p439fig12.36 (1) Inputs to Item and Order working memories are stored by content-addressable item categories. (2) The relative activities of the item categories code the temporal order of performance. (3) In addition to excitatory recurrent signals from each working memory cell (population) to itself, there are also inhibitory recurrent signals to other working memory cells, in order to solve the noise-saturation dilemma. (4) A nonspecific rehearsal wave allows the most active cell to be rehearsed first. (5) As an item is being rehearsed, it inhibits its own activity using a feedback inhibitory interneuron. Persevervation performance is hereby prevented.
|| Item and order working memories. (1) Content-addressable item codes (2) Temporal order stored as relative sizes of item activities (3) Competition between working memory cells: Competition balances the positive feedback that enables the cells to remain active. Without it, cell activities may all saturate at their maximal values-> Noise saturation dilemma again! (4) Read-out by nonspecific reheasal wave- Largest activity is the first out (5) STM reset self-inhibition prevents perseveration: [input/self-excitatory, rehearsal wave]-> [output, self-inhibition]