p612fig16.42 Macrocircuit of the main SOVEREIGN subsystems.
|| [reward input, drive input, drive representation (DR), visual working memory and planning system (VWMPS), visual form and motion system (VFMS), motor approach and orienting system (MAOS), visual input (VisIn), motor working memory and planning system (MWMPS), motor approach and orienting system (MAOS), motor plant (MotP), Proprioceptive Input (PropIn), Vestibular Input (VesIn), Environmental feedback (EnvFB). DR [incentive motivational learning-> [VWMPS, MWMPS], -> VFMS, -> MAOS], VWMPS [conditioned reinforcer learning-> DR, MAOS], VFMS [visual object categories-> VWMPS, reactive movement commands-> MAOS], MWMPS [conditioned reinforcer learning-> DR, planned movement commands-> MAOS], MAOS [motor map positions-> MWMPS, motor outflow-> MotP], VisIn-> VFMS, VesIn-> MAOS, EnvFB-> [VisIn, MotP, VesIn].