p406fig12.02 The Vector Integration to Endpoint, or VITE, model of arm trajectory formation enables the three S's of a movement to be realized: Synergy formation, Synchrony of muscles within a synergy, and variable Speed that is under volitional control (G). This is accomplished by subtracting a present position vector (P) from a target position vector (T) to form a difference vector (V) which moves P towards T at a speed that is determined by G.
|| The three S's of movement control. T-> D [-> [[D]+G]-> P->], P-> D (inhib), G-> [[D]+G].
1. Synergy - Defining T determines the muscle groups that will contract during the movement.
2. Synchrony - When G turns on, all muscle groups for which D != 0 contract by variable amounts in equal time. Because G multiplies D, it does not change the direction in which P moves to acquire T: straight line movement.
3. Speed - P integrates D at rate G until P = T. Increasing (decreasing) G makes the movement faster (slower).