p468fig12.65 Linguistic properties of the PHONET model and some of the data that it simulates. The upper left image summarizes the asymmetric transient-to-sustained gain control that helps to create invariant intraword ratios during variable-rate speech. The lower left image summarizes the rate-dependent gain control of the ARTPHONE model that creates rate-invariant working memory representations in response to sequences of variable-rate speech. The right image summarizes the kind of paradoxical VC-CV category boundary data of (Repp 1980) that ARTPHONE simulates. See the text for details.
|| (left upper) [transient, sustained] [working memory, filter, category]. (left lower) phone inputs-> [input rate estimate, features], Features w <- habituative transmitter gates -> categories-> rate invariant phonetic output, input rate estimate-> gain control-> [features, categories] rate-dependent integration of categories and features. (right) % 2-stop vs VC-CV silent interval (msec): [ib-ga, ib-ba, iga, iba].