Directory of available files for this webpage

Copyright © 2007 through 2020
All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
GNU Public License The GNU Free Documentation License; with no Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, or Back-Cover Texts.
Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
It is expected that reusers of this web-site will:
  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
  • Provide a link or reference back to the specific web-page carrying the content that is being used,
  • Allow any modifications made to the content to also be reused under the terms of either of the two standard licences (GNU or Creative Commons). 04Jun2021 status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides" in document files , while perhaps 300+ are in the rest of the webSite.

    Home Neural Nets Projects Software programming & code Professional & Resume Publications & reports
    Howell-produced videos Blogs Cool stuff Crazy themes and stories Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art
    Howell-produced videos Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter? Past & future worlds (for schoolkids) Big Data, Deep Learning, Safety Icebreaker Unchained (WWII) How Nazis saved (some) Norweigian lives
    Venus et Mars - Saint Valentin
    04Jun2021 status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides" in document files , while perhaps 300+ are in the rest of the webSite.

  • The QNial programming language was used to [direct, sequence, conduct, whatever] the video production, together with a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet that acts as a great front-end for preparing code specific to the video sequencing. These can be found in the Programming code directory listing, and will be handy for anyone interested in the details of how I produced the video. I like to describe the QNial programming language of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada as "... the beautiful child of a marriage between LISP and APL ...". It is not commonly used today, and even though it is an interpreted language, I always get frustrated with other languages that I also use, it's conceptual power always brings me back home to it. Bug hunting can be problematic if you don't build in bug taps and [structured, object oriented] capabiities, but for much of what I do I keep those chains to a minimum so I can use the full power of the language.
    Directory of available files for this webpage

    Copyright © 2007 through 2020
    All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
    GNU Public License The GNU Free Documentation License; with no Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, or Back-Cover Texts.
    Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
    It is expected that reusers of this web-site will:
  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
  • Provide a link or reference back to the specific web-page carrying the content that is being used,
  • Allow any modifications made to the content to also be reused under the terms of either of the two standard licences (GNU or Creative Commons).
    Home Neural Nets Projects Software programming & code Professional & Resume Publications & reports
    Howell-produced videos Blogs Cool stuff Crazy themes and stories Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art
    Howell-produced videos Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter? Past & future worlds (for schoolkids) Big Data, Deep Learning, Safety Icebreaker Unchained (WWII) How Nazis saved (some) Norweigian lives
    Venus et Mars - Saint Valentin
    04Jun2021 status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides" in document files , while perhaps 300+ are in the rest of the webSite.

    Directory of available files for this webpage

    Copyright © 2007 through 2020
    All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
    GNU Public License The GNU Free Documentation License; with no Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, or Back-Cover Texts.
    Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
    It is expected that reusers of this web-site will:
  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
  • Provide a link or reference back to the specific web-page carrying the content that is being used,
  • Allow any modifications made to the content to also be reused under the terms of either of the two standard licences (GNU or Creative Commons).
    Home Neural Nets Projects Software programming & code Professional & Resume Publications & reports
    Howell-produced videos Blogs Cool stuff Crazy themes and stories Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art
    Howell-produced videos Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter? Past & future worlds (for schoolkids) Big Data, Deep Learning, Safety Icebreaker Unchained (WWII) How Nazis saved (some) Norweigian lives
    Venus et Mars - Saint Valentin
    04Jun2021 status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides" in document files , while perhaps 300+ are in the rest of the webSite.

  • Toolsets can be browsed via: Past and Future Worlds directory. Perhaps these may be of interest, help] to others putting together a film from Linux-based free software.
  • In addition to the video of the presentation, "Howell 161220 Big Data, Deep Learning, Safety.ogv">, I have also posted the [software, scheduling/coding spredsheet, slides, etc] used to produce the video, but not any proprietary video segments (to reduce space). This may be of use to others who produce videos and would like to kow how I approached this. It won't be directly adapatable, as I have used a little-known language, Queen's University of Kingston "Nested Interactive Array Language (Q'Nial) to actually run the playing of [slides, references, images, videos, etc] of which it is composed. Although there is some documentation, it is very limited.
    Toolsets can be browsed via: Big Data, Deep Learning, and Safety directory. Perhaps these may be of interest, help] to others putting together a film from Linux-based free software.
  • Toolsets can be browsed via: Icebreaker unchained directory. Perhaps these may be of interest, help] to others putting together a film from Linux-based free software.

  • Directory of available files for this webpage

    Copyright © 2007 through 2020
    All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
    GNU Public License The GNU Free Documentation License; with no Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, or Back-Cover Texts.
    Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
    It is expected that reusers of this web-site will:
  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
  • Provide a link or reference back to the specific web-page carrying the content that is being used,
  • Allow any modifications made to the content to also be reused under the terms of either of the two standard licences (GNU or Creative Commons).
    Home Neural Nets Projects Software programming & code Professional & Resume Publications & reports
    Howell-produced videos Blogs Cool stuff Crazy themes and stories Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art
    major (1 active)
    MindCode neural network Bill Lucas - Universal Force Randell Mills- hydrinos IceBreaker unchained (WWII) "Hope-to-do-soon" projects
    Failures of thinking : Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud Robert Prechter - Socionomics
    Economics & Markets : S&P500 1872-2020, 83y trend Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Robert Prechter - Socionomics S&P500 P/E ratios vs Treasury rates
    Pandemics, health, Sun : Fun, crazy stuff Influenza Corona virus Suicide
    Life & [Pre,]-history : Civilisations and sun Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Steve Yaskell - sun & history Anthony Peratt -petroglyphs Galactic rays and evolution
    Astronomy, Earth, Climate : Ivanka Charvatova - solar inertial motion Climate and sun Stephen Puetz - The Greatest of cycles Solar modeling and forecasting SAFIRE - electric sun experiment

    04Jun2021 status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides" in document files , while perhaps 300+ are in the rest of the webSite.

    Directory of available files for this webpage

    Copyright © 2007 through 2020
    All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
    GNU Public License The GNU Free Documentation License; with no Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, or Back-Cover Texts.
    Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
    It is expected that reusers of this web-site will:
  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
  • Provide a link or reference back to the specific web-page carrying the content that is being used,
  • Allow any modifications made to the content to also be reused under the terms of either of the two standard licences (GNU or Creative Commons).
    Home Neural Nets Projects Software programming & code Professional & Resume Publications & reports
    Howell-produced videos Blogs Cool stuff Crazy themes and stories Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art
    major (1 active)
    MindCode neural network Bill Lucas - Universal Force Randell Mills- hydrinos IceBreaker unchained (WWII) "Hope-to-do-soon" projects
    Failures of thinking : Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud Robert Prechter - Socionomics
    Economics & Markets : S&P500 1872-2020, 83y trend Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Robert Prechter - Socionomics S&P500 P/E ratios vs Treasury rates
    Pandemics, health, Sun : Fun, crazy stuff Influenza Corona virus Suicide
    Life & [Pre,]-history : Civilisations and sun Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Steve Yaskell - sun & history Anthony Peratt -petroglyphs Galactic rays and evolution
    Astronomy, Earth, Climate : Ivanka Charvatova - solar inertial motion Climate and sun Stephen Puetz - The Greatest of cycles Solar modeling and forecasting SAFIRE - electric sun experiment

    04Jun2021 status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides" in document files , while perhaps 300+ are in the rest of the webSite.

    Directory of available files for this webpage

    Copyright © 2007 through 2020
    All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
    GNU Public License The GNU Free Documentation License; with no Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, or Back-Cover Texts.
    Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
    It is expected that reusers of this web-site will:
  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
  • Provide a link or reference back to the specific web-page carrying the content that is being used,
  • Allow any modifications made to the content to also be reused under the terms of either of the two standard licences (GNU or Creative Commons).
    Home Neural Nets Projects Software programming & code Professional & Resume Publications & reports
    Howell-produced videos Blogs Cool stuff Crazy themes and stories Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art
    major (1 active)
    MindCode neural network Bill Lucas - Universal Force Randell Mills- hydrinos IceBreaker unchained (WWII) "Hope-to-do-soon" projects
    Failures of thinking : Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud Robert Prechter - Socionomics
    Economics & Markets : S&P500 1872-2020, 83y trend Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Robert Prechter - Socionomics S&P500 P/E ratios vs Treasury rates
    Pandemics, health, Sun : Fun, crazy stuff Influenza Corona virus Suicide
    Life & [Pre,]-history : Civilisations and sun Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Steve Yaskell - sun & history Anthony Peratt -petroglyphs Galactic rays and evolution
    Astronomy, Earth, Climate : Ivanka Charvatova - solar inertial motion Climate and sun Stephen Puetz - The Greatest of cycles Solar modeling and forecasting SAFIRE - electric sun experiment

    04Jun2021 status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides" in document files , while perhaps 300+ are in the rest of the webSite.

    feet is even better!):

    Supporting documents, spreadsheets etc

    Directory of available files for this webpage

    Copyright © 2007 through 2020
    All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
    GNU Public License The GNU Free Documentation License; with no Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, or Back-Cover Texts.
    Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
    It is expected that reusers of this web-site will:
  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
  • Provide a link or reference back to the specific web-page carrying the content that is being used,
  • Allow any modifications made to the content to also be reused under the terms of either of the two standard licences (GNU or Creative Commons).
    Home Neural Nets Projects Software programming & code Professional & Resume Publications & reports
    Howell-produced videos Blogs Cool stuff Crazy themes and stories Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art
    major (1 active)
    MindCode neural network Bill Lucas - Universal Force Randell Mills- hydrinos IceBreaker unchained (WWII) "Hope-to-do-soon" projects
    Failures of thinking : Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud Robert Prechter - Socionomics
    Economics & Markets : S&P500 1872-2020, 83y trend Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Robert Prechter - Socionomics S&P500 P/E ratios vs Treasury rates
    Pandemics, health, Sun : Fun, crazy stuff Influenza Corona virus Suicide
    Life & [Pre,]-history : Civilisations and sun Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Steve Yaskell - sun & history Anthony Peratt -petroglyphs Galactic rays and evolution
    Astronomy, Earth, Climate : Ivanka Charvatova - solar inertial motion Climate and sun Stephen Puetz - The Greatest of cycles Solar modeling and forecasting SAFIRE - electric sun experiment

    04Jun2021 status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides" in document files , while perhaps 300+ are in the rest of the webSite.

    is in the separate file: