p437fig12.33 Item and Order working memory models explain free recall data, as well as many other psychological and neurobiological data, by simulating how temporal series of events are stored as evolving spatial patterns of activity at content-addressable item categories. The categories with the largest activities are rehearsed first, and self-inhibit their activity as they do so in order to prevent tem from being rehearsed perseveratively. The laws whereby the items are stored in working memory obey basic design principles concerning list categories, or chunks, of sequences of stored items can be stably remembered.
|| Working memory models: item and order, or competitive queuing (Grossberg 1978; Houghton 1990; Page, Norris 1998). Event sequence in time stored as an evolving spatial pattern of activity. Primacy gradient of working memory activation stores correct temporal order at content-addressable cells. Maximally activated cell populations is performed next when a rehearsal wave is turned on. Output signal from chosen cell population inhibits its own activity to prevent perseveration: inhibition of return. Iterate until entire sequence is performed.