"$d_WebsiteRaw""Multi-fractal brew/0_multi-fractal brew notes.txt" www.BillHowell.ca 18Sep2020 initial *********************************************** ******** 22Sep2020 How does one do "fractal regression"? ******** 21Sep2020 [Fourier, wavelet] analysis of [SP500, astro-sun-Earth, Puetz, Schumann] (see list of items below "18Sep2020 Initial ideas") 08Nov2021 NYET! piece of shit... : get matlab to work! ******** 20Sep2020 OK - with gnuplot, I can rapidly generate a series of 20-year graphs I know I can use gimp to make a composite image stack similar periods above one another can do an automatic overlay on main (large) time series to focus on fractal fitting : manually do composite of 5x2 images that are similar, /media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/economics, markets/200920 SP500 composite graph comparisons.xcf individually, imageSize := '250, 200' ; so create a 1250by 400 image in gimp, add component graphs >> done! ******** 19Sep2020 bash script to extract data series from text file "$d_bin""data - extract series.sh" ******** 18Sep2020 First step - build multi-fractal approach for patterns A. Real data : use patterns from : "$d_WebsiteRaw""economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index, ratio of opening price to semi-log detrended price.html" a) 1900-1925, 1950-1975 1900.05 1925.89 1950.05 1975.98 b) 1925-1940, 1990-2010 1925.89 1940.05 1990.05 2010.97 c) 1940-1960, 1995-2010 1940.05 1960.97 1995.97 2010.97 d) 1872-1890, 2000-2020 1871.22 1890.89 2000.05 2020.80 >> NUTS!!! these are only MONTHLY data - next to useless!! B. oil versus [XOM, HSE, IMO]... ******** 18Sep2020 Initial ideas build on "$d_WebsiteRaw""economics, markets/SP500/1872-2020 SP500 index, ratio of opening price to semi-log detrended price.html" multi-scale contiguous temporal patterns shuffled in time title : Cooking a multi-fractal brew of [Aristarchus, Fourier, Schwabe, Tchijevksy & Kondritieff, Elliot, Mandelbrot, Prechter, Dobra, Puetz] rougly : I. identify "time series paterns" at different timescales II. multi-fractal modelling of each pattern on the basis of Puetzian cycles produces list of key Puetz cycles for each pattern III. evolve meta-level modelling for full time series not just fit, but even more important is phase-change (pattern change) prediction +-----+ I. identify "similar periods" of time series at different timescales A. [Fourier, wavelet] analysis of [SP500, astro-sun-Earth, Puetz, Schumann] 1. start with full-series wavelet - coefficients 2. wavelets of sliding-[start, duration] windows according to full-series coefficients 3. find "early-matches" of time periods 21Sep2020 : 4. Schumann - don't have historical data before ~2000 AD? in Russian 5. need daily SP500 data as well as current monthly? B. alternate & easier (manual) 1. eyeball "patterned periods" C. [fractal, Elliot wave] adjustments of "key Puetz periods" for each pattern evolutionary computation? +-----+ II. multi-fractal modelling of each "similar period" on the basis of Puetzian cycles produces list of key Puetz cycles for each pattern 1. ??? +-----+ III. evolve meta-level modelling for full time series not just fit, but even more important is phase-change (pattern change) prediction later to think about in broad-brush manner... # enddoc