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Howell - text rendition of Anthony Fauci's corona virus emails

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Introduction : Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)

Background : Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)

Informed Consent Action Network (I had never heard of them before) : ICAN OBTAINS OVER 3,000 PAGES OF TONY FAUCI’S EMAILS
Jun 04, 2021, 03:53ET
Last year, ICAN made FOIA requests to NIH for documents regarding COVID-19, including two requests for Anthony Fauci’s emails. ICAN has received nearly 3,000 emails sent by Fauci from early February 2020 through May 2020. Read what Fauci was saying privately about masks, therapeutics, vaccines, ventilators, and many other COVID-19 topics.

On April 10, 2020 and May 5, 2020, respectively, ICAN submitted the following two FOIA requests: When NIH failed to respond to those requests, ICAN brought a lawsuit against the agency on June 29, 2020. In response, NIH agreed to produce Fauci’s emails on a rolling basis. To date, we have received 2,957 pages of Fauci’s sent emails dated between early February 2020 through May 2020 and will continue to receive email productions on a rolling basis.

Read Fauci’s emails here and a few highlights from these emails are outlined below: (Howell : I haven't listed them here. Just click the link).

I now find the ICAN comments to be the best that I've seen so far, and that by the measures of being : vastly superior in details; and not nearly as poluted by politically-correct thinking that is the modern prison-made-by-the-educated that we dwell in. But I haven't actually been digging around much, as I'm just trying to get my computer program working first.

I first found this material in
a pdf document that was posted by Jason Leopold. See also the article by Natalie Bettendorf, Jason Leopold 01Jun2021 "Anthony Faucis Emails Reveal The Pressure That Fell On One Man".

I've extracted text from pdf files many times. Perhaps the biggest challenge I've done is to auto the editing of thousands of pdf files (keeping them in pdf format) for either the "Word Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI)" or the "International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)" (see Authors' Guide and software). As usual, many pdf files had to be iteratively corrected with the authors' feedback.





Future potential work

The "Real Issues" that nobody wants to see

I have grown too cynical with age, perhaps a common problem [over, between] the ages at all age scales. Covid-19, from long before it started, was my old story : "... As the misty water vapour born of rainfall dissipates, a garden slug is caught by [brilliant, scorching] sunlight mid-way in its journey, sliming across a concrete sidewalk. What is it thinking? Do I know any better [what, if] people are thinking, based on their [ego, confindence, enunciations, rants, analysis]? How did [yap, arm-wave]ing become the dominant approach to thinking of the educated, the experts? Could it be that education can educate, but only to replace some beliefs by others? Is this an era that the pendulum will swing more towards the non-[rational, logical, scientific] modes of thinking? Has the game of chess [Kasparov-versus-Deep Blue, Lee Sedol-versus-Alpha Go] shown us just how weak, and yet still foundational, [rational, logical, scientific] modes of thinking are? ..." At the time of the covid-19 pandemic news outbreak, of course I was curious to know : what would the garden slugs at all stations in life do this time? Will it at least harbour some [humour, novety]? I dared not hope. want [consistent, coherent, veriiable, auditable] automated process may be a long way off? perhaps already today this could be run, to blow away ALL [human, media, organisational] statements it is not possible for [government, academic]s to host semi-honest machines, they will corrupt them worse than any [business, political leader] democratic [lies, stupidity] an era of "government [by, for, of] the parasites", consistent with [mob, social, femin]ist rule Humans are shit at logic game theory lies of people versus penalties & gain, unfathomable simplicity begets unresolvable situations Ibn Khaldun Toynbee - resting on one's oars will get you extinct jestisson your [close, dear]est beliefs David Fischer - in the end, [market, financial, economic, political] concepts seem to make no major difference all societies across all history do the same things, climb to similar heights, get in the same trouble, and never learn not even much of a memory beyond a decade or so (Kondriatieff, at 60 years or so, was an optimist?) [mythology, religion, science]s however, may be different, but they have similar problems

Warning, waiver

WARNING - the pdftotext process produces many errors, especially space-gaps in words.
13Jun2021 This process requires a fair amount of un[certain, finish]ed "cleaning" to get useable results.
PRIVACY concerns : the "names" of email addresses have been removed (name@affliliation)

Waiver/ Disclaimer :
The reformatting of this document does NOT reflect the [past, current, future] cart [policy, priority, direction, opinion]s of [this author, employer, work colleague, family, friends, acquaintance]s. This reformat has NOT been approved nor sanctioned at any level by any person or organization, nor has it been checked for errors. The reader is warned that there IS a [warranty, guarantee] as to the accuracy of the reformatting herein : it sucks! The application of this reformat could quite possibly result in severe losses and/or damages to the [author, reader, associate, organization, country, entire human specie]s. The author accepts no responsibility for damages or loss arising from the application of [any, all] part of this reformat, neither for the reader nor third parties. This webPage is one fruit of my madness, and it would be mad to take it for anything else, and if you did, then who is maddest?