p504fig13.30 OFF rebound occurs when the ON-input shuts off due to the imbalance that is caused by the ON input in the habituation of the transmitters in the ON and OFF channels. The relative sizes of ON responses and OFF rebounds is determined by the arousal level I.
|| OFF-rebound due to phasic input offset. Shut off J (Not I!). Then: S1 = f(I), S2 = f(I); y1 ~= A*B/(A+f(I+J)) < y2 ~= A*B/(A+f(I)) y1 and y2 are SLOW; T1 = S1*y1, T2 = S2*y2, T1 < T2;. OFF = T2 - T1 = A*B*f(I)*(f(I+J) - f(I)) / (A+f(I)) / (A + f(I+J)), Note Weber Law due to remembered previous input. Arousal sets sensitivity of rebound: OFF/ON = f(I)/A. Why is the rebound transient? Note equal f(I) inputs.