# $ gnuplot "$d_webRawe"'economics, markets/SP500/semi-log .plt' # www.BillHowell.ca 18Jul2022 initial template, based on much earlier working files of mine # data sources : TradingView.com #******************* # lp = "line-point" output of data # w = ?? output of data set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 1400, 400 set datafile separator "{\t}" # tab as column separator -> "{\t}", as comma -> "{,}", "{whitespace}" set key off # autotitle columnhead # use the first line of datafile as legend titles # legend placement (leave out for upper right?) # [, outside] cart [top, center, bottom] cart [left, center, right] set key right bottom # set key right bottom title "opening Price : " # set key right bottom title "observed" # set key right bottom title "semi-log trend" set output "/home/bill/SG6/web/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/semi-log .png" set title " stock market index\n for [data, software, results] see http://www.BillHowell.ca/economics, markets/SP500/" set key autotitle columnhead # use the first line of datafile as legend titles # set xlabel "Year" set ylabel " stock market index, \nopening price monthly average (?currency?)" # {left | center | right} # {norotate | rotate {by }} # {font "{,}"} # {noenhanced} # {front | back} # {textcolor } # {point | nopoint} # {offset } # {boxed} # {hypertext} show label set grid #set xrange [ . : . ] #set yrange [ . : . ] set nologscale x set logscale y #set xtics 10 #set ytics 1000 #http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/docs_4.2/node237.html # set style line default # set style line {{linetype | lt} | } # {{linecolor | lc} } # {{linewidth | lw} } # {{pointtype | pt} } # {{pointsize | ps} } # {palette} # unset style line # show style line # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16736861/pointtype-command-for-gnuplot # I'm guessing that ' w lp ' gives lines&points, 'w l' lines only? # with [points, linespoints, lines] ? # Howell's standard color scheme - can add more with spacialFeatureLines, normal thin line set style line 100 ps 0 lw 2 lt rgb "black" set style line 101 ps 0 lw 2 lt rgb "blue" set style line 102 ps 0 lw 2 lt rgb "green" set style line 103 ps 0 lw 2 lt rgb "red" set style line 104 ps 0 lw 2 lt rgb "purple" # example : 1:2 w lp ls 100 : # select data columns 1:2 # w = with # lp = line between each successive point # ls 100 = line style 100 # specialFeatureLines are added here. examples : # set arrow from 1926.25,0.2 to 1926.25,5.0 nohead linecolor "blue" set label 1 " semi-log trendline = 10^{ + (*yrFrac)}" \ at graph 0.01, 0.95 textcolor "black" set label 2 "relStdErr (normal) = ; relStdDev (normal) = " \ at graph 0.01, 0.90 textcolor "black" plot \ '/home/bill/SG6/web/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/semi-log regression fit.txt' using 1:2 w lp ls 100, \ '/home/bill/SG6/web/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/semi-log regression fit.txt' using 1:3 w lp ls 101 # enddoc