#] #] ********************* #] "$d_SysMaint"'webAnalytics/0_webAnalytics notes.txt' www.BillHowell.ca 05Jan2022 initial To view this file - use a text editor (not word processor) constant width font (eg courrier 10), tab - 3 spaces see also notes with codes : "$d_PROJECTS"'Forms/HELP/Google.txt' #24************************24 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_SysMaint"'/webAnalytics/0_webAnalytics notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # #24************************24 # Setup, ToDos, #24************************24 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] 13Aug2023 Failed setup of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Beautiful system, but I only want web visits, system doesn't seem to allow that. No indication of text that must be inserted into webPage! 08********08 #] 05Jan2022 Google analytics $ ls -1 '/media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/webAnalytics/210802' | sed 's/210802 //' Google analytics sessions by country, year-over-year.png Google analytics views by webPage 01-10.png Google analytics views by webPage 101-110.png Google analytics views by webPage 111-120.png Google analytics views by webPage 11-20.png Google analytics views by webPage 121-130.png Google analytics views by webPage 131-140.png Google analytics views by webPage 141-145.png Google analytics views by webPage 21-30.png Google analytics views by webPage 31-40.png Google analytics views by webPage 41-50.png Google analytics views by webPage 51-60.png Google analytics views by webPage 61-70.png Google analytics views by webPage 71-80.png Google analytics views by webPage 81-90.png Google analytics views by webPage 91-100.png Also Google analytics all page view counts, year-over-year.png Google analytics Neil Howell page view counts, year-over-year.png Save stats to "$d_webRawe"'webAnalytics/220105/' Export csv, er setting "show rows : 5000" : /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/webAnalytics/220105/Google analytics sessions by country, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.csv /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/webAnalytics/220105/Google analytics views by webPage, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.csv /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/webAnalytics/220105/ Google analytics views of Neil Howell by country, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.png Google analytics views of Neil Howell Queneesh by country, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.png $ ls -1 '/media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/webAnalytics/220105' Google analytics all page view counts, year-over-year.png Google analytics sessions by country, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.csv Google analytics sessions, country map, year-over-year.png Google analytics views by webPage, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.csv Google analytics views by webPage, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.ods Google analytics views of Neil Howell by country, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.png Google analytics views of Neil Howell Queneesh by country, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.png $ mount /media/bill/Dell64/ Google analytics views of Neil Howell Queneesh by country, 01Jan2021-04Jan2022.png Hyperlinked listing of reports : # enddoc