p448fig12.46 A Masking Field working memory is a multiple-scale self-similar recurrent shunting on-center off-surround network. It can learn list chunks that respond selectively to lists of item chunks of variable length that are stored in an item working memory at the previous processing stage. Chunks that code for longer lists (eg MY vs MYSELF) are larger, and give rise to stronger recurrent inhibitory neurons (red arrows).
|| How to code variable length lists? MASKING FIELDS code list chunks of variable length (Cohen, Grossberg 1986, 1987; Grossberg, Kazerounian 2011, 2016; Grossberg, Meyers 2000; Grossberg, Pearson 2008). Multiple-scale self-similar WM: Masking field, adaptive filter. Variable length coding- Masjking fields select list chunks that are sensitive to WM sequences of variable length; Selectivity- Larger cells selectively code code longer lists; Assymetric competition- Larger cells can inhibit smaller cells more than conversely MAgic Number 7! Temporal order- different list chunks respond to the same items in different orders eg LEFT vs FELT;.