/media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : IF (= '[]' (link ary_itm_cut_subL ` slc)) THEN idxA := null ; idxA := cart EACH execute (`, ary_itm_cut_subL (front rest slc)) ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : resFltL := link resFltL ((first sub) ary_itm_find_idxL ary) ; resFltL := ary_itm_find_idxL itm ary ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ('Hello ' 'yes ' 'Dolly') "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut (' it"s so nice' 'yes ' 'hello, ') "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ('yes ' ' it"s so nice') "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' 'yes ' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ['zzz'] "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ('Hello ' 'yes ' 'Dolly') "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut (' it"s so nice' 'yes ' 'hello, ') "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ('yes ' ' it"s so nice') "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' 'yes ' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ['zzz'] "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ('Hello ' 'yes ' 'Dolly') "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut (' it"s so nice' 'yes ' 'hello, ') "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ('yes ' ' it"s so nice') "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' 'yes ' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut ['zzz'] "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') { EACH ary_itmL_option_cull_aryOut (cart [itmL] [option] aryA) } /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'Hello ' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut ' it"s so nice' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'yes ' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' 'yes ' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'zzz' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'Hello ' "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'yes ' "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut ' it"s so nice' "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'yes ' "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' 'yes ' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'zzzz' "cut ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'Hello ' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'yes ' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut ' it"s so nice' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'yes ' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' 'yes ' ' it"s so nice') qnial> ary_itm_option_cull_aryOut 'zzzz' "get ('Hello ' 'Dolly, ' 'yes ' 'hello, ' 'Dolly' ' it"s so nice') /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : b := ary_slc_splitSeparate_subL idxA ary aryTmp := ary_slc_splitSeparate_subL idx aryTmp ; ??? splits := link ((ary_slc_splitSeparate_subL ary aryLft) EACHLEFT ary_slc_splitSeparate_subL aryRgt) ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : resFltL := ary_sub_find_idx1stL sub ary ; resFltL := ary_sub_find_idx1stL sub ary ; resFltL := ary_sub_find_idx1stL sub aryTmp ; resFlt := (= 0 (mod (gage shape ary_sub_find_idx1stL ary lstStrt) 2)) ; fronts rears := ary EACHRIGHT ary_sub_find_idx1stL lstStrt lstEndr ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : itmPosns := ary_sub_find_idxLL ary sub ; subidxL := ary_sub_find_idxLL subOld ary ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : qnial> a := ary_subL_splitAtFront_subL ('Anthony ' 'Subject: ') 'Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NlAID) (E] <{-----Subject: Coronavirus on surfaces' /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : faultL := link faultL ['?ary_subP_replace_aryOut error : sub=null'] ; faultL := link faultL ['?ary_subP_replace_aryOut error : (~= shapeSub shapeSlc'] ; faultL := link faultL ['?ary_subP_replace_aryOut error : subOld=null'] ; faultL := link faultL ['?ary_subP_replace_aryOut error : ~= shapeSubOld shapeSubNew'] ; ??? ary_subP_replace_aryOut /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : FOR sub WITH subL DO aryA := sub EACHRIGHT ary_sub_splitAtEnd_subL (first aryA) ; ENDFOR ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : FOR sub WITH subL DO aryA := sub EACHRIGHT ary_sub_splitAtFront_subL (first aryA) ; ENDFOR ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/arrays.ndf : FOR sub WITH subL DO aryA := sub EACHRIGHT ary_sub_splitSeparate_subL aryA ; ENDFOR ; ??? splits := link ((ary_sub_splitSeparate_subL aryAft ary) EACHLEFT ary_sub_splitSeparate_subL lstRgt) ; aryL := ary_sub_splitSeparate_subL sub ary ; aryL := ary_sub_splitSeparate_subL sub ary ;