# Insolation.ndf 17Feb07 www.BillHowell.ca Warning: Use Courier constant-width font and no-line-wrap to view this file! Otherwise the code doesn't line up and it's hard to read. # Original code from: J. Laskar, P. Robutel, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau, A.C.M. Correia, B. Levrard 2004 "A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth" Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. La 2004 May 23, 2004 http://www.imcce.fr/fr/presentation/equipes/ASD/preprints/prep.2004/La_2004_prep.pdf # Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Boudin, F. 1993 "Orbital, precessional and insolation quantities for the Earth from -20 Myr to + 10Myr" Astron. Astrophys. 270, 522 http://www.imcce.fr/Equipes/ASD/insola/earth/La93/README.TXT #**************************************** # Laskar etal - insola.f ported to the Q'Nial programming language by www.BillHowell.ca * Howell: View this file with constant-width font (eg Courier) and word wrap turned off * Much of the original content and references is retained. * * * Computation of the various insolation functions * * this program uses * insolsub.f : subroutines for the computation * of insolation * prepinsol.f : subroutines for the binary temporary file * prepsub.f : subroutines for computing elements at * specified time * insola.par : parameters for insola.f * nomclimaneg , * nomclimapos : ASCII files supplied * which contains the necessary * orbital and precession quantities * * * * the following parameters are taken from the NAMELIST insola.par * nomclimapos : ASCII file for the elements t,e,eps, psibar on * positive time. * nomclimaneg : ASCII file for the elements t,e,eps, psibar on * negative time. * nominsolbin : temporary binary file for the elements t,e,eps, * cos(psibar), sin(psibar) * (variables interne = nomfich) * pas : stepsize (years) * datefin : final time (million of years) * datedebut : starting time (million of years) * so : solar constant W*m^-2 * * other parameters: * * nbf : 4 (number of variables) * nbel1 : 4 + 1 * nacd : numbers of n-uplets in a record * * (c) Astronomie et Systemes Dynamiques/ institut de Mecanique Celeste (2003) * J. Laskar, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau * * version 0.82 (7/7/1993) * version 0.83 (27/1/93) * version la2001b4 (26/06/2001) Mickael : changement du fichier de parametres * version la2001b9 (12/02/2002) Mickael : ajout dans le fichier de parametres * version la2003 (04/03/2003) Mickael : fichier de parametres * version la2003 (04/09/2003) Mickael : creation du fichier binaires * (05/11/2003) Mickael : changement du common date en ddate * version la2004 (26/05/2004) Mickael : correction qromb (insolsub.f) #**************************************** #********************************************* * Laskar etal - insolsub.ndf * * subroutines for the computation of insolation * J. Laskar, F. Joutel, F. Boudin * (c) Astronomie et Systemes Dynamiques / Institut de Mecanique Celeste (2003) * * 05 / 11 / 2001 Mickael : modification de l'appel de polint dans qromb * (mauvais type fourni) * 22 / 09 / 2003 Mickael : utilisation de e et pibarh au lieu de ak,ah, psi * 05 / 11 / 2003 Mickael : changement du common date en ddate d * 26 / 05 / 2004 Mickael : correction qromb suivant numerical recipes 2nd ed. * * traduction en Q'Nial de www.qnial.com - Michael, Jenkins & team at Queen's University, Canada * par www.BillHowell.ca février 2007 * #********************************************* #*************************************** * Description of routines, Howell Feb07 * * e - excentricité * eps - l'obliquité * hl - longitude vraie , moyvrai(hlm, e, pibar) * hlm - longitude moyenne, vraimoy(hl , e, pibar) * phi - latitude du point sur la terre * pibar - longitude du perihelie !&!comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la date + pi (repere geocentrique)!&! * wd - longitude vraie du soleil (en radian) compte a partir de l'equinoxe de la date * * * * vraimoy (hl,e,pibar,hlm) - calcule la longitude moyenne (hlm) * moyvrai (hlm,e,pibar,hl) - calcule la longitude vraie (hl) * cwj (wd,e,pibar,eps,phi) - INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE * wmcal (mois,e,eps,pibarh,phi) - INSOLATION MENSUELLE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE * wjour (date,e,eps,pibarh,phi) - INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE * wjcal (datecal,e,eps,pibarh,phi) - INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE * Telinsol (tps) - tableau des éléments orbitaux (k,h,eps,phi) pour la date tps * (Howell: telinsol not called in Laskar program !!&!!!&!!) NOT called by prepinsol.f nor prepsub.f !!!!! * Global_annual_avg_insolation (e) - INSOLATION ANNUELLE MOYENNEE * * * From standard libraries at !&!l'Observatoire de Paris!&! * (c) Astronomie et Systemes Dynamiques/ institut de Mecanique Celeste (2003) * * QROMB (FUNC,A,B,SS) - ROMBERG INTEGRATION * POLINT (XA, YA, N, X) - used by qromb * TRAPZD (FUNC A B N) - used by qromb * * ******************************************* #********************************* # globals defined here, or used in this file only ; e_du := 0.0 ; e_du_v := f3 ; eps_du := 0.0 ; eps_du_v := f3 ; nbfmax := 20 ; nbfmax_v := f3 ; q_dy := 0.0 ; q_dy_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; q_nmax := 10 ; q_nmax_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; phi_du := 0.0 ; phi_du_v := f3 ; pibar_du := 0.0 ; pibar_du_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg integration routines ; q_c := q_nmax reshape 0.0 ; q_c_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; q_d := q_nmax reshape 0.0 ; q_d_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; q_xa := q_nmax reshape 0.0 ; q_xa_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; q_ya := nbfmax q_nmax reshape 0.0 ; q_ya_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; cwj_o := f3 ; civilization_insolation_o := f3 ; Global_annual_avg_insolation_o := f3 ; Isolation_mensuel_o := f3 ; moyvrai_o := f3 ; QROMB_o := f3 ; POLINT_o := f3 ; Telinsol_o := f3 ; TRAPZD_o := f3 ; vraimoy_o := f3 ; wmcal_o := f3 ; wjour_o := f3 ; wjcal_o := f3 ; # EXTERNAL definitions to allow this file to load alone civilisation_period IS external variable ; civilisation_period_x := f3 ; fichout IS external variable ; fichout_x := f3 ; intrp_tseries IS external variable ; intrp_tseries_x := f3 ; Milankovic IS external variable ; Milankovic_x := f3 ; mois IS external variable ; mois_x := f3 ; n_intrpsteps IS external variable ; n_intrpsteps_x := f3 ; phi IS external variable ; phi_x := f3 ; so IS external variable ; so_x := f3 ; interpolation_for_interval IS external operation ; interpolation_for_interval_x := f3 ; # ********************************************* c subroutine vraimoy(hl,e,pibar,hlm) c c calcule la longitude moyenne (hlm) en fonction de la longitude c vraie (hl), de l'excentricite (e) et de la longitude du perihelie c (pibar) c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) c correction 27 / 1 / 93 # ********************************************* vraimoy IS OP hl e pibar { beta := (1 - (e * e)) power 0.5 ; eM := hl - pibar ; hl - (2 * (e / 2 + (e power 3 / 8) ) * (1 + beta) * sin eM ) - ( (e * e / 4 ) * (0.5 + beta) * sin (2 * eM) ) + ( (e power 3 ) * (1 / 3 + beta) * sin (3 * eM) ) } # ********************************************* c subroutine moyvrai(hlm,e,pibar,hl) c c calcule la longitude vraie (hl) en fonction de la longitude c moyenne (hlm), de l'excentricite (e) et de la longitude du c perihelie (pibar) c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) # ********************************************* moyvrai IS OP hlm e pibar { eM := hlm - pibar ; hlm + ( ( 2 * e - (e power 3 / 4)) * sin eM ) + ( 5 / 4 * (e * e) * sin (2 * eM ) ) + ( 13 / 12 * (e power 3) * sin (3 * eM ) ) } # ********************************************* c SUBROUTINE cwj(wd,e,pibar,eps,phi,w) c c INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE c c A L'ENTREE: c wd : la longitude vraie du soleil (en radian) compte a partir c de l'equinoxe de la date c e : excentricite c pibar: longitude du perihelie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la c date + pi (repere geocentrique) c eps: l'obliquite c phi: latitude du point sur la terre c c EN SORTIE: c w:l'insolation journaliere d'un point de latitude donnee c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) # ********************************************* cwj IS OP wd e pibar eps phi { v := wd - pibar ; rho := (1 - (e * e)) / (1 + (e * cos v) ) ; % Distance terre - soleil (rho): ; delta := arcsin (sin eps * sin wd) ; % Declinaison du soleil (delta): ; aux := pi / 2 - abs delta ; IF (( - aux < phi) and (phi < aux)) THEN % LATITUDES DE LEVER ET COUCHER DE SOLEIL: ; cho := - (tan phi) * (tan delta) ; ho := arccos cho ; % Angle horaire du lever et coucher du soleil (ho): ; ( ( ho * (sin phi) * (sin delta) ) + ( (cos phi) * (cos delta) * (sin ho) ) ) * so / (pi * (rho * rho) ) ELSE a1 := pi / 2 - delta ; a2 := pi / 2 + delta ; IF ((phi >= a1) or (phi <= ( - a2)) ) THEN % LATITUDES SANS COUCHER: ; so * (sin phi) * (sin delta) / (rho * rho) ELSE % LATITUDES SANS LEVER: ; IF ((phi <= ( - a1)) OR (phi >= a2) ) THEN 0 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF } # ********************************************* * Isolation_mensuel # ********************************************* * Isolation_mensuel IS OP hlm { cwj (moyvrai hlm e_du pibar_du) e_du pibar_du eps_du phi_du } # ********************************************* * c SUBROUTINE wjour(date,e,eps,pibarh,phi,w) c c INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE c c A L'ENTREE: c date : la longitude vraie du soleil (en degres) comptee a partir c de l'equinoxe vrai c e,eps,pibarh: les elements orbitaux pour la date tps c e : excentricite c eps:l'obliquite c pibarh: longitude du perihelie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la c date c phi: latitude du point sur la terre c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c CALCUL D'INSOLATION c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c c longitude du perihelie par rapport a l'equinoxe de reference(pitild), c par rapport a l'equinoxe de la date(pibar), excentricite(e): c c c Longitude vraie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe vrai et c anomalie vraie (wd,v): c c c EN SORTIE: c w:l'insolation journaliere d'un point de latitude donnee c (c) ASD / IMC (22 / 09 / 2003) # ********************************************* * wjour IS OP date e eps pibarh phi { pibar := pibarh + pi ; hl := date * pi / 180 ; cwj hl e pibar eps phi } # ********************************************* * c SUBROUTINE wjcal(datecal,e,eps,pibarh,phi,w) c c INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE c c A L'ENTREE: c datecal: la longitude moyenne (en degres) du soleil comptee a partir c de l'equinoxe de la date c e,eps,pibarh: les elements orbitaux pour la date tps c e : excentricite c eps:l'obliquite c pibarh: longitude du perihelie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la c date c phi: latitude du point sur la terre c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c CALCUL D'INSOLATION c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c c longitude du perihelie par rapport a l'equinoxe de reference(pitild), c par rapport a l'equinoxe de la date(pibar), excentricite(e): c c c EN SORTIE: c w:l'insolation journaliere d'un point de latitude donnee c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) # ********************************************* * wjcal IS OP datecal e eps pibarh phi { pibar := pibarh + pi ; hlm := datecal * pi / 180 ; % calcul de la longitude vraie ; hlm0 := vraimoy 0. e pibar ; % longitude moyenne au 21 mars ; hlm := hlm0 + hlm ; % longitude moyenne a la date ; wd := moyvrai hlm e pibar ; % longitude vraie a la date ; cwj wd e pibar eps phi } # ********************************************* c SUBROUTINE Global_annual_avg_insolation(e,w) c c INSOLATION ANNUELLE MOYENNEE c c A L"ENTREE: c e:excentricite pour une date donnee c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c CALCUL D'INSOLATION (w) c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c Carre de la distance terre - soleil moyennee sur une revolution (rho): c c c EN SORTIE: c w:insolation annuelle moyenne c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) # ********************************************* Global_annual_avg_insolation IS OP e { so / (4 * sqrt(1 - e power 2)) } # ************************************************* c SUBROUTINE QROMB(FUNC,A,B,SS) c c NUMERICAL RECIPES c ROMBERG INTEGRATION # ************************************************* c 05 / 11 / 2001 Mickael : ajout de 0 (au lieu de 0.) pour l'appel de polint c 26 / 05 / 2004 Mickael : correction du test IF (ABS(DSS).LT. en .LE. c correction effectuee dans "numerical recipes, second edition" POLINT IS OP N X { NONLOCAL q_c q_d q_dy q_xa q_y q_ya q_nmax ; % ; NS := 1 ; DIF := ABS(X - q_xa@1) ; FOR I WITH count N DO DIFT := ABS (X - q_xa@I) ; IF DIFT < DIF THEN NS := I ; DIF := DIFT ; ENDIF ; q_C@I := q_ya@I ; q_D@I := q_ya@I ; ENDFOR ; q_y := q_ya@NS ; NS := NS - 1 ; FOR M WITH count (N - 1) DO FOR I WITH count (N - M) DO HO := q_xa@I - X ; HP := q_xa@[I + M] - X ; W := q_c@[I + 1] - q_d@I ; DEN := HO - HP ; IF DEN = 0.0 THEN writescreen ' pause polint - den=0 error where interpolated point is at known point' ; ENDIF ; % what does this do!&! ; DEN := W / DEN ; q_d@I := HP * DEN ; q_c@I := HO * DEN ; ENDFOR ; IF ( (2 * NS) < (N - M) ) THEN q_dy := q_c@[NS + 1] ; ELSE q_dy := q_d@NS ; NS := NS - 1 ; ENDIF ; q_y:= q_y+ q_dy ; ENDFOR ; % return 2 results ; q_y q_dy } TRAPZD IS OP FUNC A B N { % SAVE IT ; % what does IT do!&! intermediate save in file!&! ; IF N = 1 THEN S := 0.5 * (B - A) * ((apply FUNC A) + (apply FUNC B)) ; IT := 1 ; ELSE TNM := IT ; DEL := (B - A) / TNM ; X := A + (0.5 * DEL) ; SUMT := 0. ; FOR J WITH count IT DO SUMT := SUMT + (FUNC X) ; X := X + DEL ; ENDFOR ; S := 0.5 * (S + ( (B - A) * SUMT / TNM) ); IT := 2 * IT ; ENDIF ; S } QROMB IS OP FUNC A B { error_qromb := o ; EPS := 1.e-6 ; JMAX := 20 ; JMAXP := JMAX + 1 ; K := 5 ; KM := 4 ; S := JMAXP reshape 0.0 ; H := S ; H@1 := 1. ; FOR J WITH count JMAX DO S@J := TRAPZD FUNC A B J ; IF J >= K THEN Lx := J - KM ; SS DSS := POLINT H@Lx S@Lx K 0.0 ; IF (ABS DSS <= (EPS * ABS SS) ) THEN error_qromb := l ; ENDIF ; ENDIF ; S@(J + 1) := S@J ; H@(J + 1) := 0.25 * H@J ; ENDFOR ; IF error_qromb = l THEN Name := Readscreen 'QROMB: Too many steps.' ELSE SS ENDIF } # ********************************************* * c SUBROUTINE wmcal(mois,e,eps,pibarh,phi,w) c c INSOLATION MENSUELLE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE c c A L'ENTREE: c mois : le numero du mois (l'annee est divisee en 12 mois de 30 c degres et le numero 3 correspond a fin fevrier - fin mars) c e,eps,pibarh: les elements orbitaux pour la date tps c e : excentricite c eps:l'obliquite c pibarh: longitude du perihelie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la c date c phi: latitude du point sur la terre c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c CALCUL D'INSOLATION c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c c longitude du perihelie par rapport a l'equinoxe de reference(pitild), c par rapport a l'equinoxe de la date(pitbar), excentricite(e): c c Longitude moyenne au 21 mars c c c EN SORTIE: c w:l'insolation mensuelle d'un point de latitude donnee c (c) ASD / IMC (22 / 09 / 2003) # ********************************************* * # Howell - this probably isn't useful (including QROMB) forthe very short timeframes that I am looking at wmcal IS OP mois e eps pibarh phi { NONLOCAL phi_du eps_du e_du pibar_du ; % keep these intermediates, as I don't know if conflicts will arise by making e eps puibarh etc global ; phi_du := phi ; eps_du := eps ; e_du := e ; % globals so that QROMB & Isolation_mensuel can work ; pibar_du := pibarh + pi ; % ; hlm0 := vraimoy 0 e pibar_du ; % longitude moyenne (hlm0) au debut de l'annee!&! ; hlm1 := hlm0 + (mois - 4) * pi * 30 / 180 ; % longitude moyenne (hlm1) au debut du mois ; hlm2 := hlm1 + pi * 30 / 180 ; % longitude moyenne (hlm2) au fin du mois ; % calcul de l'insolation moyenne a l'aide de la methode de Romdberg ; (qromb "Isolation_mensuel hlm1 hlm2) / 30 / pi * 180 } civilization_insolation IS OP fichout latitude mois { LOCAL interval_inputs interval_outpts ; % ; % Solanki ; yr := 0 ; spot := 1 ; irr := 2 ; STf := 3 ; % Milankovic ; yr := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; cosp := 3 ; sinp := 4 ; prec := 5 ; % interval_parms ; yr := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; cosp := 3 ; sinp := 4 ; prec := 5 ; % interval_inputs ; mois := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; pr := 3 ; lat := 4 ; % interval_outpts ; yr := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; cosp := 3 ; sinp := 4 ; prec := 5 ; irr := 6 ; inraw := 7 ; insol := 8 ; % ; interval_inputs := n_intrpsteps 5 reshape 0.0 ; % initial assignments same for full problem set ; interval_inputs|[,mois] := n_intrpsteps reshape mois ; % mean monthly, eg 7 => 21 june - 20 july ; interval_inputs|[,lat ] := n_intrpsteps reshape lat ; % latitude du point sur la terre ; interval_outpts := n_intrpsteps 9 reshape 0.0 ; % ; fichout_number := open fichout "w ; fichout_number EACHRIGHT writefile ' ' fichout (link 'Averages for the month of: ' string mois) '' 'Year eccentricity obliquity precession cos_p sin_p irradiance insol_raw insolation' ; % ; FOR interval_start_year WITH civilisation_period DO interval_years := interval_start_year + intrp_tseries ; interval_outpts|[, yr ecc obl cosp sinp] := interpolation_for_interval interval_start_year ; % ; ST_start_index := find interval_start_year Solanki|[,yr] ; interval_STfs := Solanki|[ST_start_index + intrp_tseries, STf] ; % ; interval_inputs|[,ecc obl] := interval_outpts|[,ecc obl] ; interval_inputs|[,pr] := EACH arctan (OUTER / interval_outpts|[,sinp] interval_outpts|[,cosp]) ; interval_outpts|[,inraw] := EACH wmcal rows interval_inputs ; interval_outpts|[,insol] := OUTER * interval_outpts|[,inraw] interval_STfs ; % ; EACH writefile EACH string rows interval_outpts ; ENDFOR ; close fichout_number ; } # enddoc # Main.ndf 17Feb07 www.BillHowell.ca Warning: Use Courier constant-width font and no-line-wrap to view this file! Otherwise the code doesn't line up and it's hard to read. # Original code from: J. Laskar, P. Robutel, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau, A.C.M. Correia, B. Levrard 2004 "A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth" Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. La 2004 May 23, 2004 http://www.imcce.fr/fr/presentation/equipes/ASD/preprints/prep.2004/La_2004_prep.pdf # Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Boudin, F. 1993 "Orbital, precessional and insolation quantities for the Earth from -20 Myr to + 10Myr" Astron. Astrophys. 270, 522 http://www.imcce.fr/Equipes/ASD/insola/earth/La93/README.TXT #**************************************** * * traduction en Q'Nial de www.qnial.com - * Michael, Jenkins & team at Queen's University, Canada * par www.BillHowell.ca février 2007 * * WARNING: This a draft port from fortran to Q'Nial. Errors are guaranteed * * USER INPUTS: Rather than use a binary file for database access to intermediate results, * I've simply used an array in memory (my current focus is limited to the Holocene period). * I'm not sure if an array of 100 k records of 5 to 10 reals each would be too * much memory for this version of Q'Nial, but I think it would be OK. * * Load definitions - with Q'Nial, it is the problem spec file that will drive the actions * (Howell - I prefer not to waste my time with user input prompts, although that option * will eventually be supported) * * Insolation operators (cwj, wmcal, wjour, wjcal, Global_annual_avg_insolation) return a real, * they don't assign to an argument as in theoriginal Laskar etal * * Missing (some other time): * help files with search - in pdf format and pretty fonts etc etc (yuuchh, but that's what people want) * wide range of examples for different types of research * * * Other comments for Q'Nial speedup * replace "x power 2" with "x * x" * don't keep recreating arrays !!! -> QROMB POLINT * * * Bill Howell * #********************************* # globals defined here, or used in this file only ; datedebut := 0.0 ; datedebut_v := f1 ; datefin := 0.0 ; datefin_v := f1 ; itdebut := 0.0 ; itdebut_v := f1 ; % Nombre de lignes lues ; aux := 0.0 ; aux_v := f1 ; npt := 0.0 ; npt_v := f1 ; % Milankovic_rows !! ; civilisation_period := 0.0 ; civilisation_period_v := f1 ; Milankovic_delta_t := 0.0 ; Milankovic_delta_t_v := f1 ; Solanki_delta_t := 0.0 ; Solanki_delta_t_v := f1 ; Complete_inputs_e := f1 ; # EXTERNAL definitions to allow this file to load alone date_conversion IS external variable ; date_conversion_x := f1 ; debut IS external variable ; debut_x := f1 ; interpolation_setup IS external expression ; interpolation_setup_x := f1 ; Milankovic IS external variable ; Milankovic_x := f1 ; Milankovic_rows IS external variable ; Milankovic_rows_x := f1 ; n_intrpsteps IS external variable ; n_intrpsteps_x := f1 ; #**************************************** # Set up files, vérification du pas Complete_inputs IS { NONLOCAL civilisation_period datedebut datefin itdebut npt ; % ; % Milankovic columns ; yr_col := 0 ; ecc_col := 1 ; obl_col := 2 ; cosp_col := 3 ; sinp_col := 4 ; prec_col := 5 ; input_error := l ; % Extra care to make user-define variables are all there!!! ; symbol_list := EACH first symbols 0 ; IF not in "MILANKOVIC symbol_list THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt: ' ; writescreen 'Milankovic data hasnt been loaded' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; IF not in "DATE_CONVERSION symbol_list THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt: ' ; writescreen 'Missing date_coversion to change first column of data input to years from ky or My' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; IF not in "PAS symbol_list THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt: ' ; writescreen 'Missing stepsize (years - NOT millions of years)' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; % data completion & testing continued ; Milankovic|[, yr_col ] := Milankovic|[ , yr_col ] * date_conversion + 2000 ; Milankovic|[, cosp_col] := cos Milankovic|[ , prec_col] ; Milankovic|[, sinp_col] := sin Milankovic|[ , prec_col] ; datedebut := Milankovic@[0, yr_col ] ; % starting time (years) ; datefin := Milankovic@[Milankovic_rows - 1,0] ; % final time (years) ; % Fancy data checks ; % There must be constant time intervals between data dates!! ; IF ~= (Milankovic_delta_t := - [rest, front] Milankovic|[,0]) THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Milankovic - civilization.ndf' ; writescreen 'Milankovic data is provided for an irregular date series - there must be constant years difference between data in the series' ; input_error := l ; ELSE Milankovic_delta_t := first Milankovic_delta_t ; ENDIF ; IF Milankovic_delta_t < 1 THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Milankovic - civilization.ndf ' ; writescreen 'Step size (Milankovic_delta_t) must be >= 1 year' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; IF NOT < (datedebut datefin) THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt: ' ; writescreen 'Milankovic dates must start with earliest and end with last' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; IF ~= (Solanki_delta_t := - [rest, front] Solanki|[,0]) THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Solanki-Tapping.ndf' ; writescreen 'Solanki-Tapping data is provided for an irregular date series - there must be constant years difference between data in the series' ; input_error := l ; ELSE Solanki_delta_t := first Solanki_delta_t ; ENDIF ; interpolation_setup ; % I can't think of any checks after initial program debugging ; % Complete the input data by doing extra calculations ; civilisation_period := -11000 + (1000 * tell 12) ; NOT input_error } # Insolation.ndf 17Feb07 www.BillHowell.ca Warning: Use Courier constant-width font and no-line-wrap to view this file! Otherwise the code doesn't line up and it's hard to read. # Original code from: J. Laskar, P. Robutel, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau, A.C.M. Correia, B. Levrard 2004 "A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth" Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. La 2004 May 23, 2004 http://www.imcce.fr/fr/presentation/equipes/ASD/preprints/prep.2004/La_2004_prep.pdf # Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Boudin, F. 1993 "Orbital, precessional and insolation quantities for the Earth from -20 Myr to + 10Myr" Astron. Astrophys. 270, 522 http://www.imcce.fr/Equipes/ASD/insola/earth/La93/README.TXT #**************************************** # Laskar etal - insola.f ported to the Q'Nial programming language by www.BillHowell.ca * Howell: View this file with constant-width font (eg Courier) and word wrap turned off * Much of the original content and references is retained. * * * Computation of the various insolation functions * * this program uses * insolsub.f : subroutines for the computation * of insolation * prepinsol.f : subroutines for the binary temporary file * prepsub.f : subroutines for computing elements at * specified time * insola.par : parameters for insola.f * nomclimaneg , * nomclimapos : ASCII files supplied * which contains the necessary * orbital and precession quantities * * * * the following parameters are taken from the NAMELIST insola.par * nomclimapos : ASCII file for the elements t,e,eps, psibar on * positive time. * nomclimaneg : ASCII file for the elements t,e,eps, psibar on * negative time. * nominsolbin : temporary binary file for the elements t,e,eps, * cos(psibar), sin(psibar) * (variables interne = nomfich) * pas : stepsize (years) * datefin : final time (million of years) * datedebut : starting time (million of years) * so : solar constant W*m^-2 * * other parameters: * * nbf : 4 (number of variables) * nbel1 : 4 + 1 * nacd : numbers of n-uplets in a record * * (c) Astronomie et Systemes Dynamiques/ institut de Mecanique Celeste (2003) * J. Laskar, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau * * version 0.82 (7/7/1993) * version 0.83 (27/1/93) * version la2001b4 (26/06/2001) Mickael : changement du fichier de parametres * version la2001b9 (12/02/2002) Mickael : ajout dans le fichier de parametres * version la2003 (04/03/2003) Mickael : fichier de parametres * version la2003 (04/09/2003) Mickael : creation du fichier binaires * (05/11/2003) Mickael : changement du common date en ddate * version la2004 (26/05/2004) Mickael : correction qromb (insolsub.f) #**************************************** #********************************************* * Laskar etal - insolsub.ndf * * subroutines for the computation of insolation * J. Laskar, F. Joutel, F. Boudin * (c) Astronomie et Systemes Dynamiques / Institut de Mecanique Celeste (2003) * * 05 / 11 / 2001 Mickael : modification de l'appel de polint dans qromb * (mauvais type fourni) * 22 / 09 / 2003 Mickael : utilisation de e et pibarh au lieu de ak,ah, psi * 05 / 11 / 2003 Mickael : changement du common date en ddate d * 26 / 05 / 2004 Mickael : correction qromb suivant numerical recipes 2nd ed. * * traduction en Q'Nial de www.qnial.com - Michael, Jenkins & team at Queen's University, Canada * par www.BillHowell.ca février 2007 * #********************************************* #*************************************** * Description of routines, Howell Feb07 * * e - excentricité * eps - l'obliquité * hl - longitude vraie , moyvrai(hlm, e, pibar) * hlm - longitude moyenne, vraimoy(hl , e, pibar) * phi - latitude du point sur la terre * pibar - longitude du perihelie !&!comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la date + pi (repere geocentrique)!&! * wd - longitude vraie du soleil (en radian) compte a partir de l'equinoxe de la date * * * * vraimoy (hl,e,pibar,hlm) - calcule la longitude moyenne (hlm) * moyvrai (hlm,e,pibar,hl) - calcule la longitude vraie (hl) * cwj (wd,e,pibar,eps,phi) - INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE * wmcal (mois,e,eps,pibarh,phi) - INSOLATION MENSUELLE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE * wjour (date,e,eps,pibarh,phi) - INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE * wjcal (datecal,e,eps,pibarh,phi) - INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE * Telinsol (tps) - tableau des éléments orbitaux (k,h,eps,phi) pour la date tps * (Howell: telinsol not called in Laskar program !!&!!!&!!) NOT called by prepinsol.f nor prepsub.f !!!!! * Global_annual_avg_insolation (e) - INSOLATION ANNUELLE MOYENNEE * * * From standard libraries at !&!l'Observatoire de Paris!&! * (c) Astronomie et Systemes Dynamiques/ institut de Mecanique Celeste (2003) * * QROMB (FUNC,A,B,SS) - ROMBERG INTEGRATION * POLINT (XA, YA, N, X) - used by qromb * TRAPZD (FUNC A B N) - used by qromb * * ******************************************* #********************************* # globals defined here, or used in this file only ; e_du := 0.0 ; e_du_v := f3 ; eps_du := 0.0 ; eps_du_v := f3 ; nbfmax := 20 ; nbfmax_v := f3 ; q_dy := 0.0 ; q_dy_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; q_nmax := 10 ; q_nmax_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; phi_du := 0.0 ; phi_du_v := f3 ; pibar_du := 0.0 ; pibar_du_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg integration routines ; q_c := q_nmax reshape 0.0 ; q_c_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; q_d := q_nmax reshape 0.0 ; q_d_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; q_xa := q_nmax reshape 0.0 ; q_xa_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; q_ya := nbfmax q_nmax reshape 0.0 ; q_ya_v := f3 ; % for rhomberg routines ; cwj_o := f3 ; civilization_insolation_o := f3 ; Global_annual_avg_insolation_o := f3 ; Isolation_mensuel_o := f3 ; moyvrai_o := f3 ; QROMB_o := f3 ; POLINT_o := f3 ; Telinsol_o := f3 ; TRAPZD_o := f3 ; vraimoy_o := f3 ; wmcal_o := f3 ; wjour_o := f3 ; wjcal_o := f3 ; # EXTERNAL definitions to allow this file to load alone civilisation_period IS external variable ; civilisation_period_x := f3 ; fichout IS external variable ; fichout_x := f3 ; intrp_tseries IS external variable ; intrp_tseries_x := f3 ; Milankovic IS external variable ; Milankovic_x := f3 ; mois IS external variable ; mois_x := f3 ; n_intrpsteps IS external variable ; n_intrpsteps_x := f3 ; phi IS external variable ; phi_x := f3 ; so IS external variable ; so_x := f3 ; interpolation_for_interval IS external operation ; interpolation_for_interval_x := f3 ; # ********************************************* c subroutine vraimoy(hl,e,pibar,hlm) c c calcule la longitude moyenne (hlm) en fonction de la longitude c vraie (hl), de l'excentricite (e) et de la longitude du perihelie c (pibar) c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) c correction 27 / 1 / 93 # ********************************************* vraimoy IS OP hl e pibar { beta := (1 - (e * e)) power 0.5 ; eM := hl - pibar ; hl - (2 * (e / 2 + (e power 3 / 8) ) * (1 + beta) * sin eM ) - ( (e * e / 4 ) * (0.5 + beta) * sin (2 * eM) ) + ( (e power 3 ) * (1 / 3 + beta) * sin (3 * eM) ) } # ********************************************* c subroutine moyvrai(hlm,e,pibar,hl) c c calcule la longitude vraie (hl) en fonction de la longitude c moyenne (hlm), de l'excentricite (e) et de la longitude du c perihelie (pibar) c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) # ********************************************* moyvrai IS OP hlm e pibar { eM := hlm - pibar ; hlm + ( ( 2 * e - (e power 3 / 4)) * sin eM ) + ( 5 / 4 * (e * e) * sin (2 * eM ) ) + ( 13 / 12 * (e power 3) * sin (3 * eM ) ) } # ********************************************* c SUBROUTINE cwj(wd,e,pibar,eps,phi,w) c c INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE c c A L'ENTREE: c wd : la longitude vraie du soleil (en radian) compte a partir c de l'equinoxe de la date c e : excentricite c pibar: longitude du perihelie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la c date + pi (repere geocentrique) c eps: l'obliquite c phi: latitude du point sur la terre c c EN SORTIE: c w:l'insolation journaliere d'un point de latitude donnee c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) # ********************************************* cwj IS OP wd e pibar eps phi { v := wd - pibar ; rho := (1 - (e * e)) / (1 + (e * cos v) ) ; % Distance terre - soleil (rho): ; delta := arcsin (sin eps * sin wd) ; % Declinaison du soleil (delta): ; aux := pi / 2 - abs delta ; IF (( - aux < phi) and (phi < aux)) THEN % LATITUDES DE LEVER ET COUCHER DE SOLEIL: ; cho := - (tan phi) * (tan delta) ; ho := arccos cho ; % Angle horaire du lever et coucher du soleil (ho): ; ( ( ho * (sin phi) * (sin delta) ) + ( (cos phi) * (cos delta) * (sin ho) ) ) * so / (pi * (rho * rho) ) ELSE a1 := pi / 2 - delta ; a2 := pi / 2 + delta ; IF ((phi >= a1) or (phi <= ( - a2)) ) THEN % LATITUDES SANS COUCHER: ; so * (sin phi) * (sin delta) / (rho * rho) ELSE % LATITUDES SANS LEVER: ; IF ((phi <= ( - a1)) OR (phi >= a2) ) THEN 0 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF } # ********************************************* * Isolation_mensuel # ********************************************* * Isolation_mensuel IS OP hlm { cwj (moyvrai hlm e_du pibar_du) e_du pibar_du eps_du phi_du } # ********************************************* * c SUBROUTINE wjour(date,e,eps,pibarh,phi,w) c c INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE c c A L'ENTREE: c date : la longitude vraie du soleil (en degres) comptee a partir c de l'equinoxe vrai c e,eps,pibarh: les elements orbitaux pour la date tps c e : excentricite c eps:l'obliquite c pibarh: longitude du perihelie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la c date c phi: latitude du point sur la terre c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c CALCUL D'INSOLATION c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c c longitude du perihelie par rapport a l'equinoxe de reference(pitild), c par rapport a l'equinoxe de la date(pibar), excentricite(e): c c c Longitude vraie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe vrai et c anomalie vraie (wd,v): c c c EN SORTIE: c w:l'insolation journaliere d'un point de latitude donnee c (c) ASD / IMC (22 / 09 / 2003) # ********************************************* * wjour IS OP date e eps pibarh phi { pibar := pibarh + pi ; hl := date * pi / 180 ; cwj hl e pibar eps phi } # ********************************************* * c SUBROUTINE wjcal(datecal,e,eps,pibarh,phi,w) c c INSOLATION JOURNALIERE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE c c A L'ENTREE: c datecal: la longitude moyenne (en degres) du soleil comptee a partir c de l'equinoxe de la date c e,eps,pibarh: les elements orbitaux pour la date tps c e : excentricite c eps:l'obliquite c pibarh: longitude du perihelie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la c date c phi: latitude du point sur la terre c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c CALCUL D'INSOLATION c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c c longitude du perihelie par rapport a l'equinoxe de reference(pitild), c par rapport a l'equinoxe de la date(pibar), excentricite(e): c c c EN SORTIE: c w:l'insolation journaliere d'un point de latitude donnee c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) # ********************************************* * wjcal IS OP datecal e eps pibarh phi { pibar := pibarh + pi ; hlm := datecal * pi / 180 ; % calcul de la longitude vraie ; hlm0 := vraimoy 0. e pibar ; % longitude moyenne au 21 mars ; hlm := hlm0 + hlm ; % longitude moyenne a la date ; wd := moyvrai hlm e pibar ; % longitude vraie a la date ; cwj wd e pibar eps phi } # ********************************************* c SUBROUTINE Global_annual_avg_insolation(e,w) c c INSOLATION ANNUELLE MOYENNEE c c A L"ENTREE: c e:excentricite pour une date donnee c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c CALCUL D'INSOLATION (w) c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c Carre de la distance terre - soleil moyennee sur une revolution (rho): c c c EN SORTIE: c w:insolation annuelle moyenne c (c) ASD / BDL (1 / 10 / 92) # ********************************************* Global_annual_avg_insolation IS OP e { so / (4 * sqrt(1 - e power 2)) } # ************************************************* c SUBROUTINE QROMB(FUNC,A,B,SS) c c NUMERICAL RECIPES c ROMBERG INTEGRATION # ************************************************* c 05 / 11 / 2001 Mickael : ajout de 0 (au lieu de 0.) pour l'appel de polint c 26 / 05 / 2004 Mickael : correction du test IF (ABS(DSS).LT. en .LE. c correction effectuee dans "numerical recipes, second edition" POLINT IS OP N X { NONLOCAL q_c q_d q_dy q_xa q_y q_ya q_nmax ; % ; NS := 1 ; DIF := ABS(X - q_xa@1) ; FOR I WITH count N DO DIFT := ABS (X - q_xa@I) ; IF DIFT < DIF THEN NS := I ; DIF := DIFT ; ENDIF ; q_C@I := q_ya@I ; q_D@I := q_ya@I ; ENDFOR ; q_y := q_ya@NS ; NS := NS - 1 ; FOR M WITH count (N - 1) DO FOR I WITH count (N - M) DO HO := q_xa@I - X ; HP := q_xa@[I + M] - X ; W := q_c@[I + 1] - q_d@I ; DEN := HO - HP ; IF DEN = 0.0 THEN writescreen ' pause polint - den=0 error where interpolated point is at known point' ; ENDIF ; % what does this do!&! ; DEN := W / DEN ; q_d@I := HP * DEN ; q_c@I := HO * DEN ; ENDFOR ; IF ( (2 * NS) < (N - M) ) THEN q_dy := q_c@[NS + 1] ; ELSE q_dy := q_d@NS ; NS := NS - 1 ; ENDIF ; q_y:= q_y+ q_dy ; ENDFOR ; % return 2 results ; q_y q_dy } TRAPZD IS OP FUNC A B N { % SAVE IT ; % what does IT do!&! intermediate save in file!&! ; IF N = 1 THEN S := 0.5 * (B - A) * ((apply FUNC A) + (apply FUNC B)) ; IT := 1 ; ELSE TNM := IT ; DEL := (B - A) / TNM ; X := A + (0.5 * DEL) ; SUMT := 0. ; FOR J WITH count IT DO SUMT := SUMT + (FUNC X) ; X := X + DEL ; ENDFOR ; S := 0.5 * (S + ( (B - A) * SUMT / TNM) ); IT := 2 * IT ; ENDIF ; S } QROMB IS OP FUNC A B { error_qromb := o ; EPS := 1.e-6 ; JMAX := 20 ; JMAXP := JMAX + 1 ; K := 5 ; KM := 4 ; S := JMAXP reshape 0.0 ; H := S ; H@1 := 1. ; FOR J WITH count JMAX DO S@J := TRAPZD FUNC A B J ; IF J >= K THEN Lx := J - KM ; SS DSS := POLINT H@Lx S@Lx K 0.0 ; IF (ABS DSS <= (EPS * ABS SS) ) THEN error_qromb := l ; ENDIF ; ENDIF ; S@(J + 1) := S@J ; H@(J + 1) := 0.25 * H@J ; ENDFOR ; IF error_qromb = l THEN Name := Readscreen 'QROMB: Too many steps.' ELSE SS ENDIF } # ********************************************* * c SUBROUTINE wmcal(mois,e,eps,pibarh,phi,w) c c INSOLATION MENSUELLE D'UN POINT DE LATITUDE DONNEE c c A L'ENTREE: c mois : le numero du mois (l'annee est divisee en 12 mois de 30 c degres et le numero 3 correspond a fin fevrier - fin mars) c e,eps,pibarh: les elements orbitaux pour la date tps c e : excentricite c eps:l'obliquite c pibarh: longitude du perihelie comptee a partir de l'equinoxe de la c date c phi: latitude du point sur la terre c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c CALCUL D'INSOLATION c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - c c longitude du perihelie par rapport a l'equinoxe de reference(pitild), c par rapport a l'equinoxe de la date(pitbar), excentricite(e): c c Longitude moyenne au 21 mars c c c EN SORTIE: c w:l'insolation mensuelle d'un point de latitude donnee c (c) ASD / IMC (22 / 09 / 2003) # ********************************************* * # Howell - this probably isn't useful (including QROMB) forthe very short timeframes that I am looking at wmcal IS OP mois e eps pibarh phi { NONLOCAL phi_du eps_du e_du pibar_du ; % keep these intermediates, as I don't know if conflicts will arise by making e eps puibarh etc global ; phi_du := phi ; eps_du := eps ; e_du := e ; % globals so that QROMB & Isolation_mensuel can work ; pibar_du := pibarh + pi ; % ; hlm0 := vraimoy 0 e pibar_du ; % longitude moyenne (hlm0) au debut de l'annee!&! ; hlm1 := hlm0 + (mois - 4) * pi * 30 / 180 ; % longitude moyenne (hlm1) au debut du mois ; hlm2 := hlm1 + pi * 30 / 180 ; % longitude moyenne (hlm2) au fin du mois ; % calcul de l'insolation moyenne a l'aide de la methode de Romdberg ; (qromb "Isolation_mensuel hlm1 hlm2) / 30 / pi * 180 } civilization_insolation IS OP fichout latitude mois { LOCAL interval_inputs interval_outpts ; % ; % Solanki ; yr := 0 ; spot := 1 ; irr := 2 ; STf := 3 ; % Milankovic ; yr := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; cosp := 3 ; sinp := 4 ; prec := 5 ; % interval_parms ; yr := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; cosp := 3 ; sinp := 4 ; prec := 5 ; % interval_inputs ; mois := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; pr := 3 ; lat := 4 ; % interval_outpts ; yr := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; cosp := 3 ; sinp := 4 ; prec := 5 ; irr := 6 ; inraw := 7 ; insol := 8 ; % ; interval_inputs := n_intrpsteps 5 reshape 0.0 ; % initial assignments same for full problem set ; interval_inputs|[,mois] := n_intrpsteps reshape mois ; % mean monthly, eg 7 => 21 june - 20 july ; interval_inputs|[,lat ] := n_intrpsteps reshape lat ; % latitude du point sur la terre ; interval_outpts := n_intrpsteps 9 reshape 0.0 ; % ; fichout_number := open fichout "w ; fichout_number EACHRIGHT writefile ' ' fichout (link 'Averages for the month of: ' string mois) '' 'Year eccentricity obliquity precession cos_p sin_p irradiance insol_raw insolation' ; % ; FOR interval_start_year WITH civilisation_period DO interval_years := interval_start_year + intrp_tseries ; interval_outpts|[, yr ecc obl cosp sinp] := interpolation_for_interval interval_start_year ; % ; ST_start_index := find interval_start_year Solanki|[,yr] ; interval_STfs := Solanki|[ST_start_index + intrp_tseries, STf] ; % ; interval_inputs|[,ecc obl] := interval_outpts|[,ecc obl] ; interval_inputs|[,pr] := EACH arctan (OUTER / interval_outpts|[,sinp] interval_outpts|[,cosp]) ; interval_outpts|[,inraw] := EACH wmcal rows interval_inputs ; interval_outpts|[,insol] := OUTER * interval_outpts|[,inraw] interval_STfs ; % ; EACH writefile EACH string rows interval_outpts ; ENDFOR ; close fichout_number ; } ?undefined identifier: FIND INTERVAL_START_YEAR SOLANKI <***> | [ , # enddoc errors found: 1 # Interpolation.ndf 17Feb07 www.BillHowell.ca port from Fortran to QNial Warning: Use Courier constant-width font and no-line-wrap to view this file! Otherwise the code doesn't line up and it's hard to read. # Original code from: J. Laskar, P. Robutel, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau, A.C.M. Correia, B. Levrard 2004 "A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth" Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. La 2004 May 23, 2004 http://www.imcce.fr/fr/presentation/equipes/ASD/preprints/prep.2004/La_2004_prep.pdf # Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Boudin, F. 1993 "Orbital, precessional and insolation quantities for the Earth from -20 Myr to + 10Myr" Astron. Astrophys. 270, 522 http://www.imcce.fr/Equipes/ASD/insola/earth/La93/README.TXT #********************************* Introduction # This set of routines has been simplified from Laskar etal and adapted more for the Holocene period of geology (roughly the post glaciation period leading into civilization and up to the present day). # Because the ultimate intent is to incorporate time series for solar, geomagnetic and galactic drivers of climate and disease (and many other posiible effects, like war, agriculture, the economy, arts, sciences etc) a time resolution on the order of one year is desired. However, Solanki's proxy time seires for sunspots, which was constructed from geologic data including 10Be and 14C, only has a 5 year time resolution at present, so I'll use that time resolution as a fixed parameter (in a way to make it easy for someone else to change it). # Solanki, S.K., et al. 2005. 11,000 Year Sunspot Number Reconstruction. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2005-015. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. # As the Laskar etal Milankovic parameters (eccentricity, obliquity, precession, but not Earth's bobbing in and out of the plane of its orbit, etc etc) are provided every 1,000 years, there is a constant 1,000 / 5 = 200 data points of interpolation between each provided Milankovic point. We also want a match between "current dates" for the Laskar and Solanki data series - but that will have to come later. # It is my impression that the Laskar interpolation program allowed for Milankovic series with irregular time intervals. But the provided Milankovic time series is for a relular 1,000 year time interval, so for this assumption we can simplify the calcualtions somewhat. # Obviously, there is a bit of a "drift" in using the Solanki and Laskar time series "before present", as opposed to using a fixed reference date (eg 2000 AD, which somehow seems politically incorrect to say, such is the nonsense we live with). # # #************************************************* temporary - for helping to write routines... f2 := 'Interpolation.ndf' ; #********************************* # globals defined here, or used in this file only ; Holocene_start := -25000 ; Holocene_start_v := f2 ; % This is simply the start ofthe Milankovic series for interpolation, not the geological period!! ; Holocene_end := 2000 ; Holocene_end_v := f2 ; % 2,000 years into the future ; intrp_factors_v := f2 ; intrp_tdata := 0.0 ; intrp_tdata_v := f2 ; intrp_tseries := 0.0 ; intrp_tseries_v := f2 ; n_intrpsteps := 0.0 ; n_intrpsteps_v := f2 ; n_poly := 8 ; n_poly_v := f2 ; % 8th order polynomial fit ; nbfmax := 20 ; nbfmax_v := f2 ; nmax := 100 ; nmax_v := f2 ; n_vars_e := f2 ; % # of variables -= 4 (eccentricity, obliquity, cos precess, sin precess) ; facts_pre&aft_interval := 0.0 ; facts_pre&aft_interval_v := f2 ; ps_c := nmax reshape 0.0 ; ps_c_v := f2 ; ps_d := nmax reshape 0.0 ; ps_d_v := f2 ; ps_dy := nbfmax reshape 0.0 ; ps_dy_v := f2 ; interpolation_for_interval_o := f2 ; interpolation_setup_o := f2 ; pint_o := f2 ; # EXTERNAL definitions to allow this file to load alone, some defined in header file Milankovic IS external variable ; Milankovic_x := f2 ; Milankovic_rows IS external variable ; Milankovic_rows_x := f2 ; Milankovic_cols IS external variable ; Milankovic_cols_x := f2 ; Milankovic_delta_t IS external variable ; Milankovic_delta_t_x := f2 ; Solanki_delta_t IS external variable ; Solanki_delta_t_x := f2 ; #*************************************************** % SUBROUTINE PINT(xa,ya,n,x,nbf,y) ; % % % A partir de fonctions tabulees (xa,ya),ce sous - programme construit ; % un polynome de degre (n - 1) permettant de calculer la valeur de la ; % fonction, y, au point, x. ; % (cf algorithme de Neville, Numerical recipes) ; % ; % A L'ENTREE: ; % xa(n):tableau de dates ; % ya(nbf,n):valeurs des fonctions aux dates xa(n) ; % n:nombre de points necessaires a l'interpolation ; % x:date pour laquelle on effectue l'interpolation ; % nbf:nombre de fonctions a interpoler ; % ; % EN SORTIE: ; % y(nbf):tableau des valeurs interpolees a la date x ; % ; % (c) ASD / IMC (2001) ; pint IS OP x { % Milankovic ; yr := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; cosp := 3 ; sinp := 4 ; prec := 5 ; % ; ps_xa := facts_pre&aft_interval|[,yr ] ; ps_ya := facts_pre&aft_interval|[,ecc obl cosp sinp ] ; ps_y := shape ps_ya reshape 0.0 ; n := n_poly ; nbf := n_poly ; % ; FOR nvar WITH tell nbf DO ns := 1 ; dif := abs (x - ps_xa@1) ; FOR i WITH tell n DO dift := abs (x - ps_xa@i) ; IF (dift < dif) THEN ns := i ; dif := dift ; ENDIF ; ps_c@i := ps_ya@[nvar,i] ; ps_d@i := ps_ya@[nvar,i] ; ENDFOR ; ps_y@nvar := ps_ya@[nvar,ns] ; ns := ns - 1 ; FOR m WITH tell (n - 1) DO FOR i WITH tell (n - m) DO ho := ps_xa@i - x ; hp := ps_xa@[i + m] - x ; w := ps_c@[i + 1] - ps_d@i ; den := ho - hp ; IF (den = 0) THEN writescreen ' pause pint - den=0 error where interpolated point is at known point' ; break ; ENDIF ; den := w / den ; ps_d@i := hp * den ; ps_c@i := ho * den ; ENDFOR ; IF (2 * ns) < (n - m) THEN ps_dy@nvar := ps_c@[ns + 1] ; ELSE ps_dy@nvar := ps_d@ns ; ns := ns - 1 ; ENDIF ; ps_y@nvar := ps_y@nvar + ps_dy@nvar ; ENDFOR ; ENDFOR ; ps_y } #*************************************************** interpolation_setup IS { n_intrpsteps := floor ( Milankovic_delta_t / Solanki_delta_t ) ; % includes start of interval - year of given Milankovic data (must check result consistency!) ; intrp_tseries := Solanki_delta_t * tell n_intrpsteps ; intrp_tdata := OUTER + ( intrp_tseries ) ( (- (tell n_poly) 4 ) * Milankovic_delta_t ) ; } #*************************************************** Returns a table of interpolated Milankovic_factors_for_interval|[,0] - year eccentricity obliquity cos(precession) sin(precession) At some point verify that the years match (data vs interpolation for 1st year)!!! interpolation_for_interval IS OP interval_start_year { % Milankovic columns ; yr := 0 ; ecc := 1 ; obl := 2 ; cosp := 3 ; sinp := 4 ; prec := 5 ; % ; startYear_Index := find interval_start_year Milankovic|[,yr] ; startYear_data := Milankovic|[floor (startYear_Index + (n_poly / 2) - 1),] ; facts_pre&aft_interval := Milankovic|[startYear_Index + tell n_poly, yr ecc obl cosp sinp] ; EACH pint intrp_tseries } # enddoc # Milankovic data - estimates of the Milankovic parameters for the period of civilizations Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt 11Feb07 www.BillHowell.ca Warning: Use Courier constant-width font and no-line-wrap to view this file! Otherwise the code doesn't line up and it's hard to read. # Original code from: J. Laskar, P. Robutel, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau, A.C.M. Correia, B. Levrard 2004 "A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth" Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. La 2004 May 23, 2004 http://www.imcce.fr/fr/presentation/equipes/ASD/preprints/prep.2004/La_2004_prep.pdf # Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Boudin, F. 1993 "Orbital, precessional and insolation quantities for the Earth from -20 Myr to + 10Myr" Astron. Astrophys. 270, 522 http://www.imcce.fr/Equipes/ASD/insola/earth/La93/README.TXT #********************************* # globals defined here, or used in this file only ; date_conversion := 1000 ; date_conversion_v := f10 ; % convert dates to years (eg from My or ky) ; Milankovic := 0.0 ; Milankovic_v := f10 ; % input below ; Milankovic_cols := 6 ; Milankovic_cols_v := f10 ; % important for reading data!! ; Milankovic_rows := 0.0 ; Milankovic_rows_v := f10 ; % calc'd below ; Milankovic_titles := ' ' ; Milankovic_titles_v := f10 ; n_vars_v := f10 ; so := 1368 ; so_v := f10 ; % solar constant (W*m^-2), this can be modified in the input file! ; % there aren't any operators defined in this file ; # EXTERNAL definitions to allow this file to load alone # none required... # Some nomenclature used by Laskar etal e or k % eccentricity ; eps or h % obliquity ; pibar % precession - !&!l'angle entre longitude de l'equinox et perihelion!&! ; q % cos(precession) ; p % cos(precession) ; pas % stepsize (years) for interpolations, must be greater than 1 year ; % defined in 'Civilization problem setup.ndf' ; #******************************************************** # Solar insolation parameters from Laskar etal # date (kyears) - relative to current time. Note that this is translated into years for later calculations but it's easiest to retain the ky inpout style for the user for the Holocene period - Milankovic dates must start with earliest and end with last!! (time goes forward) - NOTE:, I'm not sure exactly when "present time" is!!! assume ~2005 (like SOlaki basis I'm using) # eccentricity (!&!units!&!) - measure of degree to which Earth's orbit around the sun is non-circular - 90, 100, 110 ky periodicity (taken to be ~100 ky) # obliquity (radians) - angle of Earth's axis with respect to its plane of orbit - ~40 ky periodicity # precession (radians) - direction of Earth's axis tilt with respect to !&!today's orientation versus the center of the universe!&! - ~20 ky periodicity # cos(precession) - all zeros, waiting for the results to be put in # sin(precession) - all zeros, waiting for the results to be put in # "Invisible column" - a tab and a space finish each row - otherwise the insolation & following year are read as one!! # initially the precession is in terms of an angle (radians), then it is converted to sin & cos terms. Also from kYears to Years. Oops, when I copied overthe data it went from 16 to 9 digit accuracy (double to single precision) I'll have to fix later. # solar constant (W*m^-2), already defined in external.ndf, but this can be modified below! The next aim is to use Solanki's solar irradiance values for the Holocene. # copy this into operators using Milankovic % Milankovic columns ; yr_col := 0 ; ecc_col := 1 ; obl_col := 2 ; cosp_col := 3 ; sinp_col := 4 ; prec_col := 5 ; Milankovic_titles := 'YearsBP' 'eccentricity' 'obliquity' 'cos(precession)' 'sin(precession)' 'precession' ; Milankovic := -25 0.0178680000 0.3911080000 0.0 0.0 0.8712670000 -24 0.0180950000 0.3931010000 0.0 0.0 1.1553320000 -23 0.0183410000 0.3954330000 0.0 0.0 1.4405280000 -22 0.0186170000 0.3980270000 0.0 0.0 1.7259070000 -21 0.0188350000 0.4008000000 0.0 0.0 2.0112180000 -20 0.0190030000 0.4036770000 0.0 0.0 2.2983900000 -19 0.0192230000 0.4065770000 0.0 0.0 2.5814010000 -18 0.0193470000 0.4094130000 0.0 0.0 2.8676430000 -17 0.0194870000 0.4121230000 0.0 0.0 3.1539570000 -16 0.0195600000 0.4146340000 0.0 0.0 3.4367300000 -15 0.0196350000 0.4168870000 0.0 0.0 3.7227540000 -14 0.0196790000 0.4188350000 0.0 0.0 4.0084460000 -13 0.0196510000 0.4204360000 0.0 0.0 4.2923470000 -12 0.0196130000 0.4216580000 0.0 0.0 4.5794320000 -11 0.0195970000 0.4224860000 0.0 0.0 4.8634580000 -10 0.0194250000 0.4229060000 0.0 0.0 5.1533730000 -9 0.0193250000 0.4229180000 0.0 0.0 5.4383550000 -8 0.0191800000 0.4225360000 0.0 0.0 5.7272450000 -7 0.0189370000 0.4217770000 0.0 0.0 6.0186410000 -6 0.0187480000 0.4206670000 0.0 0.0 0.0245740000 -5 0.0184530000 0.4192470000 0.0 0.0 0.3155370000 -4 0.0182110000 0.4175550000 0.0 0.0 0.6113810000 -3 0.0178460000 0.4156390000 0.0 0.0 0.9034940000 -2 0.0174970000 0.4135550000 0.0 0.0 1.2000240000 -1 0.0171610000 0.4113530000 0.0 0.0 1.4979280000 0 0.0167020000 0.4090930000 0.0 0.0 1.7962570000 1 0.0162751900 0.4068337800 0.0 0.0 2.0985607000 2 0.0158501400 0.4046314300 0.0 0.0 2.3976566000 3 0.0153397000 0.4025410200 0.0 0.0 2.7053148000 4 0.0148354800 0.4006169700 0.0 0.0 3.0096091000 5 0.0143164700 0.3989009600 0.0 0.0 3.3134127000 6 0.0137745200 0.3974365500 0.0 0.0 3.6261098000 7 0.0132086400 0.3962542200 0.0 0.0 3.9336626000 8 0.0125777100 0.3953768400 0.0 0.0 4.2441453000 9 0.0120396300 0.3948181800 0.0 0.0 4.5577560000 10 0.0113841500 0.3945853300 0.0 0.0 4.8728309000 11 0.0107391500 0.3946720400 0.0 0.0 5.1874266000 12 0.0101621900 0.3950691200 0.0 0.0 5.5067319000 13 0.0094765790 0.3957572900 0.0 0.0 5.8251114000 14 0.0088686560 0.3967117900 0.0 0.0 6.1514530000 15 0.0082116980 0.3979020200 0.0 0.0 0.1866843700 ; Milankovic_rows := first floor ((shape Milankovic) / Milankovic_cols ) ; Milankovic := Milankovic_rows Milankovic_cols reshape Milankovic ; n_vars := (second shape Milankovic) - 1 ; % later merge years into this ; # should double-check to make sure "Milankovic_rows Milankovic_cols" have been changed if data changes # enddoc # Solanki-Tapping.ndf Sunspot estimates by Solanki (10Be and 14C based) Irradiance model of Tapping #********************************************************************* 11,000 Year Sunspot Number Reconstruction. "Solanki, S.K., et al. 2005. 11,000 Year Sunspot Number Reconstruction. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2005-015. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. " # DESCRIPTION: The series of reconstructed 10-yr averaged sunspot numbers with their 68% uncertainty. Years are given BP (before present), i.e. the calendar AD year, Yad, is related to the BP year, Ybp, as Yc=1950-Ybp. The tabulated years correspond to centers of the corresponding 10-year intervals. Negative values are artifacts and are consistent with zero within the error limits. # DATA: Column 1: Year Before Present (1950 AD) Column 2: Reconstructed Sunspot Number Column 3: Sigma error (68% uncertainty) # #********************************* Howell - # Here YearAD has a +105 shift to make "present time" = 2005 AD (i.e. forst data in 1895) (just to make it easy for me to align Solanki and Laskar datasets (sheesh, I'm lazy) # The intent is to provide Tapping's model of Total irradiance as a function of sunspots, which will come from Solanki's time series. # The Solanki_Tapping time series MUST cover the same "interval" as the "civilisation period" used for the Lasskar insolation calculations although extra years before or after are OK. Later improvements may relax that constraint. Obviously, data since 1895 for sunspots would be helpful!!! # Both the Solanki_Tapping series and "Mialnkovic_delta_t" must have the same interval time step. Initially it has been taken to be 10 years, as with the Solanki data series. # Years that don't have Solanki sunspot data have simply been provided with the "solar constant" = 1368 Wm^-2 #********************************* # globals defined here, or used in this file only ; f11 := 'Solanki-Tapping.ndf' ; Solanki := 0.0 ; Solanki_v := f11 ; % input below ; Solanki_cols := 4 ; Solanki_cols_v := f11 ; % important for reading data!! ; Solanki_rows := 0.0 ; Solanki_rows_v := f11 ; % calc'd below ; Solanki_titles := 'YearBP_shifted' 'Sunspot #' ; Solanki_titles_v := f11 ; Solanki_Tapping_irradiance := 0.0 ; % input below (or will be when I get this all working) ; Solanki_Tapping_irradiance_v := f11 ; % there aren't any operators defined in this file ; # EXTERNAL definitions to allow this file to load alone # none required... #********************************* # copy this into start of operatiuons, expressions % for Solanki-Tapping ; y_col := 0 ; spot_col := 1 ; irr_col := 2 ; STf_col := 3 : Solanki_titles := 'YearBP_shifted' 'Solanki sunspot#' 'Tapping_irradiance' 'S-T factor' +--------------+----------------+------------------+----------+ |YearBP_shifted|Solanki sunspot#|Tapping_irradiance|S-T factor| +--------------+----------------+------------------+----------+ Solanki := -11460 37.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -11450 57.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -11440 89.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -11430 92.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -11420 75.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -11410 60.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -11400 43.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -11390 37.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -11380 57.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -11370 71.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -11360 51.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -11350 42.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -11340 54.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -11330 65.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -11320 50.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -11310 38.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -11300 36.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -11290 28.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -11280 23.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -11270 25.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -11260 20.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -11250 14.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -11240 12.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -11230 7.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -11220 3.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -11210 6.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -11200 12.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -11190 15.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -11180 16.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -11170 16.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -11160 16.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -11150 16.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -11140 15.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -11130 12.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -11120 8.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -11110 7.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -11100 8.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -11090 14.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -11080 26.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -11070 32.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -11060 25.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -11050 21.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -11040 23.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -11030 31.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -11020 43.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -11010 57.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -11000 81.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -10990 105.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10980 93.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10970 77.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10960 70.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10950 67.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -10940 64.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10930 57.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -10920 49.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -10910 44.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -10900 45.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10890 58.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10880 76.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -10870 73.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -10860 64.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10850 59.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -10840 54.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10830 53.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10820 48.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10810 40.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10800 32.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10790 30.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10780 38.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10770 49.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10760 44.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10750 29.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10740 23.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10730 24.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10720 34.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -10710 43.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10700 32.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10690 23.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10680 36.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10670 57.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10660 59.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10650 45.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -10640 35.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -10630 30.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10620 27.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10610 24.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -10600 27.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -10590 34.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10580 42.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -10570 41.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10560 32.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10550 25.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10540 22.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10530 22.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10520 29.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10510 44.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10500 57.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10490 48.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -10480 34.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10470 32.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10460 30.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10450 28.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10440 31.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10430 33.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10420 29.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10410 35.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10400 49.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10390 52.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10380 52.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10370 59.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10360 64.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10350 61.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10340 50.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -10330 47.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -10320 49.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -10310 42.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10300 26.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -10290 15.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10280 11.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -10270 8.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10260 10.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10250 10.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10240 7.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -10230 8.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10220 9.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10210 4.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10200 5.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10190 13.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10180 16.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10170 8.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10160 6.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -10150 17.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10140 32.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10130 36.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10120 37.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -10110 44.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -10100 42.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -10090 33.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -10080 33.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10070 37.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10060 42.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10050 61.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -10040 67.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -10030 53.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -10020 45.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -10010 46.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -10000 50.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -9990 51.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9980 37.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9970 23.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -9960 22.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9950 23.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9940 26.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9930 28.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -9920 27.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9910 36.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -9900 50.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -9890 46.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9880 39.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -9870 47.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -9860 58.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9850 53.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9840 44.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -9830 42.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9820 44.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -9810 47.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9800 49.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9790 50.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9780 52.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -9770 48.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9760 39.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9750 34.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -9740 33.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -9730 35.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9720 39.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -9710 48.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -9700 57.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9690 51.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -9680 48.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -9670 51.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9660 48.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -9650 48.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9640 57.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9630 61.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9620 49.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9610 27.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -9600 13.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9590 5.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -9580 4.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -9570 12.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -9560 17.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -9550 12.80 1368.00 1.0000000 -9540 8.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -9530 3.10 1368.00 1.0000000 -9520 3.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -9510 16.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9500 23.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9490 13.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9480 8.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9470 10.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -9460 7.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -9450 7.40 1368.00 1.0000000 -9440 14.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9430 18.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9420 22.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9410 32.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9400 44.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9390 44.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9380 33.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -9370 31.60 1368.00 1.0000000 -9360 29.30 1368.00 1.0000000 -9350 25.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9340 23.70 1368.00 1.0000000 -9330 20.20 1368.00 1.0000000 -9320 16.50 1368.00 1.0000000 -9310 14.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9300 12.00 1368.00 1.0000000 -9290 14.90 1368.00 1.0000000 -9280 26.60 1368.00 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:= Solanki_rows Solanki_cols reshape Solanki ; # should double-check to make sure "Solanki_rows Solanki_cols" have been changed if data changes # enddoc # Civilization problem setup.ndf 10Feb07 www.BillHowell.ca # ********************************* # Original code from: J. Laskar, P. Robutel, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau, A.C.M. Correia, B. Levrard 2004 "A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth" Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. La 2004 May 23, 2004 http://www.imcce.fr/fr/presentation/equipes/ASD/preprints/prep.2004/La_2004_prep.pdf # Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Boudin, F. 1993 "Orbital, precessional and insolation quantities for the Earth from -20 Myr to + 10Myr" Astron. Astrophys. 270, 522 http://www.imcce.fr/Equipes/ASD/insola/earth/La93/README.TXT # Earth coordinates read APPROXIMATELY from MapQuest: http://www.mapquest.com/atlas/ Quick background on civilizations via www.Wikipedia.com (great source of information) # Warning: Use Courier constant-width font and no-line-wrap to view this file! Otherwise the code doesn't line up and it's hard to read. # Just for a standard range of dates for all civilizations (past 11 ky out to 2 ky into future, but include ~10 points either side to ensure polynomial 8th order interpolation is good). Note that Laskar etal define start & end times in terms of millions of years but it is more "human" to use years for the extremely short timeframes here plus this avoids some confusion. These variables are set (checked) in the Milankovic parameter file: datedebut % starting time (years) ; datefin % final time (years) ; pas % stepsize (years) must be greater than 1 year ; # All of the insolation calculations below are specified for 21Jun-21Jul insolation ; More examples with greater flexibility will be added later in different parameter files WARNING: remove apostrophes from the longitude/latitude coordinates!!! # approximate conventional dates for a given mean longitude' 0: 21 march ' 30: 21 april ' 60: 21 may ' 90: 21 june ' 120: 21 july ' 150: 21 august ' 180: 21 september' 210: 21 october ' 240: 21 november ' 270: 21 december ' 300: 21 january ' 330: 21 february ' # approximate conventional dates of the months' 1: 21 december - 20 january' 2: 21 january - 20 february' 3: 21 february - 20 march' 4: 21 march - 20 april' 5: 21 april - 20 may' 6: 21 may - 20 june' 7: 21 june - 20 july' 8: 21 july - 20 august' 9: 21 august - 20 september' 10: 21 september - 20 october' 11: 21 october - 20 november' 12: 21 november - 20 december' # ********************************* # globals defined here, or used in this file only ; civic_e := f99 ; # EXTERNAL definitions to allow this file to load alone civilization_insolation IS external operation ; civilization_insolation_x := f99 ; complete_inputs IS external expression ; complete_inputs_x := f99 ; # ************************** ; % Check that all user inputs are OK, and calculate intermediate variables ; Civic IS { IF complete_inputs THEN % Mayan civilization calcs ; fichout := link Laskar_lib 'Mayan insolation Jun-Jul.txt' ; % MapQuest ~21N 89.5W Mérida on Yucatan peninsula ; latitude := 21 / 180 ; % Mayan latitude in radians North - positive, South - negative latitude ; mois := 7 ; % mean monthly, 7 => 21 june - 20 july ; civilization_insolation fichout latitude mois ; % Wikipedia nyet ; % Roman empire calcs ; % Wikipedia ; % MapQuest ~42N 12.5E Rome ; % ; % Anasazi indians in SW USA ; % Wikipedia Ancient Pueblo Peoples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anasazi ; % four U.S. states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona ; % MapQuest ~35N 109W in middle of 4 states ; % ; % Harrapa civilization in the Indus valley (!&!Pakistan!&!) ; % Wikipedia ; % MapQuest ~25N 68.5E Hyderabad ; % ; % Old Kingdom in Egypt ; % Wikipedia - The Old Kingdom is most commonly regarded as spanning the period ; % of time when Egypt was ruled by the Third Dynasty through to the ; % Sixth Dynasty (2686 BC - 2134 BC). Capital city Memphis ; % MapQuest ~30N 31E Memphis ; % ; % Easter Island ; % Wikipedia It is located at 27°09S 109°27Wt is one of the most ; % isolated inhabited islands in the world ; % ; % Minoan civilization ; % Wikipedia puts on island of Crete, 2700 to 1450 BC ; % MapQuest ~35N 25E ; % ; % Mesopotamia - Sumeria, Akkadia, Babylonian ; % MapQuest ~31N 47.5E Tigis & Euphrates juncture ; % ; % China - !&!Tien state!&! ; % MapQuest ~40N 116E Beijing ; % ; % ; ELSE writescreen 'Civilization problem setup.ndf: Error returned by complete_inputs!!' ; ENDIF ; } # enddoc # Main.ndf 17Feb07 www.BillHowell.ca Warning: Use Courier constant-width font and no-line-wrap to view this file! Otherwise the code doesn't line up and it's hard to read. # Original code from: J. Laskar, P. Robutel, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau, A.C.M. Correia, B. Levrard 2004 "A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth" Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. La 2004 May 23, 2004 http://www.imcce.fr/fr/presentation/equipes/ASD/preprints/prep.2004/La_2004_prep.pdf # Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Boudin, F. 1993 "Orbital, precessional and insolation quantities for the Earth from -20 Myr to + 10Myr" Astron. Astrophys. 270, 522 http://www.imcce.fr/Equipes/ASD/insola/earth/La93/README.TXT #**************************************** * * traduction en Q'Nial de www.qnial.com - * Michael, Jenkins & team at Queen's University, Canada * par www.BillHowell.ca février 2007 * * WARNING: This a draft port from fortran to Q'Nial. Errors are guaranteed * * USER INPUTS: Rather than use a binary file for database access to intermediate results, * I've simply used an array in memory (my current focus is limited to the Holocene period). * I'm not sure if an array of 100 k records of 5 to 10 reals each would be too * much memory for this version of Q'Nial, but I think it would be OK. * * Load definitions - with Q'Nial, it is the problem spec file that will drive the actions * (Howell - I prefer not to waste my time with user input prompts, although that option * will eventually be supported) * * Insolation operators (cwj, wmcal, wjour, wjcal, Global_annual_avg_insolation) return a real, * they don't assign to an argument as in theoriginal Laskar etal * * Missing (some other time): * help files with search - in pdf format and pretty fonts etc etc (yuuchh, but that's what people want) * wide range of examples for different types of research * * * Other comments for Q'Nial speedup * replace "x power 2" with "x * x" * don't keep recreating arrays !!! -> QROMB POLINT * * * Bill Howell * #********************************* # globals defined here, or used in this file only ; datedebut := 0.0 ; datedebut_v := f1 ; datefin := 0.0 ; datefin_v := f1 ; itdebut := 0.0 ; itdebut_v := f1 ; % Nombre de lignes lues ; aux := 0.0 ; aux_v := f1 ; npt := 0.0 ; npt_v := f1 ; % Milankovic_rows !! ; civilisation_period := 0.0 ; civilisation_period_v := f1 ; Milankovic_delta_t := 0.0 ; Milankovic_delta_t_v := f1 ; Solanki_delta_t := 0.0 ; Solanki_delta_t_v := f1 ; Complete_inputs_e := f1 ; # EXTERNAL definitions to allow this file to load alone date_conversion IS external variable ; date_conversion_x := f1 ; debut IS external variable ; debut_x := f1 ; interpolation_setup IS external expression ; interpolation_setup_x := f1 ; Milankovic IS external variable ; Milankovic_x := f1 ; Milankovic_rows IS external variable ; Milankovic_rows_x := f1 ; n_intrpsteps IS external variable ; n_intrpsteps_x := f1 ; #**************************************** # Set up files, vérification du pas Complete_inputs IS { NONLOCAL civilisation_period datedebut datefin itdebut npt ; % ; % Milankovic columns ; yr_col := 0 ; ecc_col := 1 ; obl_col := 2 ; cosp_col := 3 ; sinp_col := 4 ; prec_col := 5 ; input_error := l ; % Extra care to make user-define variables are all there!!! ; symbol_list := EACH first symbols 0 ; IF not in "MILANKOVIC symbol_list THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt: ' ; writescreen 'Milankovic data hasnt been loaded' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; IF not in "DATE_CONVERSION symbol_list THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt: ' ; writescreen 'Missing date_coversion to change first column of data input to years from ky or My' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; IF not in "PAS symbol_list THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt: ' ; writescreen 'Missing stepsize (years - NOT millions of years)' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; % data completion & testing continued ; Milankovic|[, yr_col ] := Milankovic|[ , yr_col ] * date_conversion + 2000 ; Milankovic|[, cosp_col] := cos Milankovic|[ , prec_col] ; Milankovic|[, sinp_col] := sin Milankovic|[ , prec_col] ; datedebut := Milankovic@[0, yr_col ] ; % starting time (years) ; datefin := Milankovic@[Milankovic_rows - 1,0] ; % final time (years) ; % Fancy data checks ; % There must be constant time intervals between data dates!! ; IF ~= (Milankovic_delta_t := - [rest, front] Milankovic|[,0]) THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Milankovic - civilization.ndf' ; writescreen 'Milankovic data is provided for an irregular date series - there must be constant years difference between data in the series' ; input_error := l ; ELSE Milankovic_delta_t := first Milankovic_delta_t ; ENDIF ; IF Milankovic_delta_t < 1 THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Milankovic - civilization.ndf ' ; writescreen 'Step size (Milankovic_delta_t) must be >= 1 year' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; IF NOT < (datedebut datefin) THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Civilization Milankovic precess, obliq, eccent.txt: ' ; writescreen 'Milankovic dates must start with earliest and end with last' ; input_error := l ; ENDIF ; IF ~= (Solanki_delta_t := - [rest, front] Solanki|[,0]) THEN writescreen '?Error in file: Solanki-Tapping.ndf' ; writescreen 'Solanki-Tapping data is provided for an irregular date series - there must be constant years difference between data in the series' ; input_error := l ; ELSE Solanki_delta_t := first Solanki_delta_t ; ENDIF ; interpolation_setup ; % I can't think of any checks after initial program debugging ; % Complete the input data by doing extra calculations ; civilisation_period := -11000 + (1000 * tell 12) ; NOT input_error }