This material arose from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests by the "Informed Consent Action Network" (ICAN) to the US "National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIH/NIAID). The requests were for NIH for documents regarding COVID-19, including two requests for Anthony Fauci’s emails which were made 10Apr2020 and 05May2020. The email requests were implemented on a rolling basis following a ICAN lawuit against the NIAID 29Jun2020. WARNING: the pdftotext process produces many errors, especially space-gaps in words. This process requires a fair amount of un[certain, finish]ed "cleaning" to get useable results. PRIVACY concerns : the "name" of email addresses have been removed (). We are all drowning in an ocean current of communication...perhaps soon to flow with the Milky Way Wave (current sheet)? OK, I"m not good at poetry. Note of Appreciation (personal): To all of those who [fought, worked] to bring the FOIA information to the public. On a personal note, the public health [data, analysis, open access] of the NIH, and in particular the CDC for my past (simplistic) projects is a [foundation, beacon] of light in a sometimes very confusing world. Thanks also to all of the nutcases out there who have caught on to [problems, issues, opportunities] that are not otherwise brought up. There is a lot of junk of there, but a few raw gems as well from the 1:10,000 rare & crazy [amateur, professional]s. Awesome job. Copyright : The material herein belongs to the (NIH/NIAID), from whom permissions must be obtained. I am not their [employee contractor] nor am I in any way associated with them. (NIH/NIAID) Disclaimer: The disclaimer below is applies to all emails from NIAID employees : "... The information in this e-mail and any of its attachments is confidential and may contain sensitive information. It should not be usedby anyone who Is not the original intended recipient. If you have received this e-mail in error please inform the sender and delete it from your mailbox or any other storage devices . National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) shall not accept liability for any statement made that are senders own and not expressly made on behalf of the NIAID by one of its representatives. ..." A shorthand version appears at the end of the approriate emails : "(NIH/NIAID) Disclaimer : see the full paragraph at the top of this text extraction file" Waiver/ Disclaimer: The reformatting of this document does NOT reflect the [past, current, future] cart [policy, priority, direction, opinion]s of [this author, employer, work colleague, family, friends, acquaintance]s. This reformat has NOT been approved nor sanctioned at any level by any person or organization, nor has it been checked for errors. The reader is warned that there is no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy of the reformatting herein. The application of this reformat could quite possibly result in severe losses and/or damages to the [author, reader, associate, organization, country, entire human specie]s. The author accepts no responsibility for damages or loss arising from the application of [any, all] part of this reformat, neither for the reader nor third parties.