BG Basal Ganglia
DLPFC DorsoLateral PreFrontal Cortex
FEF Frontal Eye Fields
HIPPO Hippocampus `
ITa anterior InferoTemporal cortex
ITp posterior InferoTemporal cortex
LH Lateral Hypothalamus
LIP Lateral InterParietal area
PHC ParaHippocampal Cortex
MST Medial Superior Temporal area
MT Middle Temporal cortex
OFC OrbitoFrontal Cortex
PPC Posterior Parietal Cortex
PRC PeriRhinal Cortex
V1 striate, or primary, visual cortex
V2 and V4 areas of prestriate visual cortex
VLPFC VentroLateral PreFrontal Cortex
VPA Ventral PreArculate gyrus
VPS Ventral bank of the Principal Sulcus