********************* loaddefs link d_Qtest 'arrays nested/arrays nested- data templates.ndf' change ALL test #'s for tstStandard, geany must be in order for using sed to change test numbers, see : 14Sep2022 "$d_Qtest"'arrays/arrays- testOptrs.ndf' - continue work on this a bit before goint to fileops nryTstDat_tbl := - data for [itm, nry]_posn[*]InTop_nry tests, note itm is arg1, nry is arg2 nry1Arg_datStd := - higher D data for nry_[slcN, split, cut, keep, insert] tests (not so much lists) tblFaultTst_datStd := - data for standard table tests to ensure proper faults result tblTst_datStd := - data for standard table tests mktTblTst := [symbol, dateRange, key stat]s, used mostly by plot_detrend produces [mktRowTitLTst, mktColTitLTst, mktDataTst] bolUnix = boolean for unix dates in data file (milliseconds since 01Jan1971) tblSolPassTst := - output table with cells of [solitnry, pass] value rateSemiLogL_to_rateNormalL - handy comparison of "normal interest rates" and "smiLog slope" math derivations, see "$d_webRawe"'Projects - mini/Puetz & Borchardt/0_Puetz & Borchardt notes.txt' QNial program, see "$d_Qmkts"'rates - normal versus semi-log.ndf' ********************* loaddefs link d_Qtest 'arrays nested/arrays nested- testOptrs 240319 11h48m28s.ndf' Setup (kind of like header info) change ALL test #'s for tstStandard, geany must be in order for using sed to change test numbers, see : 14Sep2022 "$d_Qtest"'arrays nested/arrays nested- testOptrs 240319 11h48m28s.ndf' - continue work on this a bit before goint to fileops +-----+ [ary, atm, sub]*[atm, null, single, sol, verBar, etc] tests : nonAry_tests IS OP opPhr - generic tests of [typ, lay]*[ ary, itm, sub, ndx, nlc] nryOpPhrL_test IS - list of nryOps to test with generic [typ, lay]s +-----+ [is, check] tests : (24Nov2021 no formal tests yet - just in ndf files) +-----+ Array restructure [to,from] cart [atm, str, lst, nry] : nryA_catVertical_testSpecial IS - nryA_catHorizontal_testSpecial IS - nry_to_atmL_testBash := - convert nry to a list of atoms nry_to_atmL_testSimple := - convert nry to a list of atoms nry_atm_putAllAtm_nryOut_testSimple := - build new array by replacing all atoms of nry with atm nryP_transStr_isSameStruct_testSimple := - use different transformers with the same test data for comparison of nry structures nry_allAtmsUnique_bol_testSimple := - res ipsa loquitor nry_allItmsUnique_bol_testSimple := - res ipsa loquitor +-----+ ndxL positions of [itm, sub]s in nryTop : nry_ndx_compatible_chk IS OP nry ndx - only for nry_compatible_ndx_chk_testSimple nry_ndx_compatible_chk_testSimple := - convert ndxA to slcN nry_itm_get_ndxL_chk_testSimple := - returns LIST of Substr positions in Str, or an error nry_itm_get_ndxL_chk_testStd := - returns LIST of Substr positions in Str, or an error nry_sub_get_ndx1stL_chk IS OP nry sub - res ipsa loquitor nry_sub_get_ndx1stL_chk_testStd := - results and comments nry_sub_get_ndx1stL_chk_testSimple := - results and comments this set is specifically for "up-dimensioned" subs nry_sub_get_ndxL_chk IS OP nry sub - res ipsa loquitor nry_sub_get_ndxL_chk_testStd := - returns list of Substr positions in Str, or an error nry_sub_get_ndxL_chk_testSimple := - returns list of Substr positions in Str, or an error +-----+ slcNL positions of [itm, sub]s in nryTop : nry_slcN_compatible_chk IS OP nry slcN - only for nry_compatible_slcN_chk_testSimple nry_slcN_compatible_chk_testSimple := - nry_itm_get_slcNL_chk IS OP nry itm - only for nry_itm_get_slcNL_chk_testSimple special form of nry_itm_get_slcNL for testing nry_itm_get_slcNL_chk_testSimple IS OP nry itm - all axis-indexes containing itm note the very struct formating of slices!!! nry_sub_get_slcNL_chk IS OP nry sub - only for nry_sub_get_slcNL_chk_testSimple nry_sub_get_slcNL_chk_testSimple IS OP sub nry - all axis-indexes containing sub +-----+ [ndx, slcN] cart [convert, invert] : 03-06May2022 still don't understand solitnrys properly, this is problematic!! nry_ndx_to_slcN_chk IS OP nry ndx - only for nry_ndx_to_slcN_chk_testSimple nry_ndx_to_slcN_chk_testSimple := - convert ndx to slcN nry_ndxSeq_to_slcN_chk IS OP nry ndxSeq - only for nry_ndxSeq_to_slcN_chk_testSimple nry_ndxSeq_to_slcN_chk_testSimple := - convert ndxSeq to slcN nry_slcN_to_ndxA_chk IS OP nry slcN - only for nry_slcN_to_ndxA_chk_testSimple nry_slcN_to_ndxA_chk_testSimple := - convert ndxA to slcN nry_itm_get_slcNL_to_itmL_chk IS OP nry itm - only for nry_itm_get_slcNL_to_itmL_chk_testSimple nry_itm_get_slcNL_to_itmL_chk_testSimple IS OP itm nry - calc AllSlc then find itm nry_invert_slcN_testSimple IS OP nry slcNL - returns the "inverse axis-sliceIdxL", intended for [cut etc] nry_invert_slcNA_testSimple IS OP nry slcNA - returns the "inverse axis-sliceA", intended for [cut etc] +-----+ get [itm, sub] based on [ndx, slcN] : nry_ndx_get_itm_chk IS OP nry ndx - only for nry_ndx_get_itm_chk_testSimple nry_ndx_get_itm_chk_testSimple := - tests that [ix, nry] "fit", then applies optr MISSING - optrs to get subs!!! : nry_ndxL_get_sub_chk IS OP nry ndxL - only for nry_ndx_get_itm_chk_testSimple nry_ndxL_get_sub_chk_testSimple := - tests that [ix, nry] "fit", then applies optr +-----+ split[Separate,[At[Front,End]], ] : nry_sub_splitSeparate_subL_testSimple := - sub splits nry, sub as separate itm nry_sub_splitSeparate_subL_testStd := - sub splits nry, sub as separate itm nry_sub_splitAtEnd_subL_testStd := - splits str at each point that subStr occurs, subStr at end of previous nry_sub_splitAtEnd_subL_testSimple := - splits str at each point that subStr occurs, subStr at end of previous nry_sub_splitAtFront_subL_testStd := - splits str at each point that subStr occurs, subStr separate nry_sub_splitAtFront_subL_testSimple := - splits str at each point that subStr occurs, subStr separate nry_subL_splitSeparate_subLL_testSimple := - iteratively split nry at each point that a sub of subL occurs nry_subL_splitAtEnd_subLL_testSimple := - iteratively split nry at each point that a sub of subL occurs nry_subL_splitAtFront_subL_testSimple := - iteratively split nry at each point that a sub of subL occurs nry_subP_splitSeparateTo_midIdxs_subL_testSimple := - splits S2 at each point that S1 occurs, S1 separate nry_subL_getLenMatchesTo_subPL_testSimple := - return (str = link subStrPairs) +-----+ [get, put]*[itm, slcN, sub] - produce nryOut of same shape : nry_strip_sub_testSimple := - removes subStr from str nry_put_subP_testSimple := - substitutes sub_new for sub_old in str nryA_get_ndxOdd_testSpecial IS - res ipsa loquitor +-----+ [cut, get, insert, pad, strip, take]*[itm, slcN, sub] - produce nryOut of different shape : nry_itm_cut_subL_testSimple := - cut a string at each chr, omitting chr nry_sub_cut_subL_testSimple := - splits str at each point that subStr occurs, omit subStr nry_itmL_cut_subLLL_testSimple := - cut each strL by all chrL, omitting chrL, lists only (not nrys) +-----+ [sort, cull] nryL : 22Feb2022 no tests yet! nryA_sortupOn1st IS OP nryA - EACH sortup set of nryL based on first array nryA_sortupOn_col IS OP colNum nryA - EACH sortup set of nryL based on colNum nryA_sortupCullOn1st IS OP nryA - EACH [sortup,cull] set of nryL based on first array Cull QNial Definition - cull IS OPERATION A {­ grid A EACHLEFT in (A EACHLEFT find A) subarray A } strPL_sortCullUnique IS OP strPairL - sort, then cull to get a unique array of strPairs nryPL_sortCullUnique IS OP strPairL - sort, then cull to get a unique array of strPairs +-----+ nry_itm_option_cull_nryOut : 22Feb2022 no tests yet! nry_itm_option_cull_nryOut IS OP itm option nry - cull nry with itm, according to option [hold, cut, get] nry_itmL_option_cull_nryOut IS OP itmL option nry - cull nry with itmL, according to option [hold, cut, get] nry_itmL_option_cull_nryOutL IS OP itmL option nryA - cut each nryA by all itmL, omitting itmL +-----+ Tables, titles - tables are 2D nrys with [row, col] titles nCols_labldDat_make_tbl_testSpecial IS - process loaddef of table with column headers (nyet - garbage?) tbl_titLL_get_sub_testSimple := - returns subTbl of rows with key in colTitL (OR) if key = null, just selects colTitL tbl_titLL_get_sub_testSpecial IS - returns subTbl of rows with key in colTitL (OR) if key = null, just selects colTitL tbl_keyTitLL_keyItmL_get_sub_testSimple := - returns a subTbl of key-selected rows tbl_keyTitLL_keyItmL_get_sub_testSpecial IS - returns subTbl of cols with key in rowTitL (OR) if key = null, just selects rowTitL tbl_keyTitLL_keyItmL_get_sub_testSpecial IS - returns a subTbl of key-selected rows tbl_keyTitLL_keyItmL_get_sub_testSpecial IS - returns a subTbl of key-selected rows tbl_keyAxiTit_selAxiTitL_get_itmLL_testSpecial IS - returns a list of lists of keyItm hits, do NOT (solitnry keyItm)! tblDat_titLL_make_tbl_testSimple := tblDat_titLL_make_tbl_testSpecial IS - tblWhole_make_tbl_testSpecial IS - split tbl into 3 parts tbl_writeSolPassCells_testSpecial IS - output table with cells of [solitnry, pass] value +-----+ Database queries (sort of) nryL_keyLIdx_cullSort_testSpecial IS - res ipsa loquitor nryL_keyLIdx_cullSort_testSpecial IS - nryL_extractMulplicate_subArys_testSpecial IS - res ipsa loquitor +-----+ transformers - normal TRANSFORMERs, as well as "generalised transformer" OPERATORs opPhr_nry_LEAFputWith_nryStatic_tables IS OP optrPhr dat_tbl allTr_tbl outRpt - calculate optr-specific table of data & results, augment overall tables opPhr_nry_LEAFputWith_nryStatic_testSimple := - boolean indication of whether any of chrA are in strA LEAF_nryInn_nryStatic_testSimple := - boolean indication of whether any of chrA are in strA ********************* loaddefs link d_Qtest 'arrays nested/arrays nested- testGroupsCluster.ndf' nry_restruct_groupTest := - nry [to, join, [re, isSame]structure] nry_ndxSlc_groupTest := - Position of [chrs, sub-strings, etc] nry_convert_ndxSlc_groupTest := - slcN = INDEX of "full-and-all-axis" sub of an array : (22Feb2022 - no tests yet) nry_get_itmSub_groupTest := - slcN = INDEX of "full-and-all-axis" sub of an array : nry_split_groupTest := - split[Separate,[At[Front,End]], ] nry_hold_groupTest := - [hold, insert, pad, replace, strip] [itm, slcN, sub], result is unified nry nry_cut_groupTest := - [cut, get, strip] [itm, slcN, sub, width] - return list nry_sort_groupTest := - [sort, cull] nryL : 22Feb2022 no tests yet! nry_cullOption_groupTest := - [sort, cull] nryL - 22Feb2022 no tests yet! tbl_groupTest IS - res ipsa loquitor nry_database_groupTest := - database queries (sort of) nry_transformer_groupTest := - normal TRANSFORMERs, as well as "generalised transformer" (OPERATORs) arrays_testCluster := - run ALL string tests