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Howell - [interest, exchange] rate models

[Interest, exchange] rate models

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Standard & Poor's index of stock market prices for 500 large capitalisation companies (SP500) from 1872 through 2020 is shown in the semi-log plot below. Two "eyeballed" linear trend lines are shown for the periods [1872-1926, 1926-2020].

Play with the [time, mind]-bending perspective yourself

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Download data : Trading View data : Do NOT use existing graphs - just doubles the work -> click on "ssearch markets here" enter desired symbol -> Advanced chart -> New format -> // All manually-provided constants for del[Min, Max]_10Y will become inaccurate with time!! // ONLY time.periods [3M, 6M, 1Y, 5Y] work. // time.periods [1D, 5D, 1M, ALL] do NOT work - I haven't manually provided values from charts. // there are some errors in my manually [read, record] of the 5Y time-periods // additionally, this Pine Script was thrown together in a day, no rigorous testing // exchange rates are shown by darker colors, interest rates lighter similar colors // China - green, Euro - purple, Great Britain - blue, Japan - orange (you can see this in the4 code below!) // stable rates : [JP10Y, CN10Y] // // policy-manipulated rates : [TNX, EU10Y, GB10Y] // // at some future point: // more factors will be added // a Multiple Linear Regression (Lasso) will be done for more aqccurate results // // Find the highest and lowest values for the entire dataset // 20Mar2021 Howell - adapt this for viewable data // 20Sep2022 WARNING!! // PineScript fails at providing functions that work over the full length of the visible stock period. // One cannot accurately determine the start time bar // functions like [big, small]est below give WRONG results!! - best to hand-craft answers biggest(series,size) => max = 0.0 for j = 0 to size if series[j] > max max := series[j] max smalest(series,size) => min = 100000. for j = size to 0 if series[j] < min min := series[j] min //+-----+ // Setup - data specifics for this script // 25Sep2022 "lingua franca" approach, using USA [interest, GDP] rates and [oil imports/GDP, ] as basis // 21Sep2022 WARNING! // hand-crafted off chart, typed in!! To read the values : // set params like this for ?[the maximum, a given]? time.period, example CNYUSD // comment out section below for specific del[Min, Max]_CN10Y // now delMin_CN10Y = 0., delMax_CN10Y = 1. // enter [min, max] values shown on graph for the given time.period of : // intDiff_CN10Y = (v_TNX - v_CN10Y - delMin_CN10Y)/(delMax_CN10Y - delMin_CN10Y) // = (v_TNX - v_CN10Y) // = del_CN10Y // comment out line plot(x_CNYUSD, .... // uncomment line plot(intDiff_CN10Y, ... // Now, read [min, max] of intDiff_CN10Y = del[Min, Max]_CN10Y for time.periods [3M, 6M, 1Y, 5Y] // YES - this is STUPID work, but only if PineScript could do well... v_USOIL = security("TVC:USOIL", timeframe.period, close) USOIL_detrend = v_USOIL / pow(10, -1.6684 + (0.00291 * yrFrac)) // 21Sep2022 eyeballed averages from TradingView charts // not terribly useful, as all script plots go to an un-named axis where they share the same scale // it is best to arrange for all script plots to have the same [range, average] // that way all plots will scale [min, max] the same as each other, // and the same scale (visually) as plots that are not part of the script. avg_INRUSD = 0.01731 delMin_IN10Y = -2.49478 delMax_IN10Y = 0.98706 constCoeff = 0.0004 // avg_USD - note that time.periods [1D, 5D, 1M, All] are NOT included and those timescales don't work // time.periods [3M, 6M, 1Y, 5Y] do work // current estimates eyeballed from graph 24Sep2022 (no regression yet!) // note that constCoeff doesn't vary by much! // doesn't even need this - except 5Y time.period, but leave it at that //if (timeframe.period == "60") // 3 months // avg_INRUSD := 0.007264 //else if (timeframe.period == "120") // 6 months // avg_INRUSD := 0.007264 //else if (timeframe.period == "D") // 1 year // avg_INRUSD := 0.007264 //else if (timeframe.period == "W") // 5 years // avg_INRUSD := 0.007264 //+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ //+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Code adapted from my previous PineScript, only using one symbol! // simple search (same case!) replace CN with OR[CA, EU, JP] in this section ONLY v_TNX = security("TVC:TNX", timeframe.period, close) v_IN10Y = security("TVC:CN10Y", timeframe.period, close) // 01Jul2002-24Sep2022 intDiff_IN10Y = v_TNX - v_IN10Y intRatio_IN10Y = (v_TNX - v_IN10Y - delMin_IN10Y)/(delMax_IN10Y - delMin_IN10Y) // 21Sep2022 need regression for each currency to add in oil price effect // for now, just guess // 21Sep2022 eyeballed averages from TradingView charts // not terribly useful, as all script plots go to an un-named axis where they share the same scale // it is best to arrange for all script plots to have the same [range, average] // that way all plots will scale [min, max] the same as each other, // and the same scale (visually) as plots that are not part of the script. // use the maximum time.period (i.e. 5Y) to visually fit the [actual, estimate] echange rate oilCoeff = -0.003 intCoeff = -0.003 x_INRUSD = avg_INRUSD + (oilCoeff * USOIL_detrend) + (intCoeff * intRatio_IN10Y) + constCoeff // standard named colors : //{dot}black // "see also" list of named colors // color.[black, silver, gray, white, red, purple, fuchsia, green, lime, olive, yellow, navy, blue, teal, aqua, orange] // 21Sep2022 is there some way to plot against the corresponding currency exchange rate axis? // Initially, use a separate axis for the plot(x_INRUSD), then adjust [oil, int] Coeff for incomplete "fit" // uncomment this line when determining del[Min, Max]_10Y, comment out afterwords //plot(intDiff_IN10Y, color=color.purple, linewidth=1, title="d_IN10Y") // green // Next, put plot(x_INRUSD) on the same axis as the exchange rate // AFTER determining the del[Min, Max]_10Y in the step above, comment out that line // uncomment this line to proceed : plot(x_INRUSD,, linewidth=1, title="d_IN10Y") // green 17Sep2020 initial posting