/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/2 Nazi invade lowlands & France/0_gimp-gap notes 01-5-2 Nazi invade France.txt For "Howell_animation 01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories" "2 Nazi invade lowlands & France" Timing & scale : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/0_Howell animation timing.ods 23Mar2015 NOTE : It would be REALLY handy to be able to run this from a script!! ******************* ******************* 26Mar2015 Remake all 3 segments 10 seconds long each, which don't really match the voice, but will make the animation more "comfortable". Build animation : 1. Gimp create new image 770*570 pixels, AND : create 2nd transparent layer move transparent layer to bottom 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/2 Nazi invade lowlands & France/Dunkirk halt-000242.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 50 to 50, N=240 4. a) gimp -> files -> open -> Image to move : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/2 Nazi invade lowlands & France/2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg b) Close all other (irrelevant and confusing) gimp images 5. Settings for animation layer . This is the FINAL list of settings & instructions. See notes below for problems, fixes, experiments. . 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg capture_size 770 570 capture_cntr 385 285 src_size 3264 2448 src_ctr 1632 1224 original scale! strt_upperLeft 0 764 original scale! strt_LowerRight 1800 1800 original scale! strt_scaleEst 43% 55% use in gimp to find scaleSet strt_scaleSet 35% 35% keep equal! strt_target 670 1001 Dunkirk city strt_(ctr-tgt) 337 78 scaled to capture X,Y START 722 363 Scaled end_upperLeft 320 780 original scale! end_LowerRight 908 1116 original scale! end_scaleEst 131% 170% use in gimp to find scaleSet end_scaleSet 90% 90% keep equal! end_target 555 942 English channel - midpt England-Dunkirk city end_(ctr-tgt) 969 254 scaled to capture X,Y END 1354 539 Scaled duration (s) 10 start end Frames 240 242 482 . 6A. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [722 363] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [35% 35%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [242 482], Layerstack 0 6B. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1354 539] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [90% 90%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [242 482], Layerstack 0 6C. If desired : "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via "blank image" window) 6D. To save the "Move Path" result to the "blank image frames" : a) In "Move Path" window, click "OK" - This takes time! - monitor in nemo file manager b) Check animation : in gimp window for the "blank" image : menu -> video -> Playback . First attempt : >> OK, looks good! ******************* 24,25Mar2015 Redo with 20% end scaling Test with only 5 frames!!! Final with full 97 frames (50 to 146) Build animation : 1. Gimp create new image 770*570 pixels, AND : create 2nd transparent layer move transparent layer to bottom 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/2 Nazi invade lowlands & France/Dunkirk halt-000050.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 50 to 50, N=96 4. a) gimp -> files -> open -> Image to move : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/2 Nazi invade lowlands & France/2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg b) Close all other (irrelevant and confusing) gimp images 5. Settings for animation layer . This is the FINAL list of settings & instructions. See notes below for problems, fixes, experiments. . 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg capture_size 770 570 capture_cntr 385 285 src_size 3264 2448 src_ctr 1632 1224 original scale! strt_upperLeft 0 764 original scale! strt_LowerRight 1800 1800 original scale! strt_scaleEst 43% 55% use in gimp to find scaleSet strt_scaleSet 35% 35% keep equal! strt_target 670 1001 Dunkirk city strt_(ctr-tgt) 337 78 scaled to capture X,Y START 722 363 Scaled end_upperLeft 320 780 original scale! end_LowerRight 908 1116 original scale! end_scaleEst 131% 170% use in gimp to find scaleSet end_scaleSet 90% 90% keep equal! end_target 555 942 English channel - midpt England-Dunkirk city end_(ctr-tgt) 969 254 scaled to capture X,Y END 1354 539 Scaled duration (s) start end 4 Frames 50 146 . 6A. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [722 363] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [35% 35%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [50,146], Layerstack 0 6B. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1354 539] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [90% 90%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [50,146], Layerstack 0 6C. If desired : "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via "blank image" window) 6D. To save the "Move Path" result to the "blank image frames" : a) In "Move Path" window, click "OK" - This takes time! - monitor in nemo file manager b) Check animation : in gimp window for the "blank" image : menu -> video -> Playback . First attempt : >> Now the endpoint is well-centered, but WAYYY overscale! I Had an error with an end_scaleUp formula. Change to : strt_scaleSet 42% 42% end_scaleSet 14% 14% >> endscale is even worse!! (probably copied wrong formula? OOPS!! - my scaleSets were inverted! Should call it zoomSets Corrected to : end_zoomEst = src_size / (strt_LowerRight - strt_upperLeft) . 2nd attempt : result of formula inversion and arbitrary settings : strt_zoomEst 181% 236% strt_zoomSet 200% 200% keep equal! end_zoomEst 555% 729% end_zoomSet 600% 600% keep equal! >> These zooms are WAAAYYY to big! (worse than inverse scales!) So the zoom must have a different definition . 3rd attempt - revert back to : Try scaleSets : strt_scaleSet 60% 60% end_scaleSet 30% 30% >> Yuck! It seems that the scaling is in reference to the sizes : "capture image" / "Image to move" Go back to end_scaleEst = capture_size / (strt_LowerRight - strt_upperLeft) (see 24Mar2015 below "... I want a different [start, end] * [scale, center] ...") : strt_scaleEst 43% 55% use in gimp to find scaleSet strt_scaleSet 45% 45% keep equal! end_scaleEst 131% 170% use in gimp to find scaleSet end_scaleSet 75% 75% keep equal! >> Obviously zoom & scale are inversely related! scaled up wayyy too much. Go back to inverse : . 4th attempt - I can't make sense of scaling. Just try manually iteratively: . 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg capture_size 770 570 capture_cntr 385 285 src_size 3264 2448 src_ctr 1632 1224 original scale! strt_upperLeft 0 764 original scale! strt_LowerRight 1800 1800 original scale! strt_scaleEst 43% 55% use in gimp to find scaleSet strt_scaleSet 35% 35% keep equal! strt_target 670 1001 Dunkirk city strt_(ctr-tgt) 337 78 scaled to capture X,Y START 722 363 Scaled end_upperLeft 320 780 original scale! end_LowerRight 908 1116 original scale! end_scaleEst 131% 170% use in gimp to find scaleSet end_scaleSet 90% 90% keep equal! end_target 555 942 English channel - midpt England-Dunkirk city end_(ctr-tgt) 969 254 scaled to capture X,Y END 1354 539 Scaled duration (s) start end 4 Frames 50 146 >> This last iteration worked! . **************** 24Mar2015 I want a different [start, end] * [scale, center] to better blend the three images together for "Howell_animation 01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories". The current "mismatch is the endpoint of the "2 Nazi invade lowlands & France" animation (this file) - it should end up with the image "3_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Dunkirk Operation Dynamo 27May-04Jun1940.jpg" It is the end scaling that is wrong! From : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/0_Howell animation timing.ods X Y strt_upperLeft 0 764 strt_LowerRight 1800 1800 strt_scaleEst 43% 55% strt_scaleSet 50% 50% OK for now (clean up later) end_upperLeft 320 780 end_LowerRight 908 1116 end_scaleSet 150% 150% Over-zoomed! The coordinated are correct - but the scaling doesn't work for end_scaleSet. It currently uses the capture screen size : end_scaleEst = capture_size / (strt_LowerRight - strt_upperLeft) Perhaps this should use? : end_scaleEst = (strt_LowerRight - strt_upperLeft) / src_size >> roughly the same strt_scaleSet : strt_scaleEst 55% 42% BUT end_scaleEst 18% 170% >>Try 20% scale! **************** 23Mar2015 Continue building "Howell_animation 01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories" +-----+ Redo animation part with "1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png" to get rid of double copies and 6 layers. Oops - In 5A&Bf), I stupidly set "To frame 312" instead of "To frame 48" This resulted in he growth of the "Image to move" 311 times!! >> I deleted that, and redid (without "Anim Preview") - worked great! +-----+ Start on "2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg" As a general working policy, I will NOT work with the 312 files from "1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png", but will work in the directory "/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests". It would waste a huge amount of time re-creating the previous animation. A disadvantage is that I won't know if the "addition" of both animations will work, but that's and easier problem to deal with later. 2s 770* 570 1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png 4s 3264*2448 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg 7s 3264*2448 3_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Dunkirk Operation Dynamo 27May-04Jun1940.jpg . For calculations of positions, scaling etc, see : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/0_Howell animation timing.ods . Build animation : 1. Gimp create new image 770*570 pixels, AND : create 2nd transparent layer move transparent layer to bottom 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/Dunkirk halt-000050.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 50 to 50, N=96 4. a) gimp -> files -> open -> Image to move : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg b) Close all other (irrelevant and confusing) gimp images . 5. For part1 - see below (22&23Mar2015) . 6. Second animation layer 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg capture_size 770 570 capture_cntr 385 285 src_size 3264 2448 src_ctr 1632 1224 strt_upperLeft 0 764 strt_LowerRight 1800 1800 strt_scaleEst 43% 55% strt_scaleSet 50% 50% keep equal! strt_target 670 1001 Dunkirk city strt_scaleUp 0.118 0.116 strt_(tgt-ctr) 481 112 scaled to capture X,Y START 866 397 Scaled end_upperLeft 320 780 original scale! end_LowerRight 908 1116 original scale! end_scaleEst 131% 170% original scale! end_scaleSet 150% 150% keep equal! end_target 670 1001 Dunkirk city end_scaleUp 0.354 0.349 end_(tgt-ctr) 1443 335 scaled to capture X,Y END 1828 620 Scaled duration (s) start end 4 Frames 50 146 . 6A. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [866 397] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [50%,50%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [50,146], Layerstack 0 6B. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1828 620] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [150%,150%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [50,146], Layerstack 0 6C. If desired : "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via "blank image" window) 6D. To save the "Move Path" result to the "blank image frames" : a) In "Move Path" window, click "OK" - This takes time! - monitor in nemo file manager b) Check animation : in gimp window for the "blank" image : menu -> video -> Playback . Old comments before fixes : . First run : 2. filename for "blank" image >> Should have just used "Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf", and possibly "Dunkirk halt-0050.xcf". Now I have to regenerate them, or write a Qnial script to rename them. 6Db) >> Sort of OK, but need to pick the correct center to start! Fixed IMAGE CENTER 682 1012 Dunkirk city SCALED CTR 682 1012 >> Deleted all files, restart again. . Second run: 6A&Bd) [x,y] -> [682,1012] I have a feeling that 6B will casue a problem? 6A&B d) [x,y] -> [687,1001] >> wow - started above the top edge of the "Image to move", but at the right scale. Ended with Rotterdam near top center, and too enlarged (at least twicethe needed scale...). So my guess as to how gimp-gap selects from the source image is wrong. >> Try new theory : [ 687,1001] is the position of Dunkirk at 18% zoom [1152,1050] is the position of Dunkirk at 50% zoom, left edge of screen is x=1000!!?? [1715,1143] is the position of Dunkirk at 150% zoom ALL of these positions depend on the locations of the center ofth image, as the numbers change when moving the source inmage by dragging in gimp, at any resolution. So the "IMAGE CENTER" and "SCALED CTR" are references to the output image locations (770*570 pixels). reset both to [385,285]. But how does one position the source image? Use source image as reference (CNTR SOURCE): size Capture 770 570 cntr capture 385 285 size Source 3264 2448 CNTR SOURCE 1632 1224 Dunkirk city . Test with only 5 frames to save time! 3. Duplicate blank image : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 50 to 50, N=4 6A&B f) Frame [from, to] = [50,55], Layerstack 0 Can I pick a specific source image reference point, rather than "top left, center, bottom right" etc? . Third run : All images should be centered on Dunkirk : First image is in Belgium final image is quite good (slightly to the East) So : 6Ad) [x,y] -> [-259 647] x & y are WAY off! 6Bd) [x,y] -> [1803 508] is almost OK was missing scaling factor! . Fourth run : All images should be centered on Dunkirk : First image is near top-right corner of map!! (way off) final image is in Belgium almost due East of Dunkirk (more to East than third run? So : 6Ad) [x,y] -> [-88 397] x-value is way off (or scaling) 6Bd) [x,y] -> [1287 508] x-value a bit too high I changed Dunkirk position from [687,1001] to [670,1001] How to fix initial position? Maybe I SHOULDN'T apply scaling factor to difference : 6A&B strt_(tgt-ctr) instead of =D32*D34+D$26 try src_ctr - strt_target 6A&B X,Y try strt_(tgt-ctr) - capture_cntr . Fifth run All images should be centered on Dunkirk : First image is near top-corner corner of map!! (way off - opposite side fromn 4th run) final image is in Belgium almost due East of Dunkirk (same as 4th run) So : 6Ad) [x,y] -> [1347 508] x-value is way off (or scaling) 6Bd) [x,y] -> [1347 508] x-value a bit too high Conclusion - for fifth run I had removed scaling, but obviously, it is important. How to fix initial position? 6A&B strt_(tgt-ctr) = (src_ctr - strt_target) * strt_scaleSet 6A&B X,Y = strt_(tgt-ctr) + capture_cntr . For later ....-> . 3_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Dunkirk Operation Dynamo 27May-04Jun1940.jpg Image size 770 570 original scale IMAGE CENTER 385 285 original scale end_upperLeft 1523 1298 original scale end_LowerRight 3074 2018 original scale end_center 2299 1658 original scale (end-image)ctr 1914 1373 original scale scaleUp est 50% 79% scaleUp set 80% 80% keep equal! SCALED CTR 1916 1383 '=D14*(D12-D9)+D9 seconds anim 168 duratn 312 cumul@end frames . 9. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [3] of [3] b) source image layer : 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [385,285] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100, 100], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) From frame 49, To frame 96, Layerstack 0 10. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [4] of [4] b) source image layer : 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [752,1293] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [150,150], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 . 11. "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via window "Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf") 12. "Animated playback" window : untitled" window appears Click "arrow" (play) button 13. Pause preview, then close preview window (right-click on title-bar, click close) "Close without saving" the new "Untitled" gimp window 14. Move Path window - click "OK", then wait (monitor Nemo file manager for progress) 15. from "Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf" window : menu -> video -> Playback >> **************** 22Mar2015 Now I want to "blend-animate" all three images : 2s 770* 570 1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png 4s 3264*2448 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg 7s 3264*2448 3_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Dunkirk Operation Dynamo 27May-04Jun1940.jpg . For calculations of positions, scaling etc, see : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/0_Howell animation timing.ods . First attempt to build animation : 1. Gimp create new image 770*570 pixels, AND : create 2nd transparent layer move transparent layer to bottom 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=311 4. gimp -> files -> open -> images to move : directory : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/... 1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png 2_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Invasion of the West May-Jun1940.jpg 3_MilAtlas- EuropeNW Dunkirk Operation Dynamo 27May-04Jun1940.jpg . 5. First animation layer 1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png Image size 770 570 original scale IMAGE CENTER 385 285 Center-South Germany reg_upperLeft 247 214 reg_LowerRight 349 298 scaleUp est 755% 679% scaleUp set 700% 700% keep equal! tgt_center 266 239 Dunkirk city (end-image)tgt -119 -46 SCALED CTR 1218 607 seconds anim 1 duratn 49 cumul@end frames . 5A. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [385,285] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100, 100], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) From frame 1, To frame 48, Layerstack 0 5B. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1218,607] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [700, 700], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) From frame 1, To frame 48, Layerstack 0 5C. If desired : "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via "blank image" window) 5D. To save the "Move Path" result to the "blank image frames" : a) In "Move Path" window, click "OK" - This takes time! - monitor in nemo file manager b) Check animation : in gimp window for the "blank" image : menu -> video -> Playback 22Mar2015 >> Oops, I had alread saved once - so more layers added? Now there are 5, so I should only start with two? >> But at least the writing to the files worked (this was for the first anim only - for "1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png". . >> Shit! calculations are wrong, and zero in on wrong part of map! corrections to formulae for "SCALED CTR" : init =E15*E13+E9 -> ends up in Hungary 1st =E15*E13+E12 -> garbage!!, I have wrong sign for slope!?!! 2nd =E15*(E13+E9) == =D15*D12 -> nope, now in Greenland or something... 3rd =E15*(E13+E9)-E9 -> nyet 4th =-E15*E13+E9 -> "Move Path" crashed once, then error msg : Error: controlpoint [2] is out of handled framerange Error: More controlpoints (3) than handled frames (2). Please reduce controlpoints or select more frames >> I guess I have to do a separate "Move Path" for each pair of control points? Still doesn't end up on Dunkirdk -> I need to calculate the scaling factor from the end target region, but must use the Dunkirk center!! >> Eureka! works great, finally! 23Mar2015 - redo the above, but start with only 2 layers! enddoc