - the code visitor to be used to generate the bytecode.
      • getConstructorArgs

        public static ClassGeneratorUtil.ConstructorArgs getConstructorArgs​(java.lang.String superClassName,
                                                                            This classStaticThis,
                                                                            java.lang.Object[] consArgs,
                                                                            int index)
        Evaluate the arguments (if any) for the constructor specified by the constructor index. Return the ConstructorArgs object which contains the actual arguments to the alternate constructor and also the index of that constructor for the constructor switch.
        consArgs - the arguments to the constructor. These are necessary in the evaluation of the alt constructor args. e.g. Foo(a) { super(a); }
        the ConstructorArgs object containing a constructor selector and evaluated arguments for the alternate constructor
      • initInstance

        public static void initInstance​(java.lang.Object instance,
                                        java.lang.String className,
                                        java.lang.Object[] args)
        Initialize an instance of the class. This method is called from the generated class constructor to evaluate the instance initializer and scripted constructor in the instance namespace.