Conference Guides Authors' Guide Publications Guide Publicity Guide Reviewers' Guide Sponsors' Guide
Authors & Publish
chair page, blog
Paper formatting
page, blog
Initial paper submission
chair, page, blog
Final paper submission
chair, page, blog
Problematic papers - corrections page, blog
Author [PDF,CrossCheck] tests page, blog IEEE PDF eXpress - paper format chair, page, blog IEEE electronic Copyright (eCf) chair, page, blog Attendee downloads of papers page, blog
Conference registration
page, blog
Travel visas to Hungary
page, blog
Conference presentations
page, blog
HELP contacts
WCCI2020, system
Non-Author actions Paper reviews - authors' perspective page, blog IEEE CrossCheck text similarity chair, page, blog IEEE Xplore web-publish chair, page, blog
IEEE Conference Application chair IEEE Letter of Acquisition chair IEEE Publication Form chair Software systems page
Conference Guides for [IEEE-CIS, INNS] conferences : Although this guide was initially set up for IJCNN2019, and was used for IEEE WCCI 2020, hopefully some of the basic information may still help [organising committee members, authors] up to 2023-2025 (assuming a half-life of links and process information of 3-5 years?). The Authors' and Publications menus have been combined, allowing authors to see the Publications Chair perspective as well. I am no longer keeping this up to date. Bill Howell, 11Dec2020

Publications Chair Guide

Table of Contents :

Warnings and recommendations

My advice is spread out over this "Publications Guide", but warnings for two particularly critical themes are covered by :

15Aug2019 TOO MUCH WORKLOAD, Howell's additional comments :

Things are far more detailed now than even in the recent past 2-5 years ago. if the new standards are to be maintained, then we need far more volunteeers for Publications, or we should pay more for the management company's time, AND contract IEEE-MCE to do the IEEE system stuff.

I would certainly NEVER do that amount of work again, it was ridiculous.

There is a lot of work associated with the Publications processes, especially when the systems don't work well. I strongly recommend having at least FIVE Publications Co-Chairs (up from my 01Ap2019 recommendation of >=2 Co-Chairs!), which would allow them to focus on specific tasks with some limitation to the time required for each task. For example :

Publications Co-Chair #1 - [setup, testing] of Cholewo's paper review system for copyrights, submitt IEEE applications :
  1. [Initial, final] paper submission setup and testing - While this is done by [Tomasz Cholewo, [IEEE-CIS, INNS] conference management company], the Publications Chair needs to be able to test the process and see the system [emails, error messages]. Serious glitches with BOTH conferences I was involved with as Publications Chair are a huge waste of time and annoyance at the wrong time! Key item - create at least 10 fake papers to put through all stages of paper pre including final paper acceptance etc. This is very importnat for testing, and these are easily removed at the end of the process.
  2. Set up [Conference, Publications, PDF eXpress, Copyright, CrossCheck, Letter of Acquisition] applications to IEEE. Normally, the conference application is done by the General Co-Chairs, but if this isn't done early, then the Publications Chairs have to step in and do it or it will creat big problems for them very soon!
  3. manually check ALL pages of final submission papers that had formatting problems at the initial submission stage. Email a warning to authors to submit fixes to Publications Co-Chair #1, or their papers will be rejected.

Publications Co-Chair #2 - CrossCheck:
  1. CrossCheck - Heed my warnings on the CrossCheck text-similarity site! Authors must be able to test their initial papers BEFORE submission! They need to SEE the quantitative criteria and formulae for rejection! And these policies should be specified very early - long before initial papers are being submitted! Changes can always be made, but they do mean extra work for the Publications Co-Chair (maybe a HUGE amount of work!).
  2. Conference program and papers [USB or Online] - if the program is printed, this goes to conference management company
  3. manually [run, spreadsheet results] CrossCheck LONG BEFORE paper acceptance notices! :

Publications Co-Chair #3 - PDF eXpress problems, Conference program book :
  1. Help authors with PDF eXpress checks on paper formatting - often page [margins, size], maybe fonts etc
  2. Keep this job separate from CrossCheck! Both tasks are time-critical at the same time.
  3. Adapt Yoonsuck Choe's latex setup to produce the conference program. Tomasz Cholewo provides some download material, I think.
  4. Gather material from [INNS, IEEE-CIS] Presidents, IJCNN General Co-Chairs, Pleanary Speakers, Sponsors, etc etc
  5. Online version for public download - with links to papers that are put in same directory.
  6. Printed version for use during the conference - printing is typically arranged by the conference management company (Association Resources for IJCNN2019).

ALL Publications Co-Chairs - manual check of ALL initial submission papers after CrossCheck is run on them all
  1. For 800 papers, I recommend AT LEAST 5 people are needed to manually check ALL pages of ALL initial submission papers. Failing that, I don't belief that a serious, competent] check will be done, based on my experience. It's really boring work that no-one wants to do, and it takes a great deal of time - say 3 minutes per paper at least, plus download times of CrossChecked papers - 7 ours for 100 papers?). Remember, there is no company doing these checks and compilations for us! Besides the Publications Co-Chairs, ask the Technical Co-Chairs to help. EACH volunteer needs to compile lists of [papers, problems] :

Publications Co-Chair #4 - copyrights, overlay [header, footer]s on ALL conference papers (several iterations) :
  1. IEEE electronic Copyright form (eCf) - including "special copyrights", and assurance that the proper copyright notices appear in each final paper. This issue has cost a HUGE amount of Publications Co-Chair time for both IJCNN[2017, 2019], especially 2017 when it failed at a critical moment. Pre-test the system long before paper acceptance notifications to make sure that it works.
  2. Help authors with copyright problems.
  3. Check Cholewo's paper system to make sure that copyright information is getting through. Download paper info to spreadsheet for tracking [missing, problematic] copyrights.
  4. Create a text file of [paper #, Copyright type, paper title], where "Copyright type = one of [CRWN, Euro, IEEE, USGv]. This listing must be updates, as it dictates which final papers are processed to IEEE Xpress status.

Publications Co-Chair #5 - online paper access for conference attendees, CrossCheck results for Publications Committee :
  1. IF online paper access is used in the future, then at least for a couple of years as conference attendees get used to it and as bash scripts or software systems are being built, I strongly recommend that this be handled by a an individual with NO other conference responsibilities.
  2. Contract sftp server, and [modify, augment] scripts to maintain it. For future conferences, automated user de-activation based on cumulative file download volumes is needed.
  3. Upload final papers to sftp system for access by [conference attendees, IEEE-Xplore].
  4. End-user support is the big challenge here - quite frankly, many attendeesstruggle with [simple, basic] software. On the other hand, we all have to use hunderds, perhaps thousands of different software, so no-one wants to become an expert in using yet another package. The great majority of attendees easily use sftp, a fraction cannot seem to get it right.
  5. NO end-user support should be provided during the conference, as this will ruin the volunteer's own participation in sessions etc. Some work is required to add new attendees that registered at the conference. New attendees can look at the [web, blog]-pages, and ask other attendees for advice if they are having trouble.
  6. IEEE Xplore submission post-conference (within 6 weeks!)
  7. Eventually, perhaps the IEEE will contract Tomasz Cholewo to extend his paper review system to handle online paper access. That would be the most efficient apprioach, I think. Even if a Publications Co-Chair does this, sftp is dead simple and robust, so once automated it won't require much time. Most current volunteer [work, time] is user support, but in future attendees should pay consultant for help if they need it, as we shouldn't baby-sit for basic tools like this!
  8. Note that this system would be GREAT to work with CrossCheck results etc within the Publications Committee, long before online access for conference attendees!

Authors' Guide - an historical note and assessment

For IJCNN2019, the [Authors', Publications] Guides were created MAINLY as an aid to help better understand the Publications process, with provision of [information, instructions] to authors being only a side-benefit (targetted to young researchers in particular, and scientists with no familairity with the IEEE systems). This was a trial project, and I DON'T recommend continuing it, as it requires a huge amount of time, and <<1/4 of the papers made use of it. Only IF a targeted survey provides strong support from student authors that it was useful would I recommend considering it, and even then... good luck finding someone as stupid as I to do it!

It is definitely NOT worth doing if the time is not put into regular posting of author inquiries and the solutions to the blogs, with modifications to the pages as required during critical times of [system, process, policy] problems.

If the Authors' Guide is continued by future IJCNNs, then it's important to add a Publications Co-Chair to handle it alone, with committement of othe Organising Committeemembers to copy the Authors' Guide Co-Chair on emails [from, to] authors. Without the latter, the site will rapidly become useless.

Remember that the Authors' Guide covers more than just Publications Issues, and [repeats, overlaps] information available on the official conference website.

Description of the Publications Guide website

The purpose of this Guide is to provide a [simple, compact] description of the Publications Chair's [responsibilities, process, links], especially for volunteers who are new to this role. This web-page is the "home page" for the Guide, providing an overall description. Details that are already available in the Authors' Guide for IEEE conferences are not usually included here. That includes most "policy" details, meaning that authors and chairs will have the same view by looking at the Authors' Guide.

The site is composed of several web-pages, with a [simple, ugly] menu table near the top of each web-page (HTML-only coding). Note that all images have links, and that [People, Contact, mailto] links are specific to the current conference being organised.

I have NOT provided separate blogs for each of the themes of the Publications Chair Guide. Instead, selected emails [from, to] the Publications Chair over the course of the conference organisation are pasted at the bottom of Publications web-pages. These will hopefully provide some valuable [guidance, information] on [processes, contacts, problems, solutions] for future Publications Chairs.

Notes on the Menu of the Publications web-pages (near the top of each page, under the conference image) :
Note also that as of 10Jan2019, this website is [incomplete, sometimes erroneous, user untested].

Publications schedule : [Actions, Processes]

The rough schedule below is based on the IEEE high level conference timeline. For [first time, rare] use, the [terminology, process] of the IEEE system can be a bit confusing. It's important NOT to omit actions at critical stages of the process, and perhaps this Guide will help with that.

The IEEE-MCE webpage "Quick links to Required Forms" (oops - I've lost the link) is a good reference to keep in mind.

WARNING! : My experience with IJCNN[2017, 2019] is that I routinely lose access to ALL of the IEEE systems, including my normal IEEE WebAcess account as a member! This can be very frustrating as it can occur at critical times when I was in a rush. I have no idea of the cause of the problem - some of it is my own fault (somehow), but I suspect that there is a programming glitch somewhere...

Initial setup for IEEE publications :

Month Description


IEEE Conference Application
This is usually prepared by the General Chair(s), but as Publications Chair I did it for IJCNN2019 to speed the processes below up. You must specify the use of IEEE [PDF eXpress Plus, eXplore, CrossCheck] and perhaps a few other details....????


IEEE Letter of Acquisition
The IEEE Conference Application must have been accepted (or at least submitted) before the IEEE Letter of Acquisition can be submitted, but I suggest that you don't wait. Prepare it early, and leave it in "Edit Mode" so that you aren't messing with it if deadlines get compressed.


IEEE Publication Form
"Officially" the IEEE Conference Application (see above) must have been accepted (or at least submitted) before the Publication Form can be submitted, but I suggest that you don't wait. Prepare it early, and leave it in "Edit Mode" so that you aren't messing with it if deadlines get compressed.


IEEE PDF eXpress plus
Following acceptace of the IEEE Publication Form, the IEEE will setup a PDF eXpress Plus site for the conference. They will email you a temporay password and link to the site, and provide a guide for its use. ?Set this system up so that authors can check their paper formats as they START preparing their initial paper submission.?


IEEE Cross-Check
plagiarism checks

After the IEEE Publication Form has been accepted, Register for IEEE CrossCheck when you receive the email notice of acceptance of the IEEE Publication form.


Paper reviews
Tomasz Cholewo's paper submission system is CORE to the publications process!! Tomasz sets it up on request from the Publications Chair (or for IJCNN2019 by inquiry by the INNS management contractor). While not directly involved in the review process, the Publications Chair must be aware of its progress, and prompt the General Co-Chairs if needed for an early setup and testing.
The Publications Chair requires admin priviledges to be able to access papers for [CrossCheck, eCf confirmations, conference program. proceedings]. The [General, Program] Co-Chairs test it with practice submissions, and the INNS management company provides a portal and quick instructions for authors on the site.


IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCf)

After the IEEE Publication Form has been accepted, the IEEE Electronic Copyright Registration Form is sent out to you (or the person who registered the [conference, publications] ~2 WEEKS before the initial Paper Submission deadline that you defined in your ?[IEEE Conference Registration, IEEE Publication]? form.
A link to this form must be provided to authors : in the paper submission confirmation email, on the conference Paper Submissions web-page, and in the Authors' Guide for the IEEE electronic Copyright form (eCf).


IEEE eXplore
web-publishing of conference proceedings
In the IEEE Conference Application, you must have committed to IEEE Xplore web-publishing of conference proceedings. AFTER the conference, papers are packaged with other material, and the package is submitted within ?6 weeks? to IEEE eXplore. ... further comments to be added later ...

Month = months [before(-), after(+)] the conference starts. Numbers in parenthesis are actual times for IJCNN2019.

Short description of key processes :

Follow the [initial, final] paper submissions
: (-6 to -4 months)

IEEE Cross-Check
plagiarism checks

Technical Co-Chairs - do the paper checks, making detailed notes on papers to be considered for rejection consistent with "policies" as described in the Authors' Guide : IEEE CrossCheck web-page, plus feedback from reviewers where available.
Publications Chair provides back-up to assist the Technical Co-Chairs. Also, a list of papers with authors that may be under a "publication ban" is provided to the IEEE Intellectual Property group (IEEE-IP) - see below.
General Co-Chairs make the final decisions on rejections.
IEEE Intellectual Property group (IEEE-IP) - looks closely at the list of authiors potentially under a "publications ban" and confirms whether or not the papers will be removed from the list of papers in IEEE Xplore online proceedings. Note that they are very cautious about this - even if author names are the same as banned authors, it requires confirmation of the instution etc to make sure that innocent authors are not unduly punished.

IEEE PDF eXpress plus
Publications Chair : Respond to any problems that authors are encountering with this, and where appropriate get them to go through PDF eXpress help. Note that most requests for help might go to the [Program, Technical] Co-Chairs.

IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCf)
after the final paper submission deadline

Publications Chair : Double check to make sure that the system is working well before the final paper submisssion deadline! If it fails, as in IJCNN2017, it creates a huge amount of work! Email a reminder to authors who have not yet submitted the eCf. [General, Program] Co-Chairs may also be doing this?

Publish the conference program book

Prepare front-end material : (-6 to -4 months)
INNS managment company : [front&back covers, table of contents, layout of conference rooms, Organising committee list, Topic chairs, ?Reviewers?
[INNS, IEEE-CIS] President, General Co-Chairs] : Write welcome text forthe conference.

Build the conference schedules : after paper acceptance (-6 to -4 months)
[General, Program] Co-Chairs : After the "camera ready" paper submission deadline, iteratively produce the schedule of conference [sessions, papers], using Tomasz Cholewo's paper submission system, and Yoonsuck Choe's Latex setup.
Publications Chair : Produce (via LaTeX) the "program at a glance".

Build the conference program book : after "camera-ready" paper submission deadline (-4 months)
[Publications Chair, INNS management company] : Use the [front end material, conference schedules] and Yoonsuck Choe's Latex setup to iteratively produce the electronic version of the conference program.

Publish and ship the conference program : (-3 months)
This is done by the INNS management company, who selects the publisher. Often a publisher local to the site of the conference is selected.

On-line publishing of conference proceedings
after the conference

IEEE eXplore
(+0.5 month)
Once the conference has taken place, "no show" papers that were not authorized by the ?Program? Co-Chairs are removed from the list of papers that go in the proceedings. ... as I have not personally done this part of the publications, more comments etc should be added by others later. IEEE links do provide many details ...

months [before(-), after(+)] the conference starts

Primary publication duties

A good overall description of the Publications Chair's duties is provided by the IEEE-MCE :

Problems with the conference systems

01Apr2019 Howell's initial comments

We are using fantastic systems for managing the IJCNN conference, including those for [conference website, Cholewo's paper system for [initial, final] paper submissions, IEEE CrossCheck text-similarity, IEEE PDF eXpress checker, IEEE copyright, author conference registrations, etc]. The IEEE provides a wealth of information for each of their systems, including rich sets of FAQs. There is so much information, it can be a barrier even for Organising Committee members, as none of us want to invest a huge amount of time into becoming experts for all details. Pragmatically, it is far more efficient to learn just what is necessary to handle current problems, than to go into details that we will forget immediately anyways, when they won't be useful to the current work at hand.

And yet, there are always problems that cost a lot of time and scrambling to fix, and that are [annoying, scary] for both [authors, Organising Committee]. It is not at all helpful to listen to the [positive, definite] assurances that these systems [are set up, work, don't worry] - these people are usually [wrong, not much help when things do go wrong]. What has worked well is teamwork (Tomasz Cholewo has always been a powerful help for many IJCNNs!!), and this includes the authors, who are sometimes the best trouble-shooters!

Most of the problems for IJCNN[2017, 2019] were associated with the [CrossCheck, PDF eXpress, copyright, final paper] submissions, and these arose from :

Blog (email) exchanges for WCCI2020 advice

The following exchange brings out further comments regarding the organisation ofthe Publications Committee. Note that for IJCNN2019, [Chul Sung, Yoonsuck Choe, Bill Howell] did substantive work on on the Publications tasks, with [Khan Iftekarhudrin, Dongbin Zhao] putting in several hours to help with [CrossCheck, paperformatting] checks of ~200 papers each.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: WCCI2020 Publications notes from IJCNN2019
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:53:11 -0400
From: Chul Sung <>
To: stefano squartini <>
CC: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>

Bill is much above me so I don't have to add on your comments but the below information checklist is very helpful.
And the below link is an online guide for the Attendee sftp downloads of conference papers Bill created.

Dear Conference Organizer:

As you prepare for your conference, we want to take the opportunity to provide you with information on the progress of your copyright compliance and Packing List preparation.

Electronic Copyright:

Included in this email is a link to the "IEEE Electronic Copyright Transfer Report". This report provides the status on transfer of copyright by your conference authors for each of your conference papers.

The report includes: eCF Paper ID, Author Name, Author Email and Copyright Status. Please ensure all authors of accepted papers complete copyright transfer, prior to submission of your final content to IEEE. If your conference is not 100% compliant in regard to copyright transfer; we will be unable to publish your conference proceedings in the IEEE Xplore digital library.

When reviewing your report please be aware of the following:
To access the report, click here

Packing List Preparation (New Features):

In order to ensure eCF compliance you will need to include the following information in your Packing List:

Packing List Checker tool: Utilize this tool to validate the Packing List prior to submission. The Packing List Checker tool should be used anytime a change is made to the Packing List.

If you have any questions regarding the IEEE Electronic Copyright Transfer Report, please contact the IEEE Intellectual Property Rights Office:

Chul Sung

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: RE: WCCI2020 Publications notes from IJCNN2019
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 09:27:09 -0600
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
To: Alice Smith. Publication Co-Chair. WCCI2020 Glasgow. Auburn U. Alabama. USA <>
CC: Stefano Squartini. Publication Co-Chair. WCCI2020 Glasgow. Universita Politecnica Delle Marche. Italy <>

Chul - Again, you will have a valuable perspective on Alice's questions, ideas that are different from mine.

Alice - My intent was to "remove the scariness" of the role, not to induce it. So I guess my email backfired. To me, as long as you have more than enough people on the committee, and somewhat defined [tasks, challenges, roles, etc], Publications will be a [reasonable, pleasant] effort for each Committee member! That's important - otherwise people won't come back to volunteer, and others won't be scared away from assuming the roles.

But if it all falls to two people WITH the new tasks (see "Kill or reduce tasks" below), to do everything is too much, at least for my liking. Approaches that can be [used, mixed] to reduce the workload per Publications Co-Chair include :

What are the most important / minimum steps we need to collectively accomplish for this role?

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: RE: WCCI2020 Publications notes from IJCNN2019
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 10:15:50 +0000
From: Alice Smith <>
To: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
CC: Chul Sung. Publications Chair. IJCNN2019 Budapest. IBM Watson. USA <>

Hi Bill, thank you. I do not really understand what all is needed for this role. And, frankly, your email is scaring me. What are the most important / minimum steps we need to collectively accomplish for this role? Alice

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 6:07 PM
To: Stefano Squartini. Publication Co-Chair. WCCI2020 Glasgow. Universita Politecnica Delle Marche. Italy <>
Cc: Chul Sung. Publications Chair. IJCNN2019 Budapest. IBM Watson. USA <>
Subject: Fwd: WCCI2020 Publications notes from IJCNN2019

Stefano Squartini, Alice Smith - I spent today on finishing touches to the [Authors', Publications] Guides for IJCNN2019, so as to leave some notes and recommendations for future conferences. Even though the [menus, content] have changed, just refresh the webpages linked below to make sure that you are looking at the most recent versions, and the menus for the [Publications, Author] Guides will allow you to access [new, updated] [web, blog]-pages.

From your perspectives, perhaps the most important overall issues relate to :

Chul Sung - You probably have valuable comments to make from your perspective. Don't worry at all about contradicting me, it's important that any [suggestions, comments, criticisms] that you have are made known.

I hope that helps with your WCCI2020 efforts,

Quick description of recent changes, missing components

Authors' Guide - key changes to :
- Attendee downloads of conference papers blog.html
- Attendee downloads of conference papers.html
- Attendee downloads - summary.html
- Paper final submission.html
- Paper formatting.html
- Paper initial submission.html
>> double-check these after "conference guides - update inserts.ndf"

Publications Guide - key changes to :
- PubChair guide.html

Publications Guide - missing web-pages :

Conference program book
- I don't have a full description of Yoonsuck Choe's conference book production via [LaTeX, Perl], but key components are available on my website.

Software consolidation/ description : (mostly bash scripts, QNial programs)
- While all or most software is available on my website, I was going to clean it up, update the files, provide some overall guidance. However, that would take considerable time, and what is posted is a great start if someone wants to use it.

Preliminary suggestions for Publications Chair responsibilities
(from the Publications Guide)
15Aug2019 TOO MUCH WORKLOAD, Howell's additional comments :

Things are far more detailed now than even in the recent past 2-5 years ago. if the new standards are to be maintained, then we need far more volunteeers for Publications, or we should pay more for the management company's time, AND contract IEEE-MCE to do the IEEE system stuff.

I would certainly NEVER do that amount of work again, it was ridiculous.

There is a lot of work associated with the Publications processes, especially when the systems don't work well. I strongly recommend having at least FIVE Publications Co-Chairs (up from my 01Ap2019 recommendation of >=2 Co-Chairs!), which would allow them to focus on specific tasks with some limitation to the time required for each task. For example :

Publications Co-Chair #1 - [setup, testing] of Cholewo's paper review system for copyrights, submitt IEEE applications :

Publications Co-Chair #2 - CrossCheck:

Publications Co-Chair #3 - PDF eXpress problems, Conference program book :

ALL Publications Co-Chairs - manual check of ALL initial submission papers after CrossCheck is run on them all
  • talley CrossCheck key indicators (eg maximum contiguous text similarity, etc) for each paper
  • formatting note for papers with problems - [margins, page size, NO [headersm, footers], font (Liberation Serif), acknowlegments in section before references, etc]
  • collate reports from all"checkers" (Publications Co-Chairs) -
  • email all authors with formatting problems
  • report to General Chair - to reject papers that have not been fixed

    Publications Co-Chair #4 - copyrights, overlay [header, footer]s on ALL conference papers (several iterations) :

    Publications Co-Chair #5 - online paper access for conference attendees, CrossCheck results for Publications Committee :

    -------- Forwarded Message --------
    RE: WCCI2020 Publications notes from IJCNN2019
    Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2019 13:40:37 +0000
    From: Alice Smith <>
    To: stefano squartini <>

    Indeed, thanks. Ciao, Alice

    -------- Forwarded Message --------
    From: stefano squartini <>
    Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2019 11:59 PM
    To: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
    Cc: s.squartini <>
    Subject: Re: WCCI2020 Publications notes from IJCNN2019

    Dear Bill,

    thanks a lot for your email and useful information therein.

    All the best

    -------- Forwarded Message --------
    Subject: WCCI2020 Publications notes from IJCNN2019
    Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2019 16:43:36 -0700
    From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
    To: Stefano Squartini. Publication Co-Chair. WCCI2020 Glasgow. Universita Politecnica Delle Marche. Italy <>

    Stefano, Alice - I created [Authors', Publications] Guides to help me plan Publications-related work for IJCNN2019, and in case these might be of use to you, the links are below in my 25Feb2019 email to Chul Sung, who has taken over from me as IJCNN2019 Publications Chair.

    I started with the Authors' Guide, which provides most of the details, whereas the Publications Guide is mostly for details and processes that would [not help, confuse] authors. As such, the menu at the top of each "Publications Guide" web-page links to the "author" and "blog" web-pages of the "Authors' Guide", but the "Authors' Guide does NOT link to the "Publications Guide" (this can be confusing). The "blogs" in the "Authors' Guide" provide some level of detail about concerns and issues that arose.

    As I haven't done all of the Publications responsibilities, the "Publications Guide" is missing information about the [preparation, printing] of the conference program and USB memory stick of the Proceedings, nor is there anything for the IEEE Xplore post-conference submission of papers for online posting by the IEEE.

    There is, of course, no need to refer to these websites, especially if you've done the Publications Chair job before. Key information is available from the IEEE websites, which change regularly.

    All the best,

    -------- Forwarded Message --------
    Subject: IJCNN [Authors', Publications] IEEE electronic Copyright forms (eCf) - update of sites
    Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 16:45:01 -0700
    From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
    To: Chul Sung. Publications Chair. IJCNN2019 Budapest. IBM. USA <>

    I've updated the web-pages for copyrights :
    You should check the "mailto" links, which are specific to your email address and the topic that authors are inquiring about. I didn't do many changes other than that - just some clean-up and tables of contents for two of the pages. At some time over the next two weeks, I'll update other places where I am linked to (other than for comments to the [Authors', Publications] Guides themselves, although I'll copy you on those).

    That should be it for now - I'll just wait for a link from Tomasz Cholewo to test copyright submissions, but if we don't get anything by Thursday, I think you need to test it with Organising Committee submissions, before the authors try to do it and we run into problems.

    Directory of available files for this webpage

    Many thanks to our Sponsors & Exhibitors

    Ongoing support : [IEEE, IEEE-CIS] for [CEC, FUZZ, IJCNN]; INNS for IJCNN; [IET, EPS] for CEC
    2020 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Glasgow, Scotland.....19-24 July 2020

    2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, HUNGARY.....14-19 July 2019
    Silver(mailto) Silver (mailto) Bronze (mailto) Bronze (mailto)