p613fig16.44 The main target position vector (TPV), difference vector (DV), and volitional GO computations in SOVEREIGN that bring together reactive and planned signals to control decision-making and action. See the text for details.
|| Reactive visual TPV (RVT), NETs (NETs), S-MV mismatch (SMVM), NETmv (NETmv), reactive visual TPV storage (RVTS), reactive DV1 (RD1), NET (NET), motivated what and where decisions (MWWD), Planned DV1 (PD1), tonic (Tonic), top-down readout mismatch (TDRM), Parvo gate (tonic) (PG), Orienting GOp offset (OGpO). RVT-> [NETs, RVTS], NETs-> [SMVM, NET], SMVM-> NET, NETmv-> SMVM, RVTS-> [NETs, RD1], NET-> [RD1, PD1, TDRM], MWWD-> PD1, PD1-> Tonic-> TDRMPG-> NETs, OGpO-> [NETmv, PD1].