********************* "$d_Qtest"'arrays atomic/arrays atomic- develop.txt' - current status of tests - see "$d_Qtest"'/test results/' Instructions for replacing strs in files ToDos special notes +-----+ Work log ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ary_all[Atm, Itm]sUnique - fix, test ops ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 ??Mar2024 18Mar2024 ary_sub_get_idxL [fix, test]: needed for tblHtmInn_transform_tblHtmOut 16Mar2024 tblHtmInn_transform_tblHtmOut 16Mar2024 'arrays atomic.ndf' [test, debug] 16Mar2024 ary_sub_get_idxL [fix, test] 16Mar2024 ary_sub_get_idx1stL [fix, test], nyet - do this in a month or two!! 15Mar2024 create 'arrays nested.ndf' from arrays.ndf, tests too 12Mar2024 ary_itm_get_idxL re-create, debug, test 09Mar2024 09Mar2024 test ary_to_atmL 05Mar2024 [arrays, types].ndf - bookmarked functions I have been testing 10Mar2024 generalize findall to fetch nested idxL 04Mar2024 ary_itm_get_idxl, continue : fix [arrays, types].ndf 04Mar2024 ary_itm_get_idxl, continue : fix [arrays, types].ndf 03Mar2024 tblHtmInn_transform_tblHtmOut [create, debug] 03Mar2024 tblHtmInn_transform_tblHtmOut [create, debug] 03Mar2024 create pTblHtmInn_transform_pTblHtmOut 07Apr2023 ary_idx_to_slc - doesn't make sense! idx cannot be a slc!!! 02Apr2023 arrays.ndf, tstOptr "ary_chk_idx_to_slc_testSimple 01Apr2023 ary_sub_get_idx1stL 29Mar2023 ary_idxSeq_to_slc IS OP ary idxSeq 28Mar2023 sub_inTop_ary - continue fixes 26Mar2023 sub_inTop_ary - wrong results 16Dec2022 [isIntSeq, idxSeqA_adrCompatible, ary_idxSeqA_compatible, ary_chk_idxSeq_apply_optrPhr] 12Dec2022 ary_sub_get_idx1stL IS OP ary sub 11Dec2022 reorganized [idx, slc] tests 11Dec2022 Changed : idx_adrCompatible IS OP idx, adaptations 08Dec2022 revisit groupTest "ary_slice_groupTest 07Dec2022 nial7_LMDE64: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6 30Nov2022 groupTest "ary_slice_groupTest 29Nov2022 groupTest "ary_slice_groupTest 29Nov2022 ary_posn_groupTest 21Nov2022 ary_idx_compatible - conceptual challenge 20Nov2022 groupTest ["ary_restruct_groupTest, "ary_posn_groupTest] 20Nov2022 ary_sub_get_[idx1stL, idxLL] - run tests 14Nov2022 ary_sub_get_[idx1stL, idxLL] 08Nov2022 pre-defines should return faults! "$ d_Qndfs"'QNial setup - header.ndf' 08Nov2022 array tests - problem (as usual) is '?not an operation' 07Nov2022 ARRAYS_TESTCLUSTER log.txt 07Nov2022 where am I after break-start 19Sep2022? 19?Sep2022 ary_itm_find_idxL - while working on d_Qndfs 'bank statements reformat.ndf' 19Sep2022 ary_sub_get_[idxLL, slcL] - continue fixes [brokenup slc, singleton] 17Sep2022 ary_chk_sub_get_slcLL_testSimple - tame the dragon 14Sep2022 ary optrs - fix based on testing results 14Jul2022 "$d_bin""fileops.sh" - HowellQNialLibrary [globalVar, optr] names 11Jul2022 "$d_bin""fileops.sh" - collect all arg[Order, Number] for each HowelCoreLib 08Jul2022 "$d_bin""fileops.sh" - create func for arg[Order, Number] pthOptrNamL_pthNdfL_argOrderNum() - extract list of uses of each of pthOptrNamL in each of pthL results for each OptrNam are saved in a file 07Jul2022 run "$d_bin""fileops.sh" on QNialCoreLibrary headers, then re-start QNial to see errors 'arrays.ndf' 'fileops.ndf' changed to : 07Jul2022 "$d_bin""fileops.sh" - all day to fix my [many, many] stupid coding errors 06Jul2022 ary_posn_groupTest -> itm_chk_findAll_ary_testStd 07Jul2022 revamp optr[names, argOrder] ary_[posn, split, cut] - ary_rest 06Jul2022 ary_posn_groupTest -> ary_chk_idx_get_itm_testSimple 06Jul2022 ary_chk_sub_get_slcLL_testSimple - put on hold to do ary_posn_groupTest 04Jul2022 ary_chk_itm_getAllSlc_to_itm_testSimple 04Jul2022 ary_chk_itm_getAllSlc_testSimple 04Jul2022 ary_chk_idx_getAllSlc_testSimple sub_chk_idxA_to_slc IS OP sub idx - only for sub_chk_idxA_to_slc_testSimple (not generic) sub_chk_idxA_to_slc_testSimple := - list of [row, col, plane, array] slices eg [(0,,) (,,5)] 04Jul2022 ary_chk_slc_to_idxA_testSimple 04Jul2022 ary_chk_idxA_to_slc_testSimple 04Jul2022 ary_chk_idx_to_slc_testSimple 03Jul2022 ary_chk_compatible_idx_testSimple 02Jul2022 [ary, idxc, itm, sub, pat]_adrCompatible - adapt tests to new generic operators, also - [pth_typ_exists, pinn_backupDatedTo_zArchive] and do backups!! (bugs remain) 02Jul2022 rename posn optrs, arg order stays same 01Jul2022 revamp adrCompatible series in 'types.ndf' 01Jul2022 ary_chk_sub_getAllSlc_testSimple 01Jul2022 ary_chk_itm_getAllSlc_testSimple - idx > 9 are split! 29Jun2022 ary_chk_itm_getAllSlc_testSimple 29Jun2022 ary_chk_idx_getAllSlc_testSimple 28Jun2022 webPage : QNial address [idx, slc] usage 27Jun2022 ary_slc_to_idxA - what happens with a single? 25Jun2022 I created ary_chk_compatible_slc_testSimple 24Jun2022 ary_chk_compatible_idx_testSimple works - fix other slice tests 24Jun2022 problem with [ary, itm, sub] = null 23Jun2022 ary_chk_slc_to_idx_testSimple 23Jun2022 ary_chk_... - REVERSE my recent changes (oops) : 22Jun2022 get rid of "strip" (now use cut or create cutCat) ary_strip_itm IS OP ary itm - remove itm from ary, standard QNial library ary_strip_slc IS OP ary slcL - remove slcL from an array (22Nov2021 not [finished, tested]) ary_strip_sub IS OP ary sub - removes sub from ary 07Jun2022 ary_restruct_groupTest 04Jun2022 restart work with 12Apr2022 fix atm_restructSameAs_ary sub_inTop_ary IS OP sub ary - true if sub is in aryS (simply array) 09Nov2021 this looks very inefficient! (don't know if it works yet) 11Apr2022 sub_posnAAllItmInTop_ary olde code 11Feb2022 remove slc as a ary_insert_sub IS OP ary - creates one aryOut by splitting ary with sub, (19Nov2021 not ready) inserting an sub at each place in ary that it occurs must find "full slices" of ary containing sub!!! ary_replace_slcP IS OP ary slcP - substitutes slcNew for slcOld in ary designed for strings - I haven't generalized it! 10Feb2022 QNial start loaddefs - problems with arrays.ndf 24Nov2021 position tests - ary versions 15Nov2021 sub [position, in] aryN - redo coding 11Nov2021 sub [position, in] aryN - redo coding faults?date? - conversion table for optr names boolean?date? - conversion table for optr names arrays?date? - conversion table for optr names subL_posnAAllInTop_ary IS OP subL ary - posn of all subL, for all occurences of subL in ary subL_posn1stItm1stInTop_ary IS OP subL ary - 1st posn of 1st itm of subL in ary returns initial 1st char positions for each subL, or a [null, error] 04Nov2021 NOT READY! only works with subL of atoms for now??! subL is a sequence of itms of ary, eg ((0 1) 2) in ((0 1) 2 3 4 5), not in (0 1 2 3 4 5) subLL_posnAItmAllIn_ary IS OP ary subLL - all itm positions for all occurences each subLL in ary table_build IS OP n_cols labld_data - process loaddef of table with column headers table_add_rowTitles IS OP tableData rowTitles - res ipsa loqitor table_add_colTitles IS OP tableData colTitles - res ipsa loqitor table_add_rowColTitles IS OP tableData rowTitles colTitles - common [row,col]Titles@0 colTitles overwrites newTable@(0 0), if null then newTable@(0 0) := rowTitles@0 table_remove_colTitles IS OP table - remove column titles from table table_remove_rowTitles IS OP table - remove column titles from table table_remove_rowColTitles IS OP table - remove column titles from table table_write IS OP titles - output labelled table tbl_selectRowsBy_col_key IS OP tbl col key - returns a table of selected rows lstL_cutBy_itmL IS OP lstL itmL - cut each lstL by all itmL, omitting itmL, ??lists only (not arys)?? note that a character list is just a lst, but I use "itmL" to emphasize that each itm cuts aryList_extractMulplicate_subArys IS OP selectOp aryL - find mulplicates in lstL by selectOp see d_Qroot 'setup.ndf' - works with lstLs, or any array type (in form of list) List Howells [bash script, QNial optr]s - essential map for finding shit, twig the bash cmd line see "$d_bin""0_list Howells [bash scripts, QNial operators].sh" $ find "$d_Qndfs" -name "*.ndf" |...[greps,sort]...| xargs...grep "#\] " "FILE" | sed List usage of one of Howells QNial [optr,var,etc]s - bash command line, substitute for actually good for any text in .ndf files $ find "$d_Qndfs" -name "*.ndf" |...[greps,sort]...| xargs -0 -IFILE grep..."" "FILE" 19Nov2021 multiple ways to cut an ary! - instead, just replace [itm, sub]s with [null, other,...]???!?? 19Nov2021 when to use ary[,A] forms of optrs - try to express all as ary 19Nov2021 when to use [chr, str, lst, ary] optrs - try to express all as ary, use transformers 02Oct2021 ary1_transStr_isSameStructAs_ary2[, _calcResults, _test]