1c1,2 < / --- > > /0_website notes.txt 2a4 > /201018 Howell, Bill photo.png 5a8 > /Bill Howells videos/120214 Venus et Mars, au dela d'une histoire d amour/Mythology.flv 311a315 > /Bill Howells videos/160901 Big Data, Deep Learning, and Safety/temp.txt 444a449 > /Bill Howells videos/170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Scenes/Hearing_aids/Wang demo 00m46s.MTS 831a837 > /Book [note, review]s/Dobler 2016? The Sun and history.txt 927a934 > /Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/Charvatova, Hejda Aug08 - A possible role of the solar inertial motion in climatic changes.pdf 947a955 > /Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/TMP31F.htm 956a965 > /Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/Verification/TMP31F.htm 1126a1136,1138 > /Climate and sun/Join JPL and Milankovic base data > /Climate and sun/Join JPL and Milankovic base data/horizons_results vectors -3000 to 3000.txt results.txt > /Climate and sun/Join JPL and Milankovic base data/Join JPL and Milankovic.ndf 1142a1155 > /Climate and sun/Laskar etal 2004 - Milankovic data 0-100ky BP (version 1).xls 1149a1163 > /Climate and sun/Vaughan 120324 The Solar Cycle's Footprint on Terrestrial Climate.PDF 1155a1170,1197 > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Abdussamatov, look to Mars for the truth on global warming.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Akasofu, Little Ice Age is still with us.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Allegre's second thoughts.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Dyson, Fighting climate fluff.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Friis-Christensen, Science, not politics.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Griffin, NASA chief silenced.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Gunter, Bright sun, warm Earth Coincidence.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost deniers - Jaworowski, The ice-core man.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Kirkby, clouded research.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Kukla, Forget warming, beware the new ice age.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Landsea, The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Lindzen, The original denier into the cold.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Nordhaus, Discounting logic, economic implications.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Patterson, Solar output drives climate change.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Reiter, Bitten by the IPCC, climate and pandemics.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Revelle, Gores guru disagreed.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Shaviv, Limited role for C02.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Solanki the heats in the sun 09Mar07.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Solomon, End the chill.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Solomon, They call this a consensus.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Svensmark, The sun moves climate change.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Tennekes, the limits of predictability.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Tol, Warming is real and has benefits.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - von Storch, Dire forecasts arent new.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Wegman, Statistics needed.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Weiss, Will the sun cool us.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Wingham, Polar scientists on thin ice.pdf > /Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/FinPost Deniers - Zichichi, Some restraint in Rome.pdf 1215a1258 > /Cool stuff/Davidson - Space eather, am I at risk Nov2018.png 1216a1260 > /Cool stuff/Davidson - Space weather, am I at risk Nov2018.png 1218a1263 > /Cool stuff/Davidson - Space weather health indices Nov2018.png 1231a1277 > /Cool stuff/geoMagField vs globaT 1860-2000.gif 1251a1298 > /Cool stuff/Howell - Alta Potatoe Growers Association FULL version Nov07.ppt 1256a1304 > /Cool stuff/Howell - Rotary Club lessons learned - adapted presentation 22May07.ppt 1276a1325 > /Cool stuff/NOAA - AA geomagnetic index, annual number of days >=60.jpg 1286a1336 > /Cool stuff/Puetz 190113 - 88 year cycle and harmonics.png 1311a1362,1374 > /Crazy ideas > /Crazy ideas/Anti-engineering and the emergence of racisim.pdf > /Crazy ideas/Are we ready for Global Cooling.pdf > /Crazy ideas/A Riddle by, for, of, on, and with the Mind.pdf > /Crazy ideas/Inspirational Friends.pdf > /Crazy ideas/I, Robot.pdf > /Crazy ideas/Mega-Life, Mega-Death, and the invisible hand of the Sun.pdf > /Crazy ideas/Mind and Brain, this debate is back in fashion.pdf > /Crazy ideas/Overbreeding is the first act of war.pdf > /Crazy ideas/Peach fuzz.pdf > /Crazy ideas/Post-mortem of a presentation.pdf > /Crazy ideas/The Basis for Democracy.pdf > /Crazy ideas/The freedom of a robot, the wisdom of Methuseleh.pdf 1314a1378,1379 > /economics, markets/200505 SP500 [Fed, Treasury, Govenment] control zone possibility, TradingView graph.png > /economics, markets/200604 S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror 1970-2020.jpg 1421a1487,1489 > /economics, markets/Fibonacci mirror reflection for a log scale only.jpg > /economics, markets/Fibonacci mirror reflection for a log scale only.xcf > /economics, markets/Fibonacci mirror reflection, log scale labels.xcf 1489a1558 > /economics, markets/Howell - SP500 PE Shiller ratios versus 10 year Treasury bond yields, with earnings growth & discount factors.ods 1510a1580,1597 > /economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index semi-log detrended 1871-1926 & 1926-2020, TradingView gnuplot.plt > /economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index semi-log detrended 1871-1926 & 1926-2020, TradingView.png > /economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index semi-log detrended 1871-1926 & 1926-2020, TradingView - [time, mind] bend.jpg > /economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index semi-log detrended 1871-1926 & 1926-2020, TradingView.xcf > /economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index using TradingView & 2 times yahoo finance gnuplot script.plt > /economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index using TradingView & 2 times yahoo finance.png > /economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index using TradingView & yahoo finance gnuplot script.plt > /economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index using TradingView & yahoo finance.png > /economics, markets/SP500/1951-2020 SP500 index, 83yr-detrended log gnuplot script.plt > /economics, markets/SP500/1951-2020 SP500 index, 83yr-detrended log ratio.png > /economics, markets/SP500/1951-2020 SP500 index gnuplot script.plt > /economics, markets/SP500/1951-2020 SP500 index.png > /economics, markets/S&P500 1970-2020.png > /economics, markets/SP500/200505 SP500 [Fed, Treasury, Govenment] control zone possibility, TradingView graph.png > /economics, markets/SP500/FedReserve control zone > /economics, markets/SP500/FedReserve control zone/200505 SP500 [Fed, Treasury, Govenment] control zone possibility, TradingView graph.png > /economics, markets/SP500/FedReserve control zone/SP500 [Fed, Treasury, Govenment] control zone possibility, TradingView graph.png > /economics, markets/SP500 [Fed, Treasury, Govenment] control zone possibility, TradingView graph.png 1519a1607 > /economics, markets/SP500 Fibonacci mirror comments.txt 1523a1612,1615 > /economics, markets/SP500 Fibonacci mirror measurements.ods > /economics, markets/SP500/Fibonacci mirror reflection for a log scale only.jpg > /economics, markets/SP500/Fibonacci mirror reflection for a log scale only.xcf > /economics, markets/SP500/Fibonacci mirror reflection, log scale labels.xcf 1532a1625,1626 > /economics, markets/SP500/Howell - SP500 PE Shiller ratios versus 10 year Treasury bond yields, with earnings growth & discount factors.ods > /economics, markets/S&P500 Jan-to-Jun2020.png 1563a1658 > /economics, markets/SP500/multi-fractal/SP500 1928-2020 yahoo finance.dat 1588a1684,1685 > /economics, markets/SP500/PineScript story > /economics, markets/SP500/PineScript story/Howell - The three bears and three traders, a PineScript story.txt 1627a1725 > /economics, markets/S&P 500 Shiller-forward PE versus 10y US Treasury bond rates.jpg 1629a1728,1730 > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 1872-2020 TradingView, 1928-2020 yahoo finance.ods > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 1872-2020 TradingView download.dat > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 1872-2020 TradingView.png 1630a1732,1743 > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 1928-2020 yahoo finance.dat > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P500 1970-2020.png > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 data 1928-2020 yahoo finance.dat > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 [Fed, Treasury, Govenment] control zone possibility, TradingView graph.png > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 Fibonacci mirror comments.txt > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 Fibonacci mirror measurements.ods > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P500 Jan-to-Jun2020.png > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P500 Jun2015-Jun2020.png > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P 500 Shiller-forward PE versus 10y US Treasury bond rates.jpg > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 Shiller ratios vs 10y Treasury bill gnuplot script.plt > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 Shiller ratios vs 10y Treasury bill results.dat > /economics, markets/SP500/SP500 TradingView eyeballed trends for (1872-1926) and (1926-2020).png 1631a1745,1749 > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror 1872-2020.jpg > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror 1970-2020.jpg > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror 1970-2020.xcf > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror Jan-Jun2020.jpg > /economics, markets/SP500/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror Jan-Jun2020.xcf 1636a1755,1759 > /economics, markets/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror 1872-2020.jpg > /economics, markets/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror 1970-2020.jpg > /economics, markets/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror 1970-2020.xcf > /economics, markets/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror Jan-Jun2020.jpg > /economics, markets/S&P500 with Fibonacci mirror Jan-Jun2020.xcf 1812a1936 > /.goutputstream-VMLO0V 1813a1938 > /History/070404 Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death and the Sun II, towards a quasi-predictive model of the rise and fall of civilisations.pdf 1815a1941,1943 > /History/Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death and the Sun II, the rise and fall of civilisations 070404.pdf > /History/Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death and the Sun II, towards a quasi-predictive model of the rise and fall of civilisations.pdf > /History/Howell - solar influence on civilizations, Appendix.pdf 1816a1945,1951 > /Hodge-Podge/160219 Strathmore Times - Wheatland Hospice.png > /Hodge-Podge/180619 Chairs, cooler, scooter.jpg > /Hodge-Podge/180619 Jackets.jpg > /Hodge-Podge/180619 Shoes, jacket, hoodies.jpg > /Hodge-Podge/180619 Sombrero, baseball gloves.jpg > /Howell_photo_Nov05_light.jpg > /Howells projects 141126.ods 1830a1966 > /Hussar/SummerDaze/_contacts Hussar SummerDaze.ods 1869a2006 > /Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists/Comparison of basic physics concepts/Comparison of basic physics concepts.log 1910a2048 > /Lucas/context/d-dt Rpcs^-5*t*_cos - 1 comments.txt 1988a2127 > /Lucas/math Howell/cos - 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fishing.jpg > /Neil Howell/075 1984 Young Girl.jpg > /Neil Howell/076 1984 Edna's Friend.jpg > /Neil Howell/078 1984 Nit Nat Mother & Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/083 1984 Dan George.jpg > /Neil Howell/084 1984 Lanal Player.jpg > /Neil Howell/086 1984 Rudy the Rooster.jpg > /Neil Howell/087 1984 Dancer.jpg > /Neil Howell/088 1984 Miracle Beach (Boy on Sand).jpg > /Neil Howell/089 1984 Lahal Player.jpg > /Neil Howell/090 1984 Indian Girl .jpg > /Neil Howell/091 1984 Dan George art study.jpg > /Neil Howell/091b 1984 Dan George art study.jpg > /Neil Howell/092 1984 Indian Warrior.jpg > /Neil Howell/093 1984 Kingcome Matriarch.jpg > /Neil Howell/094 1984 Indian Girl .jpg > /Neil Howell/095 1984 Fishing Nude.jpg > /Neil Howell/096 1984 Harpoon Lady in Nude.jpg > /Neil Howell/097 1984 Young Dancer & Admirers.jpg > /Neil Howell/098 1984 Wee Wee Chief.jpg > /Neil Howell/099 1984 Catching a Ride.jpg > /Neil Howell/0_Neil Howell - Mountie art show poster 17Jun1992.png > /Neil Howell/100 1984 Catching a Ride II.jpg > /Neil Howell/101 1984 Woman & Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/102 1984 M Rutherford.jpg > /Neil Howell/103 1984 Geronimo.jpg > /Neil Howell/104 1984 Quarter Done.jpg > /Neil Howell/105 1984 T Stockington.jpg > /Neil Howell/106 1984 Owns a White Shield.jpg > /Neil Howell/107 1984 Young Dancer .jpg > /Neil Howell/109 1984 Maiden Dancer.jpg > /Neil Howell/110 1984 Dan George.jpg > /Neil Howell/111 1984 Can Cun Flower Girl.jpg > /Neil Howell/113 1984-85 Alan Sapp.jpg > /Neil Howell/114 1984-85 Apache I.jpg > /Neil Howell/115 1984-85 Mississippi River Boat.jpg > /Neil Howell/116 1984-85 Clean Jump.jpg > /Neil Howell/117 1984-85 Apache II.jpg > /Neil Howell/121 1985-86 Dan George.jpg > /Neil Howell/122 1985-86 Dancer.jpg > /Neil Howell/123 1985-86 Lt. Col. (USA) Carlson.jpg > /Neil Howell/124 1985-86 Col. Dobson.jpg > /Neil Howell/125 1985-86 Boy and Dog.jpg > /Neil Howell/126 1985-86 Joel Rabu (singer).jpg > /Neil Howell/127 1985-86 Peruvisn Child (circlular).jpg > /Neil Howell/128 1985-86 Armin Withoeff (artist).jpg > /Neil Howell/129 1985-86 Peruvian Church.jpg > /Neil Howell/130 1985-86 Girl and Lamb.jpg > /Neil Howell/131 1985-86 Peruvian Church II.jpg > /Neil Howell/132 1985-86 Ted's Dog.jpg > /Neil Howell/133 1985-86 Dad's Dog.jpg > /Neil Howell/134 1985-86 Ottawa Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/135 1985-86 Dan George.jpg > /Neil Howell/136 1985-86 Dan George photo.jpg > /Neil Howell/137 1985-86 Peruvian Miss I.jpg > /Neil Howell/138 1985-86 Peruvian Miss II.jpg > /Neil Howell/139 1985-86 Red Crow.jpg > /Neil Howell/140 1985-86 Dancer's Daughter.jpg > /Neil Howell/141 1985-86 Young Maid.jpg > /Neil Howell/142 1985-86 Dan George.jpg > /Neil Howell/143 1985-86 Wee Darvuud.jpg > /Neil Howell/144 1985-86 Lynne Peraux.jpg > /Neil Howell/145 1985-86 Larry Welsh.jpg > /Neil Howell/146 1985-86 Deep Cove Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/147 1985-86 Salish Man.jpg > /Neil Howell/148 1985-86 Bill McBean.jpg > /Neil Howell/149 1985-86 Blackfoot Person.jpg > /Neil Howell/150 1985-86 Dan George.jpg > /Neil Howell/151 1985-86 Dan George.jpg > /Neil Howell/152 1985-86 Dancer.jpg > /Neil Howell/153 1985-86 Mark Reed.jpg > /Neil Howell/154 1985-86 Old Man at Pole Rising.jpg > /Neil Howell/155 1985-86 Jessy (Doug Hall's daughter).jpg > /Neil Howell/156 1985-86 Piggy Back at Lummi.jpg > /Neil Howell/157 1985-86 J. Milhill.jpg > /Neil Howell/158 1985-86 Boy and Surf at Lahaina.jpg > /Neil Howell/159 1985-86 Plantation Girl at Lahaina.jpg > /Neil Howell/160 1985-86 Greg's Fishing Partner.jpg > /Neil Howell/161 1985-86 Emily Frak.jpg > /Neil Howell/162 1985-86 Recess at Lahaina.jpg > /Neil Howell/163 1985-86 Still Life.jpg > /Neil Howell/164 1985-86 Swans at Kelsey.jpg > /Neil Howell/164b 1985-86 Swans at Kelsey.jpg > /Neil Howell/165 1985-86 Bill's Dog.jpg > /Neil Howell/166 1985-86 Cape Mudge Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/167 1985-86 Beach at Khea.jpg > /Neil Howell/167 1985-86 Sid Williams.jpg > /Neil Howell/169 1985-86 Drilling Rig Pre Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/169b 1985-86 Drilling Rig Pre Study - Sart.jpg > /Neil Howell/170 1985-86 Mrs. Frank.jpg > /Neil Howell/171 1985-86 Masai Girl.jpg > /Neil Howell/172 1985-86 Young Girl.jpg > /Neil Howell/173 1985-86 Catherine.jpg > /Neil Howell/174 1985-86 Father & Son.jpg > /Neil Howell/175 1985-86 Mother & Daughter.jpg > /Neil Howell/176 1985-86 Young Boy.jpg > /Neil Howell/177 1985-86 Girl's Portrait.jpg > /Neil Howell/178 1985-86 Girl on Fence.jpg > /Neil Howell/179 1985-86 Father & Daughter, Lummi.jpg > /Neil Howell/180 1985-86 Swiss Carver.jpg > /Neil Howell/181 1985-86 Woman & Large Red Hat.jpg > /Neil Howell/182 1985-86 Young Boy with Balloons.jpg > /Neil Howell/183 1985-86 Sean, Get the Motor Up.jpg > /Neil Howell/184 1985-86 Jock.jpg > /Neil Howell/185 1985-86 Metah Zubin.jpg > /Neil Howell/186 1985-86 Child and Doll.jpg > /Neil Howell/187 1985-86 Still Life.jpg > /Neil Howell/188 1985-86 Walking Buffalo.jpg > /Neil Howell/189 1985-86 Wee Competitor.jpg > /Neil Howell/190 1985-86 Jim Oakley.jpg > /Neil Howell/191 1985-86 Who Wants to Race.jpg > /Neil Howell/192 1985-86 Young Girl.jpg > /Neil Howell/193 1985-86 Tataga Man.jpg > /Neil Howell/194 1985-86 Logging the Butte.jpg > /Neil Howell/195 1985-86 Girl & Doll prestudy.jpg > /Neil Howell/197 1986-88 Mike Creeden.jpg > /Neil Howell/198 1986-88 Dan George Grand Niece.jpg > /Neil Howell/199 1986-88 Crazy Horse.jpg > /Neil Howell/200 1986-88 Prestudy - Tony Bennett.jpg > /Neil Howell/201 1986-88 Dan George.jpg > /Neil Howell/202 1986-88 Young Boy Playing.jpg > /Neil Howell/203 1986-88 Orca in Comox Harbour.jpg > /Neil Howell/204 1986-88 Glen Cochrane.jpg > /Neil Howell/205 1986-88 Pre Study - Young Woman.jpg > /Neil Howell/206 1986-88 Girl in Wrap.jpg > /Neil Howell/207 1986-88 Young Boy on Ferry.jpg > /Neil Howell/208 1986-88 Is That the Trophy.jpg > /Neil Howell/209 1986-88 Friends at a Race.jpg > /Neil Howell/210 1986-88 Crazy Horse Impression II.jpg > /Neil Howell/211 1986-88 Young Girl and Flower.jpg > /Neil Howell/212 1986-88 Miss Grey Bear.jpg > /Neil Howell/213 1986-88 Chicken Dancer I.jpg > /Neil Howell/214 1986-88 Chicken Dancer II.jpg > /Neil Howell/215 1986-88 Old Lady.jpg > /Neil Howell/216 1986-88 Pre Study - Indian Child's Face.jpg > /Neil Howell/217 1986-88 Red Crow.jpg > /Neil Howell/218 1986-88 Gleichen, Three Generations.jpg > /Neil Howell/219 1986-88 Campbell River Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/220 1986-88 Jenny Alexander.jpg > /Neil Howell/221 1986-88 Pete Robinson (artist).jpg > /Neil Howell/222 1986-88 Tyee Pool at Dawn or 223 Gleichen Pow Wow Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/230 1986-88 Old Woman - Gleichen.jpg > /Neil Howell/231 1986-88 Face Art - Expo '86.jpg > /Neil Howell/233 1986-88 Child on Aoyama I - Tokyo.jpg > /Neil Howell/234 1986-88 Ted - Which one is the Tyee.jpg > /Neil Howell/235 1986-88 Child on Aoyama II - Tokyo.jpg > /Neil Howell/236 1986-88 Child on Aoyama III - Tokyo.jpg > /Neil Howell/237 1986-88 Dan George - Niece at Lummi.jpg > /Neil Howell/238 1986-88 Bill Maximick.jpg > /Neil Howell/239 1986-88 Beauty of Tokyo.jpg > /Neil Howell/240 1986-88 Catherine's Clown.jpg > /Neil Howell/241 1986-88 Child in Tokyo I.jpg > /Neil Howell/242 1986-88 Child in Tokyo II.jpg > /Neil Howell/243 1986-88 Child in Tokyo III.jpg > /Neil Howell/244 1986-88 Child in Tokyo - Pre Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/245 1986-88 Nude.jpg > /Neil Howell/246 1986-88 Ballet Russe de Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/247 1986-88 Chief Joseph.jpg > /Neil Howell/248 1986-88 Red Crow.jpg > /Neil Howell/249 1988 Pre Study - Buster.jpg > /Neil Howell/251 1988-89 Fiesta del Huamachuco.jpg > /Neil Howell/252 1988-89 Young Girl - Huamachuco.jpg > /Neil Howell/253 1988-89 Pre Study - Wood Vendor of Huamachuco.jpg > /Neil Howell/254 1988-89 Wood Vendor of Huamachuco.jpg > /Neil Howell/255 1989 Dianne Donaldson.jpg > /Neil Howell/256 1988-89 Mother & Daughter - Reggae Con.jpg > /Neil Howell/257 1988-89 Peruvian & Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/258 1988-89 Norwood Rodeo.jpg > /Neil Howell/259 1988-89 Walking Buffalo.jpg > /Neil Howell/260 1988-89 J Miaize.jpg > /Neil Howell/261 1988-89 Comox Mask.jpg > /Neil Howell/266 1988 Comox Mask.jpg > /Neil Howell/267 1988 Wood Vendor.jpg > /Neil Howell/268 1988 Blackfoot Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/269 1988 Fred Coles.jpg > /Neil Howell/270 1988 Keith Farries.jpg > /Neil Howell/271 1988 N Marano.jpg > /Neil Howell/272 1988 Pat Shouldice.jpg > /Neil Howell/273 1988 Special Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/274 1989 Water Lilies at Filberg Lodge.jpg > /Neil Howell/276 1989 Emperor Hirohito I.jpg > /Neil Howell/277 1989 Emperor Hirohito II.jpg > /Neil Howell/278 1989 Dick Cosgrave.jpg > /Neil Howell/279 1989 Joe Swampy - Pre Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/280 1989 Joe Swampy .jpg > /Neil Howell/282 1989 Alicia Bowen.jpg > /Neil Howell/283 1989 Dale Simmons.jpg > /Neil Howell/284 1989 Rudy Snurch - (Artist).jpg > /Neil Howell/285 1989 Miss Bowen.jpg > /Neil Howell/286 1989 Nuu Chah Nulth Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/287 1989 Flower Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/288 1989 Fence Cowboys I.jpg > /Neil Howell/297 1989 Potlatch at Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/298 1989 Island Maid II.jpg > /Neil Howell/299 1989 Comox Potlatch.jpg > /Neil Howell/300 1989 Tsonokwa Mask I.jpg > /Neil Howell/301 1989 Tsonokwa Mask II.jpg > /Neil Howell/304 1989 Indian Face Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/311 1989 You'd Never Believe It.jpg > /Neil Howell/316 1989 Comox Potlatch Pre Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/317 1989 Norwood Rodeo.jpg > /Neil Howell/318 1989 Nancy Hall.jpg > /Neil Howell/319 1989 Tsonokwa Mask.jpg > /Neil Howell/320 1989 Child Going to Mass, Can Cun.jpg > /Neil Howell/321 1989 Norwood Rodeo IV.jpg > /Neil Howell/322 1989 Norwood Rodeo V.jpg > /Neil Howell/323 1989 Tsonokwa Mask.jpg > /Neil Howell/324 1990 Young Dancer.jpg > /Neil Howell/325 1990 Children at Track.jpg > /Neil Howell/326 1990 Man of Peru.jpg > /Neil Howell/327 1990 Child at Harajuko I.jpg > /Neil Howell/328 1990 Child & Mother at Harajuko .jpg > /Neil Howell/329 1990 Young Dancer - Pre Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/330 1990 Child at Harajuko II.jpg > /Neil Howell/331 1990 Japanese Lady.jpg > /Neil Howell/332 1990 Nancy Logan.jpg > /Neil Howell/333 1990 Child at Harajuko III.jpg > /Neil Howell/334 1990 Drummer at Stern River.jpg > /Neil Howell/335 1990 Drummer at Stern River.jpg > /Neil Howell/336 1990 Child at Harajuko IV.jpg > /Neil Howell/337 1990 King Tut.jpg > /Neil Howell/338 1990 Young Dancer .jpg > /Neil Howell/339 1990 Child at Harajuku V.jpg > /Neil Howell/340 1990 Mother & Child - Tokyo.jpg > /Neil Howell/341 1990 For Want of a Nail - RCMP .jpg > /Neil Howell/342 1990 Young Girl at Mission.jpg > /Neil Howell/343 1990 Child at Pow Wow.jpg > /Neil Howell/344 1990 Dan George Great Grand Neice.jpg > /Neil Howell/345 1990 Nuu Chah Nulth Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/346 1990 Kwi Kwi - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/347 1990 Tsonokwa Mask - Echo Bay.jpg > /Neil Howell/348 1990 Child & Mother at Harajuko .jpg > /Neil Howell/349 1990 Clay Horse - Nuanedi's Tomb.jpg > /Neil Howell/350 1990 Comox Potlatch .jpg > /Neil Howell/351 1990 Crooked Beak - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/352 1990 Toonokw = Echo Bay.jpg > /Neil Howell/353 1990 Olga - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/354 1990 Xavier Willemar - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/355 1990 Hopi Woman I.jpg > /Neil Howell/356 1990 Hopi Woman II.jpg > /Neil Howell/357 1990 Deep Cove Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/358 1990 Pow Wow Dancer I.jpg > /Neil Howell/359 1990 Pow Wow Dancer II.jpg > /Neil Howell/360 1990 Butterfly Mask - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/361 1990 Crooked Beak - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/362 1991 Young Girl Dancing - Mission.jpg > /Neil Howell/363 1991 Spectator - Tivoli Park, Denmark.jpg > /Neil Howell/364 1991 Rodeo Clown - Norwood.jpg > /Neil Howell/365 1991 Wonder Who Won - Mission.jpg > /Neil Howell/366 1991 Bill & Catherine.jpg > /Neil Howell/367 1991 Pre Show Drill - RCMP.jpg > /Neil Howell/368 1991 Rodeo - Norwood.jpg > /Neil Howell/369 1991 Rodeo - Norwood.jpg > /Neil Howell/371 1991-92 Chief John Nelson.jpg > /Neil Howell/372 1991-92 Farrier - RCMP.jpg > /Neil Howell/373 1991-92 Gleichen Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/374 1991-92 Greg & Kisha.jpg > /Neil Howell/375 1991-92 Davis.jpg > /Neil Howell/376 1991-92 Bar 7 S.jpg > /Neil Howell/377 1991-92 Lance Talk - RCMP IV.jpg > /Neil Howell/378 1991-92 Luc with a Carrot - RCMP V.jpg > /Neil Howell/379 1991-92 Luc & Horse - RCMP VI.jpg > /Neil Howell/381 1991-92 Pueblo Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/382 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride VII.jpg > /Neil Howell/383 1991-92 Mayan Friends - Tres Reyes.jpg > /Neil Howell/384 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride VIII.jpg > /Neil Howell/385 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride IX.jpg > /Neil Howell/386 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride X.jpg > /Neil Howell/387 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XI.jpg > /Neil Howell/388 1991-92 Mike Taylor & Friend.jpg > /Neil Howell/389 1991-92 RCMP Mucical Ride XII.jpg > /Neil Howell/390 1991-92 Tony De Concini.jpg > /Neil Howell/391 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XIII.jpg > /Neil Howell/392 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XIV.jpg > /Neil Howell/393 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XV.jpg > /Neil Howell/394 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XVI.jpg > /Neil Howell/395 1991-92 Kiwita Speck (Ostrich Egg).jpg > /Neil Howell/396 1991-92 RCMP Mucical Ride XVII.jpg > /Neil Howell/397 1991-92 Snowbird I.jpg > /Neil Howell/398 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XVIII.jpg > /Neil Howell/399 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XIX.jpg > /Neil Howell/400 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XX.jpg > /Neil Howell/401 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XXI.jpg > /Neil Howell/402 1991-92 RCMP Musical Ride XXII.jpg > /Neil Howell/403 1992 C. O. of Comox Base & Wife.jpg > /Neil Howell/404 1992 Kiwita Speck.jpg > /Neil Howell/405 1992 RCMP Rider on White Horse.jpg > /Neil Howell/406 1992 Charge II - RCMP.jpg > /Neil Howell/407 1992 Father & Son - Reggae at Calgary.jpg > /Neil Howell/408 1992 Folk Dancer - Cancun.jpg > /Neil Howell/409 1992 Child - Tokyo.jpg > /Neil Howell/410 1992 Child Demo.jpg > /Neil Howell/411 1992 Grandchildren of Col. Gordon & Alice Hynes.jpg > /Neil Howell/412 1992 Portrait of Young Woman I.jpg > /Neil Howell/413 1992 RCMP Rider XXIII.jpg > /Neil Howell/414 1992 Portrait of Young Woman I II.jpg > /Neil Howell/415 1992 Town of Comox Mayor and Dignitaries.jpg > /Neil Howell/416 1992 Portrait of Man of Phone.jpg > /Neil Howell/417 1992 Bob Laidlaw.jpg > /Neil Howell/418 1992 Portrait of Man of Sculptor.jpg > /Neil Howell/419 1992 Tokyo Woman I.jpg > /Neil Howell/420 1992 Tokyo Woman II.jpg > /Neil Howell/421 1992 Tony DeConcini.jpg > /Neil Howell/422 1992 Nicholas Hurd (On Ostrich Egg).jpg > /Neil Howell/422b 1992 Nicholas Hurd (On Ostrich Egg).jpg > /Neil Howell/423 1992 Calgary Tradition (Chuckwagon Racer).jpg > /Neil Howell/424 1992 RCMP Musical Ride XXIII.jpg > /Neil Howell/426 1993 Queneesh Legend - Comox Band I.jpg > /Neil Howell/427 1993 Queneesh Legend - Comox Band II.jpg > /Neil Howell/428 1993 Queneesh Legend - Comox Band V.jpg > /Neil Howell/429 1993 Queneesh Legend - Comox Band III.jpg > /Neil Howell/430 1993 Queneesh Legend - Comox Band IV.jpg > /Neil Howell/431 1993 Queneesh Legend - Comox Band VI.jpg > /Neil Howell/432 1993 Queneesh Legend - Comox Band VII.jpg > /Neil Howell/433 1993 Portrait of Young Woman .jpg > /Neil Howell/434 1993 Pueblo Child Dancer II.jpg > /Neil Howell/435 1993 Marty Douglas.jpg > /Neil Howell/436 1993 Chief Frank Greeting War Boats - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/437 1993 Sean Frank - Comox Band.jpg > /Neil Howell/438 1993 Laura Howell - Comox Band.jpg > /Neil Howell/439 1993-94 Harajuku Miss - Tokyo I.jpg > /Neil Howell/440 1993-94 Harajuku Mill - Tokyo II.jpg > /Neil Howell/441 1993-94 Kiwita Speck & Sister .jpg > /Neil Howell/442 1993-94 Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/443 1993-94 Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/444 1993-94 Mother & Child - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/445 1993-94 Comox Village ca. 1872 - Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/446 1993-94 Chuck Walonnels Son.jpg > /Neil Howell/447 1993-94 Sean Franks - Comox Band.jpg > /Neil Howell/448 1993-94 Neil Howell looking at War Boat Launch.jpg > /Neil Howell/449 1993-94 Greg's Dog.jpg > /Neil Howell/450 1993-94 Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/451 1994 Tsonokwa Mask - Comox - noshow.jpg > /Neil Howell/452 1994-95 Tsonokwa Mask - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/455 1994-95 Tokyo Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/456 1994-95 Sean Franks - Comox.jpg > /Neil Howell/458 1994-95 Mesa Moss.jpg > /Neil Howell/459 1994-95 Hara Juku - Tokyo.jpg > /Neil Howell/461 1994-95 Mayan Sculpture - Cancun.jpg > /Neil Howell/462 1994-95 Tokyo Miss.jpg > /Neil Howell/463 1994-95 Tokyo Miss.jpg > /Neil Howell/464 1995 Summerland Rodeo I.jpg > /Neil Howell/466 1995-97 Indian Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/467 1995-97 Potktn I.jpg > /Neil Howell/468 1995-97 Penticton Pow Wow I.jpg > /Neil Howell/469 1995-97 Potktn III.jpg > /Neil Howell/472 1997- Summerland Cowboy.jpg > /Neil Howell/473 1997- Vancouver Family.jpg > /Neil Howell/474 1997- Joanne Speck.jpg > /Neil Howell/475 1997- Tokyo Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/476 1997- Penticton Pow Wow IV.jpg > /Neil Howell/477 1997- Scene - West of Kamloops.jpg > /Neil Howell/478 1997- Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/479 1997- Tokyo Study.jpg > /Neil Howell/480 1997- Harajuku Child - Tokyo .jpg > /Neil Howell/481 1997- Tokyo Mother & Child.jpg > /Neil Howell/482 1997- Small Child Board Game.jpg > /Neil Howell/484 1997- Calgary Stampede.jpg 2540a3074 > /Neil Howell/_List of paintings.ods 3109a3644,3645 > /Neural nets/Howell 140116 example peer review - Anti-Windup for time-varying delayed CNNs subject to Input Saturation.pdf > /Neural nets/Howell 141014 example peer review - Fully probabilistic control.pdf 3215a3752 > /Nial Systems Limited.JPG 3363a3901,3904 > /Pandemics, health, and the Sun/Tapping, Mathias, Surkan - influenza pandemics since 1720.JPG > /Pandemics, health, and the Sun/Tapping, Mathias, Surkan - Pandemics & solar activity.pdf > /Pandemics, health, and the Sun/Tapping, Mathias, Surkan - solar phase and influenza pandemics.JPG > /Pandemics, health, and the Sun/Tapping, Mathias, Surkan - the last 4 influenza pandemics.JPG 3399a3941 > /Paul L Vaughan/Vaughan 120324 The Solar Cycle's Footprint on Terrestrial Climate.PDF 3460a4003 > /Personal/121225 Howells recent changes – career and location.odt 3461a4005 > /Personal/121225 Howells recent changes – career and location.pdf 3534a4079,4080 > /Personal/181211 262 Howell van versus semi.jpg > /Personal/181211 886 Howell van versus semi.jpg 3597a4144 > /Professional & Resume/Howell - 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