/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/02.1 Battle of Britain/2 Blitz/0_gimp-gap notes 01-2-2 The Blitz.txt www.BillHowell.ca 21Apr2015 Timing & scale : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/0_Howell animation timing.ods ******************* 20Apr2015 First try, after setting up translate & scale from image. Build animation : 1. a) gimp -> files -> open -> Image to move : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/02.1 Battle of Britain/2 Blitz/MilAtlas- EuropeNW The Blitz Sep1940-May1941.jpg b) Close all other (irrelevant and confusing) gimp images 2. Gimp create new image 770*570 pixels, Colorize black create 2nd NON-transparent layer move NON-transparent layer to bottom 3. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/02.1 Battle of Britain/2 Blitz/Battle of Britain-000485.xcf 4. Duplicate blank image : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=240 5. Settings for animation layer . This is the FINAL list of settings & instructions. See notes below for problems, fixes, experiments. . 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW The Blitz Sep1940-May1941.jpg capture_size 770 570 capture_cntr 385 285 src_size 3264 2448 src_ctr 1632 1224 original scale! strt_upperLeft 104 432 original scale! strt_LowerRight 2264 3096 original scale! strt_scaleEst 36% 21% use in gimp to find scaleSet strt_scaleSet 25% 25% keep equal! strt_target 1216 1640 Dunkirk city strt_(ctr-tgt) 104 -104 scaled to capture X,Y START 489 181 Scaled end_upperLeft 1008 1496 original scale! end_LowerRight 2264 3096 original scale! end_scaleEst 43% 42% use in gimp to find scaleSet end_scaleSet 42% 42% keep equal! end_target 1632 2320 English channel - midpt England-Dunkirk city end_(ctr-tgt) 0 -460 scaled to capture X,Y END 385 -175 Scaled duration (s) 10 start end Frames 240 485 725 . 6A. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [489 181] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [25% 25%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 04], Layerstack 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [485 725], Layerstack 0 6B. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [385 -175] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [42% 42%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [485 725], Layerstack 0 6C. If desired : "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via "blank image" window) 6D. To save the "Move Path" result to the "blank image frames" : a) In "Move Path" window, click "OK" - This takes time! - monitor in nemo file manager b) Check animation : in gimp window for the "blank" image : menu -> video -> Playback . First attempt - test settings for 1st try : >> OK, looks good! Might zoom in more in the future... enddoc