********************* loaddefs link d_Qtest 'types atomic/types atomic- testOptrs.ndf' missing : isAtmTop isAtmATop isNotNullAtm ary1_isItmOf_ary2 isLst lst_checkIs isLstTop isLstATop isSolitary aryTop_hasSolitary isStrTop isStrATop isArySTop whatTyp_aryTop +-----+ [is, check] tests : (24Nov2021 no formal tests yet - just in ndf files) isAtm_testSimple - res ipsa loquitor, isAryIdxSeq_testSimple := - test if idxSeq conforms to format of a full slice definition isSlc_testSimple := - test if slc conforms to format of a full slice definition +-----+ ary_[atm, itm, sub]_[,any]in : ary_sub_in_testStd := - returns list of Substr positions in Str, or an error ary_subL_anyIn_testSimple := - returns true if ANY of subStrL are in str (types.ndf) +-----+ ary compatibility with [idx, itm, sub, slc] : ary_adrCompatible_testSimple := - is ary useable for adr optrs? eg ary [valence > 0 (non-atomic), ~= null] ary_idx_compatible_testSimple := - does idx "fit" ary? ary_idxSeq_compatible_testSimple := - does idxSeq "fit" ary? ary_slc_compatible_chk IS OP ary slc - only for ary_compatible_slc_chk_testSimple ary_slc_compatible_chk_testSimple := - ary_sub_compatible_testStd := - see if sub can "fit into" ary