#] #] ********************* #] "$d_Qtest"'QNial [symbol, arg] changes/Qndfs optr symbol changes - tools, ToDos.txt' #] summary of tools related to 'Qndfs optr symbol changes - develop tests.txt' # www.BillHowell.ca ?Sep2021 initial?, 28Oct2021 cut from 'Qndfs optr symbol changes - develop.txt' # 28Oct2021 cut from 'Qndfs optr symbol changes - develop.txt' - too long, hard to reference # see also "$d_Qtest"'QNial [symbol, arg] changes/Qndfs optr symbol changes - develop tests.txt' # directory "d_Qndfs"'QNial [symbol, arg] changes/' - optrs etc to change symbols across system # '0_QNial symbol notes.txt' # '1_QNial symbol plan.txt' # '3_QNial symbol - draft listings to use for changes.txt' # testing optrs : # for all QNial programming : # "$d_Qtest"'QNial test optrs.ndf' # "$d_Qtest"'QNial test notes.txt' # for the project to revamp all my QNial symbol [name, arg[order, number]] : # "$d_Qtest"'QNial [symbol, arg] changes/' # 'Qndfs optr symbol changes - develop tests.txt' # 'Qndfs optr symbol changes - tools, ToDos.txt' # other .ndf test [files, subDirs] # pth_write_strLAposUnbalanced link d_Qndfs 'QNial optr symbol changes.ndf' # QNial_user_symbol_changes_backup IS - pth_backupDatedTo_zArchive of "core" ndfs for a project # QNial_user_symbol_changes_loaddef_core IS - loaddef core working files for this project 24************************24 24************************24 #] Table of Contents, of this file : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_Qtest"'QNial [symbol, arg] changes/Qndfs optr symbol changes - tools, ToDos.txt | sed 's/^#\]/ /' # ********************* "$d_Qtest"'QNial [symbol, arg] changes/Qndfs optr symbol changes - tools, ToDos.txt - tools related to 'Qndfs optr symbol changes - develop.txt' Table of Contents, of this file : 08********08 +-----+ ToDos : +-----+ Table of Contents of 'Qndfs optr symbol changes - develop.txt', generated with : +-----+ Quick tools to help with symbol changes : 21Oct2021 remove problematic extra spaces in ALL ndfs - will affect processing : geany regexpr search '[ ]*IS OP[ ]*' replace ' IS OP ' geany regexpr search case-sensitive '[ ]*IS [ ]+' replace ' IS ' geany escape search case-sensitive ' IS \n' replace ' IS \n' QNial -> only AFTER [fix, test] of pthL_strL_grepOptions_linesTo_pout pth_backupDatedTo_zArchive of "core" ndfs for this project : search for strings : $ find "$d_Qndfs" -type f -name "*.ndf" | grep --invert-match 'z_Archive' | grep --invert-match 'z_Old' | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -ILINE grep --with-filename --line-number "_z IS " LINE | sed 's/^\(.*\):[0-9]\+:.*/\1/' | sort -u path_write_strLAposUnbalanced path - write lines of path with unbalanced apos oft-used files : operator declaration paragraph : common statements (eg, [[, should] uses] cart [sed, grep]) [track, protect] ongoing symbol changes! +-----+ Done ToDos : #] 08********08 #] +-----+ #] ToDos : 04Nov2021 lst_splitAtFront_subLstL corrupted after renaming sysmbols in lists.ndf? 03Nov2021 I'm getting "spurious faults" from build_userWkspSymbol [noun, verb] checks: >> leave it for now build_userWkspSymbol IS - create [noun, adjective, verb, adverb, checkArg, etc] lists >> not assigning adjectives properly 21Oct2021 userQndfs_extract_checks - starting point for automated checks of checks [static, dynamic, evolving, chaotic] 17Oct2021 Too many optrs in many files have been affected - rely on mass opName replacnts! This just has to work with core optrs of first phase (loaddef lists!) 06Oct2021 arg[number, order] - bash script to auto-reor most using [str, sub, etc] convert resident ndf files to use generic strings.ndf (eg videos) 08********08 #] +-----+ #] Quick tools to help with symbol changes : #] 21Oct2021 remove problematic extra spaces in ALL ndfs - will affect processing : #] geany regexpr search '[ ]*IS OP[ ]*' replace ' IS OP ' #] geany regexpr search case-sensitive '[ ]*IS [ ]+' replace ' IS ' #] geany escape search case-sensitive ' IS \n' replace ' IS \n' #] QNial -> only AFTER [fix, test] of pthL_strL_grepOptions_linesTo_pout did geany for [QNial setup, strings, file_ops], but not yet [boolean, [array, tables], lists] #] pth_backupDatedTo_zArchive of "core" ndfs for this project : # EACH pth_backupDatedTo_zArchive (link d_Qndfs 'strings.ndf') (link d_Qndfs 'file_ops.ndf') (link d_Qtest 'QNial optr symbol changes - header.ndf') (link d_Qndfs 'QNial optr symbol changes.ndf') (link d_Qndfs 'array, table.ndf') (link d_Qndfs 'boolean.ndf') (link d_Qndfs 'windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf') # just one, eg : pth_backupDatedTo_zArchive (link d_Qndfs 'strings.ndf') #] search for strings : #] $ find "$d_Qndfs" -type f -name "*.ndf" | grep --invert-match 'z_Archive' | grep --invert-match 'z_Old' | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -ILINE grep --with-filename --line-number "_z IS " LINE | sed 's/^\(.*\):[0-9]\+:.*/\1/' | sort -u #] path_write_strLAposUnbalanced path - write lines of path with unbalanced apos #] oft-used files : /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/file_ops.ndf /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/strings.ndf $ ls -1 "d_Qtest""fileops/[test, std, result] files d_testy := link d_Qtest 'fileops/[test, std, result] files/' ; #] operator declaration paragraph : common statements (eg, [[, should] uses] cart [sed, grep]) # uses sed, therefore may not simply handle sed restricted : search $.*/[\]^ replace &\/\n # uses grep therefore may not simply handle grep restricted : search $.*/[\]^ # should simply use [find, grep, sed]? but cannot simply handle chrs : search $.*/[\]^ replace &\/\n #] [track, protect] ongoing symbol changes! protect sequence name replacement with [_z, z_], eg : #! 06Sep2021 : file_exists_z IS z_path_exists #! 09Oct2021 [same, changed] arg[order,num]: str_splitByChrsNotAllowedTo_words_z IS OP z_str_cutBy_chrInclL 08********08 #] +-----+ #] Done ToDos : 28Oct2021 build [dictionary, grammar] definition in 'QNial optr symbol changes - header.ndf' sed apo search KEY SOLUTION! added to 'sed summary.txt' 26Oct2021 revamped pth_typ_exists : many if not most uses will not work with tighter definitions they will have to be revamped 18Oct2021 pth_isEmpty needs to be generalized for dirs. (some date in some future) 17Oct2021 pth_backupDatedTo_zArchive is probably broken!! -> loading pZarchive_restore_test_output error for testing 16Oct2021 "$d_Qndfs""QNial userWkspSymbol [philos, grammar, design].txt" general approach, list of standard abbreviations, etc 13Oct2021 Still have problems with : ary_to_atomL_test ary_to_atomL 3 8 why isnt [all] split into chrs? chrA_anyIn_strA_test chrA_anyIn_strA 0 11 fails due to non-simple (nested) chrA?? I need to generalize ary_to_atomL pathL_strL_options_runGrep_pout_test no test works - incomplete coding? QndfOps_symbolChangePretest not working 09Oct2021 dir_replace_word[,L] - must be resolved!! arg [num, order] changed, flag for str dir_replace_str - arg [num, order] changed path_replace_str - arg [num, order] changed 07Oct2021 will require argL changes and arg-to-solitary in usage! 'pListFiles_findCountsBY_strList' 'pathL_countEach_strL' 'str_replaceIn_path' 'pathL_replace_strL' 'str_replaceIn_pathList' 'pathL_replace_strL' 'str_replaceIn_pathList' 'pathL_replace_wordL' 'find_chrs_special' 'str_charrepLOf_chrSet_inOut' 05Oct2021 chrList_changeChrSet : Forget it - leave as-is! I would have to work with it to make proper changes : 29Sep2021 did I corrupt strFull_strFront_extract_strEnd by using str_extractPast_strFront??? should be str_extractBetween_strFront_strEnd 29Sep2021 what should I do with these? strange, these don't look right array_to_str_sep ?atomL_to_str? string_split_by_string_with_sub ?strL_replace_subStrL? str_replaceSubTo_strList ?strL_replace_subStrL? str_splitLftRgtTo_Indxs_StrList ?str_splitLftRgtTo_midIndxs_Str? str_splitLftRgtTo_midIndxs_StrList ?str_splitLftRgtTo_midIndxs_StrL? # enddoc