0a1 > Updated June 2,3c3,10 < Men lack testosterone, women have too much in gestation, but lack < estrogen. --- > Men lack testosterone, women have too much in gestation, but > lack estrogen. > The basics of gonadal hormones (sex hormones) > The history of estrogen treatment for women > Women’s common symptoms of low estrogen are: > Estrogen deficiency and mental health > Biochemistry of the soul............................................................. > The nuclear family 5c12 < Rates of Overall decline in testosterone over time ................... --- > Rates of Overall decline in testosterone over time .................... 28c35,41 < Plasticizers (Phthalates and others) .......................................... --- > Ultraviolet (UV) filters, sunscreen > Heavy metals > Smoking > Pharmaceutical drugs > Vaccines (Update of ): ..................................................... > Fluoride disrupts testosterone in males > “Soy Boys” 31c44 < EMF general frequencies (not mobile radiation specific)........... --- > EMF general frequencies (not mobile radiation specific) ........... 39a53,54 > Wireless EMF and sperm cells, fertility - human studies > Wireless/ EMF and sperm cells, fertility - animal studies 41a57,58 > Hz frequencies in WLAN (WIFI) affect humans > Declining eye sight in children from screen devices. 48a66,68 > Biochemical and Electromagnetic consolidation of propaganda? > Did the chemically assisted reduction in testosterone help reduce > wars and interpersonal violence in the post-war era? 51c71 < Chapter Theories and Proposals for population reduction --- > Chapter Theories and proposals for population control 53c73,78 < Chapter Treatments and attempted treatments of male --- > Cold winters > Indicators of higher male testosterone levels in grand solar > minimum > Contrarily, there are indicators for higher testosterone levels in > Grand Solar Maximum > Chapter Treatments and attempted treatments for male 56,59c81,90 < A phenomenon in Western countries?................................... < The risks of TRT....................................................................... < ethnocentrism < The decline and fall of the Roman Empire ............................. --- > A phenomenon in Western countries? > The risks of TRT ...................................................................... > ethnocentrism > Pacification Process in the Middle Ages, self-domestication > Roman Empire ........................................................................ > Lead poisoning inhibits endocrine function > Pornography addiction: a proxy for male testosterone > deterioration? > The ‘speedo index’ as a proxy of testosterone levels and positive life > outlooks? 62,76c93,130 < women, infertility, miscarriages, genital malformation, cancer of the < reproductive organs. < at all. < it complain about male toxicity - whatever that means. Rather it < aims to have a positive impact on a reset event. < radical “wokeness” ideologies, are not just indoctrinated, but they < are biologically inclined to it, they truly feel it in their core. < So, it is appropriate to try to understand where they are coming < from. < Precautions can be taken to prevent endocrine disrupting < chemicals and sources of radiation for the rebuilding of civilization. < the man his grandfather was? And when likewise, women are not < the women their mothers were? Aren’t we all just more peaceful < and tolerant now and everyone sings kumbaya? No. < of a society than are current testosterone levels in adults. --- > Testosterone and COVlD > EMFs cause mineral and vitamin deficiency > Vitamin D deficiency, wireless EMF and virus diseases: closing the > circle to testosterone function > EMF and zinc (organic) supplementation > Zinc deficiency and testosterone > Magnesium > Physical Exercise > Summery nutrients > Steps to reduce EDC exposure................................................ > Steps to reduce wireless/ EMF exposure ............................... > Notes > women, infertility, miscarriages, cancer of the reproductive organs. > Genital malformation in boys is now almost at %. > at all. People, especially men with normal testosterone, who are > happy, healthy and productive for society, are perceived by the > mob as dangerous and "toxic". The decline in gonad hormones > cannot be an evolutionary effect, as low gonad hormones are > concurrent with infertility and a lower desire to have children. > it complain about male toxicity - whatever that means. Rather, it > aims to have a positive impact on an unprecedented reset event. > radical collectivist ideologies, are not just indoctrinated, but they > are biologically inclined to it, they truly feel it in their core. So, it is > appropriate to try to understand where they are coming from. > In this updated version, I point out the recent incites on how the > CovId vaccine has accelerated the collapse in sex hormones, > infertility and the process of Hormonageddon at a mindboggling > speed. > We'll also discuss precautions to prevent endocrine disrupting > chemicals and sources of radiation to improve mental and physical > health for those who will rebuild civilization. > the man his grandfather was? Compared to our grandfathers and > everyone before, we are technically half-castrated. And when > likewise, women are not the women their mothers were? Aren’t we > all just more peaceful and tolerant now and everyone sings > kumbaya? No. > of a society than are the effects of ongoing testosterone reducing > agents in adulthood. The latter effects are partly reversable, the inutero effects are not. 78,81c132,145 < A tragic accident? Social engineering? < % per year: not only falling testosterone levels in men and falling < shrugging their (feeble) shoulders in the face of their genetic < extinction. --- > A tragic accident? > % per year: Not only falling testosterone levels in men and falling > shrugging their (feeble) shoulders in the face of their approaching > genetic extinction. > It is a hard pill to swallow, but an undeniable fact, that we have > turned out to be very different from previous generations, and this > not because of psycho-social adaptation or because 'times change' > and people 'evolve', but mostly due to chemical disruption. People > and cultures don't "change", just because they want it so. > No wonder grandparents and grandchildren understand each other > less than ever in recorded history, they can't. > We are a different breed of humans. What has happened to our > gonadal hormones over generations is now part of our > personalities, our opinions, our hopes and dreams. 84,94c148,177 < And the more they are accused without evidence, the more try to < appease their accusers and make concessions that they will help < At the same token, women are indoctrinated to believe all men are < young people - there is an underlining biological foundation to all of < Radical progressivism indoctrination does not cause under < developed testicles at birth that produce low testosterone < (hypogonadism). Internet censorship of “politically incorrect” media < does not cause various forms of genital malformation (now at .% < of newborn boys and girls). < evolution in to generations in different cultures, neither via < natural selection nor by naturally induced epigenetic changes. --- > And the more they are accused without evidence, the more they try > to appease their accusers and make concessions that they will help > By the same token, women are indoctrinated to believe all men are > young people - there is an underlying biological foundation to all of > Radical progressive indoctrination does not cause underdeveloped > testicles at birth that produce low testosterone (hypogonadism). > Internet censorship of “politically incorrect” media does not cause > various forms of genital malformation (now at .% of newborn > boys and girls). > When people are opposed to radical transgender ideologies, when > children are indoctrinated at school that being transgender is not > just ok, but the norm and that they have to choose their gender, > then the proponents often argue that some people are born with an > intersex condition, with ambiguous genitals and secondary sexual > markers and sometimes even with non-binary genetics (neither > XX nor XY). > "Conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with > phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as > either male or female", the prevalence of intersex is about .%." > Then opponents of current gender doctrine often argue that these > are extremely rare cases and the affected children should be > evaluated and helped on their way individually. > All of this is changing rapidly, with about % of boys being born > with genital malformation, there are now exponentially increasing > numbers of actual intersex persons, affording more validity to the > transsexual discussion. > evolution in to generations simultaneously in different cultures, > neither via natural selection nor by naturally induced epigenetic > changes, be it also because variations from hetero-sexuality and > 'cisgender' identities result in lower birth rates. 96,100c179,183 < people more mellow and less confrontational – will certainly lead to < a fantastic genetic selection event and population reduction in the < coming decade(s). < hormone balances and thus on human behavior. This book may < provide a missing piece in this 'glitch'. --- > people more mellow and less confrontational for a time – will > certainly lead to a fantastic genetic selection event and population > reduction in the coming decade(s). > hormone balances and thus on human behavior. The present book > may provide a missing link in this 'glitch'. 102,104c185,187 < the chemically induced fertility part of the problem. However, as for < the causes of this hormonal downward spiral, Swan specializes on < years from now on and will then slowly go extinct, in this book, the --- > the chemically induced fertility part of the problem. As for the > causes of this hormonal downward spiral, Swan specializes on > years from now on and will then slowly go extinct. In this book, the 107a191,195 > The fact that behavioral consequences of Hormonageddon is > affecting western societies more than non-western countries is also > reflected in that women in poor countries - with lower health index > - prefer men with manlier faces more so than women in wealthy > countries (see also p. ). 109,110c197,199 < within is unprecedented and it strongly coincides with the biological < endocrinal disruption in the population. --- > within, the loss of the instinct to reproduce is unprecedented and it > strongly coincides with the biological endocrinal disruption in the > population. 112c201,202 < health scandals like asbestos, lead or arsenic pollution. --- > health scandals like asbestos, lead or arsenic pollution, where > many of the small bureaucrats were affected just as the rest of us. 114c204 < men and with severity of covld infections, and electromagnetic --- > men and with severity of Covld infections, and electromagnetic 116,137c206,230 < The main contention of this book is this: none of the social and < political problems of these defining times can be solved without a < regeneration of healthy hormone balances especially in gonadal < (sex) hormones. No education or rational argument in social < discourse will convince the masses of the destructiveness of < sentiments and “wokeness” ideologies, are not just indoctrinated, < but they are biologically inclined to it, they truly feel it in every cell < of their body. Keep that in mind when you talk to them. < There are many things you can do to prevent endocrine disrupting < chemicals and radiation in your personal life, in case you are < interested in you or your children being involved in rebuilding < civilization. < Men lack testosterone, women have too much in gestation, < but lack estrogen. < converging effects on individuals and society. Lack of testosterone < makes man tired, irritable and depressed - lack of estradiol, < estrogen makes women tired, irritable and depressed and both < irregularities can be affected by the same chemical and < electromagnetic impulses. The changes that we are seeing < obviously result from complicated and intricate interacting < biological processes. For women, both too much or too little < testosterone is associated with depression. --- > And now it turns out that the C vaccines contain nanoparticles that > affect the endocrine system and accelerate the progress of > Hormonageddon at an unprecedented speed. > The main premise of this book is this: none of the social and > political problems of these decisive times in history can be solved > without a regeneration of healthy hormone balances especially in > gonadal (sex) hormones. No education or rational argument in > social discourse will convince the masses of the destructiveness of > sentiments and radical collectivist ideologies, are not just > indoctrinated, but they are biologically inclined to it, they truly feel > it in every cell of their body. Keep that in mind when you talk to > them. > At the end we discuss precautions that can be taken to prevent > endocrine disrupting chemicals and radiation in your personal life, > in case you are interested in you or your children being involved in > rebuilding civilization. > Men lack testosterone, women have too much in > gestation, but lack estrogen. > converging effects on individuals and society. > Lack of testosterone makes man tired, irritable and depressed lack of estradiol, estrogen makes women tired, irritable and > depressed and both irregularities can be affected by the same > chemical and electromagnetic impulses. > The changes that we are seeing obviously result from complicated > and intricate interacting biological processes. For women, both too > much or too little testosterone is associated with depression. 142c235 < The health risks and the associated grave implications for societyof Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on the one hand and --- > The health risks and the associated grave implications for society of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on the one hand and 144,145c237,242 < The former two problems are connected in this book. They not only < keep insurance moguls up at night, be it for different reasons. --- > The former two problems were initially connected in this book. > Since the Covld vaccines, nanoparticles are also associated in the > hormonal and societal turmoil of a generation. These three may be > the most important issues for this decisive moment in history and > the fate of billions of people, they not only keep insurance moguls > up at night, be it for different reasons. 151,152c248,250 < natural hormone production and can even exacerbate the vicious < downward spiral of sex-hormone imbalance (see also p. ). --- > natural hormone production/ secretion and can even exacerbate > the vicious downward spiral of sex-hormone imbalance (see also > p. ). 170,176c268,456 < are the first generation to increasingly abandon not only the nuclear < family, but the wish of having children altogether. Not only is < infertility rampant, but they are the first generation to be content < with their ethnic group going literally extinct. This novel trend is < strongly coincident in time and place with estrogen disruption in < western women. See an extended discussion on abolishing the < family on page . --- > Biochemistry of the soul > Depression, anxiety, eating disorders or similar disorders have > sometimes carelessly been included in ‘diseases of modern > civilization’ (Diseases of affluence, prosperity diseases), implying > that the high standard of living led to the mental suffering. > Elderly people sometimes comment about disoriented young > people who are suffering from mental and behavioral issues for no > apparent reason: "They are doing too well. They have everything, > so they don’t know what to do with their lives!" > Nobody is doing too well. Nobody is so happy, confident and > healthy that it makes them bored and then they get depressed, > anxious and aggressive. > Happy people with a purpose and a fulfilled life are people at their > best. Nobody suffers from mental illness because they were > spoiled, even though you can be spoiled and unhappy. Affluent > neglect (children being wealthy and neglected at the same time) > does obviously exist. When scientists claim that too much > happiness makes you unhappy, they mix up happiness with > cheerfulness and an outgaining bubbly personality, which can > makes people susceptible to abuse . > Humans are very complex beings. What one person ‘is’, how they > feal, what they think, it is all a combination of thousands of genes, > in virtually infinite numbers of epigenetic activations, life > circumstances, innumerable experiences and so on. > There are no sure treatments to cure depression, anxiety and > despair; otherwise, everybody could be happy. But there are known > mechanisms to cause hormonal disruptions and many of these can > be prevented and in rare ideal cases, the symptoms can be > reversed, without psychological therapy or counseling, without > telling the sufferer how they have to 'turn their life around'. > We know what can brake people, but we seldom know how to fix > them. A chemical or physical damage to any of the components of > the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis can change a > person completely, his or her personality dampened or depressed. > And no empathy, analysis or good advice of what that person > should do, can cure the condition. Those who have suffered from > severe depression know that all good advice on how to be more > positive is futile. > The gonad hormone cycles are connected to the serotonin > distribution, thus serotonin reuptake inhibitors as antidepressants. > So, if for instance, someone's hypothalamus is working > insufficiently due to chemical are mechanical damage, the entire > gonad-hormone - and serotonin - system can malfunction and > dominate that person's personality and wellbeing. > In women, “Estrogen acts everywhere in the body, including the > parts of the brain that control emotion. Some of estrogen's effects > include: Increasing serotonin and the number of serotonin > receptors in the brain. Modifying the production and the effects of > endorphins, the "feel-good" chemicals in the brain.” > Estrogen has the 'ability to modulate serotonergic function'. > "Estrogens can improve serotonin-linked diseases by stimulating > the serotonin system." > "A decrease in serotonin activity in the brain is linked to feelings of > depression. Testosterone may play a role in serotonin reuptake in > the brain, improving its activity and your overall mood. " > In short: healthy testosterone in men is strongly connected to > happiness. > In young adults with low levels of lead exposure, higher blood lead > levels are associated with increased odds of major depression and > panic disorders. "Exposure to lead even at levels generally > considered safe could result in adverse mental health outcomes." > And lead removal from the body has been used to completely > resolve depression. Lead also suppresses testosterone in men. > Read about lead poisoning and testosterone on p. . > Thought experiment human nature > The human character or human nature cannot be intrinsically > changed by education, indoctrination or social change. A > population does not change their ideologies or behavior just > because they wont to. The only known processes that change the > essence of human nature in a sustainable way are: > . natural selection - also in a social context- (by the death or the > reproductive disadvantage of those who can cope with or adapt to > environmental conditions less well). > Social and political changes exert existential pressure on > individuals, so that those who were better adapted have more > children and these have a higher survival rate. > . genocide and persecution, when a state or any authority kills off > an ideologically or behaviorally distinct segment of the population > that they don’t want. > . chemical or electromagnetic influences on a short-term or > epigenetic level (what I call Hormonageddon). > . possible environmental stress that physically changes brain > function and hormonal parameters on a genetic or epigenetic level. > No philosophical or ideological movement has changed a > population’s character on a meaningful and sustainable level over > generations. People can be broken and forced to obey, but their > children will not have changed biologically. A populations behavior > can be altered temporarily, for instance wealth and social security > makes people more docile and cooperative, but only until the > wealth is gone. Even though personality traits (the Big Five) are > only - percent genetic, they largely define a people's mentality > and culture. > As an example of sustainable change: Humans have become more > peaceful in the course of the past years and crime, especially > violent crime, decreased drastically (see ). > This was brought about by harsh punishment of violent and even > nonviolent crime. Even though genetics is only a part in the > expression of violence in a person’s life history, this radical > approach gradually reduced genes associated with a higher risk of > violence, a de- facto eugenic process. In the th century, with more > indulgence and lenient sentences, crime did continue to decline > further, but in direct proportion to the increase in living standards > and the welfare state, which removed much of the material > incentives to commit property related violent crime. > So, the decline in violent crime until the early s in the West, > was not due to actual changes in the genetic predisposition of the > people. Which means, crime and antisocial behavior must be > expected to relapse to the higher levels of the earlier th century > once the economy is in fool collapse. This effect could be > dampened by the chemically induced decline in gonad hormones > in the past years that left an epigenetically lower testosterone > level in men. As men today have only half as much testosterone as > their grandfathers, they are technically have castrated. But low > male testosterone only reduces physical aggression of low-selfcontrol individuals and does not prevent totalitarian regimes, quite > to the contrary: it increases the tendencies of passive aggression, > (the affected will be more content when the state commits the > violence for them). > Humans and groups of humans can be broken and forced to be > submissive to a state., but since there is no genetic adaptation > withing one generation, the people will not be intrinsically adapted > to conform to – for instance a more collectivist social structure – > and thus a society will not function as the population has no > motivation to produce and be active for their society. In China, > totalitarian collectivism works much better than elsewhere, > because the population has evolved with it over centuries and > gravitates towards it. > - Koreans used to be very similar across the peninsula before the > Korean War. > It is sometimes argued that North Korea demonstrates how > indoctrination works to change a population. > How can literally starving North Koreans seriously cry at the grave > of their dictator, when his heir will put their entire family in a > concentration camp if they don’t cry enough? > It would seem they must all just pretend, much like the protagonists > in Orwell’s. But > testimonies from refugees indicate that most of the funeral > attendees were seriously grieving in excess over the death of their > dictator. And some refugees want to return to the north. > Meanwhile South Korea is an industrial hub and compared with the > region, relatively democratic and liberal, respecting individual > freedoms. > So when it is argued that North Korea demonstrates how > indoctrination works to change a population, it must be kept mind > that the regime has been killing a double-digit percentage of the > population, it eliminated most liberal or libertarian minded, all > individualist, entrepreneurs, and free thinkers in the past years. > So they have changed the publics mentality by eugenics. > This left a population genetically inclined to be more submissive, > egalitarian and collectivist, who is more likely to except poverty and > suffering so that ‘all animals are equal, but some animals are more > equal than others’, with the leader being almost the only overweight > man in the country. > Which means by today, if north-and south Koreans would > exchange babies and adopt them across the border, later as adults, > they would have on average a smaller chance of integrating into > this other society. It can be assumed that babies of South Korean > parents raised by North Koreans in North Korea are likely to end > up in a concentration camp as enemies of the state in their adult > life. > Physical health and stamina > Today in a western country, even people who live healthily and > work physically, are much weaker and less energetic than our > ancestors of years ago who were malnourished, overworked > and under enormous physical strains. Our distant ancestors were > starving and freezing, worked in the fields for hours a day and > watched half of their children die. Although we don't have an > objective measure of happiness for those generations, we know > they didn’t kill themselves in droves and they didn't give up. To be > spoiled by the comforts of modern life alone does not cause > maladaptedness to hard work. To the contrary we should be fitter > and more vigorous and motivated now. If the average person would > have to work under the brutal conditions of the pre-s, most > people would just grumble and starve or commit suicide. Even as > recent as the s in Europe, it was normal to see construction > laborers digging ditches by hand right up to their pension at . > Today only machinists and supervisors work on construction sites > at . > To have children used to be a universal human desire until the > s in the West. And it still is in much of the developing world. > When people were asked what is the meaning of life, almost all > used to say, to be a good person and provide a good life to their > children. "My children should have a better life than me. " > are the first generation to increasingly abandon not only the > extended family as well as the nuclear family, but the wish of having > children altogether. Not only is infertility rampant, but they are the > first generation to be content with their ethnic group going literally > extinct. This novel trend is strongly coincident in time and place > with estrogen disruption in western women. See an extended > discussion on abolishing the family on page . 179,182c459,467 < on data from infertility clinics may be skewed. Men and women who < don’t plan of having a baby are usually not interested in their fertility < status and are less likely to participate in volunteer fertility studies, < either. --- > on data from infertility clinics may produce a skewed picture. Men > and women who don’t plan of having a baby are usually not > interested in their fertility status and are less likely to participate in > volunteer fertility studies, either. The effect was much accelerated > after the vaccination efforts since . Since the people who still > planned to have children postponed this in the pandemic, nobody > has any idea yet of how many will turn out to be infertile since the > vaccine. Even female millennials, the oldest of which are , say > they want to have children later (see p. ). 190,192c475,478 < The decline began already somewhere in the s-s. A man < born in had about percent less testosterone at age than < a man of his father's generation at the same age. --- > The decline (or Hormonageddon) began already somewhere in the > s-s. A man born in had about percent less > testosterone at age than a man of his father's generation at the > same age. 195c481 < aged - years." The authors hypothesized that serum total --- > aged - years." The authors hypothesized that serum total 201,202c487,506 < In other mammalian animal studies, the two are shown to be < strongly corelated as well. “Testosterone concentrations showed a --- > The decline in male testosterone over the last few decades is > documented less seamlessly for non-western countries, but we > know, fortunately, developing countries are behind in > Hormonageddon. As an indirect indicator we can add the fact that > women in poor countries with low health index prefer men with > manlier faces than women in wealthy countries. "Researchers can > predict how masculine a woman likes her men based on her > nation's World Health Organization statistics for mortality rates, life > expectancy and the impact of communicable disease. In countries > where poor health is particularly a threat to survival, women leaned > toward "manlier" men. That is, they prefer their males to have > shorter, broader faces and stronger eyebrows, cheekbones and > jaw lines", all indicators of higher testosterone (in utero and > present). > Men and women with lower sex specific hormones tend to preferer > more androgenous partners; e.g. men with a large D:D finger > ratio (a marker of lower androgen exposure in utero and lower T) > prefer less feminine women. > Also in studies on other mammalian animals, the two are shown to > be strongly corelated. “Testosterone concentrations showed a 208,211c512,513 < for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen. Asian journal of andrology. < . < -. < ./aja --- > for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen. Asian journal of > andrology. . -. ./aja 238,239c540 < List of symptoms in men as reported in the < literature --- > List of symptoms in men as reported in the literature 241c542 < - quality of life and sexual life in young hypogonadotropic --- > - reduced quality of life and sexual life in young hypogonadotropic 244c545 < -“Listlessness, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts” --- > - “Listlessness, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts” 246,247c547 < who do not otherwise have a recognizable hypothalamic-pituitary- < testicular (HPT) axis pathology. Moderate obesity predominantly --- > who do not otherwise have a recognizable hypothalamic-pituitarytesticular (HPT) axis pathology. Moderate obesity predominantly 250,251c550,551 < social vigilance. < Testosterone is believed to support maintenance of psychological --- > social vigilance. " > "Testosterone is believed to support maintenance of psychological 255a556,570 > Speaking of posture: > Powerful and assertive people have a more upright and prominent > posture, higher testosterone and lower cortisol levels. It turns > out in experiments by social psychologist Amy Cuddy, that vice > versa, when participants of a trial were consciously assuming a > power-emanating posture for minutes, it reflected in their > hormone levels. Before as well as after the experiment, their > testosterone and cortisol levels were measured and they were > given the opportunity to gamble. > The results showed that % of the participants with high-power > poses chose to gamble and only % of participants with lowpower poses chose to do so. > The high-power participants showed a % increase in > testosterone levels whereas the low-power participants showed a > % decrease. Cortisol levels dropped with % in high-power > people and increased with % in low-power people. 263,270c578,580 < performance. < Sixty-nine subjects were assessed with cognitive tasks of mental < rotation, < targeting, < figure-disembedding < and < perceptual < discrimination. --- > performance. Sixty-nine subjects were assessed with cognitive > tasks of mental rotation, targeting, figure-disembedding and > perceptual discrimination. 273c583 < Fig. the vicious spiral of sex hormones disruption --- > Fig. the vicious spiral of sex hormone disruption 299,303c609,612 < the produce - and especially the urban population. So, the notion < that farmers and agricultural workers are always in ‘nature’ in the < fresh air, away from city pollution and this should be a healthy < lifestyle is not true today, it only applies to some extent to organic < farmers. --- > the produce - and even the urban population. So, the notion that > farmers and agricultural workers are always in ‘nature’ in the fresh > air, away from city pollution and this should be a healthy lifestyle, > is not true today, it only applies to some extent to organic farmers. 331c640,647 < Plasticizers (Phthalates and others) --- > DDT in streams, rivers and thus fish was also what almost brought > the bald eagle - the US national symbol since - to extinction > in the post-World War II era. This upset not only Americans. It > is telling that a population heavily affected by endocrine disrupting > pesticides is more concerned about a bird than about their own > children. It took decades after the US ban of DDT in and the > bald eagle has started to recover. The bird is now making a > comeback, human confidence and virility is not. 342c658 < Ultraviolet (UV) filters --- > Ultraviolet (UV) filters, sunscreen 352a669,783 > Speaking of smoking, the main reason why nicotine is extremely > addictive is also directly connected to testosterone: in men > luteinizing hormone (LH) spikes for minutes after a cigarette > (similarly as with cocaine) and then drops to below baseline levels. > Serum testosterone increases slightly after nicotine intake and then > drops off steeply after minutes to remain below baseline > indefinitely or until the next dose of nicotine, leading to depression, > feeling of unease or fatigue. Male active chain smokers can > have normal testosterone levels just after intake, but after quitting > it can take months to years to reach normal testosterone regulation. > Vaccines (Update of ): > A vaccine to deliberately sterilize women and chemically > castrate men. > In ; two vaccines were set into Phase I/Phase II clinical trials > in patients of prostate carcinoma. At the National Institute of > Immunology (NII) in New Delhi, India. > The Application of this vaccine effectively chemically castrates the > male prostate cancer patient and prevents pregnancy in women. > As of May , some of the women participants had experienced > pregnancy-free cycles, > After the pharma corporations and governments have admitted > many unintended side effects in the current global vaccine - and > ingredients are secret - it remains to be seen what other endocrine > disrupting and sterilizing compounds are in the new vaccine in > addition to the known ones (nanoparticles, see below). > In the trial of , the two tested vaccines were: the human > chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) vaccine and the gonadotropin > releasing hormone (GnRH) vaccine. > Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a releasing hormone > responsible for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) > and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary. > It constitutes the initial step in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal > axis. > In a follow-up paper in , Talwar GP. reported > "The first-ever efficacy trials on a birth control vaccine established > high efficacy (one pregnancy in cycles). > A study on Heberprovac, a GnRH based vaccine, showed > significant reductions in serum levels of testosterone and PSA after > four immunizations. Castrate levels of testosterone were observed > in all patients at the end of the immunization schedule, which > remained at the lowest level for at least months. > "The possibility of a contraceptive vaccine targeting human > chorionic gonadotropin has long been recognized, but never fully > realized.” > Jerri Caldeira, utilized two different approaches attempting to > produce virus-like particles (VLPs) to induce antibodies that > neutralize hCG." > "Immunization of mice with some virus-like particles (VLPs) yielded > antisera that bound the hormone and neutralized hCG biological > activity." > And now a byproduct of a Covid vaccine ingredient is linked to > reduced testosterone, a study shows. > And here is the most important update to this book of June : > As it turns out the Covid vaccine is accelerating the progress of > Hormonageddon at a staggering pace. Infertility, especially in > women after the vaccine is widespread, or rather, women are the > ones to have noticed the loss of periods and loss of pregnancies. > And as many women in their late s postponed pregnancy > because of the pandemic, and most men have no intention of > having children, vaccinated men in general haven’t even noticed > their possible sudden infertility. Since the pandemic, we know from > animal studies that nano particles of the type that are officially used > in the mRNA vaccines, “are accumulating in the liver and the spleen > and in the gonads, that means in the ovaries and the testicles, > which leads to inflammation and possible infertility." > And of course, important here is what causes infertility via the > gonads, also decreases testosterone in men and estrogen in > women. Which agrees very well with the manifestation of a society > who just sits there for two years obediently waiting for the > government to give them their life back, as the process of > Hormonageddon has just been put in overdrive by the covid > vaccinees. > For more than two years now, experts have tried to deny that the > FDA-approved Pfizer vaccine might impact fertility in both men and > women. > In June , a medical study confirmed, the mRNA COVID > vaccine by Pfizer, caused men to experience a drop in fertility of > more than %. > Here a short summery of the Nanoparticle article, read the full text > here. > The Nanoparticle Pandemic Covid: how the global bio-tech > and Insurance Industry predicted a Nanotech Disaster > Eight years before the Covid vaccine, the World’s largest ReInsurance company predicted “unforeseen consequences of > nanotechnology” as one of the highest insurance risks in a to year timeframe. > Almost all global political and economic leaders are dead set to > vaccinate the entire world population with Covid vaccines which are > still experimental as of mid . > The nanoparticles which are being marketed as essential > ingredients of the Covid vaccines are lipid nanoparticles, further, > ferritin nano- vaccines will be released shortly. The lipid > nanoparticles are used as a medium to deliver the mRNA into the > cells. > Independent researchers also announced to have detected > graphene and graphene oxide nanoparticles in the currently > administered doses, graphene oxide is also an official compound > of many types of masks, mandatory in many countries. > At the same time, saw an exorbitant increase in heart > inflammation as reported by the CDC- VEARS data base as > vaccine side effects (up to times more myocarditis in than > in any other year; from an average of cases reported per year > to , cases in ). > The problem has become prominent enough that even science > magazine reported: > "Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer's COVID- vaccine > trigger rare allergic reactions." > In Feb the CDC confirms an increased risk of heart > inflammation after Covid Vaccines. > Before the pandemic, a CDC study of reported that / > children in the US now is diagnosed with Developmental > Disabilities. > environmental and medical toxins. " [translation mine]. > from the covld vacclne than men. percent of side effects > reported came from women, although only percent of the > vaccines were given to women. > Pain medication 362,370c793,820 < Here is a list of further prescription pharmaceutical drugs that can < reduce T in men as a side effect: Ketoconazole (Extina, Nizoral, < Ketoderm); Cimetidine (Tagamet); Spironolactone (Aldactone); < Certain antidepressants; Opioids like morphine, codeine, < hydrocodone (Vicodin), and oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet). < A CDC study reported that / children in the US now is < diagnosed with Developmental Disabilities. < environmental and medical toxins. " [translation mine]. < from the covld vacclne than men. --- > Here is a list of prescription pharmaceutical drugs that can reduce > T in men as a side effect: > Ibuprofen, Ketoconazole (Extina, Nizoral, Ketoderm); Cimetidine > (Tagamet); Spironolactone (Aldactone); Certain antidepressants; > Opioids like morphine, codeine, hydrocodone (Vicodin), and > oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet). > Fluoride disrupts testosterone in males > “High fluoride will influence sperm count and quality and damage > testis, epididymis and prostate structure so as to influence male > reproductive ability." > In a study conducted on male adults (- years old) in a high > fluoride area, the serum level of testosterone (T) was significantly > decreased (P<.) as compared to the control group. "This > indicates that high fluoride exposure may affect the reproductive > endocrine function of the male human body." > In a different study on subjects age -, semen volume, > liquefaction time, viability, motility and semen viscosity were found > to be significantly (p<.) reduced in all groups of fluorotic patients > as compared with the controls. > In Chinese male farmers aged - years, markedly lower T levels > were observed in male farmers from the higher fluoride exposure > group than in those from the lower fluoride exposure group. > Furthermore, younger farmers, - and - years old, may be > the most likely to have lower T levels when exposed to fluoride (P > < .). "These results supported that excess fluoride exposure > decreased serum T levels of male farmers with age-specificity.” > And it doesn't help that virtually all the soy is of heavy pesticide > GMO production and extensively processed. 374a825,859 > If you grew up in the last century, you might find it hard to imagine > a -year-old boy in your generation who was ‘indifferent or averse > towards having sex’. > On the women’s side, developments in sports may serve as a > further indicator of estrogen decline, and the loss of natural > motherly feelings and the biological urge for self-preservation. > The ban on women's boxing was lifted in England in and the > sport became Olympic in . Female athletes compete in > running competitions in the th month of pregnancy. Not after > decades of studies that proved there are no long-term health > consequences for the child. No, just after empowered women and > experts said there are no studies to prove that pregnant sprinting > is harmful and because women can do what they want. > Evolutionary biology makes it clear, that throughout human > existence, babies of pregnant women who had to run for their life > or ran just for fun, were eliminated from the gene pool. Thus > everyone is the descendent of a woman who did everything to > prevent sprinting in pregnancy. And thus, everyone was hardwired > to protect pregnant women from physical stress, until a few years > ago. > Vegetarianism is a well-intended experiment, which may or may > not succeed. It will take decades of studies of isolated groups to > see how many can live and function at their best without meat, > without the food their ancestors have evolved to survive on for > millennia. We cannot just willingly alter our physiognomy and > metabolism to adapt a new diet. > To make the transition to a fully vegetarian society, where enough > people can still do physical hard work, will require an enormous > selection process, wherein everyone who cannot be healthy > without meat or dairy will die, become infertile or is prevented from > having children by poverty or state power. Here as well, humans > don't just change because they want to or because society or the > state told them to. This is true for physiognomy and psychology. > Humans evolve only by the mentioned processes such as natural > selection. 378,380c863,865 < (usually tested on a water filled dummy head). The rationale behind < this is the consensus says that non-ionizing radiation up to a certain < energy (or watt per surface area) – is safe for humans. --- > (usually tested on a water filled dummy head). The rationale > behind this is the consensus says that non-ionizing radiation up to > a certain energy (or watt per surface area) – is safe for humans. 382a868,874 > As pointed out above, most of the research on the endocrine > disrupting effects of wireless /mobile radiation is conducted in > Middle Eastern countries, where growing infertility and disruption > of family structures are still recognized as a problem for the future, > while in the West, these trends are generally embraced. If things > continue at the current trajectory, humanity is going to owe a lot to > the institutions in these countries. 386,391c878,882 < of rats. < In a study by Gharamaleki et al, pregnant rats were exposed < to mT EMF, Hz for days. The male pups were kept until < maturity, then their Total Antioxydant Capacity (TAC), MDA and < testosterone levels were analyzed. TAC was significantly increased < in pregnant rats. --- > of rats. In a study by Gharamaleki et al, pregnant rats were > exposed to mT EMF, Hz for days. The male pups were kept > until maturity, then their Total Antioxydant Capacity (TAC), MDA > and testosterone levels were analyzed. TAC was significantly > increased in pregnant rats. 398,399c889 < MWR.” < MWR is a Class B (possible) carcinogen. --- > MWR.” MWR is a Class B (possible) carcinogen. 402c892 < transmitter is hazardous on the male reproductive system. --- > transmitters is hazardous on the male reproductive system. 420a911,912 > - MHz radiofrequency fields for h per day for days inhibits > testosterone production in mice via CaMKI /RORα pathway. 421a914,917 > - Operators of satellite stations exposed to low level radiofrequency > electromagnetic radiation showed heightened excretion of stress > hormones in operators during -hour shifts. The satellite stations > are used for TV communications and space research. 442,444c938,940 < Wireless/ EMF exposure: additional cerebral < and cognitive effects (not restricted to < endocrine disruptors) --- > Wireless/ EMF exposure: additional cerebral and > cognitive effects (not restricted to endocrine > disruptors) 466c962 < psychologically very real experience for many young people tday. --- > psychologically very real experience for many young people today. 470,471c966,968 < Here is an explanation of the biological mechanisms of fetal genital < differentiation and its toxicological dysregulation by A.L. Rich: --- > First, here is an explanation of the biological mechanisms of fetal > genital differentiation and its toxicological dysregulation by A.L. > Rich: 477a975,976 > Does the Heinrich Böll foundation imply that black Africans are > transphobic? 487a987,1006 > Whatever influences gender differentiation and maturation of the > brain during pregnancy is likely to influence sexual orientation. This > leads us to a rather depressing notion. The low heritability of > homosexuality is still subject of much speculation. In the s at the eve of the emancipation of gays in San Francisco, > there arose the concept of the 'Farm Boy', it was obvious that a > strikingly large proportion of young gay men arriving in the city were > from the rural Mid-West from conservative families, rather than > from liberal families of coastal cities, even though there are no > reliable statistical data on this distribution. Imagine the tragic > hypothetical discussion which no doubt had taken place many > times. > The young son of a conservative Christian farmer family comes out > as gay and is disowned and cast out by the disappointed parents, > who ask themselves what they did wrong. 'You are no son of mine!' > Should the sun than suggest that the parents handling and spraying > tons of atrazine all over the farm and during the mother's gestation > in the th to th week could have anything to do with the son's > feelings and orientation, the situation could only get more absurdly > tragic. But it is now clear that such a connection must be taken into > the equation in many cases. 489c1008 < cooperativeness (i.e. contributing exactly one's fair share). --- > cooperativeness (i.e., contributing exactly one's fair share). 494,497c1013,1017 < significantly positively with the digit ratio. A more feminine digit ratio < is associated with a higher age at menopause, while a low digit < ratio, interpreted as a hint of a higher androgen exposure during < prenatal phase, was associated with a lower age at menopause. --- > significantly (and positively) with the digit ratio. A more feminine > digit ratio is associated with a higher age at menopause, while a > low digit ratio, interpreted as a hint of a higher androgen exposure > during prenatal phase, was associated with a lower age at > menopause. 500,512c1020,1032 < Endocrine Disrupting chemicals such as DDT were used < victims in the future, but for the time being, the world was probably < a less violent place for a couple decades than should have been < expected at the height of this Grand Modern Maximum at the end < of the th century. It could be speculated it may have prevented < WWIII to take place between the s and . < interpersonal violence (violent crime) prior to , therefore this was not included < in the statistical analysis. However, historical and archeological examinations < suggest that “blank spots” in wars and genocide during solar maximum were < marked by increased interpersonal violence. Solar data: Muscheler et al ). < Chart: Sacha Dobler, Solar History . < times when average people were still subjected only to naturally < induced hormonal effects? --- > Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals such as DDT were used > victims in the near future, but for the time being, the world was > probably a less violent place for a couple decades than should have > been expected at the height of this Grand Modern Maximum at the > end of the th century. It could be speculated it may have > prevented WWIII to take place between the s and . > interpersonal violence (violent crime) prior to , therefore this was not > included in the statistical analysis. However, historical and archeological > examinations suggest that “blank spots” in wars and genocide during solar > maximum were marked by increased interpersonal violence. Solar data: > Muscheler et al ). Chart: Sacha Dobler, Solar History . > times when people were still subjected only to naturally induced > hormonal effects? 518c1038 < At the end of the book, we revisit the decline and Fall of the roman --- > At the end of the book, we revisit the decline and Fall of the Roman 520,521c1040 < Theories and Proposals for population < reduction --- > Theories and proposals for population control 531,532c1050 < "in females it delays age at first menarche/puberty onset in alcohol < oexposed offspring. In males, offspring exposed to prenatal alcohol --- > "in females it delays age at first menarche/puberty onset in alcoholoexposed offspring. In males, offspring exposed to prenatal alcohol 537c1055 < (page ) --- > (Page ) 544,558c1062,1072 < MHz (-m wavelength) and GHz ( cm wavelength). These elevated fluxes < come mainly from the contribution of the solar corona and the chromosphere, a < thin layer just above the visible photosphere. The scales of 'active' and 'quiet' sun < here refer to -year-solar cycles, they can be extrapolated to much greater < fluctuations for grand solar cycles. < Graphic: Ho, Christian et al : Solar Brightness Temperature and < Corresponding Antenna Noise Temperature at Microwave Frequencies; IPN < Progress < Report < - < • < November < , < ; < https://ipnpr.jpl.nasa.gov/progress_report/-/E.pdf --- > Update Dec , : Even Elon Musk chimed in recently saying: > "There are not enough people. Low and rapidly declining birth rates > are one of the biggest risks to civilization.” > MHz (-m wavelength) and GHz ( cm wavelength). These elevated > fluxes come mainly from the contribution of the solar corona and the > chromosphere, a thin layer just above the visible photosphere. The scales of > 'active' and 'quiet' sun here refer to -year-solar cycles, they can be > extrapolated to much greater fluctuations for grand solar cycles. Graphic: Ho, > Christian et al : Solar Brightness Temperature and Corresponding Antenna > Noise Temperature at Microwave Frequencies; IPN Progress Report -; > November , ; https://ipnpr.jpl.nasa.gov/progress_report/-/E.pdf 560,562c1074,1078 < steady flux be enough to lower testosterone in men and estrogen < in women, in a similar way as artificial short term, high amplitude < microwaves do? --- > steady flux be enough to slightly lower testosterone in men and > estrogen in women, in a similar way as artificial short term, high > amplitude artificial microwaves do? The effect couldn't be large, as > the detrimental fall in gonad hormones in the past years is > unprecedented and not subject to notable -year fluctuations. 575,576c1091,1096 < Testosterone Replacement Therapy has a positive impact on < depression in patients with late-onset testosterone deficiency. --- > So, why don’t we just fix this social collapse by putting men on > testosterone replacement medication? And women on estrogen? > Well, this is no solution and can even accelerate the decline. Let's > see why. > Testosterone Replacement Therapy does have a positive impact > on depression in patients with late-onset testosterone deficiency. 580,587c1100,1101 < The Figure below shows the distribution of testosterone < Published < by < Statista < Research < Department, < Aug < , --- > The figure below shows the distribution of testosterone > Published by Statista Research Department, Aug , 600,608c1114,1125 < everyone, even for repeat violent criminals, no matter what damage < human rights during the last millennium. The effects last till today. < : to : in the period from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. < This coincided with a cluster of several grand solar minima, < which again coincided with the cold period known as the Little Ice < Age (- ). And the trend was enhanced in each Grand < Solar Minimum. All of this was detailed in Solar Behavior (). < Before the th Century, it was considered honorable and manly to < th Century onward, violent crime was punished often by death so --- > everyone, even for repeat violent criminals, no matter what harm > human rights during the last millennium. The effects last till today > and are a defining part of the collective personality of civil societies. > However, the process has long started to reverse. > between : to : in the period from the fifteenth to the twentieth > century. This coincided with a cluster of several grand solar > minima, which again coincided with the cold period known as the > Little Ice Age (- ). And the trend was enhanced in each > Grand Solar Minimum. All of this was detailed in Solar Behavior > (). > Before the th century, it was considered honorable and manly to > th century onward, violent crime was punished often by death so 610,615c1127,1132 < end up being executed. A comparable trend is observed in Japan < in the same timeframe. < Middle Ages that furthered the low criminality and high empathy of < cultures - plus the rise of maladaptive individuals who are inclined < to harm their group’s interests since about years. < The decline and fall of the Roman Empire --- > end up being executed. A comparable trend is observed in Japan, > which was culturally completely isolated from Europe, in the same > timeframe. > Middle Ages that led to the low criminality and high empathy of > cultures. > Roman Empire 618,620c1135,1137 < We begin in rd century Rome. Hugh Trevor-Roper describes the < decline of Rome as having begun already around A.D: < “All the great structures […] the aqueducts, the amphitheatres and --- > The fall began in nd and rd century Rome. Hugh Trevor-Roper > describes the decline of Rome as having begun around A.D: > “All the great structures […] the aqueducts, the amphitheaters and 648a1166,1168 > With a common numbeyserAS > r of unrecorded cases for self-reported addiction, this can amount > rather to % in reality. 657,663c1177,1196 < more of a problem in the future." < While for the survival of society, things as penis size are trivial, the < subject is somewhat exemplary for the low self-confidence, < narcissist, hormonally confused and consumption-obsessed < society in these decisive moments of history. < Fig. : the 'Speedo index' men's swimwear s to s vs. sperm morphology < Deficiency in Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C , --- > more of a problem in the future." Actual penis size is difficult to > determine statistically. More conclusive is that even in the s, > according to surveys, % of men already believed theirs was > smaller than average. This number must now be well over %. > For the survival of society, things as penis size are obviously trivial, > but the subject is somewhat exemplary in these decisive moments > of history: low self-confidence but high narcissism, hormonal > confusion, sex obsession but high Viagra consumption. > While women's swimwear fashion trends fluctuate since the s > - sometimes more revealing, then less so - men's swimwear (even > in Italy) is continually moving back to 'prudery'. Since the late > s till the s, men who went to the beach tried to look like > athletes, as if they were there for some serious swimming or board > diving. In Europe, it was mostly teenage boys in puberty and men > who were perceived as 'creepy' who wore baggy shorts at a > swimming location. > And now, are all men afraid women could tell that they belong to > the presumed ' below average %'? > Fig. the 'Speedo index' men's swimwear s to s vs. sperm morphology > Deficiency in Magnesium, Selenium , Zinc, Vitamin C , 666c1199 < “For men, low testosterone means high a risk of severe COVlD-. --- > “For men, low testosterone means a high risk of severe COVlD-. 672a1206,1217 > In January, , Zhang et al confirmed: > "Decline in testosterone levels has been observed in male patients > hospitalized for acute illness, and low testosterone levels are > associated with the need for admission to the ICU. In this study, we > also found that the serum testosterone level of COVID- patients > was significantly lower than that of healthy males, and the serum > testosterone level of COVID- patients in the ICU group was lower > than that of the non-ICU group. Schroeder et al. also found that low > testosterone levels were significantly associated with admission to > the respiratory intensive care unit for COVID- patients. When > testosterone was < nmol/L, the energy efficiency of patients who > need to be admitted to the respiratory intensive care unit is higher." 684a1230,1231 > Update Dec : A new study finds a theoretical COVID death > rate of zero for those who take Vitamin D daily. 713,721c1260,1269 < Secure optimal intake of the following nutrients to correct possible < deficiencies: Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C, D and E. < Ideally, this is achieved by natural organic foods. Alternatively, high < quality supplements can be used, it is important to make sure to < not surpass the Upper Limit (UL) values for each mineral or vitamin. < get it just right. For higher doses in case of deficiencies or medical < reasons, ask your doctor. For general health, make sure to get the < daily amount of the essential vitamins and minerals, as are < available in all-in-one combined supplements. --- > To optimize your gonad hormones, secure the minimum intake of > the following nutrients to correct possible deficiencies: > Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C, D and E. Ideally, this is > achieved by natural organic foods. Alternatively, high quality > supplements can be used, it is important to make sure to not > surpass the Upper Limit (UL) values for each mineral or vitamin. > get it just right. For doses above the UL, in case of deficiencies or > medical reasons, ask your doctor. For general health, make sure > to get the daily amount of the essential vitamins and > minerals, as are available in all-in-one combined supplements. 731,732c1279 < pp. -; Copyright ©: National Academy of Sports Medicine - www.nasm.org < http://www.nutritionatc.hawaii.edu/UL.htm --- > pp. -; Copyright ©: National Academy of Sports Medicine www.nasm.org http://www.nutritionatc.hawaii.edu/UL.htm 736,738c1283,1286 < - find EDC-free and aluminum-free sun screen, or avoid sunscreen < and excessive sun exposure, if possible, but get moderate sun, of < course. --- > - find EDC-free and aluminum-free sun screen (nanoparticle- free > zinc oxide sunscreen is one alternative) or avoid sunscreen and > excessive sun exposure, if possible, but get moderate and regular > sun, of course. 743,749c1291,1302 < and insolated the ends of internal antenna cables with heat < the main router. < couples where she quits and he keeps on smoking, anyways? < if a child develops to its full potential, it will need neither. 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