#] #] ********************* #] "$d_mkts"'TradingView traders/Fomenka notes.txt' - #] Fomenka of TradingView : collage of SPX forecasts, comments # www.BillHowell.ca 25Jun2023 initial # view in text editor, using constant-width font (eg courier), tabWidth = 3 Fomenka's mentor? : https://www.tradingview.com/u/TradeWaves-EWA/ #48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_web"'TradingView traders/Fomenka notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # #24************************24 # Setup, ToDos, #08********08 #] ??Jun2023 #08********08 #] ??Jun2023 #08********08 #] ??Jun2023 #08********08 #] ??Jun2023 #08********08 #] ??Jun2023 #08********08 #] ??Jun2023 08********08 #] 25Jun2023 SP500 image list Fomenka: SP500 1y 230622.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230617 alt.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230617.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230608.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230604.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230528.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230504.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230312.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230305.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230212.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230211.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230205.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230128.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230126.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 230109.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 221126.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 221029.png Fomenka: SP500 15y 221022.png Fomenka: SP500 1872-2022 221022.png Fomenka: SP500 1872-2022 then climate collapse 221024.png Fomenka: SP500 Bronze Age to Post-Fusion 221024.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 220814.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 220730.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 220723.png Fomenka: SP500 1y 220626.png .. not so many Fomenka (Deus) 1y analysis before Jun2022? +--+ 220626 The market is bouncing. Just as we expected here (10 days ago) and here (a week ago). Now the chart say we shoot almost straight up to 4500 in two weeks. The expanding triangle shape does not allow for more time. This is going to be fun 🍿. Duplicating my SPX500 idea to SPX500USD to get more traction with the audience. +--+ 220723 In SP500 I am less sure about the drop that I just called in Nasdaq... wave i (circle) subdivided less ideally prompting me to think it is wxy in the ending diagonal. Still expecting the price to move down. +--+ 220730 Like in Nasdaq I am reverting to my earlier chart with a giant expanding triangle. Here, however, it does not look as technically correct as in Nasdaq. I do not see the price rallying much over 4330 which is a very strong level and this will not allow to make connect A, C and E points with a line. We'll see. Let me repeat that I like the idea of a big expanding triangle for that it is the perfect way to strip the remaining cash from the bull and bears. Leave everyone confused with wild swings. Trigger FOMO once again in the wave E, make people pile in for another last time before collapsing to new lows, cleansing the superabundant cash from the system. Bill_Howell, Aug 5, 2022 Not that many (all of us, given the chance?) wouldn't be so diabolical, but is that not greatly over-shadowed by our own "belief flip-flops", and the market's "multiple trader personalities" syndrom? Given the social engineering of the "not very free market" (eg Fed, Treasury), active controls would fit right in. But who is "they", and do "they" have to actually do anything (politically embarassing if caught) or does it actually work better as they trade off what we do to ourselves? +--+ 220814 So far the last outlook is working out as envisaged. Will check the rules for expanding triangle. I am a bit concerned A-C-E highs are not connected by the line. +--+ 221022 1872-2022: Took a Saturday lazy day to think over supercyclical wave count in the stock market. It is truly amazing how the stock market valuations keep crashing and recovering and then extending to new highs beyond living people imagination. Unfortunately, it seems that we have passed the period of lasting growth (hardly surprise for anyone), however we might be decades away from a larger peak (despite many people tend to call a top). That does not mean that life is getting easier, quite contrary - as we approach the peak the markets get choppier and local wars break out as the world powers scramble for scarce resources and get discontent with present world order agreed almost a century ago. However, from trading perspective such swings might represent huge opportunity provided that we recognise turning points more or less correctly and do not panic. This is my own chart. I looked at Precther's work and other charts I could find on the internet but I must admit I disagree with most of them. Particularly, how people label 1929 Crash as the top of wave III. I think, it is incorrect, considering the abrupt ABC 84% decline that followed and quick (in century terms) recovery with decades long bull trend after that. In the following posts I will detail once more the near term count and why I think we have not reached the top yet. Bill_Howell, Oct 22, 2022 - Awesome fun! It is nice to see a different interpretation from Prechter etc. Fomenka, Oct 22, 2022 @Bill_Howell, thanks, Bill. Check how the story continues Bill_Howell, Oct 23, 2022 @Fomenka, Its interesting how you have labelled the "Ages", in comparison to other authors. Another separate topic are "quasi-cycles" : whether you think these are important, what the key drivers are (eg technology, shifting voter attitudes, etc) what periodicities interest you, and especially how you might feel these relate to Elliot Wave analysis. Within the last few months TradingView allows images, so lets see if this works... My PineScripts are on hold because I am revamping all my core utilities in my main programming language, Q'Nial. Here is a DETRENDED multi-market multifractal from 02Aug2022 (built in a hybrid environment, incomplete, cleanup needed when I get to it in a month or a year). The major correlate is the exponential growth in pricing with time, so the detrended zig-zags as shown below are secondary, but it's perhaps easier to see the variations and compare them across time. Note the "mashed up" overlap at 1929 - this is purposely left as is, instead of optimizing the points of the semi-log linear time segments. I can make it look nice, but then I would forget the underlying s. Bill_Howell, Oct 23, 2022 @Bill_Howell, Nuts - I wiped out the colored labels, and the colored table doesn't correspond to stock markets as shown (mix-up left as is while all the underlying code will be changed). In any case, several international stock markets can be compared on a detrended basis, to see the degree to which each of them "drifts" with respect to movements of the others. On a larger timescale, SPX seemingly behaves differently in a fractal sense - or does it? Does modern economics (and the Fed) really do anything that isn't a "non-brainer" arising from technology's progress? Are we better off with enough ignorance to make policies psuedo-random, to avoid extreme damages from intellectuals and their concepts? Isn't there a TV series about this? Fomenka, Oct 24, 2022 @Bill_Howell, interesting that you manetioned ages. I have this one in mind "Fomenka: SP500 1872-2022 then climate collapse 221022.png" Bill_Howell, Oct 24, 2022 @Fomenka, This is fun, as there are many completely different themes which give a somewhat-similar timing of ages as you show. Some go orders and orders of magnitude beyond (astronomically beyond, literally) the impacts of even the wildest (dumbest) imaginings of the "CO2 is the primary driver of climate since 1850" science religion. The alternative themes are immature, but many have a far more credible basis than the CO2 theme. A date speculated for one of them (a 12 ky quasi-cycle, not totally unconnected to the 20+ Mayan calendars) is something like Dec2046 (an event perhaps related to the Toba volcano ~72 ky ago, the eruption being a consequence, not a cause, perhaps like 1815 Tamboura, which was 10* the size of Krakatoa?). In spite of being an "extremist denier" (as others label me) of modern politically-correct science (pretty well all of it - climate science is not important to me), I don't throw out mainstream science "fashions -> cults -> religions", as my self-imposed "multiple conflicting hypothesis" approach demands their retention. Fomenka, Oct 24, 2022 @Bill_Howell, I must admit we are on opposite sides here.. I am not an ardent Climate Change activist but it does make a lot of sense to me. I pride myself at recognising patterns not just in the markets. I bought into it since first time I heard about man made climate change long before it went mainstream. And that was in Russia where nobody even bother to notice it at that time. That should tell you what a white crow I felt. I am an economist by background and carbon footprint, cradle to waste economy and the need to transition to cradle to cradle or circular economy make just perfect economic sense to me. I do not understand how people can still externalise the cost of their existence just as if they can throw it away. The Fed policy is about the same, money is like disposable plastic. Just print more and throw away. But here's another picture to completely blow off the roof))) "Fomenka: SP500 Bronze Age to Post-Fusion 221024.png" Disregrard the timescale, I just used an empty space on my chart to draw it. The message here - just as mankind could not continue with slavery for obvious reasons, it will not continue with carbon. And there will be a moment of reckoning. Fomenka, Oct 24, 2022 @Bill_Howell here is the chart without timeline. I made it just now, so forgive me any blunders with historic periods Fomenka, Oct 24, 2022 @Bill_Howell I am not a nuclear physics adept, fusion is just placeholder for whatever energy shift will be, however my pattern recognition skills tell me that renewables in its current form is a deadend. Despite my belief in them throughout many years. Frustration with renewables is what will probably cause the next downturn in III-IV in circle on the chart and than wave 4 most likely be desperate search for new energy technology in the period of climate havoc up around late 21st century. Bill_Howell, Oct 24, 2022 @Fomenka, I am a member pf the Fusion Energy Council of Canada, and Canadian Nuclear Society - but just a fly in the wall, no real expertise. I am not a "believer", just interested - the materials science is awesome (unbelievably powerful supereconducting magnets). Things are looking good now, but much tricky engineering remains. I have spent a huge amount of time (probably 1.5 years full-time equivalent) re-deeriving new concepts in fundamental theoretical physics that are NOT mainstream. aFun, but shelved for a few year to rebuilding all of my program libraries in the QNial language. Really want to get to Spiking Neural Networks - my actual priority (not markets!). Bill_Howell, Oct 24, 2022 @Fomenka, Good - at least you have done your homework. Keep in mind that it's important to look at very long timescales for this (hundreds of millions of years), and look carefully at the perennial failures of the models. On the other hand, while I am not a CO2-climate enthusiast, I must retain it on the basis of "multiple conflicting hypothesis" (always include overwhelming mainstream consensus, including old concepts that fell by the wayside). The geopolitical importance of CO2 themes may prove to be most useful - albeit not such good news for oil/gas producing regions like Russia and Canada... +--+ 221022 15y: This is to continue my Saturday thinking about where financial markets are going provided the historical Elliott Wave chart I posted previously. SPX Very Very Long-Term Perspective The starting point for this outlook is 2017-2020 period, where expanding triangle takes shape. Triangles occur in 4rth waves or in the midst of corrective patterns (which is clearly not the case here). What happened after when Fed poured money on the markets to ease COVID suffering can only be labeled as long and wild WXY, in my view. I spent years fitting different counts and WXY is the best match. WXY upwards, making new highs after 4rth wave triangle can only be wave 1 in an ending diagonal pattern. Hence the chart. Ending diagonals are volatile, made of wxy combinations with a lot of overlapping waves, reflecting havoc in the markets and global affairs as we are approaching a local top. And this process is likely to take few years. Grim recession or even depression will happen after some event after the top and most likely not now despite it is so much expected by so many. Usually it takes years after high inflation reported for economy to fall into recession or depression. I am speculating here that high inflation will likely to cause the global financial system to shatter which will possibly happen on the back or in the root of global conflict over new world order. 08********08 #] 25Jun2023 SP500 comments maybe some day in sreparate file?: Trader Fomenka, TV: SP500 [1y data, 6m forecast] comments.txt +--+ 230622 My alternative count I came up with a week ago is getting increasingly likely. I will No trading for me here so far. Watching developments and will discuss them in details in Weekly Update. +--+ 230617 Alternative Jun 17 A less demanding and yet more robust looking alternative would be to drop expectation of ABC flat and replace it with WXY double zigzag. This scenario popped up just now when I erased some of the previous drawings, zoomed out and tried thinking bigger and less anchored by the previous ideas. Jun 17 Order cancelled: I overlooked the fact that X dipped below W's origin which should not be the case in double zigzag +--+ 230617 Jun 17 The base case scenario revolves around the idea with ABC flat. The price therefore needs (i) to stay inside the channel and (ii) dip below the red dashed line to penetrate into wave territory. Jun 17 Comment: I think I have a better idea +--+ 230608 The SP500 remains broadly within the previously described scenario. It appears that a little more time is required to shape wave b before embarking on the final leg up, which should be minor; otherwise, the entire structure is invalid. However, this is not the end of the bull market, and I believe that after some correction, there will be one more swing up into the end of summer. +--+ 230604 Those who follow me know that I am meticulous, and I count waves on ALL timeframes, including very low timeframes, before concluding the big picture. The surge in DJI on Friday led me to believe that the diagonal I've been following since March 13 is invalid. However, after examining 1-5 minute timeframes and above, I still think we are in the final stages of the ending diagonal, also known as the rising wedge. However, the price must not exceed 100% red line (wave three length) and must not fall below 0 - x line subsequently (the hard guideline for wxy double zigzags) for the scenario to be valid. If either occurs, I will be left scrambling for alternatives. In the next post, I will review DJI, which I have not visited for a while. +--+ 230528 - The SP500 has been on an uninterrupted path, which I first detailed in my March post - I continue to believe that we are in an ending diagonal of ABC expanded flat that will precede a major price decline into the end of 2023 or even 2024. As is often the case, waves unfold slower than I anticipate (this is a human bias that I work hard to overcome), but confidence in the outlook is growing. To address this timing bias, I introduced wave y as a triangle in combination with (x), which fits the timing and mood in the markets roiled by debt ceiling negotiations nicely. The larger picture is addressed in an article on my website. Bill_Howell, May 28 "... waves unfold slower than I anticipate ..." Wow! this always happens to me too. Big systems with many ways of ing to changes, like "Le Chatelier's Principle" in chemistry for equilibria following changes. +--+ 230504 Crypto is pointing upwards so does SP500. The larger scenario remains unchanged despite some recent volatility. +--+ 230312 My best guess at the moment is that we are in the local uptrend despite all the news. Previous subwaves are way too complex and have to be part of something bigger like ending diagonal (on the chart) or triangle (entertained before). +--+ 230305 I have been entertaining a bearish tringale case for quite a while, however after Fridays strong rally I am looking for alternatives. There are already several things that make me put the triangle case in doubt. Wave A is wxy and only one wave in a triangle can be double zigzag. Chances that wave would be first are not that great. Also, lately I assumed a truncated 5th to accomodate the count for triangle. That makes me think that it is time to reconsider the whole story and look for a simpler and more robust explanation. An running flat with ending diagonal would perfectly solve all those inconsistencies. Plus there is so much talking about approaching recession that it becomes a mainstream. Going against the grain until there are voicces that 'recession is canceled' would make more sense. +--+ 230212 I have been going through the chart and reconstructing it to get rid of accumulated inconsistencies such as disproportionate wave, excessive use of expanding shapes. The ending diagonal that I was prjecting in my previous posts also look too stretch to keep in it in the chart. In the end I arrived pretty much to what my mentor @TradeWaves-EWA has on his chart for the medium term. A small run up shown on the chart can happen on CPI news. Rules exlude anything above red line. If violated the analysis is void. +--+ 230211 I have a couple of scenarios to consider, the colour one and all black. Not much different really. There is no divergence on RSI, which probably means that all black is more probable. If so the price cannot exceed 4255 as wave 5 would be longer than 3. +--+ 230205 Feb 5 I lost counts how many times I recycled the SP500 chart. This is not a very confident call since the picture is not confirmed in Nasdaq and DJI so far. My momentum indicator in DJI is giving me freakingly strong buy signal. Hate when ElliottWave counts diverge from indicators, though it often happens when the market is topping. Feb 5 Comment: I think I can confirm the picture in Nasdaq with somewhat similar level of confidence which is nothing to write home about, frankly. No significant patterns to bounce from. Feb 5 Comment: +--+ 230128 The price has not yet violated the ending diagonal rules though it made a fair try on Friday. I marked the invalidation level in red (100% of the third wave in the small diagonal). On minute and hourly charts the price seems to have formed reversal candles and I expect it to start crumbling down towards 3400 level. Those who follow me know that it have been torturous 2-3 weeks waiting for reversal and now patience and confidence levels are running low. +--+ 230126 Within the framework of the previous updates I continue to seek confirmations of bearish bias. Now I see it as completed wave (B) within [3] of alleged ending diagonal. You can see that there is a small nested ending diagonal within slightly bigger ending diagonal c. 10 days ago I took for the end of the move and spent those 10 days scratching my head and hesitating about the scenario, only to find myself exactly in the same position as before. +--+ 230109 I am changing my bull stance to bear in US equities to align my SP500 count with oil and gold. I think there is a high chance that the downtrend has not yet bottomed out. I have spent a lot of time lately building the bull case, however at this particular moment the picture looks fragile to me and I have to embrace the above scenario. +--+ 221126 I think the decline is over and we are in the uptrend to new highs (after some correction in wave B). My wave count has been critised for outsized wave (Y) compared to (W). Also, it is possible that wave (W) ended lower (where I have red X) - this way waves (W) and (Y) come out more balanced. Other than those comments (that I consider relatively minor) the count has proved to be robust as no further irregularities were spotted. +--+ 221029 This is a repeat of my post in SPX500 Forex alternative for SPX ticker. I have to seriously consider the possibility that the bear market is over. A=C and W<200%Y. Rules are obeyed. If the price extends further to what I previously targeted (3200ish) wave Y will exceed 200% of W which is wrong (I omitted that one previously). Moreover, on a bigger timeframe current low is 0.5 of the previous move up since COVID low. Good target for wave 2 in the bigger ending diagonal that I has been eyeing last year or so. The bigger timeframe chart will follow. Stay tuned. +--+ 221022 # enddoc