p442fig12.39 (left column, top row) How a shunt plus normalization can lead to a bow in the stored working memory spatial pattern. Time increases in each row as every item is stored with activity 1 before it is shunted by w due to each successive item's storage, and the total working memory activity in each row is normalized to a total activity of 1. (right column, top row) When the working memory stored pattern is shunted sufficiently strongly (w > 1/2), then the pattern bows at position 2 in the list as more items are stored through time. (left column, bottom row) LTM invariance can be generalized to consider arbitrary amounts of attention u, being paid when the i_th item is stored with an arbitrary amount of shunting w(j) to the j_th item. (right colum, bottom row) The Normalization Rule can also be generalized to approach the maximum possible normalized total activity that is stored across all the working memory cells at different rates.
|| Shunt normalization -> STM bow. (topLeft) Algebraic working memory (Grossberg 1978) (topRight) Strong inhibition of new inputs by stored STM items. Bow at position 2. Can we classify all working memory codes of this type? Yes! (bottomLeft) 1. LTM invariance principle (bottomRight) 2. Normalization Rule (Kahneman, Beatty 1966)