#] #] ********************* #] "$d_SysMaint"'webSite/0_website bash notes.txt' - bash-related webSite maintenance & tracking www.BillHowell.ca 15May2020 initial To view this file - use a text editor (not word processor) constant width font (eg courrier 10), tab - 3 spaces 48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generated with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_SysMaint"'webSite/0_website bash notes.txt' | sed 's/^#\]/ /' # ********************* "$d_SysMaint"'webSite/0_website bash notes.txt' +-----+ Instructions : see also notes : bash-related!! : QNial-related : USE lftp for [webSite, ssh] deletion of files not on d_webSite - much slower, hopefully more reliable? DON'T use FileZilla for massive stuff!!!! - reloads most of webSite every time!!!! OLD or small transfers : To update website : Make sure that upload transfer settings are correct!!! Remove remaining transfer queue : Re-instate transfer only newer files : 16Feb2023 externalURL-only approach to links: simpler, safer, faster maintenance comments to come later... +-----+ 16Feb2023 executeEmbed examples - old double-step webSite management coding 11Dec2020 Fixes : confGuides Header - QNial program to do it 10Dec2020 Fixes : confGuides Menus, webPageSite_update 10Dec2020 Fix webpage menu links 04Oct2020 Fix webpage links 02Oct2020 website update - check all links 22Sep2020 rsync WebRaw -> Web 18May2020 Graphs of corona virus by country, grouped by region 15May2020 Scandanavia corona virus, response to Ian Hepher's Facebook post 15May2020 Cool email notifications, eg Russ Hall 24Apr2020 put in for updates of ONLY changed dw_base html files (NYET!) 23Apr2020 du --all --max-depth=2 /home/bill/PROJECTS/System_maintenance 22Apr2020 update_webPage IS OP webPage 22Apr2020 find "$d_webRawe" "file-insert" "*.html" files 48************************************************48 #] +-----+ #] Instructions : #] see also notes : #] bash-related!! : "$d_SysMaint"'webSite/0_website bash notes.txt' - bash-related webSite maintenance & tracking "$d_SysMaint"'webSite/1_website bash upload instructions.txt' - bash-related webSite instructions "$d_SysMaint"'internet & wifi/lftp notes.txt' "$d_PROJECTS""bin - secure/lftp update www-BillHowell-ca.sh" - main tool for webSite updates (not FileZilla) #] QNial-related : "$d_Qndfs"'webSite/0_webSite QNial notes.txt' - QNial webSite notes for maintenance & tracking "$d_Qndfs""webSite/1_webSite QNial process instructions.txt" - fixes for webSite link problems #] USE lftp for [webSite, ssh] deletion of files not on d_webSite - #] much slower, hopefully more reliable? $ bash "$d_PROJECTS""bin - secure/lftp update www-BillHowell-ca.sh" >> isn't working well, script problems? 09Dec2020 WARNING! did my lftp settings pass permissions to the website, denying access to the public for many directories? vsftpd - very fast, use this? (secure - don't need for my website, though) 05Jul2022 : #] DON'T use FileZilla for massive stuff!!!! - reloads most of webSite every time!!!! just use it for very limited transfers - manually-sellected, small directories etc +-----+ #] OLD or small transfers : To update website : 1. rsync PROJECTS -> WebRaw 2. rsync WebRaw -> Web but xHTML exclusions (doesn't update html files) 3. update [*.htm, menu] files in WebRaw 4. QNial "Website updates.ndf" - to update Web/*.html files 5. rsync or FileZilla Web -> http://www.BillHowell.ca a) FileZilla check file transfer settings!! - see details next sub-section below 6. Add : Sarah, Catherine links +-----+ #] Make sure that upload transfer settings are correct!!! Menu -> View -> Directory listing filters -> check ONLY "Temporary & backup files" for local filters -> Edit filter rules -> "Temporary & backup files" : Filename ends with : [~, .bak.] Filename contains : [References, z_Archive, z_Old, z_References] UN-check : Conditions are case sensitive, check : Filter applies to : Files, Directories Click OK to retain changes #] Remove remaining transfer queue : Menu -> Edit -> Clear private data -> check Clear transfer queue box click in transfer [queued files, failed transfers, successful transfers] windows and [clear, delete] lists after all done #] Re-instate transfer only newer files : Menu -> Edit -> settings -> Transfers -> File exists action : Downloads -> Overwrite file if source file newer Uploads -> Overwrite file if source file newer #] 16Feb2023 externalURL-only approach to links: simpler, safer, faster maintenance #] comments to come later... ## 24************************24 #] +-----+ #] ToDos : #] 18Feb2023 process for webSiteLinks update : see #] +-----+ 48************************************************48 08********08 #] ??Jul2023 08********08 #] ??Jul2023 08********08 #] ??Jul2023 08********08 #] ??Jul2023 08********08 #] 28Jul2023 must setup test for povr[,L]_pStrPL_replace see "$d_bin"'0_test/fileops/povr_strP_replace/0_povr_strP_replace_test notes.txt' +-----+ olde code 08********08 #] 26Jul2023 one-time convert all "interWebPage links" : oops, forgot about letter case : change : povrL_strP_replace 1 "$pAllL" 'http:\/\/www\.billhowell\.ca\/' '/home/bill/web/' to : povrL_strP_replace 1 "$pAllL" 'http:\/\/www\.BillHowell\.ca\/' '/home/bill/web/' >> BINGO! it worked! pLinkL_create() # create lists of [HREF, IMG] links, ignores intra-webPage links take out temporarily (already done) : http:\/\/www\.billhowell\.ca\/ /home/bill/web/ http:\/\/www\.BillHowell\.ca\/ /home/bill/web/ for pStrPL="$dWebWork"'pStrPL urls interWebPage short-to-longs.txt' : geany regexpr search \. replace \\. search \/ replace \\/ search \n replace \t"/home/bill/web/ 08********08 #] 26Jul2023 revamp "$d_bin"'webSiteLinks update.sh' : pLsts_create() $ bash "$d_bin"'webSiteLinks update.sh' /home/bill/web/bin/webSiteLinks update.sh: line 310: syntax error: unexpected end of file >> hard to find problem - check fileops.sh $ bash "$d_bin"'fileops.sh' ~ >> That's not a problem? change : source "$d_bin"'fileops.sh' to : source "$d_bin"'fileops.sh' >> OK, looks good, but no output : $ bash "$d_bin"'fileops.sh' ~ $ dWebWork="$d_web"'webWork/' ~ $ pHdrFootL="$dWebWork"'urls pL webWork [head, foot].txt' ~ $ find "$dWebWork" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*[head, foot]*.html" >"$pHdrFootL" ~ >> this works perfectly, why doesn't pLsts_create()? $ bash "$d_bin"'webSiteLinks update.sh' /home/bill/web/bin/webSiteLinks update.sh: line 161: syntax error: unexpected end of file >> NUTS!!! back to mysterious error!! $ dWebWork="$d_web"'webWork/' ~ $ pHdrFootL="$dWebWork"'urls create webWork [head, foot].txt' ~ $ find "$dWebWork" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*[head, foot]*.html" >"$pHdrFootL" ~ >> again, works perfectly why doesn't script work? oops, fNam changes : no longer "*[head, foot]*.html" $ pHdrFootL="$dWebWork"'urls create [head, foot].txt' ~ $ find "$dWebWork" -maxdepth 1 | grep "^head\|footer" >"$pHdrFootL" ~ >> OK with footers, but no heads?!?! >> can't use `^ in grep? >> but now get 'pinnL heads test one.txt' and junk like that Idiot!! path, not fname : $ find "$dWebWork" -maxdepth 1 | grep "\/head" >"$pHdrFootL" ~ >> works great $ find "$dWebWork" -maxdepth 1 | grep "\/head\|\/footer" | sort >"$pHdrFootL" ~ >> even better $ find "$d_web" -type f -name "*.html" | grep --invert-match "z_Old\|z_Archive\|z_History\|Conference guides\|webWork\|code develop_test\|Cool emails\|References" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep -i --with-filename ': No such file or directory >> oops, nothing in output file, but all paths are OK? not now - need to check ["$pNoHomeURLL" script wasn'ty working because I inlcuded () in call, example : pLsts_create() 08********08 #] 24Feb2023 [edit, test, fix] pHtml_cutPutEmbeds() function pinnL_line_replace_pLineL() to add '' following : see 'fileops.sh' # +-----+ # ToDos : # 23Feb2023 plan forward # [edit, test, fix] pHtml_cutPutEmbeds() - [cut old, insert new] embedExecute html files # webLocal_update() - copy all webPages to webWork so all viewing is local (no backups) # webSite_update_lftp() - lftp to [upload, delete extra] online [file, dir]s # +-----+ # pLsts_create() - create file listings # +--------------------+ # historical-only changes - just used to convert from old QNial style of embedExecutes : # QNialEmbeds_to_pLst() - extract unique list of embedExecute lines, no args # QNialEmbeds_To_htmlEmbeds() - convert old embedExecute lines to new htmlEmbeds # remove_backtrack() - remove 'backtrack' from my html files # remove_linkError() - remove '!!linkError!!' from my html files # +-----+ # pStrPL lists - for changing strings in files # create_pStrPL_dirChanges() - known recent movements of dirs # special pStrpL - are often created manually # combine_pStrLP - cat [dirChanges, special] pStrPL changes, apply to all my webPages # +--------------------+ # Make changes # urls_update() - combined [dir, special] pStrPL changes, apply to webPages # pHtml_cutPutEmbeds() - [cut old, insert new] embedExecute html files # webLocal_update() - simply copy all webPages to webWork subDir so all viewing is local # webSite_update_lftp() - lftp to [upload, delete extra] online [file, dir]s +-----+ olde code # for all, copy content : # from : $d_web"'webWork/urls non-[webWork, conference guides] pLst all.txt' # to : $d_web"'webWork/urls pLst test QNialEmbeds_To_htmlEmbeds.txt' # +-----+ # 23Feb2023 description of actual iterative process - ad to re-change often, one cycle : # +--+ # "already-altered" files, see 'urls QNialEmbeds pLst [,test] bag.txt' # OK /home/bill/web/home.html:' # geany txtEditor whole document : # replace : '\n' # with : '' (null) # geany txtEditor insert, @end of embeds [Head_one, normalStatus], but NOT 'footer endFile', # insert '\n' # @end of file : NO embed coding (finishes naturally?) # "already-altered" files : # $ grep '\[#!:' "$d_web"'Neural nets/Neural Networks.html' # # # # # # # # # >> YES! finally... # But list should be : # # # # # # # # 08********08 #] 23Feb2023 update_webLocal - test easy new idea for local viewing of webPages see "$d_bin"'webSiteLinks update.sh' doesn't require separate full dirs +-----+ olde code #] pActualLinklDiffL_create_pStrPLDirFname() - non-[webWork, conference guides] # do I need grep --invert-match '//' = '\/\/' below? pActualLinklDiffL_create_pStrPLDirFname() { # directories # pWebDirL find "$d_web" -type d | grep --invert-match "z_Old\|z_Archive\|Conference guides\|webWork\|Cool emails\|Yoonsuck Choe - conf program book\|Niroma\|Weart\|Qnial/Manuals\|Top 75 Immunotherapy startups\|\/\/" | sed 's|/home/bill/web/|http://www.BillHowell.ca/|' | sed 's|$|/|' >>"$d_web"'webWork/webSite dirActualL.txt' # pWebLinkL find "$d_web" -type d | sed 's|$|/|' | grep --invert-match "z_Old\|z_Archive\|Conference guides\|webWork\|Cool emails\|Yoonsuck Choe - conf program book\|Niroma\|Weart\|Qnial/Manuals\|Top 75 Immunotherapy startups" | grep --invert-match '//' | sed 's|/home/bill/web/|http://www.BillHowell.ca/|' | sed 's|\(.*\)Projects - major\/\(.*\)|\1\2\t\1Projects - major\/\2|' >>"$d_web"'webWork/urls dirChanges pStrPL.txt' # links : } 08********08 #] 23Feb2023 pinnL_pStrPL_replace [all webPages, combined changes] (very slow replacements!!) run bash "$d_bin"'webSiteLinks update.sh' # 23Feb2023 OK worked date_ddmmmyyyy_hm=$(date +"%e%B%Y %kh%Mm") echo "start pinnL_pStrPL_replace : $date_ddmmmyyyy_hm" pinnL_pStrPL_replace 1 "$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[conference guides] pLst test bag.txt' "$d_web"'webWork/230223 15h33m urls combined changes pStrPL.txt' date_ddmmmyyyy_hm=$(date +"%e%B%Y %kh%Mm") echo "ended pinnL_pStrPL_replace : $date_ddmmmyyyy_hm" oops timing ~15:54 to 16:10 ~= 16 minutes for 9 html webPages (>1.6 minutes each, say 2) so for 87 webPages in my webSite : <= 87*2 = 174 minutes ~3 hours??? start pinnL_pStrPL_replace : 23February2023 16h27m >> guess 19h30m... ended pinnL_pStrPL_replace : 23February2023 18h01m >> closer to 1.5 hours I really need an error failure if [file, dir] doesn't exist!! >> I wrote some stuff update_webLocal() 08********08 #] 23Feb2023 compose special pStrPL for [fEmbeds, etc] see "$d_web"'webWork/230223 13h55m urls special changes pStrPL.txt' /home/bill/web/webWork/230223 13h55m urls special changes pStrPL.txt fin Head_one.html head_one.html fin Head_two.html head_two.html normalStatus.html head status.html fin Footer.html footer normal.html Like dirChanges, these are for : "$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[conference guides] pLst all.txt' # +-----+ # special manual changes prior to QNialEmbeds work >> check that [backtrack, !!linkError!!] changes have been done! - output files shoul;d be empty # 'backtrack' - find files cat "$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[webWork, conference guides] pLst all.txt' | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename -i '\[#=; backtrack ;=#\]' "FILE" | sed 's|\(.*\):.*|\1|' | rev | sed 's|.*:||;s|\(.*\)\>".*|\1|' | rev | sort -u >"$d_web"'webWork/urls pLst backtrack.txt' # '!!linkError!!' - find files cat "$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[webWork, conference guides] pLst all.txt' | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename '!!linkError!!' "FILE" | sed 's|\(.*\):.*|\1|' | rev | sed 's|.*:||;s|\(.*\)\>".*|\1|' | rev | sort -u >"$d_web"'webWork/urls linkError pLst.txt' OOPS - !!linkError!! changes not comlete in : OK /home/bill/web/economics, markets/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/ 0_Fischer - The Great pricing Waves 1200-1990 AD.html OK /home/bill/web/economics, markets/market data/SLregress/200912 semi-log/ 1872-2020 SP500 index, ratio of opening price to semi-log detrended price.html OK /home/bill/web/Projects - major/Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/ _Charvatova - solar inertial motion & activity.html OK /home/bill/web/Projects - major/Climate and sun/_Climate and sun.html OK /home/bill/web/Projects - major/Pandemics, health, and the Sun/ _Pandemics, health, and the sun.html Simply search : '!!linkError!!' replace : 'http://www.BillHowell.ca/' All very simple except the file : '1872-2020 SP500 index, ratio of opening price to semi-log detrended price.html' lots of work on the file!! several possibilities, as files slot up : economics, markets/SP500/multi-fractal/ economics, markets/market data/detrend/200913/ economics, markets/SP500/multi-fractal/ economics, markets/market data/SLregress/200912 semi-log/ 08********08 #] 23Feb2023 Do ALL of my webPages now have the current fEmbed coding? # find those without 'http://www.BillHowell.ca/' cat "$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[webWork, conference guides] pLst all.txt' | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep -i --with-filename ' etc... in general want : ' +-----+ "already-altered" webPages, fEmbeds are present. see 'urls QNialEmbeds pLst [,test] bag.txt' OK /home/bill/web/home.html OK /home/bill/web/Neural nets/Neural Networks.html OK /home/bill/web/page blogs.html OK /home/bill/web/page hosted subsites.html OK /home/bill/web/page projects.html OK /home/bill/web/page Software programming.html OK /home/bill/web/Projects - mini/Transformer NNs/0_Transformer NNs.html 23Feb20223 : These webPages have proper coding for fEmbeds, but NO fEmbeds are there. I added lines '' : OK /home/bill/web/Projects - major/Electric Universe/ Peratt - Auroral phenomena and petroglyphs.html OK /home/bill/web/Projects - major/Civilisations and sun/_Civilisations and the sun.html OK /home/bill/web/page Publications & reports.html OK /home/bill/web/page Software programming.html (..yikes - was STILL wrong!?!?!) OK /home/bill/web/economics, markets/PE Schiller forward vs 10yr Tbills/ S&P 500 Shiller-forward PE versus 10y Treasury bond rates.html OK /home/bill/web/economics, markets/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/ 0_Fischer - The Great pricing Waves 1200-1990 AD.html OK /home/bill/web/Bill Howells videos/Howell - videos.html OK /home/bill/web/Professional & Resume/_Resumes, work experience.html /home/bill/web/Projects - mini/Mythology/ Cardona - gods are planets, planets are gods (plus Sun).html Make sure that the above do not appear in the general list to update Embeds!?!? >> NYET! its OK, even if a few extra added of : '\n' manually regexpr change "already-altered" files via geany txtEditor : regexpr search : ' regexpr search : '"[ ]*\-\->' replace : ':!#] -->' escOnly search : '\n' replace : '' (null) geany txtEditor insert, @end of embeds [Head_one, normalStatus], but NOT 'footer endFile', insert '\n' @end of file : NO embed coding (finishes naturally?) $ grep '> nothing $ grep "<\!--[ ]*start[ ]*\"" "$d_web"'Neural nets/Neural Networks.html' bash: !-: event not found $ grep "<\!-- \[#!:" "$d_web"'Neural nets/Neural Networks.html' bash: ": unrecognized history modifier $ grep "\[#!:" "$d_web"'Neural nets/Neural Networks.html' bash: ": unrecognized history modifier $ grep '[#!:' "$d_web"'Neural nets/Neural Networks.html' grep: Unmatched [, [^, [:, [., or [= $ grep 'Bill' "$d_web"'Neural nets/Neural Networks.html' >> OK, lots! $ grep '\[#!:' "$d_web"'Neural nets/Neural Networks.html' >> YES! finally... But list should be : +-----+ webPages with : Howell web - Solar modelling and forecasting this only involves : /home/bill/web/Projects - major/Solar modeling and forecasting/ _Solar modeling & forecasting.html /home/bill/web/webSites - other people/Steven H Yaskell/0_Steven H Yaskell.html manually regexpr change "already-altered" files via geany txtEditor : regexpr search : ' regexpr search : '"[ ]*\-\-\->' replace : ':!#] -->' escOnly search : '\n' replace : '' (null) geany txtEditor insert, @end of embeds [Head_one, normalStatus], but NOT 'footer endFile', insert line '' @end of file : NO embed coding (finishes naturally?) add subDirs 'http://www.BillHowell.ca/' - were missing!!... +-----+ olde code # 22Feb2023 I need to insert a code for ALL my webPages, without which they are NOT included! # actually, alreay there find "$d_web" -type f -name "*.html" | grep --invert-match "z_Old\|z_Archive\|Conference guides\|webWork\|code develop_test\|Cool emails\|Yoonsuck Choe\|Niroma\|Weart\|Qnial/Manuals\|Top 75 Immunotherapy startups \|Randi Foundation \|version-for-dvisvgm\|References" | sort -u >>"$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[webWork, conference guides] pLst all.txt' cat "$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[webWork, conference guides] pLst all.txt' | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename -i 'BillHowell' "FILE" | sed 's|\(.*\):.*|\1|' | sort -u >>"$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[webWork, conference guides] pLst all Howell.txt' only returns first two lines but NOT the filename : find "$d_web" -type f -name "*.html" | grep --invert-match "z_Old\|z_Archive\|Conference guides\|webWork\|code develop_test\|Cool emails\|Yoonsuck Choe - conf program book\|Niroma\|Weart\|Qnial/Manuals\|Top 75 Immunotherapy startups\|Randi Foundation\|version-for-dvisvgm\|bogoTrainer.html\|References/Neural Nets\|References/Charbonneau\|References/110313 ABC news - tsunami" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE head -n 2 "FILE" | grep -i '"$d_web"'webWork/urls non-[webWork, conference guides] pLst all.txt' # 19Feb2023 still includes references and some material that are not Howell webPages : # my webPages all have ' I would need to use xargs!! # I need to insert a code for ALL my webPages, without which they are NOT included! find "$d_web" -type f -name "*.html" | grep --invert-match "z_Old\|z_Archive\|Conference guides\|webWork\|code develop_test\|Cool emails\|Yoonsuck Choe - conf program book\|Niroma\|Weart\|Qnial/Manuals\|Top 75 Immunotherapy startups\|Randi Foundation\|version-for-dvisvgm\|bogoTrainer.html\|References" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep -i '') ; ELSE p_insert := execute (i_title pick pList) ; IF (file_exists '-f' p_insert) THEN pName_insertIn_fHand p_insert fot ; ELSE writefile fot (link '') ; ENDIF ; ENDIF ; ELSEIF (in_string ':@insert-ender@:' line) THEN writefile fot line ; not_in_insert := l ; ELSEIF not_in_insert THEN writefile fot line ; ENDIF ; ENDWHILE ; % ; EACH close fin fot ; } 08********08 #] 22Apr2020 find "$d_webRawe" "file-insert" "*.html" files $ find "/media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/" -maxdepth 3 -name "*.html" | sort -u >"/media/bill/ramdisk/full.txt" $ find "/media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/" -maxdepth 3 -name "*.html" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number "file-insert" "FILE" | sed 's#:.*##' | sort -u >"/media/bill/ramdisk/short sort.txt" # $ diff "/media/bill/ramdisk/full sort.txt" "/media/bill/ramdisk/short sort.txt" $ diff "/media/bill/ramdisk/full sort.txt" "/media/bill/ramdisk/short sort.txt" 11,25d10 < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Copyright ending.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Footer1.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin footer1 Neil Howell.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin footer1 Paul Vauhan.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin footer1 Steven Wickson.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin footer1 Steven Yaskell.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Footer2.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Footer.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Head_one (another copy).html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Head_one (copy).html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Head_one.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Head_two (another copy).html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Head_two (copy).html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin Head_two.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/fin organisations.html 31,49d15 < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu1.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu2.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu blogs.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu crazy themes and stories1.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu crazy themes and stories2.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu crazy themes and stories.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu earth, sun, astro, history1.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu earth, sun, astro, history.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu hosted subsites1.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu hosted subsites.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu Howell videos2.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu Howell videos.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu neural nets.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu professional and resume.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu projects1.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu projects2.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu projects.html < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Menu software programming.html 53d18 < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Neural nets/MindCode/Computational neuro-genetic modelling.html 66d30 < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Personal/181211 Van versus Semi collision/181211 Howell van Crash on Highway 10 East - DrumhellerOnline.com.html >> OK - most should NOT have "file-insert", but these two should? +-----+ < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Neural nets/MindCode/Computational neuro-genetic modelling.html 66d30 >> ??I don't understand why it doesn't show up >> just leave it for now < /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/Personal/181211 Van versus Semi collision/181211 Howell van Crash on Highway 10 East - DrumhellerOnline.com.html >> ignore this for now +-----+ # enddoc