Biography: Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar

Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar

Environmental consultant. 25 years Research Scientist with Environment Canada

Phone: 905-940-0105

Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar's specializes in understanding extreme weather events in Canada and in other parts of the world. He holds B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics, a M.Sc. in Statistics from India (Pune University) as well as both M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Meteorology from Florida State University, one of the world leaders in meteorology. Dr. Khandekar has worked in the fields of climatology, meteorology and oceanography for over 45 years and has published nearly 100 papers, reports, book reviews and scientific commentaries as well as a book on Ocean Wave Analysis and Modelling, published by Springer-Verlag (1989). He has analyzed a variety of weather and climate data ranging from Indian Monsoon to Atlantic hurricanes to Canadian winter blizzards to Arctic sea ice. He is presently on the editorial board of the International Journal Natural Hazards (Kluwer pub. Netherlands) and recently acted as a guest editor for a special issue of the Journal on Global warming and extreme weather (Vol. 29, June 2003). This special issue has a number of papers by international scientists, none of which conclusively support the global warming/extreme weather link. His current research interests are global weather anomalies, El Nino/Southern Oscillation and Asian Monsoon.

Khandekar taught meteorology and related subjects at University of Alberta (1971-74) and for two United Nations training programs - Barbados (1975-77) and Qatar (1980-82). He received the 1993 Prize in Applied Oceanography from Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society for his developmental work on ocean wave modeling for Canadian Atlantic and Pacific regions.

Here is a snapshot of his other activities:

  1. Presented over thirty-five scientific papers at national and international conferences, meetings and workshops during the last 12 years.

  2. Acted as referee for over forty papers submitted to the following international journals: Atmosphere-Ocean, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Climate Research, Journal of Climate, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Journal of Geophysical Research, Monthly Weather Review and Natural Hazards. Refereed papers covered the following topics: atmospheric boundary layer; El Nino/Southern Oscillation and Indian monsoon; geophysical hazards and impact analysis; ocean wind waves and related topics; tropical cyclone movement and impact analysis (1984-2001).

  3. Provided oral and written consultations to the Canadian Wheat Board on long-range forecasting of monsoon rainfall over India during last six years. At his suggestion, the weather and crop surveillance section of the Canadian Wheat Board has developed and implemented (since 1989) a procedure to monitor Southeast Asian monsoon rainfall based on ENSO index and stratospheric wind oscillation over the tropical latitudes.

  4. Helped establish a "Long-range Weather and Crop Forecasting Group" in Canada. The first meeting of this group was organized in April 1993; the second meeting of the group was held in March 1995, at the Canadian Wheat board, Winnipeg. The proceedings of the second meeting, edited by Ray Garnett and Dr. Khandekar has been published (October, 1995); the third meeting of the Group was held at the Canadian Meteorological Centre in Montreal, October 20-21 (Proceedings published June 1998); fourth meeting held at PFRA Regina (Proceedings published February 2002).

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