Class DelayedEvalBshMethod

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DelayedEvalBshMethod
    extends BshMethod
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • getReturnTypeDescriptor

        public java.lang.String getReturnTypeDescriptor()
      • getReturnType

        public java.lang.Class getReturnType()
        Description copied from class: BshMethod
        Get the return type of the method.
        getReturnType in class BshMethod
        Returns null for a loosely typed return value, Void.TYPE for a void return type, or the Class of the type.
      • getParamTypeDescriptors

        public java.lang.String[] getParamTypeDescriptors()
      • getParameterTypes

        public java.lang.Class[] getParameterTypes()
        Description copied from class: BshMethod
        Get the argument types of this method. loosely typed (untyped) arguments will be represented by null argument types.
        getParameterTypes in class BshMethod