********************* loaddefs link d_Qtest 'arrays nested byVal/arrays nested- zByVal testOptrs.ndf' Setup (kind of like header info) change ALL test #'s for tstStandard, geany must be in order for using sed to change test numbers, see : 14Sep2022 "$d_Qtest"'arrays nested byVal/arrays nested- zByVal testOptrs.ndf' - continue work on this a bit before goint to fileops ToDos +-----+ typTests for [nry, ndx, idx] : nonNry_byValTests IS OP opPhr - generic tests of [typ, lay]*[ Nry, itm, sub, ndx, nlc] example of "Computability of symbol names" (play on Alan Turing) nryOpPhrL_byValTest IS - list of nryOps to test with generic [typ, lay]s +-----+ to (conversions) - many others in 'arrays nested.ndf' tests as well nry_ndx_byValToLocal_nry_ndx_idx_testSimple := - res ipsa loquitor ndx_idx_byValLocalTo_ndx_testSimple := - res ipsa loquitor +-----+ ndx for itm ops : nry_itm_byValGet_ndxL_testSpecial IS - additional tests too big to fit in small tables +-----+ [ary, ndx, idx] ops : nry_itm_byValGet_ndxL_chk_testSimple := - returns LIST of Substr positions in Str, or an error nry_sub_byValGet_ndx1stL_chk IS OP nry sub - res ipsa loquitor nry_sub_byValGet_ndx1stL_chk_testStd := - returns list of Substr positions in Str, or an error nry_sub_byValGet_ndx1stL_chk_testSimple := - returns list of Substr positions in Str, or an error