0a1 > Updated June 2,3c3,10 --- > The basics of gonadal hormones (sex hormones) > The history of estrogen treatment for women > Women’s common symptoms of low estrogen are: > Estrogen deficiency and mental health > Biochemistry of the soul > The nuclear family 28c35,41 < Plasticizers (Phthalates and others) --- > Ultraviolet (UV) filters, sunscreen > Heavy metals > Smoking > Pharmaceutical drugs > Vaccines (Update of ): > Fluoride disrupts testosterone in males > “Soy Boys” 41a57,58 > Hz frequencies in WLAN (WIFI) affect humans > Declining eye sight in children from screen devices. 48a66,68 > Biochemical and Electromagnetic consolidation of propaganda? > Did the chemically assisted reduction in testosterone help reduce > wars and interpersonal violence in the post-war era? 53c73,78 --- > Cold winters > Indicators of higher male testosterone levels in grand solar > minimum > Contrarily, there are indicators for higher testosterone levels in > Grand Solar Maximum 56,59c81,90 < The decline and fall of the Roman Empire --- > Pacification Process in the Middle Ages, self-domestication > Roman Empire > Lead poisoning inhibits endocrine function > Pornography addiction: a proxy for male testosterone > deterioration? > The ‘speedo index’ as a proxy of testosterone levels and positive life > outlooks? 62,76c93,130 < Precautions can be taken to prevent endocrine disrupting < the man his grandfather was? And when likewise, women are not < the women their mothers were? Aren’t we all just more peaceful --- > Testosterone and COVlD > EMFs cause mineral and vitamin deficiency > Vitamin D deficiency, wireless EMF and virus diseases: closing the > circle to testosterone function > EMF and zinc (organic) supplementation > Zinc deficiency and testosterone > Magnesium > Physical Exercise > Summery nutrients > Notes > Genital malformation in boys is now almost at %. > at all. People, especially men with normal testosterone, who are > happy, healthy and productive for society, are perceived by the > mob as dangerous and "toxic". The decline in gonad hormones > cannot be an evolutionary effect, as low gonad hormones are > concurrent with infertility and a lower desire to have children. > In this updated version, I point out the recent incites on how the > CovId vaccine has accelerated the collapse in sex hormones, > infertility and the process of Hormonageddon at a mindboggling > speed. > the man his grandfather was? Compared to our grandfathers and > everyone before, we are technically half-castrated. And when > likewise, women are not the women their mothers were? Aren’t we > agents in adulthood. The latter effects are partly reversable, the inutero effects are not. 78,81c132,145 < A tragic accident? Social engineering? --- > A tragic accident? > It is a hard pill to swallow, but an undeniable fact, that we have > turned out to be very different from previous generations, and this > not because of psycho-social adaptation or because 'times change' > and people 'evolve', but mostly due to chemical disruption. People > and cultures don't "change", just because they want it so. > No wonder grandparents and grandchildren understand each other > less than ever in recorded history, they can't. > We are a different breed of humans. What has happened to our > gonadal hormones over generations is now part of our > personalities, our opinions, our hopes and dreams. 84,94c148,177 --- > When people are opposed to radical transgender ideologies, when > children are indoctrinated at school that being transgender is not > just ok, but the norm and that they have to choose their gender, > then the proponents often argue that some people are born with an > intersex condition, with ambiguous genitals and secondary sexual > markers and sometimes even with non-binary genetics (neither > XX nor XY). > "Conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with > phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as > either male or female", the prevalence of intersex is about .%." > Then opponents of current gender doctrine often argue that these > are extremely rare cases and the affected children should be > evaluated and helped on their way individually. > All of this is changing rapidly, with about % of boys being born > with genital malformation, there are now exponentially increasing > numbers of actual intersex persons, affording more validity to the > transsexual discussion. > changes, be it also because variations from hetero-sexuality and > 'cisgender' identities result in lower birth rates. 107a191,195 > The fact that behavioral consequences of Hormonageddon is > affecting western societies more than non-western countries is also > reflected in that women in poor countries - with lower health index > - prefer men with manlier faces more so than women in wealthy > countries (see also p. ). 112c201,202 --- > many of the small bureaucrats were affected just as the rest of us. 144,145c237,242 < The former two problems are connected in this book. They not only < keep insurance moguls up at night, be it for different reasons. --- > The former two problems were initially connected in this book. > Since the Covld vaccines, nanoparticles are also associated in the > hormonal and societal turmoil of a generation. These three may be > the most important issues for this decisive moment in history and > the fate of billions of people, they not only keep insurance moguls > up at night, be it for different reasons. 170,176c268,456 --- > Biochemistry of the soul > Depression, anxiety, eating disorders or similar disorders have > sometimes carelessly been included in ‘diseases of modern > civilization’ (Diseases of affluence, prosperity diseases), implying > that the high standard of living led to the mental suffering. > Elderly people sometimes comment about disoriented young > people who are suffering from mental and behavioral issues for no > apparent reason: "They are doing too well. They have everything, > so they don’t know what to do with their lives!" > Nobody is doing too well. Nobody is so happy, confident and > healthy that it makes them bored and then they get depressed, > anxious and aggressive. > Happy people with a purpose and a fulfilled life are people at their > best. Nobody suffers from mental illness because they were > spoiled, even though you can be spoiled and unhappy. Affluent > neglect (children being wealthy and neglected at the same time) > does obviously exist. When scientists claim that too much > happiness makes you unhappy, they mix up happiness with > cheerfulness and an outgaining bubbly personality, which can > makes people susceptible to abuse . > Humans are very complex beings. What one person ‘is’, how they > feal, what they think, it is all a combination of thousands of genes, > in virtually infinite numbers of epigenetic activations, life > circumstances, innumerable experiences and so on. > There are no sure treatments to cure depression, anxiety and > despair; otherwise, everybody could be happy. But there are known > mechanisms to cause hormonal disruptions and many of these can > be prevented and in rare ideal cases, the symptoms can be > reversed, without psychological therapy or counseling, without > telling the sufferer how they have to 'turn their life around'. > We know what can brake people, but we seldom know how to fix > them. A chemical or physical damage to any of the components of > the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis can change a > person completely, his or her personality dampened or depressed. > And no empathy, analysis or good advice of what that person > should do, can cure the condition. Those who have suffered from > severe depression know that all good advice on how to be more > positive is futile. > The gonad hormone cycles are connected to the serotonin > distribution, thus serotonin reuptake inhibitors as antidepressants. > So, if for instance, someone's hypothalamus is working > insufficiently due to chemical are mechanical damage, the entire > gonad-hormone - and serotonin - system can malfunction and > dominate that person's personality and wellbeing. > In women, “Estrogen acts everywhere in the body, including the > parts of the brain that control emotion. Some of estrogen's effects > include: Increasing serotonin and the number of serotonin > receptors in the brain. Modifying the production and the effects of > endorphins, the "feel-good" chemicals in the brain.” > Estrogen has the 'ability to modulate serotonergic function'. > "Estrogens can improve serotonin-linked diseases by stimulating > the serotonin system." > "A decrease in serotonin activity in the brain is linked to feelings of > depression. Testosterone may play a role in serotonin reuptake in > the brain, improving its activity and your overall mood. " > In short: healthy testosterone in men is strongly connected to > happiness. > In young adults with low levels of lead exposure, higher blood lead > levels are associated with increased odds of major depression and > panic disorders. "Exposure to lead even at levels generally > considered safe could result in adverse mental health outcomes." > And lead removal from the body has been used to completely > resolve depression. Lead also suppresses testosterone in men. > Read about lead poisoning and testosterone on p. . > Thought experiment human nature > The human character or human nature cannot be intrinsically > changed by education, indoctrination or social change. A > population does not change their ideologies or behavior just > because they wont to. The only known processes that change the > essence of human nature in a sustainable way are: > . natural selection - also in a social context- (by the death or the > reproductive disadvantage of those who can cope with or adapt to > environmental conditions less well). > Social and political changes exert existential pressure on > individuals, so that those who were better adapted have more > children and these have a higher survival rate. > . genocide and persecution, when a state or any authority kills off > an ideologically or behaviorally distinct segment of the population > that they don’t want. >> 23Jul2022 Howell - As a complement Sacha Dobler's Solar Behavior (2020) book, David Fischer's "The Great Wave: price revolutions and the rythms of history" discusses times of trouble (eg [famine, pandemic, crime, etc] during "Price revolutions" which I think have somewhat similar timing to Dobler's Solar History. I am starting to lose track of all of this. Both Dobler and Fischer provide a much deeper basis for ideas that Ray Dalio has recently illustrated in his book "Changing world order". Dalio's advantage is his legendary [performance, rputation] as founder of the world's largest hedge fund, and the monster machines that I think long surpassed human ability for complex [finance, market, economic]s. That doesn't mean that the machines are "right, wrong, true, false", just that they aren't so "cognitively thin" as humans. I expect tremendous improvements with evolving generations of Computational Intelligence beyond the Deep Learning of today. > . chemical or electromagnetic influences on a short-term or > epigenetic level (what I call Hormonageddon). > . possible environmental stress that physically changes brain > function and hormonal parameters on a genetic or epigenetic level. > No philosophical or ideological movement has changed a > population’s character on a meaningful and sustainable level over > generations. People can be broken and forced to obey, but their > children will not have changed biologically. A populations behavior > can be altered temporarily, for instance wealth and social security > makes people more docile and cooperative, but only until the > wealth is gone. Even though personality traits (the Big Five) are > only - percent genetic, they largely define a people's mentality > and culture. > As an example of sustainable change: Humans have become more > peaceful in the course of the past years and crime, especially > violent crime, decreased drastically (see ). > This was brought about by harsh punishment of violent and even > nonviolent crime. Even though genetics is only a part in the > expression of violence in a person’s life history, this radical > approach gradually reduced genes associated with a higher risk of > violence, a de- facto eugenic process. In the th century, with more > indulgence and lenient sentences, crime did continue to decline > further, but in direct proportion to the increase in living standards > and the welfare state, which removed much of the material > incentives to commit property related violent crime. > So, the decline in violent crime until the early s in the West, > was not due to actual changes in the genetic predisposition of the > people. Which means, crime and antisocial behavior must be > expected to relapse to the higher levels of the earlier th century > once the economy is in fool collapse. This effect could be > dampened by the chemically induced decline in gonad hormones > in the past years that left an epigenetically lower testosterone > level in men. As men today have only half as much testosterone as > their grandfathers, they are technically have castrated. But low > male testosterone only reduces physical aggression of low-selfcontrol individuals and does not prevent totalitarian regimes, quite > to the contrary: it increases the tendencies of passive aggression, > (the affected will be more content when the state commits the > violence for them). > Humans and groups of humans can be broken and forced to be > submissive to a state., but since there is no genetic adaptation > withing one generation, the people will not be intrinsically adapted > to conform to – for instance a more collectivist social structure – > and thus a society will not function as the population has no > motivation to produce and be active for their society. In China, > totalitarian collectivism works much better than elsewhere, > because the population has evolved with it over centuries and > gravitates towards it. > - Koreans used to be very similar across the peninsula before the > Korean War. > It is sometimes argued that North Korea demonstrates how > indoctrination works to change a population. > How can literally starving North Koreans seriously cry at the grave > of their dictator, when his heir will put their entire family in a > concentration camp if they don’t cry enough? > It would seem they must all just pretend, much like the protagonists > in Orwell’s. But > testimonies from refugees indicate that most of the funeral > attendees were seriously grieving in excess over the death of their > dictator. And some refugees want to return to the north. > Meanwhile South Korea is an industrial hub and compared with the > region, relatively democratic and liberal, respecting individual > freedoms. > So when it is argued that North Korea demonstrates how > indoctrination works to change a population, it must be kept mind > that the regime has been killing a double-digit percentage of the > population, it eliminated most liberal or libertarian minded, all > individualist, entrepreneurs, and free thinkers in the past years. > So they have changed the publics mentality by eugenics. > This left a population genetically inclined to be more submissive, > egalitarian and collectivist, who is more likely to except poverty and > suffering so that ‘all animals are equal, but some animals are more > equal than others’, with the leader being almost the only overweight > man in the country. > Which means by today, if north-and south Koreans would > exchange babies and adopt them across the border, later as adults, > they would have on average a smaller chance of integrating into > this other society. It can be assumed that babies of South Korean > parents raised by North Koreans in North Korea are likely to end > up in a concentration camp as enemies of the state in their adult > life. > Physical health and stamina > Today in a western country, even people who live healthily and > work physically, are much weaker and less energetic than our > ancestors of years ago who were malnourished, overworked > and under enormous physical strains. Our distant ancestors were > starving and freezing, worked in the fields for hours a day and > watched half of their children die. Although we don't have an > objective measure of happiness for those generations, we know > they didn’t kill themselves in droves and they didn't give up. To be > spoiled by the comforts of modern life alone does not cause > maladaptedness to hard work. To the contrary we should be fitter > and more vigorous and motivated now. If the average person would > have to work under the brutal conditions of the pre-s, most > people would just grumble and starve or commit suicide. Even as > recent as the s in Europe, it was normal to see construction > laborers digging ditches by hand right up to their pension at . > Today only machinists and supervisors work on construction sites > at . > To have children used to be a universal human desire until the > s in the West. And it still is in much of the developing world. > When people were asked what is the meaning of life, almost all > used to say, to be a good person and provide a good life to their > children. "My children should have a better life than me. " 179,182c459,467 --- > The effect was much accelerated > after the vaccination efforts since . Since the people who still > planned to have children postponed this in the pandemic, nobody > has any idea yet of how many will turn out to be infertile since the > vaccine. Even female millennials, the oldest of which are , say > they want to have children later (see p. ). 201,202c487,506 --- > The decline in male testosterone over the last few decades is > documented less seamlessly for non-western countries, but we > know, fortunately, developing countries are behind in > Hormonageddon. As an indirect indicator we can add the fact that > women in poor countries with low health index prefer men with > manlier faces than women in wealthy countries. "Researchers can > predict how masculine a woman likes her men based on her > nation's World Health Organization statistics for mortality rates, life > expectancy and the impact of communicable disease. In countries > where poor health is particularly a threat to survival, women leaned > toward "manlier" men. That is, they prefer their males to have > shorter, broader faces and stronger eyebrows, cheekbones and > jaw lines", all indicators of higher testosterone (in utero and > present). > Men and women with lower sex specific hormones tend to preferer > more androgenous partners; e.g. men with a large D:D finger > ratio (a marker of lower androgen exposure in utero and lower T) > prefer less feminine women. 255a556,570 > Speaking of posture: > Powerful and assertive people have a more upright and prominent > posture, higher testosterone and lower cortisol levels. It turns > out in experiments by social psychologist Amy Cuddy, that vice > versa, when participants of a trial were consciously assuming a > power-emanating posture for minutes, it reflected in their > hormone levels. Before as well as after the experiment, their > testosterone and cortisol levels were measured and they were > given the opportunity to gamble. > The results showed that % of the participants with high-power > poses chose to gamble and only % of participants with lowpower poses chose to do so. > The high-power participants showed a % increase in > testosterone levels whereas the low-power participants showed a > % decrease. Cortisol levels dropped with % in high-power > people and increased with % in low-power people. 331c640,647 < Plasticizers (Phthalates and others) --- > DDT in streams, rivers and thus fish was also what almost brought > the bald eagle - the US national symbol since - to extinction > in the post-World War II era. This upset not only Americans. It > is telling that a population heavily affected by endocrine disrupting > pesticides is more concerned about a bird than about their own > children. It took decades after the US ban of DDT in and the > bald eagle has started to recover. The bird is now making a > comeback, human confidence and virility is not. 352a669,783 > Speaking of smoking, the main reason why nicotine is extremely > addictive is also directly connected to testosterone: in men > luteinizing hormone (LH) spikes for minutes after a cigarette > (similarly as with cocaine) and then drops to below baseline levels. > Serum testosterone increases slightly after nicotine intake and then > drops off steeply after minutes to remain below baseline > indefinitely or until the next dose of nicotine, leading to depression, > feeling of unease or fatigue. Male active chain smokers can > have normal testosterone levels just after intake, but after quitting > it can take months to years to reach normal testosterone regulation. > Vaccines (Update of ): > A vaccine to deliberately sterilize women and chemically > castrate men. > In ; two vaccines were set into Phase I/Phase II clinical trials > in patients of prostate carcinoma. At the National Institute of > Immunology (NII) in New Delhi, India. > The Application of this vaccine effectively chemically castrates the > male prostate cancer patient and prevents pregnancy in women. > As of May , some of the women participants had experienced > pregnancy-free cycles, > After the pharma corporations and governments have admitted > many unintended side effects in the current global vaccine - and > ingredients are secret - it remains to be seen what other endocrine > disrupting and sterilizing compounds are in the new vaccine in > addition to the known ones (nanoparticles, see below). > In the trial of , the two tested vaccines were: the human > chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) vaccine and the gonadotropin > releasing hormone (GnRH) vaccine. > Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a releasing hormone > responsible for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) > and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary. > It constitutes the initial step in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal > axis. > In a follow-up paper in , Talwar GP. reported > "The first-ever efficacy trials on a birth control vaccine established > high efficacy (one pregnancy in cycles). > A study on Heberprovac, a GnRH based vaccine, showed > significant reductions in serum levels of testosterone and PSA after > four immunizations. Castrate levels of testosterone were observed > in all patients at the end of the immunization schedule, which > remained at the lowest level for at least months. > "The possibility of a contraceptive vaccine targeting human > chorionic gonadotropin has long been recognized, but never fully > realized.” > Jerri Caldeira, utilized two different approaches attempting to > produce virus-like particles (VLPs) to induce antibodies that > neutralize hCG." > "Immunization of mice with some virus-like particles (VLPs) yielded > antisera that bound the hormone and neutralized hCG biological > activity." > And now a byproduct of a Covid vaccine ingredient is linked to > reduced testosterone, a study shows. > And here is the most important update to this book of June : > As it turns out the Covid vaccine is accelerating the progress of > Hormonageddon at a staggering pace. Infertility, especially in > women after the vaccine is widespread, or rather, women are the > ones to have noticed the loss of periods and loss of pregnancies. > And as many women in their late s postponed pregnancy > because of the pandemic, and most men have no intention of > having children, vaccinated men in general haven’t even noticed > their possible sudden infertility. Since the pandemic, we know from > animal studies that nano particles of the type that are officially used > in the mRNA vaccines, “are accumulating in the liver and the spleen > and in the gonads, that means in the ovaries and the testicles, > which leads to inflammation and possible infertility." > And of course, important here is what causes infertility via the > gonads, also decreases testosterone in men and estrogen in > women. Which agrees very well with the manifestation of a society > who just sits there for two years obediently waiting for the > government to give them their life back, as the process of > Hormonageddon has just been put in overdrive by the covid > vaccinees. > For more than two years now, experts have tried to deny that the > FDA-approved Pfizer vaccine might impact fertility in both men and > women. > In June , a medical study confirmed, the mRNA COVID > vaccine by Pfizer, caused men to experience a drop in fertility >> 23Jul2022 Howell - For ~2 years, my brother has hypothesized that covax (covid-19 vaccines) is one part of plans to deliberately killing 95%+ of us off, Great-Reset style, over the next few generations. His hypothesis is looking stronger as time passes. It is based on very detailed reading about the [fraud, coverup] of [covid versus covax versus influenza [case, death]s, spike proteins, nanoparticles, medical opinions, science, etc]. I expect that essentially none (probably < 1:10,000) of our [doctor, nurse, scientist, health policy, etc]s (including experts of 20-40 years) would show comparable understanding of the [conceptual, measurement] problems. I have spoken to NONE who can compare in knowledge and judgement, albeit there are rare [paper, presentation]s online of that nature, by amateurs and professionals who are outcasts, punished for their scientific views. > Here a short summery of the Nanoparticle article, read the full text > here. > The Nanoparticle Pandemic Covid: how the global bio-tech > and Insurance Industry predicted a Nanotech Disaster > Eight years before the Covid vaccine, the World’s largest ReInsurance company predicted “unforeseen consequences of > nanotechnology” as one of the highest insurance risks in a to year timeframe. > Almost all global political and economic leaders are dead set to > vaccinate the entire world population with Covid vaccines which are > still experimental as of mid . > The nanoparticles which are being marketed as essential > ingredients of the Covid vaccines are lipid nanoparticles, further, > ferritin nano- vaccines will be released shortly. The lipid > nanoparticles are used as a medium to deliver the mRNA into the > cells. > Independent researchers also announced to have detected > graphene and graphene oxide nanoparticles in the currently > administered doses, graphene oxide is also an official compound > of many types of masks, mandatory in many countries. > At the same time, saw an exorbitant increase in heart > inflammation as reported by the CDC- VEARS data base as > vaccine side effects (up to times more myocarditis in than > in any other year; from an average of cases reported per year > to , cases in ). > The problem has become prominent enough that even science > magazine reported: > "Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer's COVID- vaccine > trigger rare allergic reactions." > In Feb the CDC confirms an increased risk of heart > inflammation after Covid Vaccines. > Before the pandemic, a CDC study of reported that / > children in the US now is diagnosed with Developmental > Disabilities. > environmental and medical toxins. " [translation mine]. > from the covld vacclne than men. percent of side effects > reported came from women, although only percent of the > vaccines were given to women. > Pain medication 362,370c793,820 < A CDC study reported that / children in the US now is < diagnosed with Developmental Disabilities. < environmental and medical toxins. " [translation mine]. < from the covld vacclne than men. --- > Fluoride disrupts testosterone in males > “High fluoride will influence sperm count and quality and damage > testis, epididymis and prostate structure so as to influence male > reproductive ability." > In a study conducted on male adults (- years old) in a high > fluoride area, the serum level of testosterone (T) was significantly > decreased (P<.) as compared to the control group. "This > indicates that high fluoride exposure may affect the reproductive > endocrine function of the male human body." > In a different study on subjects age -, semen volume, > liquefaction time, viability, motility and semen viscosity were found > to be significantly (p<.) reduced in all groups of fluorotic patients > as compared with the controls. > In Chinese male farmers aged - years, markedly lower T levels > were observed in male farmers from the higher fluoride exposure > group than in those from the lower fluoride exposure group. > Furthermore, younger farmers, - and - years old, may be > the most likely to have lower T levels when exposed to fluoride (P > < .). "These results supported that excess fluoride exposure > decreased serum T levels of male farmers with age-specificity.” > And it doesn't help that virtually all the soy is of heavy pesticide > GMO production and extensively processed. 374a825,859 > If you grew up in the last century, you might find it hard to imagine > a -year-old boy in your generation who was ‘indifferent or averse > towards having sex’. > On the women’s side, developments in sports may serve as a > further indicator of estrogen decline, and the loss of natural > motherly feelings and the biological urge for self-preservation. > The ban on women's boxing was lifted in England in and the > sport became Olympic in . Female athletes compete in > running competitions in the th month of pregnancy. Not after > decades of studies that proved there are no long-term health > consequences for the child. No, just after empowered women and > experts said there are no studies to prove that pregnant sprinting > is harmful and because women can do what they want. > Evolutionary biology makes it clear, that throughout human > existence, babies of pregnant women who had to run for their life > or ran just for fun, were eliminated from the gene pool. Thus > everyone is the descendent of a woman who did everything to > prevent sprinting in pregnancy. And thus, everyone was hardwired > to protect pregnant women from physical stress, until a few years > ago. > Vegetarianism is a well-intended experiment, which may or may > not succeed. It will take decades of studies of isolated groups to > see how many can live and function at their best without meat, > without the food their ancestors have evolved to survive on for > millennia. We cannot just willingly alter our physiognomy and > metabolism to adapt a new diet. > To make the transition to a fully vegetarian society, where enough > people can still do physical hard work, will require an enormous > selection process, wherein everyone who cannot be healthy > without meat or dairy will die, become infertile or is prevented from > having children by poverty or state power. Here as well, humans > don't just change because they want to or because society or the > state told them to. This is true for physiognomy and psychology. > Humans evolve only by the mentioned processes such as natural > selection. 382a868,874 > As pointed out above, most of the research on the endocrine > disrupting effects of wireless /mobile radiation is conducted in > Middle Eastern countries, where growing infertility and disruption > of family structures are still recognized as a problem for the future, > while in the West, these trends are generally embraced. If things > continue at the current trajectory, humanity is going to owe a lot to > the institutions in these countries. >> 23Jul2022 Howell - We can only risk elite (< 0.1%? of population) soldiers to fight, whereas Arabs and Persians get almost everyone into the battle full heart. I've been saying jokingly for years that the immigration of just the last 10 years has brought in sufficient numbers conquer us. Perhaps that soon won't be a joke. 420a911,912 > - MHz radiofrequency fields for h per day for days inhibits > testosterone production in mice via CaMKI /RORα pathway. 421a914,917 > - Operators of satellite stations exposed to low level radiofrequency > electromagnetic radiation showed heightened excretion of stress > hormones in operators during -hour shifts. The satellite stations > are used for TV communications and space research. 477a975,976 > Does the Heinrich Böll foundation imply that black Africans are > transphobic? 487a987,1006 > Whatever influences gender differentiation and maturation of the > brain during pregnancy is likely to influence sexual orientation. This > leads us to a rather depressing notion. The low heritability of > homosexuality is still subject of much speculation. In the s at the eve of the emancipation of gays in San Francisco, > there arose the concept of the 'Farm Boy', it was obvious that a > strikingly large proportion of young gay men arriving in the city were > from the rural Mid-West from conservative families, rather than > from liberal families of coastal cities, even though there are no > reliable statistical data on this distribution. Imagine the tragic > hypothetical discussion which no doubt had taken place many > times. > The young son of a conservative Christian farmer family comes out > as gay and is disowned and cast out by the disappointed parents, > who ask themselves what they did wrong. 'You are no son of mine!' > Should the sun than suggest that the parents handling and spraying > tons of atrazine all over the farm and during the mother's gestation > in the th to th week could have anything to do with the son's > feelings and orientation, the situation could only get more absurdly > tragic. But it is now clear that such a connection must be taken into > the equation in many cases. 544,558c1062,1072 > Update Dec , : Even Elon Musk chimed in recently saying: > "There are not enough people. Low and rapidly declining birth rates > are one of the biggest risks to civilization.” 560,562c1074,1078 > amplitude artificial microwaves do? The effect couldn't be large, as > the detrimental fall in gonad hormones in the past years is > unprecedented and not subject to notable -year fluctuations. 575,576c1091,1096 > So, why don’t we just fix this social collapse by putting men on > testosterone replacement medication? And women on estrogen? > Well, this is no solution and can even accelerate the decline. Let's > see why. 600,608c1114,1125 > and are a defining part of the collective personality of civil societies. > However, the process has long started to reverse. 610,615c1127,1132 < cultures - plus the rise of maladaptive individuals who are inclined < to harm their group’s interests since about years. --- > Roman Empire 648a1166,1168 > With a common numbeyserAS > r of unrecorded cases for self-reported addiction, this can amount > rather to % in reality. 657,663c1177,1196 < While for the survival of society, things as penis size are trivial, the --- > determine statistically. More conclusive is that even in the s, > according to surveys, % of men already believed theirs was > smaller than average. This number must now be well over %. > For the survival of society, things as penis size are obviously trivial, > but the subject is somewhat exemplary in these decisive moments > of history: low self-confidence but high narcissism, hormonal > confusion, sex obsession but high Viagra consumption. > While women's swimwear fashion trends fluctuate since the s > - sometimes more revealing, then less so - men's swimwear (even > in Italy) is continually moving back to 'prudery'. Since the late > s till the s, men who went to the beach tried to look like > athletes, as if they were there for some serious swimming or board > diving. In Europe, it was mostly teenage boys in puberty and men > who were perceived as 'creepy' who wore baggy shorts at a > swimming location. > And now, are all men afraid women could tell that they belong to > the presumed ' below average %'? 672a1206,1217 > In January, , Zhang et al confirmed: > "Decline in testosterone levels has been observed in male patients > hospitalized for acute illness, and low testosterone levels are > associated with the need for admission to the ICU. In this study, we > also found that the serum testosterone level of COVID- patients > was significantly lower than that of healthy males, and the serum > testosterone level of COVID- patients in the ICU group was lower > than that of the non-ICU group. Schroeder et al. also found that low > testosterone levels were significantly associated with admission to > the respiratory intensive care unit for COVID- patients. When > testosterone was < nmol/L, the energy efficiency of patients who > need to be admitted to the respiratory intensive care unit is higher." 684a1230,1231 > Update Dec : A new study finds a theoretical COVID death > rate of zero for those who take Vitamin D daily. 713,721c1260,1269 < Secure optimal intake of the following nutrients to correct possible < deficiencies: Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C, D and E. < Ideally, this is achieved by natural organic foods. Alternatively, high < quality supplements can be used, it is important to make sure to < not surpass the Upper Limit (UL) values for each mineral or vitamin. < get it just right. For higher doses in case of deficiencies or medical < reasons, ask your doctor. For general health, make sure to get the < daily amount of the essential vitamins and minerals, as are < available in all-in-one combined supplements. --- > To optimize your gonad hormones, secure the minimum intake of > the following nutrients to correct possible deficiencies: > Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C, D and E. Ideally, this is > achieved by natural organic foods. Alternatively, high quality > supplements can be used, it is important to make sure to not > surpass the Upper Limit (UL) values for each mineral or vitamin. > get it just right. For doses above the UL, in case of deficiencies or > medical reasons, ask your doctor. For general health, make sure > to get the daily amount of the essential vitamins and > minerals, as are available in all-in-one combined supplements. 736,738c1283,1286 < - find EDC-free and aluminum-free sun screen, or avoid sunscreen < and excessive sun exposure, if possible, but get moderate sun, of < course. --- > - find EDC-free and aluminum-free sun screen (nanoparticle- free > zinc oxide sunscreen is one alternative) or avoid sunscreen and > excessive sun exposure, if possible, but get moderate and regular > sun, of course. 743,749c1291,1302 < and insolated the ends of internal antenna cables with heat < the main router. < couples where she quits and he keeps on smoking, anyways? < if a child develops to its full potential, it will need neither. (Savings < will be devalued anyways in the Great Reset in the coming years). < forbes.com: You're Not the Man Your Father Was; Oct , ,:am EDT forbes forbes.com. < Pete Myers; Jul , : Science: Are we in a male fertility death spiral?; Male sterility is a --- > and insolated the ends of the internal antenna cables with heat > their main router. > couples where she quits and he keeps on smoking right next to her, > anyways? > if a child develops to its full potential, it will need neither to be happy > and successful. (Savings will be devalued anyways in the Great > Reset by inflation in the coming years). > forbes.com: You're Not the Man Your Father Was; Oct , ,:am EDT forbes forbes.com. > Pete Myers; Jul , : Science: Are we in a male fertility death spiral?; Male sterility is a > Sax, Leonard (August ). "How common is intersex? a response to Anne Fausto-Sterling". > Journal of Sex Research. (): –. doi:./. ISSN -. > PMID . SCID . Archived from the original on April . 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