/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/1 Europe scale/0_gimp-gap notes 01-5-1 Europe scale.txt For "Howell_animation 01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories" Timing & scale : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/0_Howell animation timing.ods 23Mar2015 NOTE : It would be REALLY handy to be able to run this from a script!! ******************* ******************* 26Mar2015 Remake all 3 segments 10 seconds long each, which don't really match the voice, but will make the animation more "comfortable". Build animation : 1. Gimp create new image 770*570 pixels, AND : create 2nd transparent layer move transparent layer to bottom 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/1 Europe scale/Dunkirk halt-000001.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 50 to 50, N=240 4. a) gimp -> files -> open -> Image to move : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/1 Europe scale/1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png b) Close all other (irrelevant and confusing) gimp images . 5. Settings for animation layer This is the FINAL list of settings & instructions. See notes below for problems, fixes, experiments. . 1_synfig intraImage Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png capture_size 770 570 capture_cntr 385 285 src_size 770 570 src_ctr 385 285 original scale! strt_upperLeft 0 0 original scale! strt_LowerRight 770 570 original scale! strt_scaleEst 100% 100% use in gimp to find scaleSet strt_scaleSet 100% 100% keep equal! strt_target 385 285 Center-South Germany strt_(ctr-tgt) 0 0 scaled to capture X,Y START 385 285 Scaled end_upperLeft 247 214 original scale! end_LowerRight 349 298 original scale! end_scaleEst 755% 679% use in gimp to find scaleSet end_scaleSet 700% 700% keep equal! end_target 266 239 Dunkirk city end_(ctr-tgt) 833 322 scaled to capture X,Y END 1218 607 Scaled duration (s) 10 start end Frames 240 1 241 . 6A. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [385 285] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100% 100%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [1 241], Layerstack 0 6B. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : as above c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1218 607] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [700% 700%], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) Frame [from, to] = [1 241], Layerstack 0 6C. If desired : "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via "blank image" window) 6D. To save the "Move Path" result to the "blank image frames" : a) In "Move Path" window, click "OK" - This takes time! - monitor in nemo file manager b) Check animation : in gimp window for the "blank" image : menu -> video -> Playback . First attempt - test with 5 frame output only : >> OK - looks good! ******************* 22Mar2015 Retry with map : 770*570 pixels frame size Move path settings with Dunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf Picture from Samsung galaxy 3 cellphone, 8 Mpixel, 3080*2280 pixels Dunkirk position : ~267,237 -> move to center (770*570)/2 = 385,285 -> difference = (385-267),(285-237) = +100,+28 BUT - must take into account scaling! -> therefore move center of image to (385+3*100),(285+3*28) = 685 369 Position (pix) Scaling (%) Point x y width height 1 385 285 100 100 2 685 369 300 300 Try again : 1. Gimp create new image 770*570 pixels, AND : create 2nd transparent layer, move transparent layer to bottom 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image 24 times : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=24 4. Gimp open "Image to move" - /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/a_move image Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png "Move Path" window : 5. gimp -> files -> open -> image to move 6. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : select "image to move" filename c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [385,285] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100, 100], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) From frame 1, To frame 25, Layerstack 0 7. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : no change c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [685,369] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [300, 300], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 8. "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via window "Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf") 9. "Animated playback" window : untitled" window appears Click "arrow" (play) button 10. Pause preview, then close preview window (right-click on title-bar, click close) "Close without saving" the new "Untitled" gimp window 11. Move Path window - click "OK", then wait (monitor Nemo file manager for progress) 12. from "Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf" window : menu -> video -> Playback >> Looks good, albeit Dunkirk doesn't move to exact center **************** 22Mar2015 Retry with map Move path settings with Dunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf Picture from Samsung galaxy 3 cellphone, 8 Mpixel, 3080*2280 pixels Position (pix) Scaling (%) Point x y width height 1 1020 980 100 100 2 1540 1140 300 300 # frames 24, frame rate 24 Hz Try again : 1. Gimp create new image 3080*2280 pixels, AND : create 2nd transparent layer, move transparent layer to bottom 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image 24 times : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=24 4. Gimp open "Image to move" - /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/a_move image Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png "Move Path" window : 5. gimp -> files -> open -> image to move 6. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : select "image to move" filename c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1020, 980] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100, 100], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) From frame 1, To frame 25, Layerstack 0 7. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : no change c) stepmode -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1540,1140] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [300, 300], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 8. "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - this takes time!!! (monitor via window "Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf") 9. "Animated playback" window : untitled" window appears Click "arrow" (play) button 10. Pause preview, then close preview window (right-click on title-bar, click close) the new "Untitled" gimp window : Close without saving" 11. from "Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf" window : menu -> video -> Playback >> OOPS - works except png "Image to move" is too small?!?!? It's only 770*570 pixels - consequence of animations it came from!! - this is the size of the video film clips Original picture is 3264*2448 pixels: - /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.1 A_year_of_stunning_victories/MilAtlas- EuropeAll Fascist states in Europe, pre-WWII.jpg Redo from scratch, but with 770*570 pixels frame size **************** 22Mar2015 Retry test, setting fill Same procedure as last test, except : 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/test-0001.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image 24 times : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=244. Open from gimp : "Image to move" - /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/a_gimp_gap_logo.png **add condition fill with background color** >> change probably not useful,... 6. c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> **center** 6. f) From frame 1, ***To frame 25**, Layerstack **1** 8. e) Click "OK" button - THIS TAKES TIME! >> NYET - background is still the lower layer (nuts) 9. Anim Preview - click on "blank" image window to see video generation progress >> Nothing until I raise the logo layer.. Try again! Same procedure as last test, except : 1. New image 1000*800 pixels, but **create 2nd transparent layer, move transparent layer to bottom** >> actually, transparent comes out on top anyways 3. Duplicate blank image 24 times : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=24 4. Open from gimp : "Image to move" - /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/a_gimp_gap_logo.png **add condition fill with background color** >> change probably not useful,... 6. c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> **center** 6. f) From frame 1, To frame 25, Layerstack **0** 8. e) Click "OK" button - THIS TAKES TIME! >> NYET - background is still the lower layer (nuts) 9. Delete this step 10. Close preview window (right-click on title-bar, click close) **Close the new "Untitled" gimp window** 11. Replace this step with : from "test-0001.xcf" window : Video -> Playback >> BINGO! It works! **************** 21Mar2015 Go back to example in http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Advanced_Animations/ Previously saved in /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests >> Now I can't get this one to work!! Previously, the "duplicate" .xcf files were filled with the intermediate images? Try a starting filename with NO SPACES? - logo_move-0001.xcf - a_gimp_gap_logo.xcf - directory : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/ Unfortunately, this has spces, but try anyways. >> 1. New image 1000*800 pixels 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/test-0001.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image 24 times : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=24 4. Open from gimp : "Image to move" - /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/a_gimp_gap_logo.xcf WARNING - Move Path -> Source image/layer to move -> point to png file, not xcf? "Move Path" window : 6. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : select "image to move" filename c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> left top d) [x,y] -> [157, 74] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [800, 800], opacity -> 20, rotate -> 0 f) From frame 1, ***To frame 25**, Layerstack 0 7. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : no change c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> left top d) [x,y] -> same [157, 74] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100, 100], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 8. "Anim refresh" button -> click it "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button - THIS TAKES TIME! 9. Anim Preview - click on "blank" image window to see video generation progress This will take ?30? seconds at 100% reduction mode. "Animated playback: untitled" window appears Click "arrow" (play) button >> Preview works OK! 10. Close preview window (right-click on title-bar, click close) >> none of files test-0001.xcf through test-0025.xcf have "Image to move"?!?!? even though there are 25 layers. >> Playback of Untitled new image shows nothing! ?? I didn't see an "Update Preview" button!?!??? - only see "Refresh" !! In "Move Path" window - click "Save" button - creates "test.path_points" text file 11. Save "untiled window as "/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/test-0001.xcf" >> Now "Playback button works but only shows first (800%) layer BUT - playback window shows boxes 1, 1, 25 filled AND - all layers of untitled show last image? Close untiled window without saving, go back to "Move Path" window, try Playback, but enter into boxes >> Same problem, furthermore I can't change the boxes (right-hand, middle height, unlabled with "Prinht to stdout" buttons beside them) Close "Move Path" window Open new "Move Path" window, this time set "Layerstack" to 25 Redo steps 6 though 10 >> Doesn't seem to work, BUT pressing "OK" button seems to have altered all test-0001.xcf through test-0025.xcf files >> Playback in Untitled shows only one frame! (ie it's not for layers!) But it plays 25 EMPTY frames (?) test-0001.xcf has two layers - the first is empty, the 2nd has a ghosted box? AH HAH - from tutorial, in the untitled "frame_000001.xcf" window, use menu -> video -> "frames to image" button >> This creates new window "*[Untitled]-285.0 (RGB color, 1 layer) 400*320 - GIMP" Useless .... playback shows 1 frame only! Close without saving : "frame_000001.xcf" and ""*[Untitled]-285.0" windows Open test-0001.xcf if not already open Delete "Backgound layer" - now I can see the logo! CRASH - cold reboot It seems that each test-n.xcf (n=1 to 25) has 2 layers, and the background obscurs the "Image to move"? In online tutorial : "Step 2 ... Now drag the background layer from the static image to the GIMP toolbar. This will create a new white image we'll use as a base for our animation. ..." In any test-n.xcf (n=1 to 25) file : Layer -> Transparency -> Color to alpha >> now I can see the logo! Look at a_gimp_gap_logo.xcf >> can't see properties of each layer? Delete all other layes (1 to 4) and see what's left! >> is solid white - so what gives? Use "test-0012.xcf" - set background layer threshold alpha = 0 -> still can't see logo Must be additive instead of overlay? Threshold alpha = 255 -> now see logo on checkered background Threshold alpha = 200 -> no settings work any more? Remove alpha channel -> can now reset alpha to get checkered backgound & see logo >> I must find out how to overlay layer 2!! Background layer mask to "black (full transparency) >> none of masks seem to work Raise the logo layer -> This works! Redo with .png version of complete logo Create /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/gimp-gap/tests/test-0001.xcf as transparent layer "Create new image" window -> Advanced options -> Fill with : Transparency Go through steps 1 to 11 above, with mods >> Untitled file playback shows nothing >> Playback set to test-0001.xc works! (transparent background, which is fine for now -> MUST LEARN how to reverse background & layer 1 at some time!) For now - good enough for a map translate & zoom **************** 21Mar2015 Retry - Next ideas Try putting "start position" at center of a "supersized" "blank image" ((3*3080)*(3*2280) pixels) = 9240*6840 pixels, and move relative to that : 1. New image 9240*6840 pixels 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image 24 times : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=24 4. "Image to move" - /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/a_move image Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.xcf WARNING - Move Path -> Source image/layer to move -> point to png file, not xcf? "Move Path" window : 5. From "blank image" screen : gimp -> files -> open -> image to move 6. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : select "image to move" filename c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [4620, 3420] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100, 100], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) From frame 1, To frame 25, Layerstack 0 7. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : no change c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [9240/2+1540-1020,6840/2+1140-980] = [4620+1540-1020,3420+1140-980] -> [5140, 3580] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [300, 300], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 8. Move Path "Refresh" button -> click it Move Path "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button 9. Anim Preview - click on "blank" image window to see video generation progress This will take ?30? seconds at 100% reduction mode. "Animated playback: untitled" window appears Click "arrow" (play) button 10. Close preview window (right-click on title-bar, click close) 11. Save "untiled window as "/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/a_Dunkirk haltz anim-0001.xcf" 12. from created gimp anim window : menu -> video -> Playback 13. In gimp blank image "Playback" - window opens - test "play" >> **************** 20Mar2015 Retry - Preview seems to work, but not the multi-layer xcf result?!?? Same process and settings : Use same example : Duplicate 20 times /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk haltDunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf Move path settings with Dunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf Picture from Samsung galaxy 3 cellphone, 8 Mpixel, 3080*2280 pixels Position (pix) Scaling (%) Point x y width height 1 1020 980 100 100 2 1540 1140 300 300 # frames 24, frame rate 24 Hz Try again : 1. New image 3080*2280 pixels 2. Save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf 3. Duplicate blank image 24 times : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=24 4. "Image to move" - rename© key map to /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/a_move image Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png "Move Path" window : 5. gimp -> files -> open -> image to move 6. From gimp window for the "blank" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : select "image to move" filename c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1020, 980] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100, 100], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 f) From frame 1, To frame 25, Layerstack 0 7. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : no change c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1540,1140] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [300, 300], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 8. "Anim refresh" button -> click it "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100 c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button 9. Anim Preview - click on "blank" image window to see video generation progress This will take ?30? seconds at 100% reduction mode. "Animated playback: untitled" window appears Click "arrow" (play) button 10. Close preview window (right-click on title-bar, click close) 11. Save "untiled window as "/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/a_Dunkirk haltz anim-0001.xcf" 12. from created gimp anim window : menu -> video -> Playback 13. In gimp blank image "Playback" - window opens - test "play" >> Same problem - all layers have Ideas to try : - convert "image to move" to .xcf format - Press "Update preview" button before showing "Anim preview" - Start with blank screen of 3*3*(3080*2280) pixels = 9240*6840 pixels - Handle at top left corner - a) Object on empty frames -> change this radio button - 7. f) From frame 1, To frame 1, Layerstack 25 Try first : - convert "image to move" to .xcf format >> Anim preview still works as before Save - shows only 1 layer, but [Ubtitled shows (RGB color, 25 layers)!!! What gives? Mayber "1 layer" refers to existing .xcf blank file? So I saved as Dunkirk halt-0000.xcf -> 125.5 Mb Only first frame has "Image to move"? Page up/down always shows same image/ same place? Try next : Press "Refresh" button before showing "Anim preview" >> Now the "Image to move" shows in preview Press "Anim Preview" >> As before, this seems to work. Start next : Start with blank screen of 3*3*(3080*2280) pixels = 9240*6840 pixels See if this works with only one initial blank image? >> MUST creat duplicates! **************** 19Mar2015 Try to capture whole image, not just ~(1000 horizontal * 800 vertical) pixels Use same example : Duplicate 20 times /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk haltDunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf Move path settings with Dunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf Picture from Samsung galaxy 3 cellphone, 8 Mpixel, 3080*2280 pixels Position (pix) Scaling (%) Point x y width height 1 1020 980 100 100 2 1540 1140 300 300 # frames 24, frame rate 24 Hz This time, for "Anim Preview", set "Scale Preview" to 100, keep framerate 24 Hz >> same problem? Gimp -> File -> New -> Image Size : 9240*7040 pixels (to accomodate 300% enlargement) Waste of time - do a simple example first! http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Advanced_Animations/ >> OK, after many errors, I got it to work (sort of). Try again : 1. Open "Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf", as the blank images weren't changed? 2. Otherwise, create new image 3080*2280 pixels & save as /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf 3. If not already done, duplicate blank image 24 times : gimp menu -> video -> duplicate frames -> frames 1 to 1, N=24 4. "Image to move" - FROM GIMP! - open /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/a_move image Dunkirk halt z_01_01 zz-0488.png 5. "Move Path" window open via : gimp -> files -> open -> image to move 6. From gimp window for "Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf" image : menu video -> move path This brings up "Move Path" window a) should see "Current point: [1] of [1] b) source image layer : select "image to move" filename c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1020, 980] e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [100, 100], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 7. Click "Add point" button a) should see "Current point: [2] of [2] b) source image layer : no change c) loop -> none, mode -> normal, handle -> center d) [x,y] -> [1540,1140], e) Scale & modify [width, height] -> [300, 300], opacity -> 100, rotate -> 0 8. "Anim Preview" button -> click it This brings up "Move path animated preview" window a) Object on empty frames -> set this radio button b) Scale preview -> 100% c) Framerate -> keep at 24 d) Copy to buffer -> don't set e) Click "OK" button 9. Anim Preview - click on "blank" image window to see video generation progress This will take a few seconds at 40% reduction mode. "Animated playback: untitled" window appears Click "arrow" (play) button >> This works great!!! Click "OK" in "Move Path" window to close it. Notice that a new gimp window will have opened, with a name starting with "Untitled". >> OOPS!!! crashed my Toshiba - cold reboot! Restart gimp - no error message? However, the "blank" images all now have pictures of the map in them! Try to animate : 1. open first image 2. video -> Playback -> "Videoframe playback" window pops up No captions in buttons!! However, move mouse over buttons to get help text and find play button. Click "Play" butoon - OK, I can see it now! . Now redo the animation in full scale. 1. delete ALL old files generated of series "blank 3080 by 2280 pixels-0001.xcf" 2. create new blank image of size 3080*2280 pixels 3. save as "/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf" 4. Repeat steps 3 on as above, EXCEPT 8b) - Scale preview -> 100% 5. Close preview window (right-click on title-bar, click close) 6. Save "untiled window as "/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk halt/a_Dunkirk haltz anim.xcf" 7. from created gimp anim window menu -> video -> VCR Navigator 8. "Video navigator" winow opens - test "play" >> OOPS - the blank files were not modified!?!!??? Try once more - but DON'T change the file name. 1. Open "Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf", as the blank images weren't changed? 2. Repeat steps 5 & on of steps above "Try again" modified by "Now redo" >> Again, the map is NOT animated, even though a 25 layer xcf file is created? Furthermore, the "balnk image files have not been modified! But the "Anim preview" looked good - even though it appeared that preview images were 3*3*(3080*2280) pixels. Maybe I have to save with original "blank" name instead of having a name change? .I delected "Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf" and renamed "a_Dunkirk halt-0001.xcf" to that **************** 18Mar2015 Launching gimp-gap I can't even find how to launch it!!! http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=144863 Gimp-Gap. Postby caz on Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:38 pm ... After many questions over at Gimp Chat and some hunting around on my system I found that the Gap plugins had been installed to /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins. As this location isn't listed in Gimp's preferences there was no way for Gimp to find the plug-ins and so for this reason Gap was a no show. The problem was easy enough to fix once I realised what was going on, I just added the location of the Gap plug-ins to Gimp's preferences folder, but the point is that the Gap plug-ins really should have been installed to usr/local/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins. >> seems to already work? Just use Ggimp menu -> Video ? >> Move brings up window rename gimp image files to end in "_00001.xcf", as with : Dunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf >> OK, now it works Test run : Duplicate 20 times /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/synfig_anim/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/Dunkirk haltDunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf Move path settings with Dunkirk_halt_z_01_01_zz-0488_400pct_00001.xcf Picture from Samsung galaxy 3 cellphone, 8 Mpixel, 3080*2280 pixels Position (pix) Scaling (%) Point x y width height 1 1020 980 100 100 2 1540 1140 300 300 # frames 24, frame rate 24 Hz >> only shows ~1000 horizontal * 800 vertical pixels, but shifted, so only ~1/6 x,y shows! **************** 07Feb2015 trying to implement path-related translation-rotation-scale of images to produce video sequence http://registry.gimp.org/node/26974 http://registry.gimp.org/files/GIMP%20script%20scale-move-rotate%20tutorial.pdf Find the script at the Gimp Plugin Registry at http://registry.gimp.org/node/26974 The script file is “SS-path-referenced-scale-move-rotate_v1-0.scm” Visit my page at savvysaffer.deviantart.com and leave a comment! http://registry.gimp.org/files/SS-path-referenced-scale-move-rotate_v1-0.scm enddoc