p460fig12.57 The lisTELOS architecture explains and simulates how sequences of saccadic eye movement commands can be stored in a spatial working memory and recalled. Multiple brain regions are needed to coordinate these processes, notably three different basal ganglia loops to replace saccade storage, choice, and performance, and the supplementary eye fields (SEF) to choose the next saccadic command from a stored sequence. Because all working memories use a similar network design, this model can be used as a prototype for storing and recalling many other kinds of cognitive, spatial, and motor information. See the text for details.
|| lisTELOS model- Spatial working memory (Silver, Grossberg, Bulloch, Histed, Miller 2011). Simulates how [PPC, PFC, SEF, FEF, SC] interact with 3 BG loops to learn and perform sequences of saccadic eye movements.