p541fig15.02 The neurotrophic Spectrally Timed Adaptive Resonance Theory, or nSTART, model of (Franklin, Grossberg 2017) includes hippocampus to enable adaptively timed learning that can bridge a trace conditioning gap, or other temporal gap between CS and US.
|| Hippocampus can sustain a Cognitive-Emotional resonance: that can support "the feeling of what happens" and knowing what event caused that feeling. [CS, US] -> Sensory Cortex (SC) <- motivational attention <-> category learning -> Prefrontal Cortex (PFC). SC conditioned reinforcement learning-> Amygdala (cannot bridge the temporal gap) incentive motivational learning-> PFC. SC adaptively timer learning and BDNF-> Hippocampus (can bridge the temporal gap) BDNF-> PFC. PFC adaptively timed motor learning-> cerebellum.