Timo Niroma:
Sun and Jupiter.

Sunspot cycles and supercycles and their tentative causes.

2. Sunspot activity at varying distances of the Jovian perihelion

  • 2.1. Average sunspot magnitude during 19 Jovian years 1762-1987.
  • 2.2. Is the Jovian effect real or an artifact?
  • 2.3. How many Jovian years are needed for the effect to show up?
  • PART 3: Minima, maxima and medians of the sunspots.
  • - Magnitude minima.
    - Magnitude maxima.
    - Medians and quartiles.
    - The perihelian stability.

  • PART 4: From basic cycles to supercycles.
  • - How long is the 11-year cycle?
    - The rules of Schove interpreted.
    -- The supercycle of 7 consecutive cycles.
    -- The supercycle of 14 consecutive cycles.
    - The Precambrian Elatina formation.
    - The Gleissberg cycle.

  • PART 5. The 200-year sunspot cycle is also a weather cycle.
  • - A 2000-year historical perspective.
    -- The Roman Empire and its demise.
    -- The Mayan Classic Period.
    -- When the Nile froze in 829 AD.
    -- Why is it Iceland and Greenland and not vice versa?
    -- Tambora did not cause it.
    -- The spotless century 200 AD.
    -- The recent warming caused by Sun.
    -- The 200-year weather pattern.
    - An autocorrelation analysis.
    -- Three variants of 200 years.
    -- The basic cycle length.
    -- The Gleissberg cycle put into place.
    - Some studies showing a 200-year cyclicity.
    - The periods of Cole.

  • PART 6: Searching supercycles by smoothing.
  • - Smoothing sunspot averages in 1768-1992 by one sunspot cycle.
    - Smoothing by the Hale cycle.
    - Smoothing by the Gleissberg cycle.
    - Double smoothing.
    - Omitting minima or taking into account only the active parts of the cycle.

  • PART 7: Summary of supercycles and a hypercycle of 2289 years.
  • - Short supercycles.
    - Supercycles from 250 years to a hypercycle of 2289 years.
    - The long-range change in magnitudes.
    - Stuiver-Braziunas analysis: 9000 years?

  • PART 8: Organizing the cycles into a web.

    2.1. Average sunspot magnitude during 19 Jovian years 1762-1987

    Now it's time to forget the cycles for a while. I will return to them in the chapter 4, when I connect the basic cycle to supercycles. We have hitherto had hints of a possible Jovian effect but no conclusive evidence. Now I will search hints purely by looking at the Wolf values during different periods of the Jovian year.

    The analysis is based on the intensity variation of the sunspot behaviour, i.e. the sunspot numbers, mainly the Wolfian ones. Of course, the cycle lengths were also based on them, but now we will use them directly, mainly on a monthly basis, not being tied to any minima or maxima based on some 13 months or any other running means. There is data from a period of 250 years or since 1749, but because of the uncertainty (there are e.g. many missing, and thus interpolated months) I will neglect the decade of 1750 and begin the analysis from the Jovian perihelion in 1762, near the maximum of the cycle 1. The main analysis ends with the first part of the year 1999 with the Jovian perihelion in that year. This analysis thus includes 237 years and 3 months in Earthly terms or exactly 20 Jovian years.

    The orbital period of Jupiter round the Sun is 11.862 years or 142.34 months. In this analysis I have used the data of the 20 Jovian years beginning with the perihelion in February 1762 and ending with the perihelion in May 1999 (the last used month is April 1999). I made a computer program that classifies the Wolfian sunspot values according to their distance of the latest perihelion on a monthly basis. I thus have 142 classes each containing 20 observations. In this first analysis I have used the arithmetic mean as the group value for each class. Because the Jovian year has 0.34 months over 142 months, I made the program, to maintain the synchronization, to ignore one month every third Jovian year, a kind of negative Jovian leap year.

    If you want to look at the program click here.

    The next table contains the means of the 20 Jovian years by months from the perihelion grouped by 10 months, that is N=200. The exceptions are the perihelion (0) and the aphelion (71) months that are listed as such (N=20).

    TABLE 15. The Wolf number averages during one Jovian year.

    distance     the average                                the change    
    from peri-   Wolfian      
    helion in    sunspot value
    months            (graphically 0=30)                        
    PERIH.      (42) ----------------------------------------------
      1- 10      40 xxxxxxxxxx                                 +5 
     11- 20      51 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                     +11  
     21- 30      57 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                +6  
     31- 40      64 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         +7  
     41- 50      72 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +8  
     51- 60      71 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -1
     61- 70      63 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          -8 
    APHEL.      (65) ----------------------------------------------
     72- 81      61 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            -2      
     82- 91      58 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx               -3        
     92-101      50 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                       -8       
    102-111      44 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx                             -6        
    112-121      36 xxxxxx                                     -8       
    122-131      33 xxx                                        -3       
    132-141      35 xxxxx                                      +2    
    PERIH.      (42) ----------------------------------------------


    INTERPRETATION 1. Wolf minimum and maximum during one Jovian year

    The sunspot value, which has an average value of around 40 Wolfs during and nearly 10 months after the Jovian perihelion, rises in average continuously after that about 0.7 Wolfs per month until Jupiter is about 40-50 months or 3.5-4 years away from its perihelion. The reached sunspot value, about 70 in average, is maintained still in the 50-60 month interval or 4-5 years after the perihelion.

    The monthly values show that the Wolf value reaches its maximum value (77) 51 months after the perihelion. Expressed in years this is 4.25, which is very near the mean rise time from minimum to maximum (4.35 years). By chance or has this some deeper meaning?

    Some 20-30 months around the aphelion the average sunspot value seems to hover in average near 60 Wolfs. If this indicates an independence from Jupiter's grip, it means that the Sun is on its own only 15 to 20 % of its lifetime.

    50-60 months or 4-5 years before the perihelion the Wolf value begins to drop. But the Wolf minimum, about 30, is reached before the perihelion and has a sudden rise to 40 around the perihelion. Does this have something to do with the fact that Jovian perihelion and sunspot minimum never have coincided?

    In fact the rise slowly begins already 9 months before the perihelion, while the minimum is 20-10 months before the perihelion. In average, of course.

    FIGURE 1. Sunspots during 20 Jupiter years put on top of each other


    A fake cycle of only 3 months shorter than one Jovian years is enough to disrupt the effect in 19 Jovian years:

    FIGURE 2

    2.1.1. Regression analysis

    When the rise finally begins 9 months before the perihelion, it is rather steady and linear during the 60-month or 5-year climbing it has ahead beginning with the Wolf value 28 and ending with the value 77 51 months after the perihelion. Because of the linearity of the rise, about 7 Wolfs in every 10 months, I made a regression analysis of these 60 months.

    If we denote the Wolf number with Y and the month with X, we get the equation Y = 35.9 + 0.70X, which means that the expected perihelian value is 36 and the rise is 7.0 Wolfs in ten months. The correlation is very high, 96.6% and standard error rather low, 3.3 Wolfs.

    The fall doesn't look so linear. Despite of this I made a regression analysis of it too. At least we can analyze the residuals. The end of the fall is an easy choice: 21 months before the perihelion, when the Wolf value gets its lowest value of all the 142 values, 27, and where begins a smooth period without any downward or upward trend, but the beginning had to be chosen somewhat arbitrarily, because there exists no obvious turning point: the fall begins gradually. I chose the month 76 or 5 months after the aphelion or 66 months before the perihelion with its value of 69. The fall thus lasts 46 months.

    The regression equation is now Y = 120.2 - 0.71X, which would give the aphelion (not included) a value of 70. The fall is 7.1 Wolfs in ten months correlation being 94.4% and the standard error is 3.4 Wolfs.


    If we denote in the 10-month classification the change of magnitude plus minus 1 with zero and a greater change with its sign, we get the following series: +++++0-0-----0. We could now speculate a little: Nearing its perihelion Jupiter begins to affect the Sun about 20 months before the perihelion. This force, whatever it is, works on the Sun during 50 months after Jupiter has passed its perihelion. After that there is a standstill of about 25 months with some fall that is however not statistically significant. The weakening of the Sun's turbulence that now follows is first slow but accelerates with the time getting its maximum speed about 30 months before the Jovian perihelion, after which Jupiter again slowly gets back its grip on the sunspots. First it is felt as a slowing down of the fall rate, then follows a year of stagnation, and during the last year before the perihelion the sunspot number begins to show again a rising tendency. If we assume the Jupiter as the greatest agent causing the sunspots, we could continue our speculation by assuming that Sun turbulates (if I may use this neo-verb) most on its own (internal oscillation + other planetary influence + remnant of Jovian influence) 40 months after the Jovian aphelion or 30 months before the perihelion. After that the fall first slows down the next 10 months, stops for the next 10 months and begins a new rise during the last 10 months before the perihelion.

    2.1.2. Exceptional months

    There are some individual months whose values deviate from the surrounding months more than chance would predict.

    The first of these is the perihelion month 0:

    -3 30 x
    -2 36 xxxxxxx
    -1 37 xxxxxxxx
     0 42 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
     1 38 xxxxxxxxx
     2 37 xxxxxxxx
     3 33 xxxx 

    The rise has a temporary peak exactly at the perihelion. The value 42 is lastingly achieved only in the month 6.

    The second type is an abnormal rapid temporary change in the ongoing trend. There is one such during the rise, and one during the fall.

    Suddenly during the rise there is a sharp increase from month 28 to month 30.

    28 45 x
    29 53 xxxxxxxxx
    30 61 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    While the normal increase between the months 28 and 30 would be 1.4 Wolfs, in reality it is over tenfold, or 16 Wolfs normally needing 23 months. The Wolf number had already achieved the value 52-53 and the previous value of 45 was in the month 16 or 12 months earlier. And the value 61 is exceeded only in the month 37 or 7 months later.

    The one similar case, now during the fall, occurs during the months 105-107 or 35-37 months before the perihelion, and looks like this:

    105 (-37) 53 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    106 (-36) 46 xxxxxx
    107 (-35) 41 x

    The 12 Wolf decrease during two months is again nearly tenfold the expected 1.4 Wolfs.

    One possible cause for these two sudden changes could be the fact, that Jupiter's orbit crosses the solar equator during months 34 and 105.

    Finally the residual analysis of the regression equations unveils some lonesome months that are not neatly in the row. The two above equations are used for the rise and the fall. These lonesome values could be ignored as caused by some unreliability in the data, if there were not some regularity between their occurrence. The greatest residuals are 10 Wolfs. In the following list are all residuals whose absolute value exceeds 5:

    -rise:  0  18  26  28  35  46  51
    -fall: 88 105 121 

    The months 26 to 28 had a speculative explanation above and the months 46 to 56 are the top of the average values. If we dismiss the already discussed months 26-28 and the month 46 as a preliminary for the top, we are left with the following series:

    rising months:   0  18  35  51
    intervals:          18  17  16 
    falling months: 88 105 121  
    intervals:          17  16  

    The 16-17 month intervals could be a reflection of the mean sunspot period. 1/8 of the supposed mean sunspot period of 11.07-11.08 years is 16.6 months.

    2.2. Is the Jovian effect real or an artifact?

    Now we have the first hint that the Jovian cycle is real and not a broadened fake reflection of the 11 year period. The Jovian cycle seems to consist 8 times 1/8 of the mean cycle (8*16.6 months) plus 2 times 4.75 month (9.5 months) surplus, one around the aphelion and the other around the perihelion. This surplus is needed because one Jovian year is about 7% longer than the mean sunspot period.

    How can then the sunspot period of about 11.07 years synchronize itself with the Jupiter year of 11.86 years, when the two periods differ 0.8 years in length? Actually there seems to be two ways thru which the synchronization and the following relatively smooth rise and fall that has a length of one Jovian year is achieved. Of course this requires at least one full round of n cycles which correspond n+1 Jovian years. The difference of 0.8 years of 7% of the Jovian year was inspected already in the introduction and let to the speculation that there may be needed 15 cycles and 14 Jovian years or 166.1 calendar years. Actually half of that amount will usually begin to show the shape. On the other hand, 30 sunspot cycles and 28 Jovian years may be needed for a more accurate picture, because it seems likely that the synchronization may oscillate between 14-16 cycles and correspondingly between 13 and 15 Jovian years. The 225 years studied is thus enough to show the effect but some 330 years would be needed for a more accurate picture. Now it's easy to understand why the three whole Jovian years 1951-1987, that would give us the more more accurate 10.7 cm flux values, are not enough for this analysis.

    The first way in which the Jovian year is mediated to the sunspot cycle became evident already in the introduction. More cycles begin near the perihelion at the favored distances of 0.8 or 1.6- 1.7 years than near the aphelion. This is achieved by the cycle lengths: they are longer when the minimum begins near the perihelion and shorter when it begins nearer the aphelion. If we omit the cycles that begin on the borderline where Jupiter's orbit intersects the Sun's equator (13-15, 1889-1913 and 23, 1996), of the remaining 20 cycles, 14 (3-12, 1775-1878 and 19-22, 1954- 1986) begin on the perihelion side and only 6 (0-2, 1745-1766 and 16-18, 1923-1944) on the aphelion side. The perihelion cycles last together 156 years (11.2 years per cycle) and the aphelion cycles 61 years (10.2 years per cycle).

    The second fact that mediates this phenomenon is that during the period that begins about 20 months before the perihelion and ends about 10 months after the perihelion the maximum has never exceeded 100-110 Wolfs, when during other Jovian months it can exceed 200 (the more probably the nearer the maximum occurs the aphelion). Thus perihelion-beginners can have practically any possible height, but aphelion-beginners are either low or medium, never high.

    But before we can be sure that this still not is some kind of an artifact, we must be sure that the Jovian cycle is no reflection of some nearby cycle, for example a dampened reflection of the mean cycle. This can be proved by showing that the cycles whose lengths are a few months less or more than the orbital period of Jupiter are continuously more disordered than the Jovian cycle so that it has a life of its own. This does not exclude other cycles, as long as between the cycles there is some differentiating gap.

    2.2.0. The artifact test.

    To test this I made a program that generates all the cycles between 103 and 172 months (or from 8 yrs 7 mons to 14 yrs 4 mons) with 1 month interval to cover the whole cycle length range that has ever been observed and a little more. The run was made in seven parts each consisting of ten consecutive months and using the maximum amount of cycles available in the years 1762-1987 allowed by the longest cycle of this ten cycle's packet.The reason for this 7 parts and 10 cycles at time was purely practical: to save the programming effort.

    The analysis uses 10 month averages, which means that the surplus months which appear in 9/10 of the cycles must be treated in a special way. The classes that contain 1-5 observations are omitted, and the classes that contain 6-9 observations are included (the sum of course divided with a lesser number than 10). Every cycle of course has one month more than the previous cycle.

    The following table contains the cycles from 132 months (11 years) to 143 months (12 years 11 months) so that both the mean sunspot period of 133 months and the Jovian year of 142.3 months are covered.

    TABLE 16. The cycle mean magnitudes from 11 years to Jovian year

    The distance from the beginning of the cycle (that month plus next 9 months):

            0  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90 100 110 120 130
    132mo  68  61  49  41  34  28  26  26  36  53  73  85  83   -
    the mean period of -------------------------------------------
    133mo  58  48  39  31  24  24  30  38  52  70  83  80  70   -
    the sunspot cycle --------------------------------------------
    134mo  46  35  28  24  24  31  41  55  68  84  81  71  63   -
    135mo  35  27  26  27  32  42  56  66  78  81  69  63  51   -
    136mo  29  30  32  34  41  51  64  76  74  73  63  51  40 (30)
    137mo  34  34  36  41  46  60  70  73  70  65  50  42  36 (36)
    138mo  38  39  38  45  53  62  72  69  61  52  46  44  45 (43)
    139mo  40  36  42  48  55  68  66  60  52  55  52  52  47 (45)
    140mo  38  37  45  50  60  64  62  55  56  62  55  53  48  38
    141mo  35  42  47  53  59  65  60  61  62  60  55  48  42  34   -
    142mo  39  43  52  55  64  67  64  63  61  58  48  43  33  31   -
    Jovian cycle: the small discrepancies with the earlier distribution
    142.3  40  46  51  60  67  69  63  62  59  53  48  39  32  31   -
    are due to the fact that these means contain perihelion and aphelion
    143mo  43  49  54  58  66  62  59  57  54  53  44  36  34  33   -

    The rise and fall changes of the mean period cycle and of the Jovian year cycle. The months are synchronized to help the comparison.

    mean:     6  8  14  18  13      -3 -10 -12 -10  -9  -8  -7   0
    (mean has one class less because of the smaller amount of months) 
    Jovian:   9  6   7   9   7   2  -6  -1  -3  -6  -5  -9  -7  -1

    The Jovian cycle doesn't look like a stretched mean cycle, but let's be sure about that.

    When we take continuously more distance from the 133 month (11.1 year) cycle whether lengthening or shortening the period, the distribution should deteriorate so that in theory in the end there is left only an even distribution with same values in each class and in practice a distribution whose minor fluctuations are purely random. This is unless we encounter a new cycle. This is the basis for our test. The test is very critical: IF THE JOVIAN CYCLE SHOWS NO DISENTROPY OF ITS OWN, WE CAN FORGET THE JOVIAN EFFECT.

    I have used three tests to verify whether a cycle is a real independent cycle: 1. Plus-minus analysis to test that there are only two turning points, 2. analysis of the absolute changes from one class to the other to test that the mean change is greater with this cycle than with the surrounding cycles, and 3. analysis of the difference of the greatest and the smallest class mean to test that the difference within this cycle is greater than within the surrounding classes.

    2.2.1. The plus-minus analysis

    The plus-minus analysis is a dichotomous analysis: the cycle is either approved or disproved. The rules for the approval are simple: 1. The cycle has only two turning points. 2. Zero is allowed only at turning points. 3. Only one zero per turning point is allowed.

    TABLE 17. Plus-minus.

    116mo   +   +   +   -   -   -   0   +   +   -   0
    117mo   +   -   -   -   -   -   +   +   +   +   +                 X
    118mo   -   -   -   -   -   +   +   +   +   +   +                 X
    119mo   -   -   -   -   0   +   +   +   +   0   -                 X
    120mo   -   -   -   -   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -             X
    121mo   -   -   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -             X
    122mo   +   +   +   +   +   +   0   -   -   -   -   -             X
    123mo   +   0   +   -   0   -   +   +   -   -   -   +
    124mo   -   -   -   -   -   -   +   -   -   +   +   +
    125mo   -   -   -   -   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -
    126mo   -   -   +   -   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -         
    127mo   +   +   0   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -         
    128mo   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -         X        
    129mo   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   +   +         X
    130mo   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   +   +   +         X
    131mo   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   +   +   +   +         X
    132mo   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   0   +   +   +   +   -         X
    the average -------------------------------------------------------
    133mo   -   -   -   -   -   0   +   +   +   +   +   -   -         X
    sunspot cycle -----------------------------------------------------
    134mo   -   -   -   -   0   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -         X
    135mo   -   -   -   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -         X
    136mo   -   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -     X
    137mo   -   0   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   0
    138mo   -   +   -   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   +   -
    139mo   -   -   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   +   -   0   -   -
    140mo   0   -   +   +   +   +   -   -   +   +   -   -   -   -
    141mo   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   +   +   -   -   -   -   -
    142mo   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -     X
    the Jovian cycle --------------------------------------------------
    142.3   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -     X
    the Jovian cycle --------------------------------------------------
    143mo   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -     X
    144mo   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   +     X
    145mo   +   +   +   -   -   -   +   -   -   -   -   0   +   +
    146mo   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   +   +   +   + X
    147mo   +   -   -   -   +   -   -   -   -   +   +   +   +   +   +
    148mo   +   -   -   -   +   -   -   +   +   +   -   +   -   -   +
    149mo   -   -   -   +   -   -   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   +   0
    150mo   +   -   -   +   +   +   +   0   +   0   -   -   -   -   0
    151mo   -   -   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   0   -
    152mo   -   +   +   +   +   +   -   -   +   -   -   0   -   -   0
    153mo   +   +   +   +   +   +   -   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   +
    154mo   -   +   +   +   +   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   +   +
    155mo   +   +   +   -   +   -   -   -   0   -   -   0   0   +   +



    Months whose cyclicity are acceptable, are 111-112 (outside the table), 117-122, 128-136, and 142-144. In years they are 9.25-9.3, 9.75-10.2, 10.7-11.3, and 11.8-12.0. Thus we have here both the average length 11.0+-0.3 and the Jovian year 11.9+-0.1. The most conspicuos cycle governing the lengths, the 10.3 year cycle, however does not appear at all when using the magnitude. Instead there is a strong intensity cycle around 9.9-10.0 years that doesn't appear in the cycle lengths. Now we have four types of cycles: one that shows up both in intensity and actual lengths (one Jovian year, 11.9 calyrs), one that shows up in intensity and only in theoretical lengths (the mean length, 11.1 yrs), one that shows up only in actual lengths but not in intensity (10.3 yrs), and one that shows up only in intensity but not in the lengths (9.9 yrs). There may be one more cycle of the last type at 9.3 yrs.


    2.2.2. The discrimination analysis

    The mean of the absolute changes between 10 month intervals. The lower the value, the more similar are the values. Zero means no cyclicity with this interval, and a value below one means only statistical noise. Cycles appear as peaks.

    TABLE 18. Discrimination.

    109mo   2.6 *************                         
    110mo   3.5 ******************                       
    111mo   5.1 **************************               
    112mo   5.8 *****************************            
    113mo   6.0 ******************************             
    114mo   3.8 *******************                       
    115mo   3.6 ******************                        
    116mo   4.1 *********************                     
    117mo   6.0 ******************************            
    118mo   7.8 ***************************************   
    119mo   8.7 ********************************************
    120mo   8.0 ****************************************      
    121mo   6.7 **********************************            
    122mo   4.3 **********************
    123mo   3.4 *****************                             
    124mo   3.9 ********************
    125mo   4.4 **********************
    126mo   5.4 ***************************
    127mo   6.6 *********************************
    128mo   6.5 *********************************
    129mo   6.6 *********************************
    130mo   6.9 *********************************** 
    131mo   8.8 ******************************************** 
    132mo   9.1 **********************************************
    the average -------------------------------------------------
    133mo   9.1 **********************************************   
    sunspot cycle -----------------------------------------------
    134mo   9.2 **********************************************   
    135mo   8.5 *******************************************      
    136mo   6.7 **********************************               
    137mo   5.8 *****************************                    
    138mo   5.0 *************************                          
    139mo   5.1 **************************                        
    140mo   4.8 ************************                             
    141mo   4.8 ************************                              
    142mo   5.2 **************************                            
    the Jovian cycle --------------------------------------------
    142.3   5.4 ***************************                           
    the Jovian cycle --------------------------------------------
    143mo   4.7 ************************                             
    144mo   4.4 **********************                               
    145mo   4.3 **********************                                
    146mo   3.6 ******************   
    147mo   3.3 *****************
    148mo   3.4 *****************   
    149mo   2.4 ************  
    150mo   2.5 ************* 
    151mo   2.6 *************                                         
    152mo   3.1 **************** 
    153mo   2.9 ***************
    154mo   3.1 ****************             
    155mo   2.4 ************
    156mo   2.9 ***************
    157mo   2.5 *************                         
    158mo   1.9 **********

    The first cycle appears with a period of 112-113 months or 9.3-9.4 years. The next cycle at month 119 or 9.9 years is relatively sharp. 123 months would correspond the primary cycle length, 10.2-10.3 years, but in intensity it is completely non-existent. The most powerful intensity cycle is at months 132-134, which corresponds to the mean cycle length: 133 months would be 11.08 years. From month 135 (11.25 years) to month 138 (11.5 years) there is a sharp decrease in the discrimination power, but then it comes to a halt, and has a short but sharp rise exactly at one Jovian year, 11.86 years or 142.3 months. Then it begins to fall again until a rise in the month 152, two times the distance of the Jovian year from the mean cycle. The first four of these five cycles are acceptable by the plus-minus criterion. The last is not, and can be considered as a reflection of the Jovian year.



    Plus-minus and the discrimination analysis support each other. Only the values are now sharper. The first cycle seems to be very near 112 months or 9.3 years. The second cycle sharpens near 119 months or 9.9 years. The third cycle is not so sharp, but still sharper than in previous analysis, 132-134 months or 11.00 to 11.17 years, the mean of sunspot cycle length, when there are at least 15-20 cycles.

    The fourth cycle is even sharper than the 9.9 years cycle, but here is used an accuracy of 0.1 months or 3 days. It is the Jovian year. Even a change of 0.3 months or 9 days begins to deteriorate the cycle. The strongest evidence about a Jovian cycle and a Jovian influence on sunspots we can get.


    2.2.3. Difference between the largest and the smallest class means.

    This analysis is redundant with the above discrimination analysis but used to check the slight irregularity caused by the last class in nine cases out of ten not containing ten months. Besides this, this analysis also has the advantage that it takes only in account the really extreme classes, and is not affected by any asymmetry. It's the amount of difference that counts. The continuity of the rise and fall was checked via the plus-minus analysis.

    I first made a similar histogram as in the discrimination analysis, but because the resulting diagram was almost identical, I omitted it. The cycles of 112 and 113 months (9.3-9.4 years) got an almost equal value: 32 and 33. The second cycle peaked equally at 119 and 120 months (implicating about 9.95 years) with value 48. The third cycle was equally broad compared with discrimination analysis: the mean cycle from 132 to 134 months or somewhere around 11.1 years. It was also here the highest one, the difference between hi and low was 59-60 Wolfs.

    The Jovian cycle also repeated itself in the same form as in the previous analysis. On monthly basis, the 142 months had the highest difference, 36 Wolfs, but with the accuracy of 0.1 months or 3 days, the exact Jovian year or 142.3 months, was again the highest, 38 Wolfs. 143 months dropped already to 33 Wolfs.

    Around 160 months the changes begin to approach what can be expected by noise, by random fluctuations.

    The lows between these cycles are at months 109, 115, and 123, which in years are 9.1, 9.6, and 10.25, respectively. Interestingly they correspond to cycle lengths.

    So I made a diagram that shows only the classes with the smallest and largest mean so that the values are vertically on the relative position, that is dictated by its value. The maximum separation means a cycle, the nearing of the values means that only reflections exist at that month.

    TABLE 19. The classes with the lowest and the highest value.

    106                  40               57
    107                  40                   61
    108                    42                60
    109                      44        54      
    110                   41               58
    111              36                          64
    112          32                              64    
    113           33                               66
    114                  40                   61      
    115                     43            57        
    116                   41                  61      
    117          32                               65  
    118      28                                         71
    119     27                                              75
    120     27                                              75         
    121        30                                      70
    122             35                        61        
    123                  40             55                
    124                    42                 61          
    125                 39                        65      
    126               37                                71    
    127           33                                         76  
    128        30                                        72   
    129     27                                         70     
    130    26                                           71     
    131  24                                                       81
    132    26                                                         85
    the average --------------------------------------------------------
    133  24                                                         83
    sunspot cycle ------------------------------------------------------
    134  24                                                          84
    135    26                                                     81
    136       29                                             76 
    137            34                                     73   
    138                38                                72    
    139              36                              68        
    140               37                         64            
    141            34                             65            
    142         31                                  67          
    the Jovian cycle ------------------------------------------------
    142.3       31                                    69       
    the Jovian cycle ------------------------------------------------
    143           33                               66           
    144            34                             65           
    145             35                            65           
    146               37                         64                
    147                   41                    63                 
    148                  40                   61                   

    The Jovian year has the sharpest difference, the average one the widest.

    2.2.4. The three criteria considered together, a summary

    The above methods are surprisingly unanimous about where the cycles lie.

    Now it's time to look at the three analysis together to get as accurate a picture as one can get with this method. The first value and x denote the discrimination analysis. The second value and c denote the difference between the greatest and the smallest mean. Ok means that the cycle is approved by the plus-minus analysis.

    TABLE 20. A summary of cycles

    110mo   3.5 17 xxxc                    
    111mo   5.1 28 xxxxxcc         ok  
    112mo   5.8 32 xxxxxccc        ok
    113mo   6.0 33 xxxxxxccc             
    114mo   3.8 21 xxxcc                       
    115mo   3.6 14 xxxc                      
    116mo   4.1 20 xxxxcc                    
    117mo   6.0 33 xxxxxxccc       ok   
    118mo   7.8 43 xxxxxxxcccc     ok
    119mo   8.7 48 xxxxxxxxcccc    ok
    120mo   8.0 48 xxxxxxxxcccc    ok
    121mo   6.7 40 xxxxxxcccc      ok   
    122mo   4.3 26 xxxxcc          ok
    123mo   3.4 15 xxxc                           
    124mo   3.9 19 xxxc
    125mo   4.4 26 xxxxcc
    126mo   5.4 34 xxxxxccc
    127mo   6.6 43 xxxxxxcccc
    128mo   6.5 42 xxxxxxcccc      ok
    129mo   6.6 43 xxxxxxcccc      ok
    130mo   6.9 45 xxxxxxcccc      ok
    131mo   8.8 57 xxxxxxxxccccc   ok
    132mo   9.1 59 xxxxxxxxxccccc  ok
    the average -------------------------------------------------
    133mo   9.1 59 xxxxxxxxxccccc  ok
    sunspot cycle ----- -----------------------------------------
    134mo   9.2 60 xxxxxxxxxcccccc ok
    135mo   8.5 55 xxxxxxxxccccc   ok
    136mo   6.7 47 xxxxxxcccc      ok      
    137mo   5.8 39 xxxxxccc                  
    138mo   5.0 34 xxxxxccc                         
    139mo   5.1 32 xxxxxccc                        
    140mo   4.8 27 xxxxcc                            
    141mo   4.8 31 xxxxccc                             
    142mo   5.2 36 xxxxxccc        ok                 
    the Jovian cycle --------------------------------------------
    142.3   5.4 38 xxxxxccc        ok               
    the Jovian cycle --------------------------------------------
    143mo   4.7 33 xxxxccc         ok                
    144mo   4.4 31 xxxxccc         ok                   
    145mo   4.3 30 xxxxccc                               
    146mo   3.6 27 xxxcc           ok
    147mo   3.3 22 xxxcc
    148mo   3.4 19 xxxc   
    149mo   2.4 15 xxc 
    150mo   2.5 18 xxc
    151mo   2.6 20 xxcc                                       
    152mo   3.1 21 xxxcc
    153mo   2.9 20 xxcc
    154mo   3.1 21 xxxcc            
    155mo   2.4 17 xxc
    156mo   2.9 16 xxc
    157mo   2.5 13 xxc                        
    158mo   1.9 10 xc

    I have calculated the lengths of the four cycles that appeared in this analysis by using weighted averages counting the two or three highest values and their immediate neigbours. Results are as follows:

    cycle  length in yrs by
           2.2.2.    2.2.3.
    I        9.37      9.37
    II       9.95      9.96
    III     11.08     11.08
    IV      11.84     11.84 

    It appears that it doesn't matter which one of the two methods we use. The statistical error (95%) margins are +-0.03 years, so with this confidence limit we get for the cycle values 9.34-9.40, 9.93-9.98, 11.05-11.11 and 11.81-11.87 years.

    Because the main cycles while considering lengths from minima to minima were about 10.3 years and one Jovian year, a new cycle at 9.9-10.0 years in intensity was unexpected (as well as the disappearance of the 10.2-10.3 year cycle).

    To see how it looks like, I drew a graphical picture with a cycle length of 119 months (9.92 years). A very clear dichotomy between low and high values is what shows up. The first part is low except in two cases, where there is a permanent uplift in the Wolf value level. The second part is usually high and excepting the two rises of level all the high values lie in the second part.



    Based on this analysis we can suggest that the real intensity cycle is somewhere near 9.95 years. If we multiply this by most favored length of sunspots, 10.3 years, we get 102.5 years. If we multiply it with the mean period 11.07 years, we get 110 years. The period of 100-110 years is a significant factor in long-range climate changes.


    FIGURE 3. High and low symmetry of cycles between 100 and 170 months.

    2.3. How many Jovian years are needed for the effect to show up?
    2.3.1. 14 Jovian years

    The above analysis was based on 19 Jovian years or 225.3 Earthly years. 14 Jovian years, exactly or about, correspond to 15 sunspot cycles. If the relation would be 13:14, the mean cycle would be 11.015 years, if it would be 15:16, the mean would be 11.12 years. For the relation to be exactly 14:15, the mean cycle should be 11.071 years. Most scientists prefer a value between 11.07 and 11.08 years.

    So solely on the grounds 14 Jovians/15 cycles we have in our analysis 36% too much data, which can cause bias. On the other side we saw in our perihelion dance, that at least two consecutive supercycles do not resemble each other, so we should rather say, that we have only 68% of the needed 28 Jovians/30 cycles period. But now we have a complication. We are rather interested in the magnitudes than the cycle lengths. But later we do seem, that there is a supercycle of about 212 years. Thus we should have 106% of the needed data. Or do we? The first obstacle is that the 200-year supercycles have only some characteristics in common, for example the supercyclic rise needs a hypercycle. There could be one around 1060 years (5 times 212?). So we don't actually know how representative our data are. But let's elaborate a little with what we do have.

    Now we have in each category 140 observations (months) instead of 190, and I have chosen to leave the years 1762-1774 out because there are so many missing days. One interesting thing that we can try to find out is, is there any tendency of the magnitude to change with the time.

    TABLE 21. The magnitude in 14 Jovian year intervals

    1. months from the perihelion (N=140 except for PER and APH, N=14)
    2.-6. 1774-1940, 1785-1951, 1797-1963, 1809-1975, 1821-1987 
    1. months  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.
    PER   0mo (40  41  41  43  46)-------
      1- 10mo  41  43  41  41  42 
     11- 20mo  54  57  50  50  52 
     21- 30mo  59  61  51  53  55 
     31- 40mo  66  65  56  59  66 
     41- 50mo  69  61  57  61  71                
     51- 60mo  61  51  55  59  69 
     61- 70mo  50  43  51  56  64 
    APH  71mo (45  39  51  52  61)-------
     72- 81mo  41  41  50  54  61 
     82- 91mo  38  43  52  54  58  
     92-101mo  33  40  46  49  50  
    102-111mo  31  38  42  45  46  
    112-121mo  27  34  36  38  38 
    122-131mo  27  32  33  36  35 
    132-141mo  32  36  37  38  39 
    PER   0mo (40  41  41  43  46)-------

    We can see that the magnitude preserves its stability only during the first 10 months after the perihelion, when its value is 41-43. However the last 10 months before perihelion also show stability, if we ignore the first period, the four last ones are in the range of 36-39 Wolfs.

    We have one interesting thing left. From the aphelion until 10 months before the perihelion the Wolf number increases or at least preserves its value from every interval to the next (with one minor exception) in every class. In absolute figures the increases are 20, 20, 17, 15, 11 and 8 Wolfs. In fact this tendency begins already before the aphelion, after the highest mean value has been reached. The last 10-month period before aphelion has a rise amount of 14 Wolfs. What is odd is that there is no corresponding rise during months from 10 to 50. The superrcyclic rise happens during months from 55 to 130.

    During the 50 months beginning 60 months before the perihelion there is the drop in the magnitude, that is familiar to us from the 19 Jovyr analysis. It occurs during every interval disregarding the horizontal growth in intensity. The intensity is lowest during the 10 to 20 months before the perihelion disregarding the intensity growing from 27 to 35-36. The fall begins 50-60 months before the perihelion despite the intensity growing from 38 to 58 Wolfs.

    After perihelion the intensity grows in every supercycle until about 40 month's distance. The horizontal time-dependent growth is however only seen after the Jupiter-induced growth ceases.

    2.3.2. 19 Jovian years compared to 14 Jovian years

    TABLE 22. Magnitudes during 19 and 14 Jovian years ending 1987.

    1. months from perihelion
    2. 1821-1987 (14 Jovian years, N=140, except in PER and APH)
    3. 1762-1987 (19 Jovian years, N=190, except in PER and APH)
    4. difference (last 14 Jovyrs minus last 19 Jovyrs)

           1.  2. 3.   4.
    PER   0mo (46 42)---------
      1- 10mo  42 40 / +2 
     11- 20mo  52 47 / +5 
     21- 30mo  55 52 / +3 
     31- 40mo  66 60 / +6 
     41- 50mo  71 68 / +3          
     51- 60mo  69 68 / +1 
     61- 70mo  64 63 / +1 
    APH  71mo (61 61)---------
     72- 81mo  61 62 / -1  
     82- 91mo  58 59 / -1  
     92-101mo  50 51 / -1  
    102-111mo  46 46 /  -   
    112-121mo  38 36 / +2 
    122-131mo  35 32 / +3 
    132-141mo  39 33 / +6

    It does not make much difference whether we use the intensity cycle of 19 Jovian years or the length cycle of 14 Jovian years. The cycles may not be representative, because they don't begin at any synchronization years, but despite of that we can see that there is in both cases a clear Jovian effect. The magnitude reaches its peak, around 70 Wolfs, 40-50 months after the perihelion and is at its lowest, a little over 30 Wolfs, 10-20 months before the perihelion. The higher magnitude shows up where the Jovian effect is at its clearest: 50 months after the perihelion and 30 months before the perihelion. During the 60 months in-between there is no difference, no rise of the magnitude.

    2.3.3. The individual Jovian years

    If we look at the 19 Jovian years, we can see that there are years that apparently do not show any influence of Jupiter, in fact some seem opposite to the trend that we have sketched above. This must also be readily apparent from the fact that the mean sunspot cycle is about 7% shorter than one Jovian year.

    How is it then possible that putting 19 Jovian years together we have a clear Jovian year influence? How is it possible that even if we divide the material into 14 Jovian year sets, the effect still clearly shows up in every one of them? The shape is also not affected of the slightly rising tendency in the average intensity.

    Theoretically we have two possibilities. Either only part of the sunspot cycles are affected or all are affected, but with different amount. The first possibility means that there must be more cycles that respond to Jupiter than cycles that are immune to it. The second possibility means that the height of the cycle varies according to the relative positions of the cycle minimum and the Jovian perihelion.

    To solve this problem I made a computer program, that drew altogether 1330 Jovian cycles in all the 190 possible combinations beginning with 19 times 1 cycle, continuing with 18 times 2 cycles etc. until drawing 2 times 18 cycles and lastly 1 time 19 cycles.

    The analysis shows that 10-11 consecutive cycles are always able to show the Jupiter-effect.

    But the individual cycles vary from apparently immune cycles to cycles that behave as the above average suggests, plus cycles that exaggerate the effect. Or maybe we'd better say that some cycles show the effect very clearly, some a little dampened and some seem not to be affected at all.

    In the next table I have measured the affection or hostility of each Jovian year (added with the year 0 and the last whole Jovian year 20 (1987-1999) so that we have 21 Jovian years) by subtracting the Wolf value preceding the aphelion from the Wolf value preceding the perihelion. If the difference is positive, the cycle is affected, if it is negative, the cycle is immune. There are 15 positive (from 1774 to 1892, from 1904 to 1916 and from 1951) and 6 negative years (before 1774 from 1892 to 1904 and from 1916 to 1951). This would be enough to transmit the Jupiter-effect.

    The affection was seen already in chapter 1: the most preferred position for the minimum was about 8 or 17 months away from the perihelion. If the minimum situated nearer the aphelion than the perihelion, it hurried speedily to a new position causing the cycle to be short until it was again near the perihelion.

    But there is also a second factor that contributes to the Jupiter-effect: The maximum Wolf number near the perihelion is 80 in a 10-month interval and 90-100 for an individual month. The Wolf number can exceed 200 Wolfs, but only after 25 months have elapsed from the perihelion, and not long after the aphelion. The aphelion environment may be low or high, but the perihelion environment is always low, even if the cycle maximum occurs near the perihelion.

    TABLE 23. The Jovian-friendlines of the sunspots from 1749 to 2004.

    1. the year of the perihelion
    2. Wolf(PER+5yrs)-Wolf(PER-1yrs)
             1.  2.  graphically (every * = 10 Wolfs) 
     0 1750 -71 *******
     1 1762 -48   *****
     2 1774  91        *********
     3 1785  80        ********
     4 1797  29        ***
     5 1809   6        *
     6 1821  20        **
     7 1833  75        ******** 
     8 1845  52        *****
     9 1857  55        ******
    10 1868  59        ******
    11 1880  46        *****
    12 1892 -10       *
    13 1904  20        **
    14 1916 -21      **
    15 1928 -63  ****** 
    16 1940 -56  ******
    17 1951  58        ******
    18 1963  68        *******
    19 1975 120        ************
    20 1987  81        ********
    21 1999 -20      ** 

    The average friendliness is +28 Wolfs. The friendlines has been high from 1774 to 1797, from 1833 to 1892 and from 1951 to 1999.

    2.3.4. The 14 Jovian year set smoothed

    Next I calculated the five month running means of the means in each of the six 14 Jovian year series and put in the following table besides the perihelion and the aphelion values every 10th month counted from the running means.

    TABLE 24. Running means of means in the 14 Jovian year set

    1. months from perihelion
    2.-6. series 1-5
    7.-11. changes inside each series from the previous values
    12. median of all changes
       1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.    7.  8.  9.  10.  11.   12.
    PER00  37  39  39  41  43 /  +8  +6  +5   +5   +7 /  +6
     10mo  46  49  45  45  46 /  +9 +10  +6   +4   +3 /  +6
     20mo  58  61  53  53  55 / +12 +12  +8   +8   +9 /  +9
     30mo  64  64  55  58  62 /  +6  +3  +2   +5   +7 /  +5
     40mo  67  64  56  61  70 /  +3   -  +1   +3   +8 /  +3
     50mo  67  57  56  61  72 /   -  -7   -    -   +2 /   -
     60mo  53  45  51  55  65 / -14 -12  -5   -6   -7 /  -7
    APH71  44  41  52  56  63 /  -9  -4  +1   +1   -2 /  -2
     81mo  39  41  50  55  59 /  -5   -  -2   -1   -4 /  -2
     91mo  36  43  51  53  54 /  -3  +2  +1   -2   -5 /  -2
    101mo  31  40  45  48  51 /  -5  -3  -6   -5   -3 /  -5
    111mo  30  39  40  42  41 /  -1  -1  -5   -6  -10 /  -5
    121mo  23  30  32  33  34 /  -7  -9  -8   -9   -7 /  -8
    131mo  29  33  34  36  36 /  +6  +3  +2   +3   +2 /  +3
    PER00  37  39  39  41  43 /  +8  +6  +5   +5   +7 /  +6    

    Calculated with running means the low in the five sets occur 21, 21, 17-22, 21, and 19-20 months before the perihelion. So 21 months or 1.75 years (15% of one Jovian year) seems to be a very stable place for the minimum. The corresponding Wolf numbers are 23, 30, 32, 33, and 33. This seems to be the point where the quieting Sun again catches turbulence from Jupiter.

    The rise rate grows first to 6 Wolfs per 10 months, but gets a kick to about 9 Wolfs some 20 months after the perihelion which is gradually calmed down during the drastic months of 30-35 months after the perihelion. Then the rise rate slows down until it comes to a halt 40-50 months after the perihelion: the high in the five sets occur 44-47, 31-32, 44-45, 39-48, and 48-51 months after the perihelion. The corresponding Wolf numbers are 70, 67, 58, 62, and 72. The early second set seems to point to the fact that 14 Jovian years are not always enough to be a representative sample.

    Then there happens an odd phenomenon. There is a rapid and sharp fall just before the aphelion. The aphelion, however, dampens the speed. The speed of fall slowly accelerates again reaching a value of 8 Wolfs per 10 months about 20 months before the perihelion when it comes to a sudden halt.

    Both the rise and the fall are accelerating phenomena, albeit with different characters. The rise accelerates first and decelerates then. The fall, if we ignore the "premature" fall before the aphelion, accelerates first very slowly and after getting speed comes to the sudden halt.

    2.3.5. Eliminating the supercyclic rise

    The mean Wolf number (the mean of all the 142 means) has increased throughout the series of 14 Jovian years. In the next analysis has been added the sixth (or first 14 Jovian year 1762-1774), which contains so many missing months that I have avoided it in many analysis. Because of the wealth of material here, I have included it in this analysis. In general it seems very similar to the next set.

    From 1774 the mean of means has been steadily growing, by 1.5 Wolfs per Jovian year since 1797.

    TABLE 25. The supercyclic rise from 1774 to 1999

    set      years  Wolf  increment
      0. 1762-1928  44.9     
      1. 1774-1940  44.8  -0.2
      2. 1785-1951  46.0  +1.2
      3. 1797-1963  47.0  +1.0
      4. 1809-1975  49.5  +2.5
      5. 1821-1987  53.3  +3.8
      6. 1833-1999  56.4  +3.1

    Next I made an index for each of the six series, using the five month running means, so that the mean value of each series is 100, to get rid of this growing tendency of the Wolfian number. This supercyclic phenomenon is a further indication of more Jovian years needed. In the table is listed every 10th of the running values and the change from the previous value.

    TABLE 26. The Jovian year indexed to get rid of the supercyclic rise

    month index                                  change
    PER    82 *****            / +14            *******
     10mo  98 *********        / +16            ********
     20mo 119 *************    / +21            ***********
     30mo 129 ***************  / +10            *****
     40mo 136 **************** /  +7            ****
     50mo 134 **************** /  -2           *
     60mo 113 ************     / -21 ***********                    
    APH   106 **********       /  -7        ****
     81mo 100 *********        /  -6         ***                    
     91mo  97 ********         /  -3          **                   
    101mo  86 ******           / -11      ******                     
    111mo  77 ****             /  -9       *****                    
    121mo  60 *                / -17   *********                    
    131mo  68 ***              /  -8        ****                   
    PER    82 *****            / +14            *******            

    The overall picture doesn't change from the previous one. The rise begins 10-15 months before the perihelion, reaches its maximum speed about 15 months after the perihelion and the maximum value about 45 months after the perihelion. The fall has its first sharp part just before the aphelion. The second maximum rate of the fall is reached 20-30 months before the perihelion and the Wolf number is at its minimum 15-20 before the perihelion.

    The most interesting phases according to the index:

    1. fall from 82 to 79 from perihelion to month 3
    2. rise from 79 to 116 from month 3 to month 16 (100 in month 11)
    3. rise from 117 to 135 from month 27 to month 31
    4. a setback to 128-131 from month 33 to month 37 ("deviating mos")
    5. MAXIMUM of 140 in months 44-45
    --) the next months are months before the perihelion (aphelion = 71)
    6. fall from 74 to 60 from month 27 to month 21
    7. MINIMUM of 60-61 in months 17-21
    8. rise from 75 to 82 from month 3 to perihelion

    The rise rate reaches its highest speed from month 3 to month 16 after the perihelion. The rise lasts 61 months, the fall 76 month making the relation as 45:55.

    Go to the
    Part 8: Organizing the cycles into a web.

    Go to the
    Part 7: Summary of supercycles and a hypercycle of 2289 years.

    - Short supercycles.
    - Supercycles from 250 years to a hypercycle of 2289 years.
    - The long-range change in magnitudes.
    - Stuiver-Braziunas analysis: 9000 years?

    Go to the
    Part 6: Searching supercycles by smoothing.

    - Smoothing sunspot averages in 1768-1992 by one sunspot cycle.
    - Smoothing by the Hale cycle.
    - Smoothing by the Gleissberg cycle.
    - Double smoothing.
    - Omitting minima or taking into account only the active parts of the cycle.

    Go to the
    Part 5: The 200-year cycle.

    - A 2000-year historical review.
    - An autocorrelation analysis.
    - 200-year cyclicity and temperature correlations.
    - The periods of Cole.

    Go to the
    Part 4: From basic cycles to supercycles.

    - How long is the 11-year cycle?
    - The rules of Schove interpreted.
    - The Precambrian Elatina formation.
    - The Gleissberg cycle.

    Go to the
    Part 3: Minima, maxima and medians.

    Go to the
    beginning of this part.

    Go to the
    beginning of the sunspots.

    Comments should be addressed to timo.niroma@pp.inet.fi